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Dice The Fool's Conquest - Sengoku Era - Call of Cthuhlu


Just a sweet transvestite
This game will operate under 7th edition Call of Cthulhu rules.




Clan Allegiance:

Clan of Birth:






You will be allowed to divvy the following stats:

40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 70%, 80%, 80%, 90%

Alternative, you may roll 8 d100's, and place those as you like.


To be discussed OOC, in private conversation, based off of occupation and background. You will have a total of 8 skills, with the following values to be assigned:

50%, 60%, 60%, 70%, 70%, 80%, 80%, 90%
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Name: Yoshimitsu Date

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Clan Allegiance: Ronin- Oda Leanings

Clan of Birth: Date

Occupation: Ronin- "Kensai"

Many are the souls born into times of war, that where never meant to know peace. This man is one of them; his life unknown to peace, his blades knowing only constant battle and death. He is the bone of his sword, and his body was surely only ever steel and fire- but his heart is just as truly made of glass.

Born a Samurai to a noble family, with the opportunity for prestige, rank, and power- he threw it away entirely for the sake of an ethic he called higher than honor. He had been raised and trained from youth for battle, for the carnage of war- for the etiquette of nobility. His was not the only soul to conflict with the confines of tradition; but his was perhaps the loudest. Strong willed and arrogant, brash and pure hearted in a strange, idiotic way. He was far, far from wise- but he listened to his heart.

So it was that several years ago, he found himself cast out. He fought against his own father in a brutal exchange of blades, for the life of a peasant- and left his father scarred for life; while himself having lost an ear. He fled- having lost all he had ever known, for the sake of a morality that could only be called idiotic.

He has lived since as a Ronin- wandering the world with a heavy heart and a pain in his soul. Fighting to defend the peasantry from the Samurai who take what they wish as they wish, and aiding whatever lord would pay him coin; ever fleeing from his home in this age of warriors and war- ever striving for peace, and ever encircled by battle and death.

He has heard word of a man named Nobunaga, that promotes Ronin and Peasants- that treats his men equally based on deed, not birth. His interest aroused, this man of steel and fire makes his way there.... searching for a purpose to call his own, a lord to pay true respect to- hungering for anything to ease the growing pain in his heart and soul.

Appearance: A lithely built, relatively short looking man. He's compact and muscular- standing at about 5'6, but entirely made of tightly corded, dense muscle. His eyes are a piercing green- and his hair a stark black that frames a tan, relatively average face. He's missing an ear, and his body is generally covered in scars- giving him an ugly, violent appearance that isn't helped by his grim and fervently intense mannerisms.


STR: 70%

CON: 70%

SIZ: 50%

DEX: 90%

APP: 40%

INT: 60%

POW: 80%

EDU: 80%


Kenjutsu- 90%

Dodge- 80%

Painting- 80%

Calligraphy- 70%

Cooking- 70%

First Aid- 60%

Clan Knowledge; Date- 50%

History- 40%
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Name: Rokuro Matsudaira

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Clan Allegiance: Uesugi

Clan of Birth: Uesugi

Occupation: Ashigaru (Sailor)

Rokuro grew up as the son of a merchant, his father an avid gambler with more luck than might be expected. They lived comfortably enough on the outskirts of Echigo, Rokuro spending his youth helping in the shop, running errands, or roaming Echigo with the local children, seeking excitement. As a teenager Rokuro started to go with his father to the gambling dens, at first watching the games before playing them himself. He became acquainted with the local gamblers, with sake, and the feeling of a coin-purse brimming with money. The entrappment was subtle but predictable. Rokuro never lost big, but he never won big either. He reached adulthood having spent a significant portion of his time mixing with gamblers, geisha and criminal enforcers; an atmosphere that he looks back upon with some fondness alongside the new-found cyncism.

He was quickly conscripted into the Uesegi navy, finally comprehending the absolute carnage of Sengoku Jidai. He began as a crewman on a small Kobaya vessel, an musketeer and rower fighting on the fringes of the Uesegi fleet, unable to do much harm but equally only a small target. Before long however he moved to a frontline Bune, fighing with matchlock and tachi, repelling boarding sctions or taking part in his own. It was here that he learned the truth of war as it was for the peasantry. There was no bushido, just men trying their hardest to kill each other and stay alive themselves. Rokuro fought in a succession of battles before being wounded, transferring back to Echigo for his recovery. No sooner was he fighting-fit was he dispatched again, this time to escort a caravan into allied Oda territory. He misses the sea sometimes, especially when he finds himself inland, but is grateful to continue serving his clan and hopes, one day, to secure promotion to a position with land and authority from which he can return to a life of carefree decadence.

Dark-haired, gaunt and hawkish. Rokuro's face has the weathered look common among peasant sailors who've spent too long being lashed by the sea-spray. His body is well-conditioned from crewing the large 'Bune' class of warship, tall and muscular, built for stamina rather than speed. Rokuro has only one scar, but it is certainly impressive; a gouge from left shoulderblade to right hip sustained during a boarding action against a Takeda ship.


STR: 80%

CON: 90%

SIZ: 80%

DEX: 60%

APP: 70%

INT: 50%

POW: 70%

EDU: 40%


Seamanship: 90%

Gambling: 80%

Musketry: 80%

Brawling: 70%

Commerce: 70%

Intimidation: 60%

Navigation: 50%

Knowledge Criminal: 40%
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Name: Kenshin Himura

27 years old

Gender: Male

Clan Allegiance: Oda

Clan of Birth: Asakura

Occupation: Surgeon/medical expert/


"One sees a great manner of things when your trade is that of a surgeon, wounds of battle, accidents, infections and malignant growths, just a few of the many things one must learn to deal with if you ply your trade by getting elbow deep within another person. Of course some ills can be treated by the means of applying medicinal extracts or even a simple slurry of herbs to dull the pain until the issue passes, though I'd do all these tasks and more, had I need not remove another arrow from a man's chest or leg.

You'd think with all their armor and pomp they'd be less prone to being filled with feathers... Atleast i don't need to get a saw for a rifle wound, so there is some boon to them at least."

In his years, Kenshin has traveled more or less all around the island that he calls home, and some travels into their neighboring lands to the west, in search of ways of bettering his craft, or more or less finding work, which for a man who works with healing and repairing damaged bodily tissue, there is alot, especially wherever war is concerned.

In recent years however he has found with increasing regularity people blaming spirits for their ills and woes, as if a spirit could have made them eat that plant they truely shouldn't have, or the woman they were laying around turned out to be a fox, giving them a disease! Madness, blaming folktales will not get you out of a sickness no more then asking nicely for a mugger to stop taking your money.

Though, some tales have a fitting moral, at times it is best to learn from the foolish folly of a man then to learn it first hand, as such he has been know to listen to old tales long forgotten by many, to learn from them so to not repeat the same mistakes of the man before him, much like research, most things in life are trial and error, best he learn from those who went before and record it for others as well, lest he be seen the fool as well.


A calm man with watchful brown eyes that seemingly attempt to catch everything around him and examining things with great intelligence, his years of travel have left him sturdy and healthy but his work has left him without significant strength. And though well capable of handling long nights and days of work, it has left with with a less then attractive appearance, as such he tends to get quickly to work should the need arise, ascertain the issue, cure it, and begone.

He has no notable scars, save for those from long travels, his hair is kept short as to keep it from interfering with his work, much like at a restaurant, having a hair where it really shouldn't be, can cause quite a issue.

Clad in simple robes and sporting a conical hat to keep the sun from his eyes, he hoists a large bag on his back filled with all of his equipment, and a few other odds and ends he carries to help pass the time. The man has only one notable weapon, a pistol, rarely ever used and more or less used as a intimidation tactic against those who don't quite understand them yet, ie most of the land. And when in doubt, he does have a nice throwing arm, a small rock, a sharp piece of metal, pot of tea, anything can garner quite the distraction should you whip it at the would be assailant's face.


STR: 40%

CON: 70%

SIZ: 60%

DEX: 70%

APP: 50%

INT: 80%

POW: 90%

EDU: 80%


Medicine: 90%

First aid: 80%

Chemistry: 70%

Natural world: 60%

insight: 80%

Spot hidden: 70%

Listen: 60%
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