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Dice The Fool's Conquest - Sengoku Era - Call of Cthuhlu

Time to make the doctor!

Not THE doctor, like a medical person.

Do not be confused, my doctor does not treat things that devulge from timey whimey related shenanigans.
TacoMann said:
Great, I'll see about making a CS then!

So @Orikanyo is making the Doctor (timey-whimey shenanigans are always fun xD ) so we'll have the local medic. I'm going to do some browsing into the time period and see what I can come up with. At the moment I'm thinking a metsuke investigator/warrior sort, but am increasingly feeling the underdog vibe from an Oda ashigaru deserter... With matchlocks and dirty peasant tricks. I'll let you all know.
cool, I'll make certain you all stay in one piece after any incident, sew piece back together, clean wounds, treat typhoid, that sorta thing.

And maybe be the general smart person.
Alright, so I either gotta grab the investigator's handbook, or perhaps there is a way to grab it without paying money out the nose.

or do i really need it? i do remember how the system is played when i tried it long ago, just a matter of, is the book needed?
There's a quick-start guide you can get on PDF. And it's a very simple system. 7e is even simpler, honestly. Just a bit of math to get HP. Entirely D100, with your modifier added. Roll under to succeed! Certain tasks difficult enough to provide a negative modifier.
cool, getting the pdf now.
I am not certain myself, though chances are were with our good pal Oda.
Orikanyo said:
I am not certain myself, though chances are were with our good pal Oda.
Would make sense.

Seems we have a good little team gathering, looking forwards to getting started
Hellkite said:
Would make sense.
Seems we have a good little team gathering, looking forwards to getting started
true enough, though I still am wondering how to spread my character out...
SephirothSage said:
To be precise.
Wait... are you saying he must....

STAND trial? :D
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