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Realistic or Modern The Fog

MistressOfSimplicity said:
@Play On Words Hm, would it be Asterix saving Daxtons life? Because she was part of the divisions sniper unit. So, perhaps she was looking out for him on a mission to make sure he didn't die.
@LadyAria I could see Asterix helping her with shooting a gun properly, or some self defense tactics. She'd probably look at Leah as someone who has the capability to survive.
Sounds good to me. Maybe they kinda befriended each other afterwards?
@Play On Words

I know that you are busy with your move, but could you maybe add a little more information about Daxton's son inside of his CS? It doesn't need to be much, just the son's appearance and such. It would help to inform others that you have two characters instead of just one.
XlaserbeamsX said:
@Play On Words
I know that you are busy with your move, but could you maybe add a little more information about Daxton's son inside of his CS? It doesn't need to be much, just the son's appearance and such. It would help to inform others that you have two characters instead of just one.
Okay, I wasn't sure if you'd want me to do much for a four year old. I'll put as much info as I can.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Okay, I wasn't sure if you'd want me to do much for a four year old. I'll put as much info as I can.

Thank you! Sorry for asking so much!

Guys, we have an important topic to discuss.

Hyydra and I were talking, and we need to come up with an appropriate time to start the roleplay at. Will it be a couple months after the outbreak? A couple years? What do you guys think. I realize that if it is years after the roleplay it might conflict with some of your character's histories, this is why I am asking what you guys would like to do.
I suggested either 5-20 depending on how we want the teenagers to have grown up, whether or not they grew up during the apocalypse or not. I was thinking around 5 years at least for my own hopeful character's background and all.
But how infested would the nation be in six months? It seems like a small amount of time for it to reach all around the world let alone the country no? And how bad would civilization be?
XlaserbeamsX said:
Guys, we have an important topic to discuss.

Hyydra and I were talking, and we need to come up with an appropriate time to start the roleplay at. Will it be a couple months after the outbreak? A couple years? What do you guys think. I realize that if it is years after the roleplay it might conflict with some of your character's histories, this is why I am asking what you guys would like to do.
you forgot me :<
Hyydra said:
But how infested would the nation be in six months? It seems like a small amount of time for it to reach all around the world let alone the country no? And how bad would civilization be?
It doesn't take long for things like this to hypothetically spread. One person can infect hundreds.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]It doesn't take long for things like this to hypothetically spread. One person can infect hundreds.

I'd like to think that but even so, that seems a little unbelievable, tens? Maybe, but a lone person infecting HUNDREDS let alone a single hundo, I'm not sure about it. But all I'm saying it it might just need a bit longer that's all, I didn't think two months could dominate an entire country with heavy military either.
What about if we did one year? I don't want people to have to change their characters too much to fit the timeline, because they've worked hard on them already. Also, I too don't think a mere few months would be enough for the infection to spread across the entire country.

I should have already had this part planned out before I began the roleplay, but alas I am but an amateur GM.
I'd be alright with a year, I don't think it should conflict with anyone too much. But if it's a single year then I'd presume that not every single character will or would be prepared for most of what goes on. I mean, the characters themselves already seem quite prepared though.
Hyydra said:
I'd be alright with a year, I don't think it should conflict with anyone too much. But if it's a single year then I'd presume that not every single character will or would be prepared for most of what goes on. I mean, the characters themselves already seem quite prepared though.
Seeing as so far all the characters serve an important role in the group, they would need to be prepared or they wouldn't make it very far.
Of course, but at the same time I just think either emotionally or mentally there has to be some struggle right? I Mean, a year is still pretty short for impact you know? Takes a while to accept the world's falling apart and all.
I agree, but I'm not going to have them change their already accepted characters. Their emotional problems can come out during the roleplay.
I'm not advising that at all 0.0 I was just saying how if we're going to be this physically prepared there should just be some emotional/mental vulnerability still.

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