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Colosseum The Flesh Mall: A Consumerist Skirmish


King of the Oil Pits
(All characters from all genres welcome)

Portals tore open throughout the realms. Sucking in formidable fighters and fearsome terrors from all reaches of the cosmos.

If they could not escape, they were deposited, mysteriously, inexplicably, to a boarded-up shopping mall lined with crucified zombie corpses. Sickly reddish light filtered down from the clouds above, and only vultures circled overhead, hungry for meat that did not carry the virulent stench of undeath.

From the insides of the mall, a whirring was heard. The bloodstained doors slid open to reveal a tall, muscular, bloodstained figure riding atop a similarly gore-drenched segway. One hand drove forward. The other clutched a battered, flanged mace. From beneath his antique greathelm, all that could be seen were two glowing lights: night vision goggles.

He stopped the segway halfway across the road that divided parking lot from retail outlet, and calmly stepped off, placing his now free hand gently upon the gun that rested at his hip. His voice was not muffled at all: it carried, far, to all those teleported to this sickly, apocalyptic realm.

"My name is Ball Plart. This is my mall. I say this once, whoever you are, whatever you're here for... do not. Mess. With my mall."
What the? What the hell? Was all Kade could think. He had woken up in a desolate parking lot after being taken from his comrades mid-battle. The stench if death filled the air. And something ominous emitted a red light from above. He looked out at the entrance of the nearest structure, a rundown mall. A bloody individual appeared to have spoken to him. Kade recovered from the shock of the situation and advanced, rifle at the ready. "Hey! Identify yourself! And drop the mace!" Kade commanded. His voice like steel. He began to notice the various people shambling about aimlessly. They seemed stirred by his, and the bloody mans, yelling. He could not believe this whole situation. It felt surreal.
Ball did not drop his mace. On the contrary, he shifted it around in his calloused hand for a better grip and lowered his head slightly to give an unmistakable glare at the newcomer.

"Ball Plart, the last mall cop left in this mall. I say what goes and what doesn't go, here. I am permitted to hold this mace to defend myself and my mall.

"YOU identify YOURSELF, or I'll have to detain you." He whirled the mace about once in his hand, manipulating the heavy chunk of steel as if it were made of plastic. "Now."
Kade couldn't believe this. This had to be a nightmare. This is impossible. I probably got hit and I'm asleep in a triage somewhere. Nevertheless, he treated his situation as if it were real. "Kade Torgen. Sergeant, of the United Colonial Military. Where am I?" Kade seemed alot less sure of himself as he spoke this time. A person hobbled toward him and he turned to face him. "Sir, I need you to step back- what in Gods name?!" He noticed the person was in bad shape. His limbs were bent as if they were crushed. Pieces of his skin were rapidly decaying and left numerous blood splotches on the ground. The man didn't look like he should be alive, much less walking.
Ball walked forward, unflinchingly, as the two men's combined yelling began drawing a greater and greater crowd of the black-eyed undead. One of them let out a loud, terrible, ear-rending shriek-- and was promptly cut off with Ball threw his mace clean at its head. The thing cracked the zombie's cranium like an overripe melon, bouncing and skidding along the burnt out cars and cracked pavement until it rested once more at Ball's feet. The helmeted mall cop shoved his boot underneath it and kicked it up into the air, swiping it into his possession once more.

"The walking dead do not respect safety or law in the mall. They'll line the walls as a lesson. You've already attracted a horde by screaming and refusing to comply with the laws of the mall."

Plart held up a finger. "But if you can help me thin out this horde and the other hooligans, I won't bring you in to custody. You have about a second to answer."

And when that second was up, the creature in front of Kade contorted its rotting, gaunt features into a fearsome mask of fury and hunger as it began sprinting at him with a speed and strength that its ruined body should not have been able to manage.

Every last one of the walking corpses in the vicinity did the same.

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