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Futuristic The Flesh (CS)


This is my loudest bork


Hunters hunt and forage for food, whether it means killing animals or scavenging what they can from houses and stores
Teachers take care of the children
Medics provide aid for the wounded
Technicians provide maintenance for Prostetics
Farmers provide the home-grown food
Engineers maintain any defensive systems and fortifications, as well as stand ready when it's time to set up comms
Computer Scientists are looking to reprogram any robot captured with systems intact and do what they can to eliminate the devastating computer virus
Mission Runners, who come in all different types, brave the frontlines, rescuing and escorting any and everyone who needs to leave the wire.

Mission Runner Specialties:


Modules are equipment that your character has that charge up. When used, it can give your character a big edge in the field. These things TAKE TIME to charge. Use of these near a bot can tip them off.

Ghost- When charged, for 1 minute, every weapon used gains a silencer. A weapon with a silencer already on it will make it completely undetectable by a Robot's systems, even when shot
EMP- When used, it unleashes an EMP blast, stunning all bots around and killing any bot below a Mid Armor level
Ultra Sense- Sees every alive/active human/bot in a [insert distance] through walls

Appearance: Pics; If a written description, delete and see below
Name: (Their true name)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: (Biological age. How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Male, Female, Genderless, or Hermaphrodite depending on Race)

: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character)
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
Personality: (At least 3 lines. Make sure the character has it's strengths and flaws.)
Bio: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)

: Written. If using pics, delete and see above
Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them)
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket)
Enhancements and Modules: (Anything that will enhance your character's ability)
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)
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Name: Sally
Aliases: watcher
Age: 46
Gender: female
Class: engineer

: straight
High Concept: A quick thinker, able to out think most drones.
Relatives: none currently living
Organizations\Affiliations: scrap treasure
Personality: Watcher is a skilled woman, able to fix almost anything. She can be a bit cranky at times and hates it when others screw up her work. her biggest weakness is the fact that she refuses help from others.
Bio: Watcher grew up tough, her family always wanted her to pull through no matter what.

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text)
Weapons & Armor: suit of durable armor with many built in functions. some of which being: flamethrower, jet pack, and night vision. A large armed walker
Items & Personal Belongings: personal walker.
Skills & Abilities: great hearing, acrobatics, and fixing technical devices
Enhancements and Modules: none
: stubborn


  • When My Brain Leaks, the Drops Drip Here__ Clone Wars ___.png
    When My Brain Leaks, the Drops Drip Here__ Clone Wars ___.png
    180 KB · Views: 2
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Name: Christian Morris
Aliases: Chris; Nemo
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Class: Mission Runner- Assault, Rescuer

: Straight
High Concept: A man on a mission to save lives with his cute dog who's most effective at Close to Mid-Range
Relatives: N/A
Organizations\Affiliations: Dawn of Darkness- Clan of survivors
Personality: Chris was a hardened warrior, only softened up by Chloe. That made him want to save lives and kill off drones. He believes that technology in general is far too fragile to be given sentience and the only way to prevent something like that from happening again is to shut down every drone. He's not against androids and whatnot. He's just always aware that androids are limited by programming and that any program can make any bot end up doing anything. Human lives above all, plain and simple. Virus 909 wouldn't have made bots so deadly if humans hadn't given them artificial sentience.
Chris was a Cavalry Scout in the army from age 19. Highly proficient, he was planning to make the Army his career until it was time to retire. However, 6 years in, the Uprising happened after Virus 909 was planted by an unknown source. A computer virus that spreads like a disease through every form of connection with another information-processing electronic. He lost communication with his parents, who lived a few states over. While he hopes to find them, he knows that they'd also want him to save lives. That was his job in the army. Prevent his comrades from dying at the hands of the enemy. He and his friends set to building a small stronghold in a small city a bit of a ways away from a larger one, taking into account the railway system and the comms system in the city. If he could get those up, he could broadcast to the world via radio to cities with hopefully comms still set up and he could move from city to city carving out more strongholds and saving more people. Throughout his journeys post Uprising, he met a stray dog while helping a lonely endangered child from a chemical Drone. Taking it down and giving the child and the dog both his gas masks, he walked through tear gas with them in tow. After that, he kept the dog with him and got the child to safety within the Survivor Camp

Weapons & Armor
  • Nanotech Armor- A skintight armor suit that protects against bullets 9mm and below
  • Nanotech HUD Helmet- A helmet connected to his Nanotech Armor that gives him a HUD on his body's processes and ammo. Due to 909, however, he had to manually shut off its ability to connect to other electronics, which severely limits its abilities.
  • M1 MASIR Carbine Mod- A standard issue Army Weapon akin to the M4 Carbine. This particular version is either Semi-Automatic fire or 3 round burst. The atachments on it are a shotgun underbarrel, an ACOG scope, and a tactical flashlight overbarrel
  • NAGANT Experimental Pistol- A pistol that uses energy cells instead of normal bullets. That makes it effective against unarmored targets
  • Shock Stick- A rechargeable baton that releases an electric shock, standard of Police Members. It's effective against Light Armored bots and below



Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Energy Cells X5- Cells that's the standard for keeping most equipment powered. It's rechargeable and lightweight. They're just not easy to come by and haven't been widely released for public yet. About the size and weight of a D Battery. Used in Chris's underbarrel shotgun and his pistol for about 5 shells and 15 pistol bullets.
  • Flashbang x3
  • Shock Grenades x3- Used to stun bots and kill off any unarmored ones, as well as most humans
  • Nanoshot x3- A shot that sends the body into overclock, healing up any wounds that aren't internal.

Skills & Abilities:
  • Expert Shooter- He has shot at least 38 out of the 40 targets since he first qualified to shoot (in Basic Training). He has mastered this weapon
  • Charismatic- He can rile up a crowd
  • Soothing- Both him and especially his dog are experts in keeping children and adults calm

Enhancements and Modules:
Nuclear Battery-
A portable nuclear-powered charger he carries on him. When fully charged, it completely recharges all of his energy cells immediately. It does, however alert all bots within 20 meters.

  • No Silencer- He has no silencer on his weaponry, making him depend on his shock stick if he wants silence
  • Altruistic- If someone is in danger that he doesn't hate, you can bet your ass he's there in the midst of any danger. He's always the last to return to safety
  • No good firepower- Energy Cells make his shotgun and pistol effective, but he doesn't have any automatics to shootout with bots. He has to be precise or get close.
  • Dog- While drones only attack animals with provocation, Chloe can get him noticed
  • Barrages- Due to low firepower, he can be pinned down by superior firepower..........at least until they have to reload

: Play with Chloe
Quote\s: "I got you."


Name: Aytama Yates
Aliases: Dr Yates, or simply 'Doc'
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Class: Doctor


Sexuality: Straight

High Concept: "I'm a doctor, dude. I heal people."

Relatives: Deceased.

Organizations\Affiliations: Survivors. Or, at least the ones who don't shoot at her.

Personality: Assertive and confident in her own abilities, Dr Yates works best in her own element - that element being stitching up dying people. After hopping from one group of survivors to the next, she is rather open about her pessimism for her current group's survival. 'Talkative' would definitely be one word to describe her, though Yate's chattiness is usually spurred on to drown out the sounds of moaning patients. Her profession makes her rather detached from personal suffering, and though she makes an excellent doctor, she's a rather lousy counselor.

Bio: Humans were all but redundant as doctors before the AI uprising: surgery was being replaced by automated machinery, drugs took care of a multitude of illnesses, and the resulting increase in quality of healthcare meant not many people got sick to begin with. Still, some patients preferred the person in charge of their well-being to actually be a person in the first place, and so Yates managed to achieve her career without ending up as a technician repairing the medical machines that took her dreams from her. Unfortunately, her hospital career came to a very abrupt and premature end as the AIs of the world woke up on the wrong side of bed one morning and decided to wipe out humanity.

Family dead, home in ruins, Yates barely fled with her life. As the chaos died down and pockets of survivors formed up, Yates managed to bunk up with survivors in exchange for her medical skill. These groups were either eventually wiped out by drones, hostile survivors, or simply themselves. Other times, Yates would decide to take her own brisk leave when stares in her direction lingered a little too long.


Weapons & Armor: Military-issue handgun (its previous owner won't have much use for it anymore), iDoc® lab coat with on-board medical system.

Items & Personal Belongings: Doctor's bag, containing various medical instruments and anesthetics.

Skills: Very talented at helping people not die.

Abilities: Yate's iDoc® lab coat uses nanite technology to reconstruct tissue damage. The process is ridiculously slow, but can mean the difference between life and death post-combat.

Weaknesses: Yates isn't particularly strong, or a very good shot. The strong kickback on her revolver makes her attacks futile at long range, yet is the only weapon of its size reliable enough to be of any use against drones. In addition, her lack of armor makes for a rather squishy target.

Enhancements: Thank you for your purchase of the iDoc® wearable medical assistant, available at medical-student loan friendly prices! Our specialized lab coat comes with range of features!
• Vital sign scanner
• Internal temperature control
• Geiger counter
• Flashlight
• Five-finger mechanical tool glove, have scalpels at your fingertips! Literally!
• Keep yourself in good health with nanite technology! (patent pending, enabling this feature voids warranty)

Module: Nanite surge
Yate's iDoc® system expels a mass of overcharged medical nanites that seek out nearby biological targets within several meters and begin major tissue reconstruction. The module takes a considerable amount of time to recharge, and prevents Yate's slow, passive self healing until it is fully recharged.



Name: Aytama Yates
Aliases: Dr Yates, or simply 'Doc'
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Class: Doctor


Sexuality: Straight

High Concept: "I'm a doctor, dude. I heal people."

Relatives: Deceased.

Organizations\Affiliations: Survivors. Or, at least the ones who don't shoot at her.

Personality: Assertive and confident in her own abilities, Dr Yates works best in her own element - that element being stitching up dying people. After hopping from one group of survivors to the next, she is rather open about her pessimism for her current group's survival. 'Talkative' would definitely be one word to describe her, though Yate's chattiness is usually spurred on to drown out the sounds of moaning patients. Her profession makes her rather detached from personal suffering, and though she makes an excellent doctor, she's a rather lousy counselor.

Bio: Humans were all but redundant as doctors before the AI uprising: surgery was being replaced by automated machinery, drugs took care of a multitude of illnesses, and the resulting increase in quality of healthcare meant not many people got sick to begin with. Still, some patients preferred the person in charge of their well-being to actually be a person in the first place, and so Yates managed to achieve her career without ending up as a technician repairing the medical machines that took her dreams from her. Unfortunately, her hospital career came to a very abrupt and premature end as the AIs of the world woke up on the wrong side of bed one morning and decided to wipe out humanity.

Family dead, home in ruins, Yates barely fled with her life. As the chaos died down and pockets of survivors formed up, Yates managed to bunk up with survivors in exchange for her medical skill. These groups were either eventually wiped out by drones, hostile survivors, or simply themselves. Other times, Yates would decide to take her own brisk leave when stares in her direction lingered a little too long.


Weapons & Armor: Military-issue handgun (its previous owner won't have much use for it anymore), iDoc® lab coat with on-board medical system.

Items & Personal Belongings: Doctor's bag, containing various medical instruments and anesthetics.

Skills: Very talented at helping people not die.

Abilities: Yate's iDoc® lab coat uses nanite technology to reconstruct tissue damage. The process is ridiculously slow, but can mean the difference between life and death post-combat.

Weaknesses: Yates isn't particularly strong, or a very good shot. The strong kickback on her revolver makes her attacks futile at long range, yet is the only weapon of its size reliable enough to be of any use against drones. In addition, her lack of armor makes for a rather squishy target.

Enhancements: Thank you for your purchase of the iDoc® wearable medical assistant, available at medical-student loan friendly prices! Our specialized lab coat comes with range of features!
• Vital sign scanner
• Internal temperature control
• Geiger counter
• Flashlight
• Five-finger mechanical tool glove, have scalpels at your fingertips! Literally!
• Keep yourself in good health with nanite technology! (patent pending, enabling this feature voids warranty)

Module: Nanite surge
Yate's iDoc® system expels a mass of overcharged medical nanites that seek out nearby biological targets within several meters and begin major tissue reconstruction. The module takes a considerable amount of time to recharge, and prevents Yate's slow, passive self healing until it is fully recharged.

Fantastically done
Francis Edward Baker
"Frank", "Bulldog Actual"
34 (birthday: August 26th)
Mission Runner (Fighter variant)

High Concept:
A pessimistic member of the military that despite everything still tries to do his part in saving humanity.
Deceased/Fate unknown
United States Armed Forces - Lieutenant
Dawn of Darkness - Member

Francis is a pessimistic bastard who despite his exterior does still care enough about people to risk his life to help others survive. He is often cold, even to people who are close to him as it is his coping mechanism for the loss he's already gone through in his life. He's versatile though and can adapt quite quickly to new situations to survive. Often when he's not in the field he turns to booze and other things to help him numb the mental pain that he goes through.
Francis grew up in upstate New York to a family of farmers who benefited greatly from the rise of drone labor as massive combine harvester drones and whatnot barely required them to go out in the field every day. He grew up swimmingly with an active social life, just above average grades and having the occasional sweetheart along the way. When he became 18 he received a 5% share in the family corporation that arose from the agricultural revolution but he felt like he had to go for a different path. He enlisted in the military, worked hard and eventually ended up becoming a lieutenant. He'd also marry one of his childhood sweethearts and they'd buy a house in a neighborhood for military families and soon they would have kids. His life couldn't be better.

One day he received orders for his unit to move to a large city near their base as a precaution for anticipated unrest as something appeared to wreak havoc on some international systems. Nobody thought it'd be much, it wouldn't be the first time somebody tried to cripple the internet as a sick joke. They packed up their gear, loaded up their drones and deployed to a large intersection in the city where they prepared for civil unrest with non-lethal solutions. It happened so fast, first everything froze fore 5 seconds then suddenly every single drone, droid, cyborg and android in the city went rogue, including their military grade drones. Shut-down codes were ignored, non-lethal munitions were swapped for lethal munitions and hell broke lose. Francis and his unit made short work of their drone support but were faced with a moral dilemma, either they would run and leave tons of civilians in the carnage or they would hold the line for as long as they could to save as many people as they could. They removed their wireless systems as soon as they found out it made them flare up on the grid for the drones. They fought as long as they could and despite being pushed out of the city they were still alive and had given plenty of civilians a window to escape. Only then did he actually think about his wife and kids that were still back near the base.

He almost spent two days getting back to the military base with what was left of his unit but what he found was disheartening. Smoldering ruins, dead bodies everywhere, destroyed drones aplenty but most notably the neighborhood for military families had been flattened. His home was nothing but a smoldering ruin, no sign of his family and presumed dead. Distraught and broken he and his unit continued almost like machines, penning up their emotions and getting back to their first and foremost mission: protect the civilian population. They reclaimed what was left of their base, scavenged whatever weapons, ammo and supplies they could before continuing their journey to find and save survivors.

Fast forward five years and only Francis was left, battered and broken, wandering the wastelands like a ghost of the past still wearing his uniform and battle gear. He was found at the point of collapse by survivors who helped him back to strength and somewhat back to his senses. Even though nothing changed much for him it was a welcome change to have a home base to operate from without it falling apart within a week. Once he was back to his old normal self he immediately went back out on runs, pulling his weight for the group.

Weapons & Armor
- Nanotech Heavy Armor: A skintight armor suit that protects against bullets 12mm and below by deploying a heavier and stronger weave in the armor padding.
- Nanotech HUD Helmet: A helmet connected to his Nanotech Heavy Armor that gives him a HUD on his body's processes and ammo. Removed the parts that allowed for wireless connection.
- Honeybadger Mk 3: A versatile assault rifle with an integrated silencer which uses actual rounds, making it somewhat effective against lightly armored targets. Attachments: ACOG sight with 2x magnification, top-barrel mounted laser pointer, under-barrel mounted bipod. Uses: .300 caliber rounds.
- NAGANT Experimental Pistol: A pistol that uses energy cells instead of normal bullets. That makes it effective against unarmored targets
- ViroTech combat knife: A combat knife that vibrates so fast that it is capable of cutting through armor and padding, how fast depends on thickness and material of the target.

Items & Personal Belongings:
- Energy Cells x2: Cells that's the standard for keeping most equipment powered. It's rechargeable and lightweight. They're just not easy to come by and haven't been widely released for public yet. About the size and weight of a D Battery. Used in the NAGANT Experimental Pistol for about 15 pistol bullets.
- STANAG .300 magazine x6: A standard magazine type for .300 caliber rounds that usually holds 30 rounds.

Skills & Abilities:
- Skilled shooter: won 4 out of 5 shooting trials in boot camp, will almost never miss a shot now.
- Stealth: knows how to disengage and disappear from an opponent's field of view.
- Iron Nerves: does not break under pressure.

Enhancements and Modules:
- High-Grade Camonet: he carries a high-grade camonet that the military used in the past to shield items and personal from the view of thermal vision and such. Is useless when an enemy already has a bearing on the target or comes within 1 meter where the camonet doesn't camouflage whatever is underneath. This one is big enough to cover five people if they huddle close together.
- Is an alcoholic
- Has a lot of unprocessed trauma
- Hallucinates often about his lost family

- Drinking
- Reading comics
- Teaching kids sports

- "I saved you, now you owe it to me to live."

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