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One x One The Flavor of Souls

@Red Sinfonia Just a bit of information for you. The creatures are indeed were-weasels, but they are undead, animated by poltergeist type spirits. Kate may very well be able to sense this, and quite possibly exorcise the spirits with a bit of effort.
Smallish.. Were creatures are always huge versions of their animal. And when they're in beast-man or beast-woman mode, they are very large people with fur and traits of their animals in the forefront... In animal mode, were-weasels would be the size of ordinary wolves. In beast-man mode, they're tall, skinny, and covered with short, wiry hair, elongated muzzles, high set ears, and joints that don't seem to bend right. And, FAST! They're the fastest were's with the exception of a were-cheetah. Were's are also heavier due to their body makeup. So...they look like 150 lbs soaking wet, but actually mass closer to 250.
I'm sorry, I meant to add 'relative to the normal image of a werewolf'. xD Woops! But you answered my question completely anyway. I'm going to guess they're in animal mode currently, yeah?
Yep! Around 250 lbs of wolf sized weasel each, and both in a full berserker blood frenzy. I sure hope Kate can help out.


I'm sorry, I should know better...

but I saw the post within two minutes of seeing this and it's too perfect.

Hey, sorry No second post today. I'll get us up at the camp tomorrow morning sometime. I'm liking this one a lot.
That's alright. I like this one a lot too! Glad to know that you feel the same. Have a good night. :D
Okay Red. What kind of information will Pax Arcane be able to provide about the Unspoken?

For the purposes of this question, consider Pax Arcane to have excellent contacts in both the mundane and supernatural world. Pax devotes itself to keeping the worlds as much apart as possible, covering up supernatural events/disasters, usually with limited government assistance. Groups that favor wiping out the supernaturals despise Pax, since their primary attitude is live and let live. Even 'monsters' deserve to enjoy their lives, as long as they don't endanger other beings.
The Unspoken is a very old agency that was begun by otherworld ancients, only a handful still living, and is similar in that they want the supernatural world to remain hidden in order to protect it. They deal with supernatural events using contracted agents, as many of the agencies probably would, but what they may be most known for is their rehabilitation of humans and supes. For example, humans left at the scene of an event who had never had supernatural contact before would be taught how to have a normal life in the new world, often giving them a temporary, menial position in the agency. For supes, it could be as simple as reteaching a werewolf how to have a clean transformation if prior traumatic experiences made it difficult for them. That kind of thing. All that said, they would definitely be in favor of Pax Arcane, but would still keep human-run organizations at arm's length, regardless of their intentions.
Stupid question, but quick question: what time of day are we thinking they're at about? Neither of us really gave a descriptor, I don't think, so... midday? Evening?
Is Ralph curious enough to eat the instant coffee? And if so, will it do anything to him?
Yeah, he could be curious enough, but it won't do anything to him. Though Kate has no idea where it goes.
Hey Red, I thought I'd better give you some meanings of those acronyms and what to expect from each group.

MCB is the Monster Containment Bureau. They think the only good monster is a dead monster. Period. And they lump witches, warlocks, proven psychics, and anything they can't directly control as monsters.

ARC is the Arcane Research Consortium. They are a quasi-legal group contracted to the government devoted to understanding and more importantly, control, of all things paranormal. If they don't understand it, they capture and study it. Their methods are not gentle.

TFU is Task Force Unexplained. They are a para-military arm of the government, and are considered the elite fast-reaction force when it comes to the supernatural. Unlike the MCB, if they think a supernatural being could be useful, they will force it into service rather than eliminate it.

ORCA is the Occult Research and Combat Agency. If a supernatural is not harmful, and intelligent, they will ask permission to study it, and will respect an answer of no. Groups like Pax and probably the Unspoken are viewed favorably, since they work to minimize interactions and contain damages. This group thinks before they shoot.

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