The Ferry

Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar


"He's holding on to the rope now, pull him up!" Olivandra called, leaning over the railing. She hauled on the rope, flicking her long hair behind her back. She heard faint words being called up by the boy, but couldn't make them out exactly. "I think he said something about planks? Maybe wooden planks or something?"

"Why would he be talking about wooden planks? Is he made of wood or something?" Oliver asked, pulling the rope up behind her.

Olivandra laughed. "What, like Pinocchio? Now that I would love to see. But no, from here he looks like an ordinary human, or at least, he has the usual two arms, two legs and ordinarily shaped face. But who knows, maybe he's actually got another eye hidden somewhere."

"Oh, shut up and keep pulling. He must be exhausted if he's been swimming after the ferry," Oliver said. He hoped that the boy, whoever he was, was okay, especially if he wasn't some magical water sprite or something. Even he, with his previous track team history, would barely be able to survive if he was told to swim after a ferry. In fact, he'd call that person downright insane. He'd have to find out how this kid had managed to catch up to the ferry when they got him up. "Keep pulling, he's almost up!" He said to O and Azure.

Eventually, with a little bit more work, they managed to get the boy over the railing and onto the boat. "Hey, are you alright? I'm amazed you've managed to catch up with the ferry. What's your name?" Oliver asked, grinning, as he held out a hand to help the boy up. "I'm Oliver Kelspar, it's nice to meet you."


Azure Zelo

Azure looked a little disheartened to hear what power Azure had just absorbed... Charm based magic...? He'd have to be extra careful to make sure he doesn't end up using that on anyone... on the other hand... it might be helpful to get out of a dangerous situation with another person... but then again, might land him in another sort of situation he definitely wouldn't want to be in... "I see... It's alright... I mean, you still both seem like good people, being nice and all. Even if you can do something like this, I think it's alright if you're responsible with it." Azure looked at the necklace Olivandra was refering to. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not that she had that on... but if she has it on... does that mean she's proven herself unwilling to keep her magic to herself or something. "Well... do you really need it off that badly?" On one hand, he wanted to help her, but... that train of thought was interrupted when the swimmer started yelling out from down below, and quickly got into position, holding onto the rope, and helped the guy up with the rope, working together to pull him on top of the ferry proper. "Ogg... you alright? You must be very tired chasing after us all like that... that was some serious dedication. I'm Azure Zelo, uh when you catch your breath, can you tell me your name?

@A Mysterious Figure @Sir Jake

Wayne Yuveg

Wayne got pretty annoyed at the one tall guy. He sounded like he was trying to be all refined and all, what was his deal? He didn't have to be a **** about it, could of just said no, but no, gotta be all fancy, and in the end, treat Wayne like a child, what a piece of ****. "Wow, **** you then." What a useless and rude guy, somehow, it pissed him off more that he had that 'royalty' manner of speaking. What was with that anyway, it seemed convoluted to him how you have to beat around the bush just to say what you want. Must be very very tiring to do all the time, on purpose or naturally. When the girl spoke up though. "Thanks for the quick honest answer girl, your boyfriend could learn a thing or two from you. Maybe you'll teach him manners while your at it." At least one of them gave Wayne what he wanted, a short honest answer, and that's all he needed to... but who knows... it didn't sound like the brat was down here. Speaking of which, he'll have to remember that that one girl is a good one. He was sure he could remember her face, but that'd have to wait for the one face he wanted to see have a fist in it. It was then... that he heard a girl cry out, and in a familiar voice no less... well isn't this a lucky day for him. Sounds like someone might of beat him to the girl. Turning another corner with a slide, he spotted Ella and... the hell? Some kind of... spider girl thing? But who cares... its ELLAAAAA!!! "HEY, remember ME!? I'm gonna give you a fair warning right now, why don't you just roll that air horn on over here, so I don't gotta rip it outta your hands while that girl has their way with you." He started walking towards Ella slowly, while pounding one fist in his hand.

@Godhowsae @Colt556 @CellistCat606 @TenaciousTinkerer
Jekkel flopped onto the deck. He was on all fours coughing up water. "Oh god, (Pant) I hate....water," He said taking deep breaths after every refrain. He was accompanied by three people. From the looks of it a brother a sister and another dude green hair. The Brother and sister possessed Red hair, and he felt an odd feeling being in their company he almost felt intimidated, it was odd. Then there was the boy with green hair and he carried a blade, A pretty threatening blade. "Thanks, for not letting me drown," He said wiping his mouth. The bender checked to make sure he had everything "Amulet, check, Duffle bag Check, That's everything. He quickly scrambled to his feet "That could have gone a lot better" He said with a sigh.

(I'm going to have to cut it short, Sorry guys but I gotta go)

@A Mysterious Figure@Advent Azure 
Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar

"Hey, it's not a problem," Olivandra said, moving forwards and smiling. "As my brother said, it's lovely to meet you. My name is Olivandra, and this is my twin brother. May I ask, how on earth did you end up in the water, if, as you mentioned, you aren't too fond of it? Did you sleep in a little too long?" she winked.

Oliver looked at his sister suspiciously. What on earth was she doing? She never spoke like that, or that politely. She was clearly up to something. Maybe she was trying to charm him. He hoped not, but, knowing O, she was bound to be attempting to reignite the old games. He looked at Azure, shrugging helplessly. "What do you think she's up to?" he mouthed.


@Advent Azure @Sir Jake



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Believe me, I was surprised myself.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She responded, running a hand through her hair again and pulling it over her shoulder to braid it in an attempt to have something to do with her hands as she spoke.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] This is why you should have knitting tools at hand at all times…[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She thought, recalling what her brother had told her about how knitting would work wonders for her issue with always needing something to hold. Spoiler alert: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]It did.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I guess you could say I’m half Changeling, of sorts?” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She said with a question in her tone, braiding her hair with a thoughtful hum.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] “My mother, you see, lived as a human all of her life until her powers surfaced. She did research, and discovered she was a Changeling, which is a Faerie baby traded in for a human baby. With that, she strengthened her powers and… I guess waited until my brother and I were old enough to know. She had a charm placed upon us, hiding our wings from the public. It was a shock, as you may guess…”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She laughed nervously, rubbing at her arm as her wings fluttered in a nervous manner, noticing that she was rambling.[/SIZE]




Arjean Soie

Location: The Ferry

Status: Talking to Rosemary

Objective: Learn more about Orion Academy | Learn about the ferry they're on

Mood: Anxious | [SIZE= 18.6667px]Embarrassed[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]​

[SIZE=14.0pt]Traded in for a human baby? How depressing,[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] Arjean thought as they listened to Rosemary's story. Once she was finished they nodded in agreement of her last statement before responding with, "I think it would be pretty cool to grow up thinking you're one thing but later learn you're something even better and stronger. Stuff like this reminds me of those [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]fairy tales[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] of people who learn they aren't just a normal everyday citizen but actually has a greater destiny. I have to admit however that I don't believe in destiny. It's just... knowing your life only goes along one straight path is too depressing and-," Arjean groaned loudly. "Sorry. I, yeah, I just keep on rambling." They laughed nervously. "I need to fix that flaw," they sighed as they began twirling the curls in their hair with their index finger.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14pt]"That's not your problem though, but would it be fine if I asked you another question? I don't want to waste your time just being our personal map, and I myself would be pretty stressed if new students came up to me and kept asking me questions repeatedly, especially ones about my personal life."[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Rosemary

Character Sheet
As the young bender stared at the twins and the other man, He felt a tingling sensation in his chest and then his entire body felt warm on the inside. HIs judgement for the female changed, He no longer felt intimidated he felt happy around her, odd. Jekkel shook his head out of the trance. "Err.... Yea, I was late for the fact I have a horrible sense of direction" He said rubbing his hand through his hair. "How on earth did I end up in the water? Well, you can thank the earth for that much, I sorta launched myself from land, I missed the boat and hit the water." It was an odd situation but he is not a normal person. Jekkel opened his bag and went through it, He pulled out a bag of smooth stones along with a dead fish, "I did not pack this" He said through the fish overboard. He pulled the string of the bag and poured out the stones in his hand. He made the stones fly around his hand, He did this in his spare time, usually As a little exercise and it kills a little bit of time.

@A Mysterious Figure @Advent Azure
Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar

"Wow, that's so cool!" Olivandra exclaimed, actually being serious for once. She had hardly gotten to see other peoples powers in the past, after all, the twins had gone to a normal school, so seeing other abilities was still a bit of a wonder for her. "And ouch, that must have hurt. Are you okay?" She said, her eyes filling up with concern. "At least you're here now, thanks to me, my brother and Azure here, a friend of ours we've just met, and that was thanks to you actually," she giggled.

"Actually, that's true," Oliver felt that it was time to intervene, clearly his sister was attempting something not so good. "We met Azure when we were investigating the shouts we heard from, well, you. It's good to see that you're okay." Oliver was very intrigued by the newcomer, and his abilities. It was absolutely amazing to be able to actually see physical powers, rather than just passive abilities like their own. If just this small show of power was enough to wow him, Oliver was very excited to think about the many other abilities they were bound to witness at Orion Academy. "Anyway, what's your name? We've told you ours, it'd be nice to know yours."

@Sir Jake @Advent Azure
Azure Zelo

Azure was really confused when he was asked by Oliver what was going on with Olivandra. "What do you mean? She's just talking with him?" Maybe this is what Olivandra was talking about earlier, about Oliver being weird or something like that? He felt a little bad for Olivandra, if he's getting on her case just for talking to someone else. Maybe he had a reason, but Azure really couldn't see it. He made a note that the now ship-bound person had element based powers, Earth or something like that. It must be pretty cool to move around what you walk on, he wasn't sure what that could do for someone, but it sorta brought him to the ferry. It was kinda cute seeing Olivandra giggling, he wouldn't really know about that sort of thing, but, at least as far as he could tell, maybe Olivandra was the nicer of the two. It was a little weird when Oliver sort of cut off his sister the way he did, she looked like she was having a good time, but... she's probably be able to get a word in somewhere soon enough over Oliver, or something. He wanted to say something, but figured he should wait since Oliver seemed a little impatient to get to know the guy. He looked at Olivandra for a while, wondering if he should ask her about Oliver, to get a better understand of him. Since they are twins, they'd know each other best right, or maybe... for some reason, they are kinda distant from each other. Maybe it might be best suited to wait for them to part so he could ask Olivandra privately.

@A Mysterious Figure @Sir Jake
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"I see." Isaac started. She stares at the crowd seeing others just whispering amongst themselves. Castiel sees the fight end and the bully leave so suddenly. The two cousins decide to head back to the top deck and sit down listening to the waves of the ocean while Cas listens to his music just waiting to dock.

(@Anyone for interaction)
Jekkel stared into the eyes Olivandra listening to her every word. "Oh ya I'm fine, Thanks," He said with a small smile. Oliver then asked for his name "My name.... Oh, my name, My name is Jekkel, Jekkel Rosach" He said rubbing his head. "There's not much to know about me, I'm just a simple guy" He grabbed his amulet and stared into the gem as he explained. "To be honest I don't know much about myself," He said with a sorrow stare. "But I came here to make friends I believe I just found some." He was trying to brighten the mood. "So how long until we arrive at the academy."     

@A Mysterious Figure @Advent Azure

(Deeply sorry for the delay I had marching band.)
Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar

"Jekkel, hi," Oliver said quickly, stopping Olivandra from replying first. "And of course, it's good that we've been able to make friends so soon, isn't that right O?" He asked his twin, emphasising the word friends. He raised an eyebrow, indicating to Olivandra that he knew exactly what she was up to, and even though he usually turned a blind eye to it, he wasn't going to today. 

Olivandra, sighed slightly, knowing that she wasn't going to be able to get away with any actual fun today. "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot more optimistic about the Academy, now that I know there will be great people around," she smiled, not changing her attitude, but nodding at Oliver very, very slightly, showing that she knew what he meant, and, while she wasn't planning on stopping completely, she'd keep it in mind... at least until they parted ways. "I think we have an hour or so, maybe more left. I didn't really pay attention. It might even be 15 minutes away, for all I know. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help," Olivandra blushed, looking down slightly. With their powers being dampened, maybe she was just being charming. Oliver couldn't protest to that.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)][SIZE= 18px]Azure Zelo[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Oliver definitely seemed to be acting strangely... It was actually starting to get kinda weird now, and made Azure a little nervous, since the twins were... Making odd movements and sounds. Were they going to get into a fight or something. It actually made him feel... Kinda unwelcome around the two, but he remembered how they said something along the lines of having trouble with this sort of thing, and felt bad for them. Just for them, Azure decided to endure this uncomfortableness, for their sake. "It's nice to meet you Jekkel. Well, being a simple guy isn't to bad. I think I'm one also. I think it's a good thing you made it on board anyway, you know. Hopefully, it won't be too long, but I wouldn't mind waiting a while longer really."

@A Mysterious Figure @Sir Jake
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The Banchou

Soujiro walked around the ship looking for something to get interested in. He never liked boats alot, let alone bein' on them. As he walked around he looked at the other students interacting with each other, some hot babes here and there that he wouldn't mind bringing back to his house, but it seemed there was nobody that would actually challenge his position as the school's badass. He slipped his hand into his coats pocket and took out a cigarette pack, on which he quickly slid one out and lit it up. Eventually making his way to the top deck of the ship he spotted a familiar sight. He walked towards the familiar people and quickly assumed the proper posture to greet the boss. "Aniki!" he yelled out as he flickered the finished cigarette overboard and bowed down respectfully. Then he took a look at Issen and looked down on him slightly following with "Kyoudai." completely ignoring whoever they were just interacting with until that very point. "This asshole tryin' to give you some shit, aniki?" he asked respectfully.

@Darkholme @Godhowsae
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Seiji Izumi, Third Year - Bottom Deck


"Eh? It's only proper to bow for a longer period of time when repenting". Seiji continued on as if the foul-mouthed second year hadn't even been there. His attention was drawn entirely back on Mikado at this point. The only reaction from being told to fuck off was a small smirk that found It's way on to his face. After the guy had taken off, Seiji had decided he would do so, as well. Reaching down to grab both his bag, and his sword, Seiji started to walk off with them slung over his shoulder. "No offense, but I'm not sexually attracted to you in the least - just so we are clear. See you around".  He gave a wave of his hand, and walked around the bottom deck of the boat, settling in to a different corner by himself. 'That's right. There's only one girl for me'. An image of his younger sister flashed in to his mind. No doubt he would be on that thought until they had arrived at the island.


Issen Raikiyo, Fourth Year - Top Deck


While the Scot lurked nearby, another unscrupulous character made his entrance. A shady-looking guy who had no business being in the presence of his lord. While he held great disdain for this fellow, he had no choice, but to tolerate his presence. However, that did not mean he had to be amicable with him. "So, the monkey finally arrives". His mouth twisted in to a slight smile that held no kindness behind it while he addressed Soujiro. "You should address our lord properly. Your manners bring great shame to her name. It's only proper that you take your own life in return, or I could do for you, if you prefer". His normally free hand was resting on this handle of his blade, ready to draw it. Of all the degenerates that could have been welcomed in to service, Issen had the displeasure of working alongside the most foul-mouthed, trash dwelling, scum of them all. He had decided the scum needed to be chastised even further. "This isn't your street gang. There are certain protocol that should be followed in the presence of your lord. First, such low-caliber trash like you should stay twenty feet back at all times. Secondly, gnats of your standing should completely prostrate yourself when coming in to her presence. Third, drop the 'Aniki'. Next..." It was entirely likely his exaggerated instructions would continue unless interrupted.

@Darkholme @BigGuyForYou

"No reason, none at all, just was wondering really." She would say, lying forward onto the crate. "Well I'm not gonna really be going anywhere, i'll be around here Ella if you wanna chat more! if you uh, don't freak out the moment you see me eheh." she would say slinking back behind the create, and settling down behind it. "Think i'll just take a naaaap, hopefully someone will come around here by that point. Oh well." She would say just letting out a yawn, and just settling in, letting the time pass in the meanwhile. 

and then someone yelled. The spiderlike figure pulling herself up and would stare at the intruder. "Scuse me, have my way with her? Do I need to tie you up and call the authorities sir? Sir? stand down, otherwise things are going to go a lot lot worse." Aran would promptly pull herself up and over just climbing up and going across the roof. "I'm sure you rather not cause trouble for the arrival of our school, the last thing you'd like to do is be noted with threats and forcibly kicked out without even stepping foot onto the island, completely ruining any work you have done to even get here, I imagine they rather not deal with troublemakers who are going to openly threaten and fight the other students. " Aran said, just putting out her mind on this whole situation, she rather not be used as some pawn for someone else's game to threaten with. Plus it was a bit of a childish move to be so annoyed at a airhorn that he felt the need to want to try to manhandle another student just to steal their possessions and destroy it in some form. 

@CellistCat606 @Advent Azure
Ursula's hand slowly wrapped around their's, hoping she was gripping it gently. She then slowly shook with wide eyes and stars replacing her usual green slits. Wa-Was she actually talking to someone?! This was! She was actually talking to someone who DIDN'T give birth to her! She nodded excitedly to every word they said. This person was so interesting! Ursula was finally talking to people again and the first one she was talking to was a Ninja! A rather small Ninja...well, Ursula was kinda big after all. Everyone kinda looked small to her, even her Mom and Dad. But that didn't mean they weren't scary. Ursula blinked at their name. That sure was a mouthful...could Ursula even say it? She then blushed, however, a black tint slowly appearing on her red cheeks, when they said they couldn't hear her name. Oh...right...

She took a deep breath. "i-i'M UrSuLa!" Ursula said, a bit nervous, yet excited. Could this be it?! Would she finally make a new friend?! This had caused her long and thick red tail to slowly wrap around the person's feet in excitement, but Ursula didn't really notice. OK! Say something else, Ursula! ...What else could she say, though?! Ursula nervously mashed her two clawed fingers together and shifted her green slits fo eyes nervously, trying to find something they could talk about.  "s-sO...i-i BeT bEiNg A NiNja iS fUN!" Ursula said cheerfully, sweating as she was thinking on the spot. "a-aNd...I CaN Do tHiS!" And with that, she held out her arm before it and her hand slowly began to glow in a black aura. Little black sparks flew from her arms before, in a flash, she now had a tentacle where her arm used to be. Realzing what she did, her eyes widened and she backed away a bit. "U-UhM...t-tAda?"

Ursula, ah, so that's what her name was. It reminded Val more of an Air Elemental than a Fire Ele- Wait, no, Ursula said she was a normal girl. She wasn't an Elemental. 

Val was shocked out of her thoughts when she felt something move against her ankles. The young girl looked down to see something long and red, reminding her of a moving tree root from her home, smooth and shiny like a beech. She regarded it with fascination. What was that? Is that normal? 

However, she gave her attention back to Ursula as she continued to speak. "Uh-huh!" Val agreed with a grin to the ninja comment. She was about to continue speaking, saying that being a ninja wasn't all fun and games (not that she personally knew that) when the red skinned girl started her demonstration. Val's brown orbs went wide. "Wow! That's so cool! Can all normal girls do that? That's so amazing!" Saying so, Val rose her hand to touch the tentacle.


Fife Macallan

Fife was unimpressed with the two-bit gangster that wandered up to the group. He had seen bigger guys with bigger egos. He did however find the interaction between him and the even more egotistic pair too be quite amusing and wasted no time jumping in. "And sing Auld Lang syne one one foot!" He added to the bodyguards rant," Then do an interpretive dance on how amazing your lord is! Then offer her flowers and compose poetry in her name!"

"I'm flattered you both think so highly of me," Rookie said from her perch on Fife's shoulder, " but such formality isn't necessary."

"I'd like it," Stompy concluded slowly.

"Are you making more cake Fife?" Fluffles asked, oblivious to the situation, "What kind?" 

"Black Forest Chocolate and you are not gettin any," Fife shot back. "Not after last time. An more importantly, who even are you Self important chaps anyway?" He said waving at the three, "I mean obviously her highness over there's some sort of big deal but it doesn't explain why she's gotten two men fighting for her affections."

Jekkel stood there smiling at everyone. "Well, yay for being simple!" He said with a tired expression. He put his rocks back into their pouch. and pulled out another pouch out of his bag but in this bag, there was a wonderful red and black hammock. Jekkel let out a sigh and started to set it up on the deck. He used the railing of the boat and the railing of some stairs that was to the side of them. "So, man I am beat" He said. with a yawn. He laid back in his hammock, The nice salty scent of the ocean and a cool breeze. This meant Jekkel would not have to do any work.

@Advent Azure @A Mysterious Figure  

Ella Trics



Seeing that Aran was going to take a nap, but because of being unsure of whether or not it was safe to move away from her spot, the girl decide to stay put and watch the girl until the boat ride ends. That was what she did until an all familiar face poked his head out at Ella, threatening her (again) to give him the air horn or she'll regret it. The girl stood up and walked straight towards the boy while also holding her own fists. "Well loo-." The girl had earlier ignored Aran's yelling in the background, but that was before she had also heard something walking straight towards her. Ella turned her head around to see an upset Aran walking straight towards them. Frightened (and not wanting to be Aran's dinner) the girl ran back to her chair from earlier and hid behind it while trying to hold herself the best she could.


-=-=(( @Advent Azure & @TenaciousTinkerer))=-=-

-=-=((Need to look at Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

-=-=-((Sorry that I took so long post I was really busy the past few days with it being the first week of school for me and such))=-=-
The Banchou

Soujiro never bothered listening Issen's complaining and instead inserted his pinky into his ear to stop the itching inside of it. When he continued to talk, Soujiro slowly started to get pissed off just by hearing his voice, especially when it came to being corrected on their hiarchy. "Dumbass... You just don't get it. Aniki is aniki. Simple as.". It also just reminded him. "Oh yeah, kyoudai, why don't you join my gang instead? You're strong enough to be one of my lieutenant". All the hostility and insults his comrade was sending at him, sliding off him like water off a duck. "What do you think aniki? Should we drop this place and move somewhere more interesting?" he added feeling an urge to smoke again, but it wasn't approporiate to do that infront of the boss.  And if they don't agree maybe he'll just go look for some skank instead, there's bound to be some girl on this ferry with looser legs.

Serena Masuda
Top Deck


She remained seated, only slightly acknowledging the arrival of another of her servants. She'd been asked a question regarding her situation, but Issen stepped in before she could be bothered to respond. Some minor bickering ensued, as well as a snide commentary from Fife, all of which served to provide some momentary amusement. She knew how little the two of them got along, which was part of the reason she chose them to accompany her on her first year. Surely, there'd never be a dull moment with the two of them. Breaking her moment of bemused observation, she responded to the latest query.

"I hardly think there's any reason to, at this point." She said as she motioned ahead of her. It seemed the coast was drawing closer into view. "After all, we've almost arrived."

She then looked towards Fife, taking note of his last comment.

"Affections? I believe you've misunderstood. These two are mine."

She didn't stutter, and it didn't seem like anything would come next. She didn't even refer to them as her servants, just matter-of-factly referring to them as possessions of hers.

@Godhowsae @BigGuyForYou @theunderwolf
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Ursula was having a mini-panic attack. Why did she do that?! Normal girls didn't do that! Her Tentacle arm wiggled, causing her blush to intensify. This is sooo embarrassing! She closed her eyes, waiting for the scream of horror. Waiting for the scoff of disgust. And even waited for the sound of footsteps wordlessly walking away from her...but instead, she'd had heard the weirdest, yet greatest response ever. Eyes quickly snapping open, she looked down at Takahashi in shock. She...didn't think it was gross? The only people she knew that actually found her tentacles normal was her parents! But this...girl...boy...person...thought it With wide eyes, Ursula watched Takahashi touch the tentacle. Out of reflex, Ursula wrapped it around the entirety of Takahashi's arm, squeezing lightly. Jumping at her sudden action, she gave the Ninja a sheepish grin.

"iM sOrRy." Ursula said, looking down. "n-No oNe'S eVeR dOnE tHAt beFOre..." She bit her lip, making sure her sharp teeth didn't puncture right through it. "...nOrMal GiRlS cAnT dO tHiS..." Ursula said, sad. She couldn't lie to Takahashi and say they do. It would make her feel guilty inside and would really bite her in the tail later. "...i-i uNdErStAnD iF yOu dOn'T wAnT tO tAlK tO mE anYmORe..." Ursula muttered, still looking down as her tentacle arm slowly unwrapped itself from the Ninja's arm.

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      Igg's is seriously gonna be annoyed that Bonnie passed out on one of the soft cushions along the wall in the interior deck; but, in the grand scheme of things what could he really do about it. Bonnie and Igg's had worked out their differences ages ago and accepted each other for who they are. Bonnie managed to overhear a bit of commotion earlier; but, she didn't really care. 

    Bonnie had a particular resentment for boats. Having been forced to provide service on them alot from her Foster Father.... errr Father now. What a tiresome man he was.... . Either way, she just wanted to get to the school proper, unpack, maybe shower.... hell anything other than this. She looked around from the comfort of her cushion to see all manner of strange students roaming around. "And I thought I'd be the odd one around e're."

      She athletically lept to her feet from full rest and stretched out her limbs. "Well maybe a walk will help me actually care about this school or something. Igg's sure as heck is excited. But, that's probably cause of Lumen. Gotta admit... look forward to seeing her again." 

    Bonnie walked the halls with her hands in her pockets. Despite this she had an air of a well composed woman. Her stride refined and lithe like as to make her seem almost weightless. The little informality's such as her hand placement or partial slouch actually seemed charming. The Glamour that encompassed her form always preventing her from looking awful. She was nice and greeted those that greeted her and even offered words like. "Sup, Yo, Heya, How ya doing, and whoa... ." for those of more peculiar looks.

   As she walked about she noticed a red skinned girl that of course sent a chill down her spine. That ancient chill that one of those that appeared as her gave to humanity. It was brief though and passed as if it never existed. She appeared to be nervously talking to a cute brown haired girl whom by comparison seemed normal. But, she wasn't... no one was here. All of us were oddities of some kind and Bonnie knew even among oddities her's was troublesome. In likely hood she couldn't see the potential in any form of lasting friendship.... at least for now.

@SpicyWatterson-Kun @NekoQueen49
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Instead of freaking out, Val only grew more giddy at the tentacle weaving around her arm. It felt smooth, like a vine without leaves. The brunette grinned up at the taller girl. Was that sadness Val saw on her face? "Hey! Don't worry! Being different can be awesome! You know, you could do all sorts of ninja things with these kinds of abilities! I can show you how too! C-Cause I'm a Ninja, right?!" She wanted to cheer her up, using any way possible but Val wasn't used to sadness. She wasn't used to emotions in general save for her mother's occasional anger. 

Val quickly took the tentacle that threatened to fall and looked at Ursula. How could she remedy this? Did Val say something to get her like this? Was it her lie of being a Ninja? She hoped not; it was all in good fun. 

@SpicyWatterson-Kun @Tulani

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