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Realistic or Modern The Fear And Respect (Crime roleplay) [IC] [OPEN!]



No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

It's like three months I'm trying to start a crime roleplay with active players but every time I did it they just ignored me. In this roleplay your character can be anything you want, a cop, a detective, a normal citizen or a criminal, also a boss of the mafia or maybe a crime family. Your story will begin in the city of Los Angeles in the USA on a day that time is changed and crimes in the city are rising.
As a role player, you are allowed to communicate with NPC's, take their missions, make a crime family or a gang or maybe a crew. Do anything which can give you the money and respect. You may normally join one of those mafias and start your job and prove yourself and when you don't need them start your kingdom as a powerful producer or anything else you can imagine, its the world that cops are looking for you and you may run or hide, or simply deal with them. You can be friend with other players or you can know them as your enemy it doesn't matter, the thing that you have to focus on is two things
1. Money 2. The power
Maybe if you are a gamer, you are familiar to grand thieft auto game, how characters are doing organized crimes and illegal things, our hopes to make a roleplay is exactly making something can show people like that. How they make themselves busy with illegal things to get money and better life. You can get your character ideas from Movies or series characters but never forget to copy them completely, it can ruin the roleplay and let other people to feel like they are watching movies or playing video games, always if you are doing it try to mix it with some fresh and new ideas to make it cool.
Also never forget your character is like a real human, walking on the real city with real cops and people, guns and cars and accidents, all of them are like real life and never try to avoid acting realistic when you standing against them.
Like if someone aimed the gun in front of your character, you have to roleplay fear of gun, not putting out your pistol and aim it on his head too exactly, nobody can do it when another person is aiming the gun in his head, it has a lot of risk, and its kinda impossible.


Remember that this is an open world roleplay story which is going to be in the city which is the game is in, and maybe sometimes villages around it, or also the jungle, so we got any kind if buildings and places in this roleplay to make this more realistic to the dear players, it will allow people to do bank robberies, carjacking, or maybe taking hostage and bringing them outta the town ETC. So we allow players to do all kind of actions in this game but with following the rules of this forum. Remember that this is a realistic roleplay and we ban all of the unrealistic stuff that you can imagine. If your character us criminal then you can make his acts and personality exactly like criminals and you have to follow his behavior, mind reading and power gaming are not allowed in this roleplay.
Never forget to respect other people and players, also respect the rules.
Also never forget it we are doing it only for fun and we all know crime is very very bad and disacceptable in real life and it makes people to destroy humanity, and be a harmful person , so we are not even like them oocly and we dislike them in real life exactly like other people, its just a game and it's for fun. So follow the rules and don't forget it, I say again it's just a game.
If you are not interested, or if you can any idea can make it better, I will be happy if you PM me your opinion and talk to me about this, I will think about all of the offers and ideas and I will listen to them respectfully.
After a long night listening to old jazz musics, stands up from the bed and walks towrads the window, nice view of his garden noticed by him, sun is shining and all looks great, until he see his face in the mirror, "ah god!" his mustache got messy again!
gonna spend some minutes at making it smooth again.
Victoria stood outside in an alley, leaning against a building waiting for one of her regular customers. She gave him a smile as he walked in and handed her the money, she put it away and gave him a paper bag, "Nice doing business with you, as always." She says with a small smirk as she watches him walk out of the alley.
Jack woke up, then he went to his engineering business. He went out to wait for customers, and while he waited he noticed someone familiar. He knew him from somewhere, but he didn't know when. He shrugged it off, until they came into the shop holding a Glock 17. He gave it to me, and I took it. He then walked out. I muttered. "What the hell..?"
"This gonna waste a day..." said while trying to make his face great again, after some minutes he wears his black suit, pushes the door and comes out of his room, Prisco is in a big huge house around the LA, walks towards exit door slowly, "Sir, Don't you want to eat breakfast?"
prisco nods negatively and continues walking to outside, his workers opened the door of his
1970 Buick GSX Stage 1 classic car, he steps inside and starts driving out.
after some minutes his phone starts ringing, his worker is calling with weird contact name.
"who is this?"
# We did it sir, he got a gun now...#

A nice day is begining...
Jack stored the gun away, and waited for customers. "No business today...strange..." He muttered. He walked around outside.
Turns on the radio while driving, listenning to the news, until he find a bar to spend some times there.
some miles after that, a medium sized van is getting closer to Jack's store, natural and quiet.
van stopped in front of the store and two guys came out from behind of van,face covered by mask and probably hidding a gun behind his shirt.
they opened door and one of them quickly showed jack his gun, aimed it on his body, yelling "Put Your HANDS UP!!! NOW!!!" wildly.
another one is going to find anything to take such as money.
Jack pulled out his own gun. "Put. The Gun. DOWN! NOW!" He fired a shot at them, then aimed at their heads, alternating.
Victoria walked out of the alley a few minutes after her customer did, looking around. She headed down the sidewalk, but stopped soon when she heard gun shots.
A guy who had a gun, got injured badly or maybe got killed, he is on the ground and cant even see around, another one scared a lot, can't even think what to do, wanted to go and take his friend's gun but it was stupid enough to get him killed, he ran away, people heard the gun shots, one of them is calling 911.
Prisco in his car is litening to the news, breaking news, but he suddenly changes the channel station to LAPD's channel to hear the reports, after hearing about an armed robbery, a smile came on his face, drives away.
cops are coming towards jack's store and they are going to face this robbbery seriously.
there is still some minutes until cops reach there.
two LAPD cruiser stopped there, armed and ready for action came out of the car, they got an armed robbery report there so they have to face it seriously.one of them shouts on the megaphone "LAPD, IS HERE, WE WANT EVERYONE INSIDE THE STORE TO PUT THEIR HANDS UP AND STEP OUT OF THE STORE, SLOWLY AND UNARMED!"
Victoria stepped back when they cops showed up, she wasn't a fan of the cops, so she watched from afar, curious about what was going on.
two officers coming behind him, another one is going to check the store carefully, a dead body inside with bloods on the ground, they cuffed him as a suspect however they know enough that it was a robbery and this guy was a victim, but they have to do it.
transfered him to the Police station, after some minutes of talking to the cops, a guy weared suit showed up, just few minutes talking to cops and he nodded, they takes jack from there and tell it to him "You can go..."the guy who saved him walked out of the station, they took jacks gun but nothing else they did it to him...
a 1970 Buick GSX parked outside is waiting...
Prisco chased jack to his store, waits until a good time then he steps out of his car and enters the store like a normal person, watches around, (what would he see?)
(You'd see jack inspecting his gun, disassembling and reassembling it.)
Prisco came closer, clearly with italian accent starts speaking "Hey there" Shows himself friendly and you would notice it by his voice.
"I don't...sell. I engineer." He said. He pointed to the gun. "I made a similar weapon to that."

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