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Realistic or Modern The Fear And Respect (Crime roleplay) [Characters] [OPEN!]


No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

The place for making character and filling character sheets.

~~~Character Sheet~~~
Date of birth:
Relationship status:
Positive characteristics:
Negative characteristics:
Criminal record:

DO NOT start roleplaying without getting accepted by me!
~~~Character Sheet~~~
Name: Gareth Norrisman
Nickname: "Shadow"
Date of birth: 08/1993
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Atheist
Education: Bachelor's Degree: Information Technology Major, Criminal Justice Minor
Relationship status: Single, but looking for that special someone.
Appearance: Tall, Deathly skinny (looks like he could be killed just by being knocked over by the wind.), Average weight, Black Hair w/ Red Highlights, Black eyes. When not working he wears a black fleece jacket and different variations of camouflage cargo pants and Black steel-towed boots, when working he wears the work-issued uniform.
Positive characteristics: Nice, Friendly (when he gets to know someone), Helpful, Patient, Understanding, Layback, Loyal
Negative characteristics: Pessimistic, Shy, Reclusive, Quiet
Employment: Los Angeles Police Department, Police Officer III + I
Likes: Being a Policemen, Computers, Military Aviation, Military, Technology, Video games, kids
Dislikes: Being disrespected, Bars, Alcohol, Drugs, Dumb People, Crime, Abuse
Criminal record: N/A (Why would he have a criminal record if he was a cop, you need a clean record to join the police.)
~~~Character Sheet~~~
Name: Gareth Norrisman
Nickname: "Shadow"
Date of birth: 08/1993
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Atheist
Education: Bachelor's Degree: Information Technology Major, Criminal Justice Minor
Relationship status: Single, but looking for that special someone.
Appearance: Tall, Deathly skinny (looks like he could be killed just by being knocked over by the wind.), Average weight, Black Hair w/ Red Highlights, Black eyes. When not working he wears a black fleece jacket and different variations of camouflage cargo pants and Black steel-towed boots, when working he wears the work-issued uniform.
Positive characteristics: Nice, Friendly (when he gets to know someone), Helpful, Patient, Understanding, Layback, Loyal
Negative characteristics: Pessimistic, Shy, Reclusive, Quiet
Employment: Los Angeles Police Department, Police Officer III + I
Likes: Being a Policemen, Computers, Military Aviation, Military, Technology, Video games, kids
Dislikes: Being disrespected, Bars, Alcohol, Drugs, Dumb People, Crime, Abuse
Criminal record: N/A (Why would he have a criminal record if he was a cop, you need a clean record to join the police.)
Name: Victoria James
Nickname: Vic, Vicky, Tori, Toria, V
Date of birth: November 21
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Athiest
Education: Some high school (dropped out in junior year)
Relationship status: Single
Appearance: + + + +
Positive characteristics: Clever, Street-smart
Negative characteristics: Manipulative, Reckless, Cunning
Employment: No real job right now, but finds ways to make money
Likes: Money, Music, Having fun, Adrenaline
Dislikes: The cops, Being told what to do, Losing
Criminal record: Selling drugs, Stolen car
Name: Prisco Plano
Nickname: Prisc
Date of birth: the 12th of July, 1975
Nationality: Italian
Ethnicity: Italian
Religion: Christian
Education: Never finished Law course in college
Relationship status: Single, never took any relationship seriously.
Positive characteristics: Brave, smart, gentle, creative.
Negative characteristics: Disloyal, sneaky, selfish, untrustworthy.
Employment: No [The Leader of Coraggio Mafia]
Likes: Stars, fast foods, Jazz, wine, looking at one million dollars on the table.
Dislikes: Cops, Rats, unorganized people, mornings, Mondays.
Criminal record:
-Jailed few days when he was 12 years old for stealing
Prisco was born in Italy at the age of 1975, after some few years because of some reasons his family moved to the United states. The country which all of things started from.
His father's business wasn't so great in those years, so after he lost his father the life changed for him, life didn't give him another way except living on the streets with his mother and earning money from illegal jobs. Things weren't so great for him, until he and his friends planned for a big bank robbery, a hard night with so much stress. It worthed. Plenty of money for him and he finally got away with it, and made his life better, some years after that when he lost his mother, he started making plan to get some new connections to the persons and people on the streets, buying illegal things and selling them to the people with a higher price made him a huge power in the city, he got a huge house in LA, with some guys working for him only, and here it is, he make an Italian mafia in LA with great level of connections, rich and infamous.
First years spent with selling guns and drugs around the city and after that he made the company ready to improve, this year probably will be the hardest year in this city, PD started focusing on organized crime gangs around the city and maybe it can put him in trouble.
Name: Victoria James
Nickname: Vic, Vicky, Tori, Toria, V
Date of birth: November 21
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Athiest
Education: Some high school (dropped out in junior year)
Relationship status: Single
Appearance: + + + +
Positive characteristics: Clever, Street-smart
Negative characteristics: Manipulative, Reckless, Cunning
Employment: No real job right now, but finds ways to make money
Likes: Money, Music, Having fun, Adrenaline
Dislikes: The cops, Being told what to do, Losing
Criminal record: Selling drugs, Stolen car
Accepted! <3
to introduce your character better, you can add biography to your character sheet guys, its not necessary but it will help us to know more about your character and his/her life.
Do we go right to the roleplay if we've been accepted or should we wait for more people?
Name: Jack Kelly
Nickname: (I'm borrowing a Greek God Name if that's ok) Hades
Date of birth: 09/1991
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: American
Religion: Athiest
Education: Bachelors Degree: Engineering Design, Northern Michigan University
Relationship status: Single
Appearance: Tall, average weight. He wears a custom produced uniform for his business.
Positive characteristics: Kind, Hard-Working, Nice.
Negative characteristics: Easily Agitated, Sometimes Declines Work.
Employment: Personal Business of Kelly Engineering, LLC.
Likes: Aviation History, War History
Dislikes: Disrespectful people, Certain Music, etc.
Criminal record: Once Jailed At A Young age for self defense, which was really reckless abuse, though he didn't understand at that age.
Name: Jack Kelly
Nickname: (I'm borrowing a Greek God Name if that's ok) Hades
Date of birth: 09/1991
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: American
Religion: Athiest
Education: Bachelors Degree: Engineering Design, Northern Michigan University
Relationship status: Single
Appearance: Tall, average weight. He wears a custom produced uniform for his business.
Positive characteristics: Kind, Hard-Working, Nice.
Negative characteristics: Easily Agitated, Sometimes Declines Work.
Employment: Personal Business of Kelly Engineering, LLC.
Likes: Aviation History, War History
Dislikes: Disrespectful people, Certain Music, etc.
Criminal record: Once Jailed At A Young age for self defense, which was really reckless abuse, though he didn't understand at that age.
Anything i should change? Also, I'm in school at the moment, so i won't reply that much.

Name: Nyko D. Kaydus
Nickname: the Fox
Date of birth: April 13
Nationality: Austrian-American
Ethnicity: Austria
Religion: Agnostic
Education: College (Dropped Out)
Relationship status: Single
Positive characteristics: Smart, Loyal(to a fault), Willful
Negative characteristics: Destructive, Manipulative, Need for Control
Employment: Lieutenant (Cop), "Pharmaceutical Sales"
Likes: Music, Cooking, playing games, Animals
Dislikes: Snakes, Disloyalty, Rudeness
Criminal record:
Assault inflicting Serious Injury

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