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Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

Dani proposed creating different planets. Kien shook his head somberly. "We will need one another simply to create this one. None hold enough power to create a planet alone."
Io's orb dimmed "fools, our world will never be a perfect one, because a perfect world is the most flawed of all..,"
"SILENCE!!....we will not solve anything with thus Bigering in such ways"the voice says as he was clearly loosing its temper as maybe he was the god of negative or somthing?
"Then what shall we do then what will balance the world, AND WERE IS MY DAMN SANDWICH!" (Im the God of water and Trickery)
(How do you even know what a samwich is? xD )

"Balance. We need it here before placing it upon the planet." Kien said calmly, thinking.
"let us be at peace! there is no use fighting now, nor is there room for negativity. we must think rationally. I propose we each have control over one domain." the feminine voice spoke.

"I, perhaps, could be the goddess of the earth, if that is okay with all of you."
"I suppose that's a good idea. But first, LET THERE BE BREAD AND SALAMI THAT APPEARS FROM NO WERE!"
"I agree.....now...are we all calm"Kra says in a calm voice still deep and evil sounding but he was calm(Kra was it right?)
"Indeed...Ok now....why we dont start from scrach.....again....so we can seatle somthing"Kra says as he would wonder how much will they take too make a world...was it this hard?

(Wow....making a world in a RP is harder than i thought
xD )
"Well there should be a lot of room for the oceans and this planet of out, by the way we should name our world something marvelous.
A voice echoed from the darkness and light, forming into being, in the esscense of fire, the fire of life. "Chaos," it said. "Chaos is balance. Chaos is life, and death. Chaos is light and dark. Chaos is fire, bringer of life, and destroyer of it. Light shall fall truely to darkness, but darkness will fall to Chaos," this new voice prophecyzed. "This bickering amongst you, is Chaos. Your arguements, shaping and changing your worlds, is what has given me shape. All of your creations, will be effected by my very existance, causing tension, and wrath amongst thee and thy people. Chaos does not descriminate. Chaos is eternal." the new voice finished, awaiting word from the others.
"Who invited this guys, he's such a downer geez." This guy is really dark Dami thinks to himself.
Io smiled "I will stand by every domain, someone who stays the balance, evening out the scales of morality and power, though many occurrences will become mine to decide it would seem, perhaps.
"Elespeth." The fourth voice spoke as she took form. "You all have created confusion. Which is worse then destruction."

(seriously, whats been created, and whats been destroyed?)
Kameil said:
"Who invited this guys, he's such a downer geez." This guy is really dark Dami thinks to himself.
"I may be a downer, but I am also an upper, Dami, patron of water and trickery." he stated, turning his gaze to Dami. He wasn't much more at the moment, then a voice, but two flaming purple orbs could be seen, floating around, watching them.
"I will hold domain life, emotion, intelligence, and other things of the sort." Aria says in a cheerful tone before addressing the new voice, "Oh shut up you insane idiot. Chaos is the opposite of balance, and balance is necessary for life to thrive. I shall not allow chaos to tamper with MY creations!" She angrily yells.
EraError said:
"Elespeth." The fourth voice spoke as she took form. "You all have created confusion. Which is worse then destruction."
(seriously, whats been created, and whats been destroyed?)
(Earth, Water, Darkness, (Light maybe?) some other stuff, and THE FIRES OF CHAOS. So, basically fire and chaos rolled into one.))

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