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Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

(Actually you are wrong Onyx. There has never been a non christian president but we have had senators and members of congress, as well as mayors, that are not christian. NOW CAN WE PLEASE GET BACK TO THE RP?!?!?)
Ok so let see....we got the barren planet,the sun and moon..we will need the elements now
(moving away from politics...)

a deep, yet feminine voice rang into the barren land. "let there be EARTH!" it cried.

and great stones rose out of the ground, forming mountains.
Io sighed "my dear, do not be so hasty, this is a delicate process, such rash actions could be rather... Dangerous and unstable..."
(Wing it mate. We're currently godly beings...that don't even know it.)

Kien stood, or rather, floated motionless. He tried to locate the deep feminine voice that suddenly boomed. "Earth...? As in stone?"
"great...a nother 2 voices...How many are we first?"he ask as he would see a moutin rise on the barren planet that he had smach togheather as how many voices were here?....and how high was he?
(So high you be seein' Unicorns. xD )

The voices began to multiply, as the barren rock before them instantaneously taking form.
Aria, the third voice, took on a physical form and laughed, "Oh shut up Io, let the newcomers do what they wish, as long as it doesn't disturb the balance. We can always start anew if things turn out too badly."
The deep and evil like voice Sigh as he would say "Ok....lets get this straight...we have a Our planet now.....lets all think for a moment how too make it stabel...we need first too balance every element ok...this is Not a game"the deep voice says as he would wonder how are they going too do thos control way
"how should I make this land stable then, my friends?" the feminine voice asked.

an idea came unto her just then.

her mind pushed in on the land, and created small dips and crevices.
Kien took a glance at the beings before him, each having unique features. What they all had in common was a celestial aura. It was calming and vexing. They were the same, yet they all had different opinions and views. This would surely tear any creation they made apart. They needed...a singular authority.
"Balace...we have light and dark,Life and death,And Evil and Good...now we first need too get the basics...we form the land and then add the elements and at the end..Life...breaking it is easy...its like cuting a string..it cant be place back so...multiple ways"the Deep demonic like voice says
Io was the first to give himself a physical embodiment, a purple orb, which floated away from the rest, tenaciously yet slowly colliding meteorites into one another as it formed ever so slowly into the planet he wished to shape.
"I propose we should rule separate planets so we wouldn't cause imbalance." Dani smiled deviously as he said

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