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Realistic or Modern The Experiments (V 3.0)

Kriger nodded his head, and looked around. he might be there a while, might as well see who he was with. "Well, who is here?" He closed his eyes and groaned as the pain in his arm pulsed more. he thought of a couple plans, lthough each plan had more cons than pros. He decided to go along with everything and only rebel when something was about to go down.


Kurose gave a soft twitch and once again sat up normally, looking back over to Lee. "I'm fine." He stated plainly, acting as if nothing happened. He didn't feel like revealing his weaknesses to someone he barely even knew. Not when this boy was so ambiguous to Rose.

He looked down at the girl on the floor of the van after she gave her name, and suddenly thought about how lucky she was. If he was tied up like that it would probably be much easier to get at his neck. But, now wasn't the time to be getting jealous about not getting to lay on the floor unlike that girl- Jenny, as she named herself. He turned his head just as someone else introduced themselves. Kent. He'd have to keep note of all of their names. Kurose glanced around once more before realizing that it was slowly getting brighter. He sat up with anticipation, waiting to be able to see the people around him. In all honesty, he was expecting something other then regular teenagers his age, but that was what he discovered, and upon this discovery he felt just a little bit bad for thinking they might be some sort of bad guys or something. But he wasn't about to admit it and apologize. Instead, he tried to examine everyone as much as he could until the light faded out in the background, grinding his teeth. He still couldn't figure out from the appearances he got which one was Kent, and which person might have been Lee.

Kurose's eyes glanced down at the casual and odd tone that came from somewhere by the ground of the van. Yet another female who wasn't restrained by cuffs attached to a wall, or whatever was going on behind Rose that he couldn't necessarily see. His neck stung once more and for a moment he tried shifting his shoulder back to his weird flexible position, but stopped before he could even start that up again. He wouldn't embarrass himself with his weird flaws, but why was he stabbed in the neck again? Oh yeah, the moment he saw the two- man and woman- he fought back, but to no avail he still ended up getting stabbed. In the fucking neck.

Kurose then looked back to the kid who woke up a little later then the rest, asking the same questions everyone else was. For some reason, Kurose's immediate reaction to his question was, "I don't know sweetheart, why don't you tell me?" He had let the slightest slip of annoyance show under his cool tone, but it was faint and not easy to catch unless if one were to see Rose's sharp glare. But then, the child asked the same question he had, and he shut his mouth to look off some other direction, not letting his anger get a hold of his actions. If he could, though, he'd snap then and there.

@Hoki @D i v i d e d L0V3rz @Zuka @Isune @InternalAssumpter @Bolts @StoneWolf18
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That was a good question... Who was here? There was Stewart and Kent, but also Lee, Rose, that really interesting girl that made everything seem oddly normal, and Jenny. Right? She was bad with names, and that kinda sucked.

Lucille slapped a smile onto her face, pausing a moment of thought to hopefully flip the soft wavy pigtails of her hair away from her mouth. "Oh, well..." the girl started with, "I'm Lucy. Who are you?"

@D i v i d e d L0V3rz


Rose brushed him off, claiming that he was a-okay; at this point, he had no choice other than to believe him, so that's what Lee did, slumping back against the cool metal of the van wall. With any luck, they'd hurry up and get off the god damn crazy train. It was starting to feel cramped with the amount of people that had regained consciousness, and his rear hurt from sitting against the world's most uncomfortable seat ever, further rubbing his wrists raw with his shifting. Like most at this point, his injection spot was aching like mad - a needle in the forearm was so much worse than he expected, especially when irritating rope disturbed it so much.

Lee sighed in light annoyance, sparing one last glance at Rose before looking around the interior of the vehicle and listening to the confused murmurs that arose from the masses.

(@M A C E @Bolts @Isune @Zuka @InternalAssumpter @StoneWolf18 )//ah, yes, tagging is fun
Cirillia Vines

Ciri had, somehow, managed to sleep through everything. Infact she was currently asleep against the door with her cheek smushed up against it, mouth agape and drooling slightly on the metal. Eventually though the pink haired girl woke up and blinked before looking around at everyone. She attempted to wipe the drool on the side of her face off with her hands, but quickly figured out they were bound. Instead she opted to wipe it off with her shoulder.

Once satisfied it was no longer on her face she looked around at the rest. She slowly realized she didn't know these people, and from the persistent pain in her neck she knew she wasn't dreaming. That coupled with the fact she remembered jack of shit aside from her name caused her to slowly start to panic. "W-where am I? What happened? Who are you people?!" She started questioning, growing louder and more frantic as she continued speaking.

@Isune @Hoki @M A C E @Zuka @StoneWolf18 @Bolts @InternalAssumpter
"My name is Kriger... please don't poke fun at my name..." He hung his head and stared at his lap, perparing himself for a wave of insults. He also took note of the diffrent voices he heard, and tried to guess their age by their voice. they were mostly young like him, but he still felt uncomfortable, seeing as they were all complete strangers and they were in a dark van.

@Hoki @M A C E
The van continued moving until it came to a sudden stop. This stop was followed by the sound of footsteps as a set of keys were inserted into the van. After what seemed like a few moments, the doors were flung open followed by the pointing of automatic weapons at everyone inside,"All of you, out! Don't think I won't blow your damn brains out right here and now if you try anything funny!" Although, there was something off about this kidnapper. He didn't look like the stereotypical kidnapper, he had a full set of ballistic armor on followed by a large helmet that covered his entire face when the visor was down (Which it was). More joined him as they also pointed their weapons at the bunch and outside waited even more guards with what could only be defined as electrical spears. There were two blade with a smaller one in the center that appeared to be generating electricity. The restraints on all "subjects" were released as the guards knew they couldn't be dumb enough to dare do something stupid especially when there was a massive group of guards ready to take any one of them out if anything funny.

Kent Madison

Kent was about to speak until the door were suddenly flung open followed by his restraints being released. This was only followed by the pointing of automatic weapons directly to his face as Kent instantly held both arms up as if surrendering. One of the guards grabbed Kent by the shirt and threw him outside of the van before placing his boot on top of the boy's back. The other guards only continued to hold their weapons, chances were they'd do the same thing to everyone else just to ensure that no one fled during"introduction".

@Mitchs98 @D i v i d e d L0V3rz @Hoki @Bolts @Zuka @M A C E @InternalAssumpter @StoneWolf18


Kurose stared where "Kriger" introduced himself. He couldn't help but let out a soft snort at the oddness of his name, what sort of family did he have, naming him something such as that? But, he decided to be polite about it and not say anything on the subject, his fuse calming down just a bit.

Giving another soft groan, Kurose shifted back his shoulder and began rubbing at his neck, eyes tearing up. He was happy it was fairly dark in the van, for if anyone were to see what he was doing, he'd be embarrassed.

"Ah, fuck!"

No matter how hard he tried his rubbing at his neck never seemed to help. He had ended up swearing under his breathe, hoping no one else heard his agony. When he realized he was being to loud, he raised his head back up, but instead bashed it against the side of the van. He yelped in surprise, shooting himself forward and facing the van floor, a couple tears escaping his eyes from the pain that now swelled up in the back of his head, and on the side of his neck. But his neck was still the worst out of all of the pain he was feeling right now.

But then, the doors opened, causing him to turn himself to face at the male with the weapon. He felt the restraints on his hands loosen up and gave a moan of happiness as he brought he hands up to his neck. The cool touch of his skin wasn't the best, but felt nice. He sat back, relieved before glancing back at the troops of men. What
was going on? He watched one of the "soldiers" pull someone out and brutally step on them as an act of dominance, or at least that was how Kurose perceived it. He stared, icy blue eyes wide.
The doors flung open as Stew was cowering by himself. Everyone else had paired up and he had nothing to say. His idea was stupid and he couldn't do anything. As soon as those doors were opened though, he couldn't move a single limb. They had all these weapons towards them and Stew's heart pounded faster and heavier. Someone needed to make the first move. Just as that thought ran past his mind, Kent was thrown outside. They hit him a lot and Stew started backing away but was grabbed as well. Getting pushed into a bigger crowed of guards. Stew curled into a ball yelling "Don't hurt me! Please, I just wanna go home!"
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"Please don't poke fun at my name..."

"Don't poke fun-- Why would I do that??" she asked in confusion, eyes widening. "I think your name is actually very cool, Kriger-" Hopefully she said it right. "Try having the name of an old lady, it's a lot worse."

Yeah, Lucille was an older woman's name, not the name of someone in their mid teens. Oh well, there was no changing it so she only smiled instead, nodding in his direction. "Nice to meet you, Kriger," the blonde greeted with a rather kind voice.

Things were starting to feel better, seeing as how everyone that woke up was generally calm - kinda - but responsive and not entirely reserved. It was nice.

Up until the point where the doors were ripped open, the restraints were undone, and a gun was pointed at all the kids inside. Lucille couldn't keep from squeaking in surprise, hands now capable of flying up to her mouth to silence herself. Okay, this got like ten times scarier and she didn't like it one bit, curling in her seat.

@D i v i d e d L0V3rz


Nice up until the point where some little started raising her voice. Oh how he wished he could've raised a finger to his lips instead of just shushing in the most elegant of ways; "Shhhhhhh!" Lee hissed sharply, scowling at the girl, "You could get is all in trouble." Some other people had possessed higher volumes as well, but it had been lower than this small girl's own voice because of their not so easy rest and confusion; this one actually managed a damn good nap it seemed.

Before he knew it, the restraints were gone and panic within the van ensued as weapons were pointed through the opened doors. Lee was probably one of the first to rise, more calmly than most would expect, but was not the one to be thrown to the ground. He wanted to punch that guard in the face for placing his boot on Kent; a punch would be nice, right? But they had to clear out, and the gray haired teen deliberately took that first step, arms raised slowly and steps calm as he made to exit, not wanting to get into too much trouble just yet. Even so, his dark eyes glared coolly at the ones he approached yet did not engage.

He couldn't.

@Isune @Bolts @M A C E @Zuka @Mitchs98 @StoneWolf18 @InternalAssumpter
As the doors flew open and one of the guards was about to grab her, Raphael stepped out anyway. “Hello boys, lovely night isn’t it?” Her voice was carefree and a tad mocking. Being thrown into the ground harshly, one of the guards buried the muzzle of their rifle into her back, though she just chuckled softly. Out of all her experiences, this was the most intriguing one. They actually wore proper gear, didn’t let them see their faces, and the guns were most likely loaded. “Damn, must I compliment you on the mighty fine job you all are doing. Containing children with weapons that would easily blow the head off of a fully grown man more tha-” Raphael was soon cut off a sharp blow to the back with the butt of the firearm, the man growling at her to shut up.

Coughing and wincing a bit at the blow the woman scoffed. “Trust me, if you wanted me dead, you would’ve killed me by now. So tell me...what is this? Illegal slavery, prostitution, drug smuggling, hostages for a ransom...” The man then stepped upon her head, pushing her face painfully into the asphalt below her. Yet she still let a smile dance upon her lips, seeing it was clear she had succeeded in annoying him.
Kriger looked out as the doors swung open and stayed still, confident that if he did something wrong he would end up getting shot. He ended up standing and willfully going towards the gaurds, who grabbed him roughly and dragged him out the van. He hoped that they wouldn't do much more, he honestly planned to cooperate with the gaurds. He smiled at Lucy's comment, thanking her internally for the kind words. He didn't know what to do, so he stayed still, waiting for either one of the gaurds to push him around or for the others to annoy them. He saw that out of the corner of his eye that one of the females had already done that. Kriger sat on his knees and waited, expecting the worst to come.
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Cirillia Vines

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, there didn't appear to of been time for much to be done other than Lee shushing her. A little bit later the van came to a stop, the doors were flung up, restraints removed, guns pointed, and they were all ordered to get out of the van. Kent was the first to get tossed out and uncermoniously stomped on, followed by Stew, and then by Lee and finally Raphael. This only caused Ciri to panic more as she slowly brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them tightly, her eyes wide and fear evident no matter where one bothered to look.

After several minutes a gun was aimed directly at her, making it abundantly clear that she either moved right then or died. Slowly Ciri crawled from her seat and hopped out of the van before walking over and sitting down beside the others in the same sitting posistion she'd been in only a minute before, completely panicked.


She was awoken by the doors opening.

Bright lights, loud voices, pleading. All of it just gave her a headache. Hana looked over at the opened doors, the first thing catching her eye was the large weapons carried by the scary men. Her eyes widened as she suddenly curled herself up, pressing her legs against her torso tightly.

Where am I? What is this? Who are these people?

These were the only things going through her mind. She tucked her face into her knees, only bringing up her eyes every once and again to see what was happening.

I have to get out of here!

Even if Hana didn't know what this was, her survival skills were all on high alert and that was the one thing running through her mind. Her dark crimson-brown eyes stared at the doors a moment before she looked around, realizing that there were other people. All of them with nearly the same expression as she. One face in the crowd looked familiar. And that was the one of a black haired male she knew as her cousin. She stared at him, expression clearly wild, before shifting herself and staring at the doors once more.

It seemed some people had begun standing up and walking out of the van, but Hana stayed put. Not willingly- her body was frozen, she couldn't move no matter how much her brain screamed at her to. Her breathes came out shaky and her eyes gave her wild look to her knees.

Move! You have to move, dumbass!
Nickname: Shadow

A dark-haired white skinned boy was leaning against one side of the van. His hands were tied up, and he was gagged and blindfolded all at the same time. Although some might say that was overkill, it really wasn't. The boy had been awake for quite a while now but remained silent, speaking with his only friend, his shadow, in his mind. He never was normal, pre- or post- kidnapping. He had already attempted to kill himself multiple times now, miraculously survived ever time. First time was wrist-slitting. The blade didn't cut deep enough to kill him. Second was drug overdosing. Turns out he took the wrong bottle and had taken some sleeping pills. Next was jumping from the tenth floor of his apartment. His limbs surprisingly managed to take all of the shock, leaving his vitals unscathed. He had been quietly minding his own business wearing his favorite blind fold when the people came, and he didn't do anything. But it was when on of the scientists started to scream like it was no one's business. His neighbors were already used to his screaming, and didn't do anything. He was quickly injected and gagged before being dragged to the van.

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The guards pushed everyone to the ground, making sure that their boot left a nice imprint on their shirts. One grabbed the girl that refused the move and ruthlessly threw her to the ground before adding his boot to her back. Just then, a woman exited the van with a smile. Her brown hair was in a simple bun and all that really stood out about her outfit was the labcoat along with her glasses. Her eyes, looked soulless as she only laughed as she stared at the girl who was face down in the pavement(@StoneWolf18 so we avoid confusion about who is being kicked) before giving her a swift kick of her own before snapping back to acting like a professional. She took out a small clipboard and bit down on the pencil attached to it as she looked at everyone that had be pulled out. Yes, everyone was here. She smiled as she looked at all of the people and began to walk forward with a hand on her hip,"Oh my, quite the crowd we have here. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm the head scientist at this lab and I expect to be treated as such. My name is not of importance. Now, let's cut to the chase shall we? Some of you have been handed over by your parents for a large lump-some of cash. Well, at least to those morons. Someone of you were given up by orphanages, but I won't give out exactly why you're all here. I'd just like to say, thank you all for becoming a part of this amazing program! We look forward to all of the wonderful things we're about to do to each and every one of you! Well, I bid you all adieu as I will be calling you all up one by one to see what breakthroughs we can make in the scientific community. Goodbye my lovelies! Guards, please send the subjects to cells."

The guards did as they were told as the grabbed each and every subject and dragged them all to separate cells on their owns. A male scientists soon existed the car as he grabbed what appeared the be a corpse as he walked past everyone in their cells before dumping it onto a table. The male scientist only smiled as he dimmed the lights and pulled out a tray of operation tools,"
Let's see if we can't bring you back girly. You're not leaving us not yet. We can still try some things on ya. Now, shall we get started?" And with that, the operation began. (Fade to black because someone is basically being cut open)

@StoneWolf18 @PeteTSs -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x @Zuka @Mitchs98 @D i v i d e d L0V3rz @Bolts @Hoki @InternalAssumpter @M A C E
[Oh God! Oh God! They arn't going to do that to us are they?] He thought to himself as he bit his fingernails. He wanted to throw up but he had nothing in his stomach. He hadn't eating anything for a while it appears. The hunger that was setting in allowed him to snap out of his trance and step away from the cell window. He scooted back to a wall hoping something would happen that let him get out. The room was dark and there was nothing but basic prison cell stuff like a toilet and bed. He started weeping loudly for anyone's help.

@people I guess
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The long haired blond girl was worrying so much about her brother that when a guard grabbed her, tossed her to the ground and stepped on her back she groaned. Her hands were free now, but she didn't have long to think on it before another guard grabbed her by the hair and started basically dragging her through the facility to a cell. She started screaming, loudy and high pitched. "Let me go!! Let me go!!" Her head was still swimming with the information that her parents were the ones that sent her here, her parents??

She was tossed once more with a thud into the cell before crawling all the way into the corner of the cell, head in her hands. She has tears pouring down her cheeks.

@Isune @everyone


Kurose had gotten up and walked himself out of the van, not noticing the bundle of red hair that was related to him on his way. He was kicked, getting a growl directed at the owner of the foot and a sharp icy-blue glare before he turned back away and looked around at the other people. As he got an even better look at their appearances, Rose began to wonder, which of these people was Lucy, which was Lee, and who was Kent? Along with a flood of other names that he had learned on the ride hear, however his searching became cut off when a woman, cute little brown bun in her hair, stepped out of the van and went out to the group of teenagers.

Before announcing her purpose, she just
had to beat on some younger girl first.

She received a death glare from Kurose as she explained the situation, but her sentences had holes in them and none of it made sense, but none of that mattered as Kurose was grabbed by the "soldiers" when she ordered them to, and was dragged off into a cell.

In the cell, he stayed at the entrance of it, fingers rubbing over the small scab he had from being jabbed in the neck by that needle.
No one, and nothing could ever get close to Rose's neck without making him feel uncomfortable, anyone touching it other then he himself made him shiver and groan from the feeling it gave him. If some thing touched his neck it just plain hurt, even if whatever it was didn't actually effect him.

His nails dug over the scab, causing him to grunt at the slight pain it gave him, but when he suddenly realized how nice and distracting it was to shiver from the pain he began clawing at it some more, until eventually the scab was scraped off, but even after that, Kurose dug his fingers into the would, widening it and causing blood to drool down his neck. During this process he made enough soft grunts and groans to cause strange looks from anyone. he had even dragged himself a little bit further into the cell, just so his masochistic ways of distracting himself didn't bother anyone.

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Kent Madison

Kent was thrown in a cell, but it wasn't long until the head scientist, along with two guards, looked at him. She only smiled as she opened his cell and grabbed him. The woman suddenly stabbed a new syringe directly into Kent's arm as he began to black out. "Help...someone..please..." but all that happened was Kent hitting the ground as the woman pointed at his body with a finger with a nail painted a ruby red. The guards walked over as one picked Kent up while the other made sure he didn't drop the teen. The guard carried Kent on his shoulder as the woman followed closely behind as she brought him to her lab. The scientist seemed to be enjoying herself as she too had a multitude of surgical equipment at the ready. "Now, let's see what we can discover. This may hurt...so just bare with me sweetie." She said with a slight chuckle as she began her work (Once again FTB because no one wants to read about a guy getting his ears and legs chopped off). True hell was about to start, and Kent was one of the first few who got to experience it.

Look, he wasn't really one to just butt into someone's personal affairs or anything - he honestly really didn't care - but there were only two people he recognized out of the room of many. Kent was one of them, but he had been taken away before the male could even get to him. That left Rose; the only real reason he recognized him was because of the whole neck thing.

He didn't really want to intrude, honest he didn't, but even he - Mr. Too-Calm-For-His-Own-Damn-Good - was starting to get wigged out. Who knew what was happening to Kent (and that other girl, really). Hell, who was the next poor soul? The thought of what they could be doing disgusted him and he needed to distract himself.

So, the stand-offish guy with the neck thing was his best bet; it was the best distraction he could think of, and everyone else was already having their own meltdown.

But, here's the thing, Lee didn't move. He had told himself that he'd go off and pester Rose - he told himself that he'd bother anyone still calm in the head - but he didn't move. The teen only continued to lean against a farther wall, maintaining that calm air and cold demeanor even though some conversation would've been nice.

He was missing Lance, that high-pitched idiotic man.


Fear was finally starting to spike through her, the girl's legs having a hard time supporting her already considerably light weight. She wandered the cell, shoulders tensely raised enough so that the hands curled against her chest could tangle themselves in her soft, lower pigtails. As she walked, her eyes scanned the entire area, looking for a face shape that appeared similar to the silhouettes she'd seen in the van. Really, there was only one she actually saw more of but had no idea where he was in the crowd.

Lucille wandered, trying to calm down as she called out names in a hushed voice; "L-Lee..? Jenny... St-Stewart.. Kriger...?" Her head turned for another look around, her legs carrying her backwards. Frankly, the more calm part of her wanted to actually see who this guy with the cool name was - instead of just some panicked glimpse or two.

@D i v i d e d L0V3rz //lol only if you want
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Cirillia Vines

Ciri didn't exactly do anything once she was forced to the ground, other than squirm until she was sprawled out rather than having her arms and legs crushed into her chest. She was far, far to frieghtened currently to say or do anything even if she were allowed to. Once pulled to her feet she was grateful the weight of the man that was practically crushing her was off of her, like really why did they think it was a good idea to step on someone so small, heck she couldn't of did anything if she tried. Though they probably didn't care now that she thought about it.

Once she was directed into her cell she assumed the same posistion from earlier, sitting down on the floor with her knees brought up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She only got more scared when she saw Kent get taken off, at that point she started full on crying. Then she got the idea to sit in the dark corner of the room, maybe if she did they wouldn't see her and think the room was empty. Yeah..

At that thought she moved into said corner and tried to quieten her crying so as to not draw attention to herself.

Claudia de la Croix

It would seem this research facility was more resourceful than the people here let on. Batch two of the "subjects" were "escorted" into their empty cells like elephants being beaten with a bullhook. Claudia had only recently regained consciousness a bout 45min ago before her world was turned inside out. On her way into the compound she saw a guy being ushered away to the holding cells. The thought thought that sent chills down her spine was not the thought of what they were going to do to him, but how.... This was crazy. She wasn't going to let this be the end, though. She didn't take to kindly to the guards pushing and shoving her about. After the trip from the truck it was getting really old. By the time the house warming introduction was done Claudia was already putting up a bit of a struggle; resisting their pushes, bracing herself with scorn as they yelled at her, not making as much eye contact as possible without looking at the floor. Funny thing about that is that the guards found her insubordination attitude to be getting old as well, and their patients it seemed was not in such rich supplies for anyone. By the time they reached Claudia's cell her escort guard kicked her in the back with tremendous force. She flew into her cell, her head clashing with the fall as the cot in front of it broke her fall.

"You little brat! You keep up that attitude and you won't last here. Just do as your told and we won't have to beat your face in so much, got it?!" It would seem that he had lost his patients a while ago as he whirled around, raising the barrel of his rifle to the ceiling. "And that goes for all of you! Make it easy on yourself and just accept what's happening! Don't be stubborn and fight back! You'll just make it worse on yourself!" With that he stormed off down the hall. Silence survived the tension only soon to be followed by the groans of Claudia as she managed to drag herself off her cot to her cell bars.

"Damn, I thought he'd never leave," she said sarcastically. She peered down the hall in either direction as much as she could down the poorly lit, sterile corridor. She touched the pulsating bruise on her head above her eye, it begged to be noticed. Ouch! Damnit, that stings! Asshole.... She could see across her cell in the low light, a piercing pair of blue eyes belonging to a shaken blonde girl it looked like. The cell next door to the left the feint sounds of crying carried on into the silence. It seemed to belong to smaller, younger girl with some rave-tastic hair, but that's all Claudia could make out. The girl seemed pretty small and was hidden in a corner. The other cells were obscured less its' prisoners made their way to the bars. It would seem she was not in it alone. No one she knew from the trip here, great. "(@Hoki Lucille) Pst! Hey!" Claudia started encouragingly to the cell across her, "Hey blue-eyes. You okay over there?" She turned her attention to the next cell. Somebody say something, anything, please! "(@Mitchs98) How about you, Pinky? Sorry about the nickname, but your hair really cheered me up! The first bit of something nice since I woke up here. You doing alright?"

"Hey blue-eyes. You okay over there?"

She damn near shot a good few feet in the air and out of her jacket. The voice wasn't one she recognized, but it didn't scare her like one might think, Lucille wandering over to the bars to get a look at who it was despite her own fear. Her eyes locked onto Claudia as if she was a beckon of sunshine, head nodding numbly once she found the ability to think again.

Someone was asking her if she was okay - that was probably a first for both her and, er, Pinky in the cell nearby.

Her nods became a little more solid before stopping, a forced smile cracked into her expression. "Y-yes," the blonde finally responded, "Yes, I'm okay.. Thank you.. What about you..? You look hurt."

@StAmuriah @Mitchs98
StAmuriah said:

Claudia de la Croix

It would seem this research facility was more resourceful than the people here let on. Batch two of the "subjects" were "escorted" into their empty cells like elephants being beaten with a bullhook. Claudia had only recently regained consciousness a bout 45min ago before her world was turned inside out. On her way into the compound she saw a guy being ushered away to the holding cells. The thought thought that sent chills down her spine was not the thought of what they were going to do to him, but how.... This was crazy. She wasn't going to let this be the end, though. She didn't take to kindly to the guards pushing and shoving her about. After the trip from the truck it was getting really old. By the time the house warming introduction was done Claudia was already putting up a bit of a struggle; resisting their pushes, bracing herself with scorn as they yelled at her, not making as much eye contact as possible without looking at the floor. Funny thing about that is that the guards found her insubordination attitude to be getting old as well, and their patients it seemed was not in such rich supplies for anyone. By the time they reached Claudia's cell her escort guard kicked her in the back with tremendous force. She flew into her cell, her head clashing with the fall as the cot in front of it broke her fall.

"You little brat! You keep up that attitude and you won't last here. Just do as your told and we won't have to beat your face in so much, got it?!" It would seem that he had lost his patients a while ago as he whirled around, raising the barrel of his rifle to the ceiling. "And that goes for all of you! Make it easy on yourself and just accept what's happening! Don't be stubborn and fight back! You'll just make it worse on yourself!" With that he stormed off down the hall. Silence survived the tension only soon to be followed by the groans of Claudia as she managed to drag herself off her cot to her cell bars.

"Damn, I thought he'd never leave," she said sarcastically. She peered down the hall in either direction as much as she could down the poorly lit, sterile corridor. She touched the pulsating bruise on her head above her eye, it begged to be noticed. Ouch! Damnit, that stings! Asshole.... She could see across her cell in the low light, a piercing pair of blue eyes belonging to a shaken blonde girl it looked like. The cell next door to the left the feint sounds of crying carried on into the silence. It seemed to belong to smaller, younger girl with some rave-tastic hair, but that's all Claudia could make out. The girl seemed pretty small and was hidden in a corner. The other cells were obscured less its' prisoners made their way to the bars. It would seem she was not in it alone. No one she knew from the trip here, great. "(@Hoki Lucille) Pst! Hey!" Claudia started encouragingly to the cell across her, "Hey blue-eyes. You okay over there?" She turned her attention to the next cell. Somebody say something, anything, please! "(@Mitchs98) How about you, Pinky? Sorry about the nickname, but your hair really cheered me up! The first bit of something nice since I woke up here. You doing alright?"

Cirillia Vines

The entire time Ciri was in her corner all she could imagine while alone in her thoughts were the horrible experiments that were likely to occur to all of them. Especially her, mostly her. She really didn't want to think about it but she couldn't help it. The scenes simply continued repeating themselves over and over. She half felt like she'd have a heart attack before anything even happened to her.

She sniffed and looked up slightly at the voice, she smiled weakly at her comment and the nickname. "Thanks..and it's fine. You can call me Ciri though, short for Cirillia." She replied, feeling a lot better now that someone was talking to her and distracting her. Before she could say more the one that was referred to as 'blue-eyes' came up speaking. Two talkative friendly people at least..

Yeah..I'm fine I guess. Just scared.." She told them. She might not be as scared if she remembered anything beyond her name and age, but unfortunately she didn't.

Jenise wept all the tears she had for now. Her brother was out there, somewhere, getting help and she just had to stay positive and wait for him to come. She lifted her shirt to wipe the tears from her cheeks, before crawling on her knees to the bars as voices rang out. Her long hair blonde hair was a mess. She reached her hand out from the bars, curling her fingers up and playing with the outsiders of the door handle, making it creak and groan. But without a key it was pretty useless. She still had to try.

She stood up, suddenly pacing around the cell. She needed to get out. It wasn't a bright move, but no one said she was bright. She got to the edge of the cell, back to the wall. She tensed herself then ran full force, shoulder and body weight connecting with a resounding clatter on the bars and door to the cell. It hardly budged, so she pulled herself back to the edge of the cell, only to run and bash it again. "LET ME OUT!!" She screamed.

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