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Fantasy The Evil Within

Sam grabbed Coltons arm with his other hand and nodded understandingly, "You made it out of the war brother, you'll make it through this nightmare." Sam released his grip on Colt's arm and looked back toward the forest, "I'm glad to have you here.." he looked back to Colt. "We're going to need a battle hardened Marine with us if we're going to make it out of these woods"

Sam rolled up the jacket sleeve up past his bicep revealing a tatoo of a skull intersected by two M-16 rifles, a small parachute floated behind, the entire decal of the tattoo was surrounded by a red/orange flame, "I was part of an Army Airborne unit, search/rescue missions, extractions, etcetera.." he said and he lowered his sleeve once again.

"We'll make it out of this hell hole.."
Fiona stumbled blindly through the seemingly repetitive terrain until she came across something peculiar. something so out of place she was simply dumbfounded. it was a gravel path. she felt her heart leap with joy. she began to follow it in the direction she assumed was north. being a survivalist, she was still very cautious of her surroundings, looking to her sides and checking behind her. she followed it for what seemed like hours until she found what lied at the base. the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow was a house the size of a warehouse. it loomed over her, bearing every attribute of sentience over her. she without hesitation stepped into the home, which had lost its door long ago. the base boards creaked with her weight as she stepped unknowingly into her own worst nightmare.

they were everywhere. men, sliced from their collarbone down to their naval. stumbling around, living. she was mortified. some had strange fingers. they were knives, Fiona deduced. she, in a panic, rushed through the thirty strong horde and bashed her way into what seemed to be the kitchen of the house. pots of all antiquity hung over her head as she ran down the two rows of appliances. looking down at her feet, Fiona didn't notice him, at least until she ran face first into his gargantuan rounded stomach. she bounced, landing on her tail bone. she writhed in pain a moment before seeing him in shock and awe.

He was at least 8'7. brandishing two outlandishly large butcher knives. his head was wrapped in a sack cloth bag, soaked in blood. she hardly had time to scream before one of the knives came hurdling her way. she rolled, and then ran further into this hell. a hell she knew, she created for herself.

Vivian frowned as Colton began to panic, they had barely been here two hours and people were going mad. Her eyes began to become heavy, she looked around, it seemed others were being drowsy as well. She laid on the ground, her head resting on Jace's backpack, it was soft with clothes. She closed her eyes slowly, before falling into a stressful slumber.

Jace looked to his sleeping sibling. With a heavy sigh he looked to Stefania. He had two people he three people to care about now, As Nick began to get drowsy, Jace allowed him to sleep, he knew he needed it just as much as anyone else. Jace became lost in thought, as he stared at the fire as it whipped at the chilly night air. "
You can sleep if you need to." Jace looked to Stefania, his dark eyes gentle.
Amelia tilted her head back on the cave wall and closed her eyes. She didn't know if she would get any sleep because of how terrified she was. But she told herself she had to stay strong. She can't lose her sanity now. Unable to sleep she opened her eyes and thought of something terrible. "What if this place is intentionally driving us mad?" She asked aloud.
Colton chuckled, "This place isn't it... It's not... Something in the water, no, there's something out there and it's coming for us..." He closed his eyes and tapped his head lightly against the mossy stone wall of the cave, "When it will show up, that's what we should be looking for... But for now, we just have to tone down the paranoia and try to sleep. Hallucinations come easily to those who have had little sleep, you know." Honestly, he was shaken, though more by the crash than the situation, as he'd been through hell and come back for more, he knew he should've died in battle but he lived, so he made it his own mission to do as much as he could to help after he had returned to utmost composure and could maintain his regality in the face of death or in death's face. He cracked his elbow and each of his fingers on both arms, "Just try not to think about it for a little while and at least rest, it's for the best you keep your mind stable." He looked at the moon, sun rays reflected through the trees to the cave, though not quite enough to reach inside. At that moment, everything was fine...

But he knew it wasn't likely meant to stay that way forever.
Sam tapped to the gash on his head, "No sleeping, no clue if I have a concussion" he looked out into the tree line, a chill ran down his body, he felt watched.

"Plus, someone should keep watch, no need for two tired soldiers though.. I'll be sure to shout before our mysterious threat guts me." Sam looked over to Colt and gave him a wry smile.

He didn't believe in this nonsense about an evil danger lurking about as much as he made it seem, he had seen a lot of bad shit, disgusting atrocities against humanity, but in the end it was just a sick asshole on the other side of that trigger. He only feared that the sick asshole behind recent events wasn't stalking about in the forest, but may be holed up snuggled warm in the cave behind him..
Stefania looked up from the flames to Jace and give a sleepy smile. She shakes her head a bit, "I'll stay up a bit longer." She holds her legs to her chest as she has her arms wrapped around to keep herself warm. The night air started to drop in temperature. She watched the flames, her eyes slowly closing every once and a while before she forced them open again.
Jace sighed as he rested his head back against the damp cave wall. His eyes heavy with sleep, he looked to Stefania, she too was becoming drowsy. Carefully he straightened up, not wanting to wake anyone up as he did so. He wanted to keep watch also, but it was proving difficult. He shut his eyes slowly, leaning against the stone wall.

Amelia pulls herself up so she can talk a walk outside and also keep watch. Sure paced back and forth from the cave. She heard a twig snap and looked. This is the forest you idiot, there animals everywhere that could snap twigs. As she was about to look away she saw a shadow move in the forest. She squinted towards the shadow, but it disappeared. She started to walk towards it, but she turned back to the cave. "I just can't leave..."
Stefania kept trying to stay awake. Slowly, she ended up resting her head on Jace's shoulder. Her body relaxed from even the little bit of warmth she was given from leaning on him. Her breathing slowed and she drifted off into sleep, unknowingly snuggling closer to Jace.
*Check OOC*

Jace stiffened slightly as Stefania cuddled against him, he sighed softly before resting his head on hers, and drifting into a forceful almost troubling sleep.

Jace stood in a dark room, the air was dank and smelt strongly of blood. The walls glistened as if they were crystal, yet there was no gems on the walls making it glisten, it was merely painted in blood. Jace could feel his heart pounding faster and faster, his eyes began to adjust to the lighting and he realized there were bodies hanging from the low ceiling, some were decaying, others were clearly more fresh, yet cut into and stripped of their organs and certain body parts... He quickly moved through a blanket like curtain only to come face-to-belly with a massive, butcher, a blood stained potato bag over his head. He raised a large knife, Jace attempted to run but it was as if gravity had doubled, making it impossible to move his body. The butcher then stabbed his dagger through Jace's heart, Kicking Jace back with a heavy boot.

Jace's eyes shot open, beads of sweat dripped own his forehead and his heart was racing. He adjusted his vision, the cave was lighter then it had been last night. He looked at everyone sleeping, some looked as if they might be faking it, or in such a light sleep the most sudden noise would make them jolt into consciousness. Jace looked at Vivian, Who had curled up closer to Jace. Then to Stefania, who was still cuddled against him, sleeping. The sound of birds broke the silence in the cave, the lighting becoming brighter as the sun rose in the distance.
Nadia woke up to the sounds of birds chattering, she couldn't open her eyes, or she didn't want to. She felt horrible, like a fruit dropped one too many times. She was cold and stiff. The cave floor was rough. Breathing deeply she could smell... Blood? Keeping her eyes closed she moved her right hand, it moved on command and brushed her face. It felt crusty and the touch stung her cheek. Breathing again she smelt the people around her, the heat radiating off them was hot compared to the cold forest floor. She uncurled herself from a fetal position and stretched out her body, her feet were bruised and her ankle stung. It felt like there was a stone in her boot, she shook it out and sat up to look around. Everyone was till asleep. The sun was warm on her face. She pulled out her hair-tie and started plaiting while she waited for the others to wake up.

She didn't feel as petrified as yesterday, it was strange, like all her emotions were stashed away where she couldn't reach them, a coping technique, figures. It was peaceful, she could think., so she sat in the warmth of the sun, staring at nothing in particular and processed what happened the previous day. Waiting for the others to wake.
Amelia woke up leaning up against the entrance of the cave. She got up and and went inside, seeing others awake. "What are we going to do?" Amelia asked. She pondered this herself. They are in the middle of a forest after surviving a train crash. What chances do they have?
Sam sat leaned against the outside of the cave, he watched as the sun slowly made its journey through the sky bringing life to the forest around him.

It had been a quiet night on watch and for that he was thankful, he stood up and headed inside to the others
Jace cleared his throat, his mouth dry. "We are gonna have to see if we can find civilization." they had no idea where they were, for all they knew they were near a town or city. Jace remained still, waiting for Stefania to wake up. Vivian slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes she looked around, she had hoped last night had just been one of her nightmares... yet it seemed it was all too real.
Stefania began to wake when the light started to brighten that cave. She yawned a bit and her eyes fluttered open. She looked around and stiffened, not quite remembering where she was, but she quickly relaxed as the memories flooded back into her mind. She felt warmth and she leaned against something. She glanced up at Jace, who she had been laying on. She blushed and sat up quickly off of him. She ruffled her hair a bit as she looked away in embarrassment.
"I sat out there all night Jace, no car sounds, no air traffic. And worst of all, no other trains coming down the tracks, I don't think we are near any civilization. ." Sam let his voice trail away as he realized how bad the situation actually was
Reynardine didn't sleep. He stood guard by the mouth of the cave, watching out for...something. He didn't really know what's waiting for them, but he knew one thing, something was stalking them. He should have been feeling tired, or at the very least, a drowsy, but no, for some odd reason, he was feeling more awake and alert than ever. It must have been the adrenaline. He saw the others start to wake up, sighing in relief that nobody got hurt.
Nadia nervously cleared her throat "Surely we can just phone someone" she wondered why no-one had thought about it earlier. Patting her jean pockets it proved she had left her phone in her bag on the train and there was no way in hell she was going back down there for a mere cellphone "or we can wait, they are going to notice if the train just hasn't shown up at the station and send search parties. Maybe there's a river nearby where can get water, and we can eat berries or something" she scratched the back of her head. She was uncomfortable amongst all the strangers, some appeared to know each other and were comfortable to talk to and touch each other.
Amelia looked at Nadia. "No cell service. But we could start waking." Amelia grew up to know the outdoors so she could be of some help.

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