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Fantasy The Evil Within

"It's cool, I'm Colton..." He looked over at the guy, rolling his pant leg back down and shaking his leg a bit, "A, allllright!" He stretched his back, a series of popping and cracking sounds trailing up his spine to his neck, he stretched his arms out a bit, bringing in his hands to crack his knuckles before he finally sat down, setting his bag beside himself, that feeling of being watched and that feeling of being followed still lingering within him.
While Nadia lay sobbing on the floor several people congregated nearby, the presence of others calmed her down, they were all more level headed then she was. Their talking sounded in her head like a foreign language. They were talking English but their words meant nothing to her. "Hey, come on. You're alright" said a man nearby. She looked at him, her body shaking with shock and her lip trembled. She looked around her with large eyes, there were a few scattered individuals then she concentrated on the man in front of her "Where am I?"
Stefania watched the others come back quietly. She looked around seeming almost numb. Her eyes widened and she slowly stood up. She heard her Grandma's voice, calling to her. "Giagià...?" She called in Greek for her Grandma. Stefania looked around frantically. She made her way to the front of the cave and slowly stumble past. "Giagià?" Once out of the cave she looked around. "Where are you?" She started walking away from the cave and back towards the train, unknowing of the direction and only focusing on the whispers in her head. "Giagià!"

Jace was watching his feet as he walked, his bag slung over his shoulder. Then he heard Stefania's voice, looking up he saw her looking toward the train. He quickened his pace, she seemed confused, and shocked. "Stefania." he called, as he rested his hand on her shoulder, He stood in front of her, blocking her direction. His large hands on her shoulders.

Vivian slowly approached her brother, yet he seemed busy with another girl. She sighed as he walked into he cave, and sat beside Colton. She tugged her arms out of her sweater's sleeves and pressed her arms against her check in effort to warm up a bit more.

Nick looked to Nadia, "
You were on the train, but it crashed.." he said gently. "Come on, there are more survivors near here.." he beckoned her to her feet.
Jace walked past Sam without answering, they had all had a rough day, he could guess everyone was pretty tired

He stepped in, "I'm going to keep watch, if anyone wants to grab some sleep" and he slipped back outside, keeping watch on the train and the forest
Amelia walked into the cave after Vivian. She saw a few other people. She leaned up against the cave wall and sighed. She unwrapped the now bloody rag around her arm. It had stopped bleeding, but it didn't look good. It was swelling and might get an infection. "Shit..."
"Where's Giagià? I heard her...." She looks around sadly. "She has to be here...." She looked around Jace as he held her there. "Can't you hear her?" She then looked into his eyes, sadness and brokenness filled her eyes. Deep down she knew her Grandma wasn't there. Her expression become broken and numb as she falls to her knees. "I should've just died like they told me to... Just died...." She said herself.

@Enchanted Dreams
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Sam retrieved a jacket from a nearby suit case as it got colder as the sun set, darkness descended upon the forest fast as the only source of light in the area came from within the cave, a soft glowing orange light emanated through the entrance becoming a beacon to whatever might be out there

Vivian looked to Amelia, "Ow.." she muttered. "That looks bad.." she said softly to the girl. The fire clicked and popped, sparking lightly.

Jace's deep brown eyes weakened, he dropped to his knees beside Stefania, "
No, its good you're alive." He gently placed his black sweatshirt in her lap. His fingers traced her cheek lightly, easing her to look up at him. "If you weren't alive, i would have never got to meet you." His deep, rouged voice held tenderness and care in the words. He looked toward the cave. "Lets go back, its getting dark." He spoke in a hushed voice. He secretly feared the darkness, especially now that he didn't know what lurked near-by.
Amelia looked at the wound again. "Yeah, I don't know what to do." She covered the wound with her hand. "It hurts really badly and it is swelling. I think it might be infected..." She had fear in her eyes. She knew if it got infected and went untreated it, would have to be amputated.
Vivian leaned across Amelia, and dragged over the first-aid kit Jace had been using on Stefania. She opened the peroxide and looked to Amelia with a weak smile, "Do you want me to do it? or do you want to?" she asked gently, holding the bottle gently, yet carefully in her grip.

"I think you better do it, it would be safer." She leaned against the wall and turned so the wound is facing Vivian. "Be gentle." She said jokingly.
Vivian knew her sentence was a joke, yet the peroxide would hurt terribly. Vivian poured some of the peroxide onto her handkerchief, it was damp with the antibacterial acid. She pressed it to Amelia's wound, and it began to make a light fizzing sound as it began to fight and kill the bacteria. As the acid seeped into her wound, it caused an intense stinging pain. Vivian quickly tied the handkerchief around Amelia's arm, tight enough to stay in place, yet loose enough to not cut off circulation. "There." she said softly, twisting the cap back onto the black bottle.

She looked at him for a moment, "Jace... I haven't said something to you I should have said sooner.... Thank you," she smiled weakly. She looked around noticing the dark and her heart started to speed up. She stands up, holding his black sweatshirt close to her chest. She took off her ripped up sweater and her arms were completely visable, scars and all. She somewhat quickly pulled it over her head. She took a shaky breath as she saw her scars in remembrance.
As the peroxide worked into her system, it caused an extreme pain to Amelia. She held back a cry of pain and gritted her teeth. After Vivian finished she leaned her back against the wall. "Thanks..."

Jace nodded slightly, "You're welcome." He stood beside her as she pulled on his sweatshirt.His eyes caught the scars on her arms, yet he acted like he hadn't noticed them, out of respect. He took her torn one sweater and slipped it into his backpack quickly, encase she wanted it later. He looked to her, "Come on." He walked toward the near-by cave relatively fast, yet he wasn't gonna leave her behind. He looked back a her and smiled, it wasn't a half-asses smile either. Despite the death, blood, and evil the surrounded them all, Jace was glad her had gotten to save Stefania, and meet her in general.

Vivan leaned against the wall beside Amelia, "
Anytime." she said in an attempt of a light-hearted voice.
Colton rose to his feet once more, leg straightened and eyes alert, narrowed as he looked off into the darkness. What is it? Why do I feel so damn uneasy?! He could have sworn he saw something, flipping his flashlight out of his bag like a corkscrew in a Swiss army knife. flicking the switch on and shining it into the pitch blackness, the LED bulb buzzing in a sound micro audible, soundless to the unarmed human ear. "Nothing..." Shit, am I already going crazy?! How hard did I hit my head? Or maybe I'm just too slow... Any of those options scared the absolute shit out of the man and he didn't want a thing to do with either... God forbid both were true...
Stef was able to give Jace smile, a real smile that she hadn't been able to give anyone since she moved to America. She felt safer as they went to the cave. The voices were gone and she could feel herself calm down enough to think rationally. When they got to the cave, Stef became quiet once again. She didn't want to cause unneeded chaos in an already shaky situation. She didn't wander far from Jace, feeling more comfortable there with someone she at least knew more than the others. As she listened, she snuggled into Jace's black sweatshirt that was a bit big on her, but she didn't mind. She wasn't completely wet and cold anymore from the past rain, she was still damp, but she was at least warming up.
Amelia head snapped towards the exit of the cave. "Did you see that?" She could have sworn she saw someone standing outside the cave. She couldn't see who it was.
Colton quickly turned his head, startled by the sudden disruption of the melancholy, eerie silence that hung over the crowd in the... "encampment", shining his light on the faces of the others from his place near the entrance before looking back outside. Eventually he began to drift, on his mind were more than the usual haunting images of war... What accompanied them were images of mangled and misshapen human forms, the crushed mass of bones, skin, and blood he imagined lay in the conductor's seat, and a shadowy figure, with glowing eyes, arms dangling at his sides, one clutching what seemed to be a large knife, a butcher's, whatever "it" was... It was glaring at Colton from over it's shoulder, and he could see where it's cheeks jutted out as a murderous smirk crossed it's wide and square-shaped head, it reminded him of Thing from the Fantastic Four... But it was more human... And it was terrifying...

Though it was more human Colton couldn't help but feel that something about it was unlike any he'd ever been unfortunate enough to encounter. He sat in shock, surprise, fear, his face at it's default mortified stance, his eyes mostly whites, pupils the size of a needle's point, he was absolutely horrified by whatever he saw in the face of the monster before him... And he awoke, heart racing like a hare's, his head spinning, he was going to be ill. Was it night, or day? He knew not how to tell, all he could see were the eyes of that beast... The faces of- He rose up, stumbling out of the cave, and becoming ill-stricken on the spot, the moment afterwards he was sickly pale, white like a phantom, or as if he'd seen one, at least. His head throbbed, sweat soaked his throat, and his vision was blurry. Disoriented, Colton trudged back inside, shaking like a wet Chihuahua in the winter, he hadn't been this sick since he'd been poisoned in the war.
Sam heard something moving from the inside, and out came stumbling a man who looked as if he was having a panic induced heart attack, the man did his business outside and headed back inside. As the man was entering the cave, Sam spoke "what did you see" he gave the man an understanding look, " somethings not right here, I've seen.. things, it all seemed so real, then woken somewhere else." Sam whispered to Colton
Colton turned his head to look at the man, still dazed, the undersides of his eyes dark. He cleared his throat, though it was kind of a half-cough, somewhat groggily he responded, "I don't know what the hell I saw, but it's a sign of something bad... And I've seen a lot of shit, trust me. I'm really glad no one survived that war, glad no one followed me as far into the train as I went... It's not safe here, you know it as well as I do, I'm sure..." He went into a coughing fit, gripping his chest. He felt almost as if he was inhaling gasoline, and it was filling his lungs, "Dammit... There's something out there... I don't know about you, but I wanna get out of here as soon as possible..." He looked into the cave, leaning forward involuntarily, his leg creaked, and it creaked, but he caught himself, though weak he felt he knew if he went back too sleep it'd just be the same.
"Sit brother, Sam, 6 1/2 years in the Army, and you?" Sam asked as he scooted over making room for the man and held his hand out to shake.
Colton hesitated but eventually shook the man's hand "Nice to meet ya, I'm Colton... did three years in the Marine Corps, one month at war lost me my leg, guess you could say I'm fortunate... But everything comes with a price..." He chuckled somewhat sadly, straightening his leg out a bit awkwardly and leaned back, "I'd like to say 'at least I'm not alone', but I know it's not like that, though I'm sure you understand that well enough."

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