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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie had burst into silent laughter at his reaction to her recreating his voice to speak with. It was a little trick she had learned over the years, after hearing someone talk for a while she could grab the gist of what they sounded like she could copy their pretty accurately. Seeing reactions such as Matsui's always made it amusing to do. "There so many amazing abilities in this school, more so than mine for sure, but thanks!...and it is really good for pranks, I can choose where the sound goes too so I can easily emulate whispers in people's ears to make them jump" her grin once again grew mischievous talking about it "I do run out of energy though, when that happens I have to rely on more traditional methods of communication" she explained with a smile before listening to Matsui's explain his own abilities.

Her eyes widened in intrigue as he spoke, while she was expecting him to mention something to do with insects she wasn't expecting him to mention electricity her silver gaze darting to his raised finger as electricity bounced off it "Ah! One of my other friends generates electricity too, you guys should meet up sometime!" She insisted with an excited grin. "As for what you change into? I bet it's really cool! But I'm not going to make you show me" she laughed a little.

She was willing to pass over the incident from her first day without deeper questioning and though she has done successfully until May had spoke out about it, his tone becoming increasingly serious. While this didn't cause her to frown after staring at Matsui for a moment it caused Rosalie's smile to falter before her gaze drifted away from him. She shrugged her shoulders a little "...I don't know. Haven't seen him around much, I think he was a senior or something, definitely not in my year anyway" she answered her voice a little quieter than before "It's no big deal anyways. It was one time and he was just protecting his privacy, I guess" she added after, her gaze returning to Matsui along with a smile as if she was trying to pick up her mood "As I said, don't let my story affect how you see this place"

Matsui laughted abit when he saw Rosalie laughting in silence, as for her powers she was right about it. There were far more powers that could be very destructive and powerfull overall, but that fact didn't made it any less interesting. " Well yeah there are alot of different abilities that are amazing too. But that doesn't make your's less impressive, and I have a funny feeling you'll use that whispering trick to do a prank on me" He said with a slight smile. " I see, then I guess I'll study sign language when I get the chance." Once she mentioned she had a friend that had electric powers like him, he looked at her with a grin. "Sure, we could meet up sometime. Though I bet he'd be quite shocked to see me." He laughted more than he should at his own pun, and quickly stopped when he realised just how bad it was. And while meeting someone because of their similarities in power sounded like a silly reason, he didn't mind doing so. Mat noticed her curiosity about his transformation, but he decided to leave her with the suspense. " Just you wait until you see." He answered as he looked at some birds fly in the distance.
He took mental note of the info he was told, and the fact that she mentioned it wasn't a big deal he got creeped out by it. From his point of view this treatment was unnaceptable, he would've understood if the guy got mad at her but what he did in response was going way too far, besides from what Rosalie said she didn't really hear what he was talking about. Perphaps she was affected by it but she may be hiding it so he doesn't worry so much. As much as he wanted to keep talking about it and find whoever did this to give him a lesson Rose gave the impression she wanted to change the subject. He noticed her smiling at him, in this moment he couldn't truly smile so instead he offered a forced grin. " If you say so Rose." He simply answered, his grin dissappeared as soon as he looked to his front trying his best to calm down. " Oh dont worry, Its not like your story will make me want to leave or see it differently, these kind of people are everywhere anyways." Maybe he was wrong about that last statement, bullies existed since schools were a thing and annoyed those that weren't able to defend themselves. But now that everyone has superpowers it was for sure that some people with stronger powers would prey upon the ones with weaker ones or if they simply don't fight. And Rosalie doesn't seem like the fighting type.
Matsui laughted abit when he saw Rosalie laughting in silence, as for her powers she was right about it. There were far more powers that could be very destructive and powerfull overall, but that fact didn't made it any less interesting. " Well yeah there are alot of different abilities that are amazing too. But that doesn't make your's less impressive, and I have a funny feeling you'll use that whispering trick to do a prank on me" He said with a slight smile. " I see, then I guess I'll study sign language when I get the chance." Once she mentioned she had a friend that had electric powers like him, he looked at her with a grin. "Sure, we could meet up sometime. Though I bet he'd be quite shocked to see me." He laughted more than he should at his own pun, and quickly stopped when he realised just how bad it was. And while meeting someone because of their similarities in power sounded like a silly reason, he didn't mind doing so. Mat noticed her curiosity about his transformation, but he decided to leave her with the suspense. " Just you wait until you see." He answered as he looked at some birds fly in the distance.
He took mental note of the info he was told, and the fact that she mentioned it wasn't a big deal he got creeped out by it. From his point of view this treatment was unnaceptable, he would've understood if the guy got mad at her but what he did in response was going way too far, besides from what Rosalie said she didn't really hear what he was talking about. Perphaps she was affected by it but she may be hiding it so he doesn't worry so much. As much as he wanted to keep talking about it and find whoever did this to give him a lesson Rose gave the impression she wanted to change the subject. He noticed her smiling at him, in this moment he couldn't truly smile so instead he offered a forced grin. " If you say so Rose." He simply answered, his grin dissappeared as soon as he looked to his front trying his best to calm down. " Oh dont worry, Its not like your story will make me want to leave or see it differently, these kind of people are everywhere anyways." Maybe he was wrong about that last statement, bullies existed since schools were a thing and annoyed those that weren't able to defend themselves. But now that everyone has superpowers it was for sure that some people with stronger powers would prey upon the ones with weaker ones or if they simply don't fight. And Rosalie doesn't seem like the fighting type.

• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie offered the same mischievous grin as she shrugged lightly "Maybeee?~"
her voice chimed in a sing song manner as she tilted her head "But it might not work now you are aware of it of course. Might have to try something different if I want to prank you" she answered, pressing her hand to her chin. She paused in her movement when he had mentioned learning signing, her eyes darting to him once more with a surprised expression. Only one of her friends knew sign language and even at that she wasn't fluent "You really want to do that?" She asked with a curious expression before smiling slightly.

Hearing his pun Rosalie burst into giggles, it was a pretty awful pun but seeing how funny he found it himself she couldn't help but laugh with him. She shook her head in response however "She." She corrected "Kairassi is a girl, a huge ball of hyper she is too" she clarified with a nod and a smile. "But yeah, I know she'd want to meet someone with similar abilities that she can maybe train with and such" she explained, trying to clarify the reason for her suggestion.

When he seemed to have left the topic of the guy from before Rosalie smiled a little as well. She had a feeling the grin he offered wasn't exactly genuine...but neither was her nonchalant attitude about the situation, merely just a reaction so that the thought wouldn't be dwelled on too much. She watched him as he looked forward, her smile slowly growing when he had mentioned that her story wouldn't change how he felt about the school "I'm glad. This place really is amazing, I'd go prefer here over my old school any day to be honest, even if some people can be a little mean. It's not like everyone is like that, I've made so many good friends and memories here already" she answered, closing her eyes briefly as she did so.

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• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie offered the same mischievous grin as she shrugged lightly "Maybeee?~"
her voice chimed in a sing song manner as she tilted her head "But it might not work now you are aware of it of course. Might have to try something different if I want to prank you" she answered, pressing her hand to her chin. She paused in her movement when he had mentioned learning signing, her eyes darting to him once more with a surprised expression. Only one of her friends knew sign language and even at that she wasn't fluent "You really want to do that?" She asked with a curious expression before smiling slightly.

Hearing his pun Rosalie burst into giggles, it was a pretty awful pun but seeing how funny he found it himself she couldn't help but laugh with him. She shook her head in response however "She." She corrected "Kairassi is a girl, a huge ball of hyper she is too" she clarified with a nod and a smile. "But yeah, I know she'd want to meet someone with similar abilities that she can maybe train with and such" she explained, trying to clarify the reason for her suggestion.

When he seemed to have left the topic of the guy from before Rosalie smiled a little as well. She had a feeling the grin he offered wasn't exactly genuine...but neither was her nonchalant attitude about the situation, merely just a reaction so that the thought wouldn't be dwelled on too much. She watched him as he looked forward, her smile slowly growing when he had mentioned that her story wouldn't change how he felt about the school "I'm glad. This place really is amazing, I'd go prefer here over my old school any day to be honest, even if some people can be a little mean. It's not like everyone is like that, I've made so many good friends and memories here already" she answered, closing her eyes briefly as she did so.

Matsui rubbed the back of his head with a grin." Welp you'll have to be more creative then, but looking at that mischievous grin of yours I will assume you'll find a way." He answered, Mat noticed her surprised expression which at this point he questioned how he was surprising her so much. " Yeah I do, I'd hate that you ran out of energy to speak and Im unable to understand your signs. Besides I don't lose anything for trying it." He shrugged, he didn't mind using some of his spare time to learn sign language. He doubted he could be fluent or very good at it, but if he atleast understood the basics then he'd be happy enough.
When he heard her giggling to his pun he couldn't avoid smiling brightly at her. He wasn't expecting her to even giggle at it since it was a bad one. He was corrected by Rose, and from what she was telling him he assumed that that girl was a nice person. " I see, I'd like to meet her someday anyways. As silly as it sounds meeting someone with a similar power might be fun?" Matsui replied looking forward to that day. Once Rose spoke about the highschool he noticed she was pretty passionate about it, he turned back to her as she finished talking. " You sound like you really love this place huh. While I do agree this place looks pretty good I do miss some people from my old school." Matsui added "But that's okay, its part of life after all." He shoved his hand in his left pocket and got out a chocolate that hasn't been opened yet. Normally he would have shared some with the ants or ate it by himself, but since he was with Rosalie he wanted to share it. " Hey uh.. Do you want the half?"
Matsui rubbed the back of his head with a grin." Welp you'll have to be more creative then, but looking at that mischievous grin of yours I will assume you'll find a way." He answered, Mat noticed her surprised expression which at this point he questioned how he was surprising her so much. " Yeah I do, I'd hate that you ran out of energy to speak and Im unable to understand your signs. Besides I don't lose anything for trying it." He shrugged, he didn't mind using some of his spare time to learn sign language. He doubted he could be fluent or very good at it, but if he atleast understood the basics then he'd be happy enough.
When he heard her giggling to his pun he couldn't avoid smiling brightly at her. He wasn't expecting her to even giggle at it since it was a bad one. He was corrected by Rose, and from what she was telling him he assumed that that girl was a nice person. " I see, I'd like to meet her someday anyways. As silly as it sounds meeting someone with a similar power might be fun?" Matsui replied looking forward to that day. Once Rose spoke about the highschool he noticed she was pretty passionate about it, he turned back to her as she finished talking. " You sound like you really love this place huh. While I do agree this place looks pretty good I do miss some people from my old school." Matsui added "But that's okay, its part of life after all." He shoved his hand in his left pocket and got out a chocolate that hasn't been opened yet. Normally he would have shared some with the ants or ate it by himself, but since he was with Rosalie he wanted to share it. " Hey uh.. Do you want the half?"

• Rosalie Dalton •


She quickly nodded when he assumed she'd find a way to prank him "Yup! 100%~" she chimed enthusiastically "I mean I wasn't going to but discussing it so much makes me feel I can't not do so now" she joked. In response to him not wanting to be stuck not understanding her, Rosalie shook her head gently as she lifted the notebook that was on her lap, lifting it up "That's fine, for those that don't know sign I just write everything in here" she explained with a smile quickly sifting through a few pages that showed a lot if writing with some doodles before she closed the thing again "But either way, it's nice to hear you're interested in giving it a go, some people would find having to learn a new language just to communicate bothersome... I can help teach you some time if you'd like?" She offered with a soft smile as she then took the notebook and finally tucked it into her bag.

She nodded in agreement when he said meeting someone with similar abilities could be silly but fun. "It is definitely interesting. We had a transfer student here for a while with similar abilities to mine once, I actually learned so much more things about my abilities thanks to him...granted some things were a little more on the uh...violent side. But hey, atleast I know I can be offensive in a pinch... I suppose." The enthusiastic tone she used paired with a smile when first speaking on the matter fell into an expression of what looked to be apprehension about being offensive, she seemed to be somewhat of a believer in being passive in that respect, atleast with her abilities anyways.

With closed eyes she listened to his words of missing his old school and how she seemed to love the school, she nodded, opening her eyes and flashing a bright smile at him. "I do very much love it here. I mean, yeah, I'll miss all my friends when I leave here that's for sure so I get it. I didn't have friends at my old school which is why I prefer here, there's nothing to miss from my old school" she shrugged her shoulders in a nonchalant manner before she was offered some chocolate. Tilting her head slightly first she then smiled and nodded "Sure. I can't say no to something sweet" she joked.

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"Alright. I'll try my best." She said before she took the rifle and inspected it before turning away to find the materials they would need. First, she would want to find a river. With the river, they have water and maybe fish. Or she would find a lake or a pond. She kept walking until she found some herbs on the ground and took some. She didn't have a extensive knowledge on herbs so she only took the ones she knew that were healthy. It was very few, but after that she heard the sound of a river and walked over. Indeed, she found a river and it had a fair amount of fish, but she also found a bear on the other side who saw her and stood up tall to look intimidating. Makoto didn't really pay no mind to it and walked back into the woods. On the way, she was carrying a small notebook and started to sketch out a map of where she went. From the camp, to the herbs and the river. She remembered that she had to get some firewood, so she put the herbs in her backpack and climbed up the tree to kick down some branches. Once she kicked down a fair amount, she carried it back with her to the camp. When she got back, it was a few hours after she left the camp to search for the things she was tasked for. She put the wood in the middle of the camp and told Akane about her findings. "I don't have very good knowledge on herbs so I only brought a few that I remembered were good. There's also a river nearby but there's also a bear lurking around on the other side of it. It also has fish too, and they seem pretty big. I didn't run into any animals on land so far, I think I scared them off with my shots from earlier."

Akane hummed a song to herself as she did some work around their camp. She wanted to make sure everything was up the right way, and that there was no way the tents could fall over. There was also the need for water, which she made sure there was a ton of. Makoto should be back at any moment with some sort of animal for her to cook, along with some herbs that she could use as spice, and medicines if needed. After awhile, Akane started to sense a strange, but familiar energy. Unsure of what it was, she became far more alert than before. Seeing as Makoto wasn't back yet, something may have happened to her, then again it was her first time looking for these things. Going against her word of using their powers, Akane dawned one of her armors, preparing to possibly fight someone. The familiar energy continued to close in on her, it's speed starting to pick up, closing in rather quickly now. Just as Makoto made it back, Akane had her sword raised, preparing for an attack. "Makoto! You're back. Be careful, someone's approaching us, and fast." She said, before her armor vanished almost instantly, leaving her in her civilian clothes, consisting of a red shirt with a white undershirt and res skirt. The caught her by surprise. There was no one who could do something of the sort to her... Unless they were from her home. Whoever had done this weren't in front of them anymore, but behind them. It's almost as if they swiped Akane's power. Only person she could think of who would want her power is, Perfect, but there was no way he had regained his strength so quickly after the beating he had taken. Turning around to see who this mysterious power thief was, Akane saw nothing. She saw no one. "What? Whoever this is... They're fast." Akane muttered before falling to her knees. Having her energy taken from her so suddenly rendered her tired. She tried to make a sword appear, but before the hilt of the blade could even finish, it disappeared. Soon a voice spoke up, taunting Akane, "You used to be so much stronger. Has your skill as one of the best warriors I've ever known just fade? Being here... Has it made you... Weak?" It was hard to tell whether this person was a female or not, as the voice was extremely monotone. Smart of them to do so. That way they'd be able to hide their true identity from Akane. "And who is this with you? This child. Who are you to Annora?" The voice asked, still not making themselves visible. Hearing that name caused Akane to go into a panic, her eyes widening. That was her true name. Her Euphorian name. This still doesn't leave Perfect out of the loop though. Unfortunately, Akane was too weak to muster the strength to even speak right now. Her energy wasn't replenishing fast enough either. This power used on her, or even a simple spell was a high leveled one from her home. One used mainly in battles against enemies. Was this someone out to get revenge on her or something? At this point, Akane lay on the ground, being able to do nothing but simply look and watch.

• Rosalie Dalton •


She quickly nodded when he assumed she'd find a way to prank him "Yup! 100%~" she chimed enthusiastically "I mean I wasn't going to but discussing it so much makes me feel I can't not do so now" she joked. In response to him not wanting to be stuck not understanding her, Rosalie shook her head gently as she lifted the notebook that was on her lap, lifting it up "That's fine, for those that don't know sign I just write everything in here" she explained with a smile quickly sifting through a few pages that showed a lot if writing with some doodles before she closed the thing again "But either way, it's nice to hear you're interested in giving it a go, some people would find having to learn a new language just to communicate bothersome... I can help teach you some time if you'd like?" She offered with a soft smile as she then took the notebook and finally tucked it into her bag.

She nodded in agreement when he said meeting someone with similar abilities could be silly but fun. "It is definitely interesting. We had a transfer student here for a while with similar abilities to mine once, I actually learned so much more things about my abilities thanks to him...granted some things were a little more on the uh...violent side. But hey, atleast I know I can be offensive in a pinch... I suppose." The enthusiastic tone she used paired with a smile when first speaking on the matter fell into an expression of what looked to be apprehension about being offensive, she seemed to be somewhat of a believer in being passive in that respect, atleast with her abilities anyways.

With closed eyes she listened to his words of missing his old school and how she seemed to love the school, she nodded, opening her eyes and flashing a bright smile at him. "I do very much love it here. I mean, yeah, I'll miss all my friends when I leave here that's for sure so I get it. I didn't have friends at my old school which is why I prefer here, there's nothing to miss from my old school" she shrugged her shoulders in a nonchalant manner before she was offered some chocolate. Tilting her head slightly first she then smiled and nodded "Sure. I can't say no to something sweet" she joked.

Matsui grinned at her enthusiasm. " I´ll have to get my guard up then so I won´t freak out when I see a pie calling to me with my own voice or something." He joked back. Once she lifted her notebook he inmediatly understood how she communicates but still waited for her to finish talking. " Well yeah that is one way to express yourself, I´ll still keep an eye on the signs though. Im pretty sure using signs is way faster than writing in a notebook right?" He asked as he gave a short look at Rose´s pages. Upon hearing her complimenting him he offered a confident smile. " Studying a new language can be difficult for the most part but in the end its completely worth it." He was about to continue until he noticed a few bees hovering around him, the 5 bees were working together to hold a daisy flower. Matsui got somewhat nervous since he didn't ask for it, though he was somewhat used to this situation. " Oh nono I didn't.. Fine thank you." He said, picking the flower with a sigh, the bees flew back to their hive shortly after. Mat looked at the daisy furrowing his brow clearly not knowing what to do with it. He looked at Rose briefly and then back at the flower. He carefully placed the daisy on her left ear making sure it wouldn't fall off so easily. He smiled at her brightly. " Sorry for that, sometimes they act on their own and bring me stuff at random. And yeah as I was about to say sure I'd like studying with you, it will be alot easier and entertaining with your help."
He saw Rose nodding in response to his statement. Noticing aswell how her enthusiasm lowered once she talked about aggression. He wanted to ask why but his gut feeling told him not to.
" I see..perphaps I can learn a thing or two from your friend or teach her aswell, it sounds like a good idea." He paused briefly before continuing. " I've come to notice you don't like fighting and the sort but I won't judge or anything. Its not like you should punch everyone you see. Still Its good to know you learnt to use your powers offensively, one day you might have to use it to defend yourself." If it were anyone else he would have used different words like " if you're not willing to fight some will take advantage of it", but she seemed so cheerful and bright that he didn't want to scare her so he tried to be as less grim as possible.
Matsui listened her talking about her old school and when she mentioned she had no friends there he looked at her with a surprised expression. " Really? No friends at all? Well thats weird. I mean I've only met you for a couple of minutes but I can already tell you that you're the friendliest person I know so your classmates had to be very mean or something." He told her with a reassuring smile. When she said she couldn't say no to chocolate he opened the chocolate bar and cut it offering her the half. " Enjoy yourself." He said with a grin before taking a bite of his half.

Akane hummed a song to herself as she did some work around their camp. She wanted to make sure everything was up the right way, and that there was no way the tents could fall over. There was also the need for water, which she made sure there was a ton of. Makoto should be back at any moment with some sort of animal for her to cook, along with some herbs that she could use as spice, and medicines if needed. After awhile, Akane started to sense a strange, but familiar energy. Unsure of what it was, she became far more alert than before. Seeing as Makoto wasn't back yet, something may have happened to her, then again it was her first time looking for these things. Going against her word of using their powers, Akane dawned one of her armors, preparing to possibly fight someone. The familiar energy continued to close in on her, it's speed starting to pick up, closing in rather quickly now. Just as Makoto made it back, Akane had her sword raised, preparing for an attack. "Makoto! You're back. Be careful, someone's approaching us, and fast." She said, before her armor vanished almost instantly, leaving her in her civilian clothes, consisting of a red shirt with a white undershirt and res skirt. The caught her by surprise. There was no one who could do something of the sort to her... Unless they were from her home. Whoever had done this weren't in front of them anymore, but behind them. It's almost as if they swiped Akane's power. Only person she could think of who would want her power is, Perfect, but there was no way he had regained his strength so quickly after the beating he had taken. Turning around to see who this mysterious power thief was, Akane saw nothing. She saw no one. "What? Whoever this is... They're fast." Akane muttered before falling to her knees. Having her energy taken from her so suddenly rendered her tired. She tried to make a sword appear, but before the hilt of the blade could even finish, it disappeared. Soon a voice spoke up, taunting Akane, "You used to be so much stronger. Has your skill as one of the best warriors I've ever known just fade? Being here... Has it made you... Weak?" It was hard to tell whether this person was a female or not, as the voice was extremely monotone. Smart of them to do so. That way they'd be able to hide their true identity from Akane. "And who is this with you? This child. Who are you to Annora?" The voice asked, still not making themselves visible. Hearing that name caused Akane to go into a panic, her eyes widening. That was her true name. Her Euphorian name. This still doesn't leave Perfect out of the loop though. Unfortunately, Akane was too weak to muster the strength to even speak right now. Her energy wasn't replenishing fast enough either. This power used on her, or even a simple spell was a high leveled one from her home. One used mainly in battles against enemies. Was this someone out to get revenge on her or something? At this point, Akane lay on the ground, being able to do nothing but simply look and watch.
Makoto watched in shock. She dropped her materials before getting out an assault rifle and ran over to Akane. "Akane!" Makoto exclaimed before looking around in fear. She was scared. If someone could do this to Akane, there's no chance she could beat them. She grunted as she made her weapon disappear and picked up Akane by carrying her on her back. "This is too real... I think training will have to wait for some other day." She said she before she began to sprint as fast as she could to the nearest town. She was almost faster than a car on a highway. She kept running for her life and to get Akane out of there. She didn't know what was going on. All she knew that Akane is certainly not who she think she is, and someone was targeting her. With someone targeting her, Makoto was about to be collateral. She soon began to calm herself and spoke firmly to Akane as she ran. "I don't care if your name is Annora or Akane anymore. I don't care if you're one of those things my mother talked to me about. I don't even care if you keep hiding things from me. All I want to know is how we can get help." She continued to run, soon using her many drones to make holographic decoys of herself and cloak her true self along with Akane. However, she felt like even it was pointless. This voice would soon track them down shortly, and maybe do unspeakable things to Makoto.
Matsui grinned at her enthusiasm. " I´ll have to get my guard up then so I won´t freak out when I see a pie calling to me with my own voice or something." He joked back. Once she lifted her notebook he inmediatly understood how she communicates but still waited for her to finish talking. " Well yeah that is one way to express yourself, I´ll still keep an eye on the signs though. Im pretty sure using signs is way faster than writing in a notebook right?" He asked as he gave a short look at Rose´s pages. Upon hearing her complimenting him he offered a confident smile. " Studying a new language can be difficult for the most part but in the end its completely worth it." He was about to continue until he noticed a few bees hovering around him, the 5 bees were working together to hold a daisy flower. Matsui got somewhat nervous since he didn't ask for it, though he was somewhat used to this situation. " Oh nono I didn't.. Fine thank you." He said, picking the flower with a sigh, the bees flew back to their hive shortly after. Mat looked at the daisy furrowing his brow clearly not knowing what to do with it. He looked at Rose briefly and then back at the flower. He carefully placed the daisy on her left ear making sure it wouldn't fall off so easily. He smiled at her brightly. " Sorry for that, sometimes they act on their own and bring me stuff at random. And yeah as I was about to say sure I'd like studying with you, it will be alot easier and entertaining with your help."
He saw Rose nodding in response to his statement. Noticing aswell how her enthusiasm lowered once she talked about aggression. He wanted to ask why but his gut feeling told him not to.
" I see..perphaps I can learn a thing or two from your friend or teach her aswell, it sounds like a good idea." He paused briefly before continuing. " I've come to notice you don't like fighting and the sort but I won't judge or anything. Its not like you should punch everyone you see. Still Its good to know you learnt to use your powers offensively, one day you might have to use it to defend yourself." If it were anyone else he would have used different words like " if you're not willing to fight some will take advantage of it", but she seemed so cheerful and bright that he didn't want to scare her so he tried to be as less grim as possible.
Matsui listened her talking about her old school and when she mentioned she had no friends there he looked at her with a surprised expression. " Really? No friends at all? Well thats weird. I mean I've only met you for a couple of minutes but I can already tell you that you're the friendliest person I know so your classmates had to be very mean or something." He told her with a reassuring smile. When she said she couldn't say no to chocolate he opened the chocolate bar and cut it offering her the half. " Enjoy yourself." He said with a grin before taking a bite of his half.

• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie giggled "Oh wow. That's actually a good idea..." She trailed off a little as if she was actually considering the idea or atleast something similar "Though now I can't use that on you either...oh well~" her voice lilted near the end in a joking manner as she shrugged her shoulders. In response to him talking about signing being quicker she nodded her head in agreement "Much quicker, I don't get a cramped wrist either" she laughed a bit. She was about to ask him about any other languages he had learned before spotting the bees arriving with the flower. She watched in silence for a moment before raising her brow and tilting her head. It was pretty cute to watch the little bees carry the flower, even if Matsui did look a little awkward about it happening. She held in a giggle as she watched him stare from the flower to her then back at the flower, making it pretty obvious that he wasn't sure what to do with the present the bees had offered to him. Or rather, she thought that was the case until he had moved to place the daisy on her ear. She paused, blinking a few times as he fixed it into place. She stared at him for a bit as he smiled at her before she returned the gesture, smiling brightly back at him, nodding when he explained that insects sometimes just brought him things. "It's fine" she answered as she let a silent laugh "It's actually really cute that they bring you little gifts like that. They must like you very much" she commented as her hand moved up to touch the little flower that now rested on her ear.

"As for me helping out, I'm glad to be able to help, it'll be great fun to teach you stuff I think, since you know, I'll be about to hang out with you too" she smiled widely before he pointed out her passive nature about fighting. Her smiling faded once this was mentioned, as her gaze flicked off elsewhere, her hand moved away from the flower. Staying like this as he spoke she managed another smile when he had finished "I mean, hopefully I won't have to. Sound manipulation used offensively can get...pretty grim, I try not to think about it, but yeah, it's good to know if I ever need it in a real life or death kind of situation right?" The same smile she wore continued as the subject moved to her friends in her old school or rather, lack of, her gaze had found its was back to lock with his however "I mean...they weren't all mean. Some were really mean to me, some didn't want the bother of a friend with no voice and some were plain and simply scared or weirded out by me..." She shrugged her shoulders "I didn't always have my abilities. I only found out about them when I was around 9 or so. My old schools weren't for supers so I wasn't allowed to talk as I am now and when I did, thinking it might be okay to a few I thought might be friends? I scared a lot of people off..." she admitted as her hand scratched her cheek momentarily. "But I don't blame or resent them for that at all, I suppose it's a normal reaction to experience something you thought not possible. Besides, I can speak freely here so it's all good and I'm glad you think I'm friendly" She tried on another smile, again in fear of bringing the fun mood down. Taking the half of the chocolate he had offered her she nodded "Thank you~" her voice chimed as she took a bite.

Yuki blushed slightly by his comment. She picked up her drink and spoke before taking a sip from it. "I'm just getting a lot of looks lately. More than usual." After she took a sip from her drink, she set it down and finished her hash browns, only to pick up a fry and bit it. She swallowed it down and looked up at Ansom again. She smiled before tracing her finger along the rim of her glass. "I'm even getting some looks now. I never really minded it before, it just feels off that I'm getting more than what I'm used to."
Ansom waved his hand dismissively and gave a slight chuckle. "Ah, let let them look." He said with a nod, finishing off his burger. He chewed for a bit and then, when he swallowed, he spoke up once again. "You're like an exhibit at an art museum. They all look at you and admire your beauty from a distance...but they know they'll never get you. Like a diamond that remains just out of reach." He smiled and emptied his glass of lemonade into his mouth. "If it does make you too uncomfortable...just let me know. I can always come out of retirement early."
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Len was prone to mischievous behavior like many of his race, it was simply something that came with being Fae. So when he hit the nail squarely on the head with his guess of how Alejandro kept company the night before he couldn't help but break into a large childish smirk. This guy seemed to have Low social skills as well if he had to take a guess. But that was neither here nor there, as Len decided how to spend his day; after all, he already was a bookworm and probably exceeded most of the points of were the classes were for him anyway, so a little bit of skipping would be that bad. Having been shouted at in such a manner only egged Len on more, which meant he was aiming to embarrass Alejandro more. "I think I do know you though, Alejandro, son of Roman, courier of minimal socialization and keeper of secrets." Teasing Alejandro with each word, Len poked his chest playfully, almost chuckling as he stepped away and turned to look at the school. If Ali was injured, then Len would feel bad to just leave him be. With that in mind, he spun on the ball of his foot to foot and stared Alejandro down. "But you know, if you're injured you shouldn't be going around alone. With that in mind, I shall accompany you, and fix any issue of 'not knowing you' you seem to have." Declaring that Len crossed his arms over his chest and smiled at Alejandro before adding one last thing. "And it doesn't matter to me since you at least told the truth, though I will say this: I won't forget the scents of the two of you know."


Alejandro wasn't prepared for this at all. What made it worst was the fact that he had never met Len before. He seemed like a good person, but the fact that he knew Alejandro was up to something just by his smell alone... He had some keen senses, almost too keen. In the end, he figured it worked out in the end since he and Astrid did nothing of the sort last night. When Len described Alejandro by the things he knew about him, he simply stared at him, "Ok then, I guess you do know me. Enough about me at least, Len. The secrets part is wrong though. I have nothing to hide from anyone, not even you." He said, holding his head up proudly at the thought. What did he have to hide? The fact that his heart was fried the day before? That he has a girlfriend? Maybe the fact that he was holed up in the girl's dorm when it's against the rules. Of course Len knew nothing about yesterday's affairs, but he apparently knew enough to make Alejandro wonder what else there was that he knew. Alejandro was about to walk away, but before he managed to take a step, Len offered to travel with him. Since he was injury was caused by someone who was far above him in strength, the wound was still recovering. Thanks to his grandmother, he managed to be up and about, but not at his best. Alejandro then thought about the offer, and while he did, Len said something else. Something that made Alejandro blush once again. Again with the smells. He said that he'd never forget either of them. Hanging his head in a defeated fashion, Alejandro thought to himself, "Sorry, Astrid. Some weirdo has caught your scent because of me." And with that, he looked at Len and sighed. "Fine, but don't smell me anymore. You're already able to sniff out me, along with Astrid, who you don't even know. Fair warning, and lets talk about something other than me. For a stranger, you know more than you need to know about me."
Makoto watched in shock. She dropped her materials before getting out an assault rifle and ran over to Akane. "Akane!" Makoto exclaimed before looking around in fear. She was scared. If someone could do this to Akane, there's no chance she could beat them. She grunted as she made her weapon disappear and picked up Akane by carrying her on her back. "This is too real... I think training will have to wait for some other day." She said she before she began to sprint as fast as she could to the nearest town. She was almost faster than a car on a highway. She kept running for her life and to get Akane out of there. She didn't know what was going on. All she knew that Akane is certainly not who she think she is, and someone was targeting her. With someone targeting her, Makoto was about to be collateral. She soon began to calm herself and spoke firmly to Akane as she ran. "I don't care if your name is Annora or Akane anymore. I don't care if you're one of those things my mother talked to me about. I don't even care if you keep hiding things from me. All I want to know is how we can get help." She continued to run, soon using her many drones to make holographic decoys of herself and cloak her true self along with Akane. However, she felt like even it was pointless. This voice would soon track them down shortly, and maybe do unspeakable things to Makoto.
Unsure of what was happening anymore, Akane had passed out on Makoto's back. Her energy had completely depleted and she was now unconscious. There was nothing she could even do to help her pupil when they were being attacked, or whatever this person was doing. If they were truly being attacked, they would have killed Akane the instant she lost her power. What was this person getting at? As Makoto ran away, the person stepped out from behind a tree, wearing a cloak. "Running won't save you child. That person you have is extremely important to me, and I can't have her leaving my grasp again." The voice said, before appearing above Makoto. They watched as she sent out the drones as decoys, but had no reaction to it. Instead, she continued to silently float above her for awhile. They knew that she was attempting to go and get help from the closest town, which wouldn't put a in hindrance on their plans as they've already found their target and plans to keep a close eye on them. "STOP!" The voice yelled, causing a large force field to appear in front of Makoto. The figure then appeared in front of her, using their powers to lift the unconscious Akane out of Makoto's grasp, and then used them again to push Makoto back. "I asked you a question before. I expect an answer." They said, closing in on Makoto. "I have no intention on killing you, I just wish to gain information. So. Who. Are. You. This time, I'm not asking."
Nyn went outside following Yoichi. She wondered about his opinion on her, after all her story was pretty weird so she wouldn't be very surprised if he though she was lying. But she just came to realize that since the time she told him about it he seemed to be very understanding so far. Upon hearing him tell her she was being too positive she furrowed a brow. And before she could ask if it was a bad thing she got inmediatly interrupted by him reassuring her that it wasn't bad. "Don't worry I understand. I've sticked around because you did so aswell, if I told my story to anyone else it'd be for sure that they would have leaved me. But you stayed anyways, so the least I could do in gratitude is to do the same aswell. Besides, its not like Im not having fun." She noticed Yoichi stopped walking and turned back now facing her, she slowly stopped aswell. What he said next left her speechless. She never imagined Yoichi to consider her as a friend. It made her quite happy, her eyes briefly gleamed with excitement. " I...Im really glad you see me as a friend Yoichi. I guess that makes you my first official friend aswell." She smiled abit, since he now is her first friend ever she wanted to make sure he is ok. As they kept walking she soon started to think about the fact that she never heard him laught before, she though it could be a goal to aim for in the future. " There's no need for apoligize, I think the fact that you don't consider many friends makes me special in some way." She took a short pause before resuming the talk. " You're welcome, and im really gratefull you want to help me with my situation. I hope you get to be a well-known hero someday." She stated, his words motivated her quite alot. Nyn honestly wanted him to be a succesfull hero, though in her eyes he already was it.
Yoichi sighed and continued to walk, going in the direction they came from. He stopped at the same street they crossed to get over to the side with the restaurant. This time the light was red, and the walk signal was up, signifying that they could cross now. Nyn gave him a lot of words of encouragement in the short time that they had known one another. It sort of assured him that she had no bad intentions, and she truly was a good person, despite what that scythe made her do, or it was just him being delusional that he had finally made a friend, and she really did have some sort of hidden motive. Honestly, he didn't care. When she said that she hopes he becomes a great hero someday, he simply nodded, not saying a word. Crossing the street, he spoke, "So, once we sign you up for school and a dorm, I'm gonna head back to my place. Maybe we can catch up a different time. Maybe sometime this weekend?" He asked, continuing to walk, still not looking back to face Nyn. There was no reason he didn't look back to face her, he just didn't want to walk into anything in the short time span of him looking behind him as he did.
Kenai rolled his eyes and smiled "Yeah, Yeah. I know my arm can't think...but it can feel, more importantly it can feel when you are squeezing the hell out of it. Or rather... suddenly not feel after a while. Pretty sure I have pins and needles in my arm now" he joked near the end, giving his arm a shake but stopping as she began imitating the clown or rather, her interpretation of it. He tried keeping a straight face as they before the cinema building but ultimately ended up bursting into a laugh. "That is the most un-threatening I have ever heard. Even with the chainsaw. Please never direct a horror movie." He commented, briefly copying her weurd hand movement but stopped again, shaking his head "Did you want me to drop you home or did you have any other plans?" He asked curiously as he glanced down at her.


Ilaani slowly raised a brow at his suggestion. He had no plan? He made it sound like he did. Not that she minded at all, she didn't really want to leave his company just yet, it had been so long after all, spending time with Allen like this was almost like a little nostalgia trip to when things were...nicer? She guessed? Like a warm fuzzy feeling of having her friend back again...Was that a weird thought? That was totally a weird thought... She shook the thought out of her head, turning her attention to actually answer Allen's suggestion. Her raised brow was now replaced with a bright smile "I mean, yeah. We used to do that a lot so I'm cool with it. I'm not even sure what places there is around here anymore to be honest" she tapped her chin a little as she thought about it "After all, I've only been back here once since the whole... chipping thing...I heard a good few places were damaged or just closed down around here with everyone pretty much on lockdown, right?" She asked before shrugging "I've missed a lot in that respect"
Asako just grinned at his comment about his arm. She knew very well how hard she was gripping it, in her defense, it was the nearest thing to her during one of the creepier scenes so grabbing onto it was more of a subconscious thing then intentional. She raised an eyebrow when he said it was the most un-threatening thing he'd ever heard. Her mouth slightly hung open and she held a hand up to her chest, pretending to be offended. "Well, it looks like someones not invited when I win an Oscar for my totally amazing directing." She stated before tilting her head slightly at the question. Did she want to go home? She pulled out her phone, checking the time. Hakuru was most likely at work, so it's not like she could just go home and hang out with her. Her eyes lit up as an idea popped into her mind, "You've never really seen the inside of my apartment, right? How about you come with me and we can play video games or something?"


Allen was kinda wary when she raised her eyebrow, was what he said weird? He was sure it was a pretty normal thing for them, after all, they used to just walk around and do whatever looked interesting, like that one time at the pool. He was immediately relieved when she agreed though. He nodded as she talked. The chipping incident, right, he remembered that. The whole thing was pretty intense, and he was so glad it was over and that no one he knew got chipped or hurt. "Ah, right. Well, as far as I know not too many of the places we'd visit are shut down so don't worry, I'm not exactly sure which ones though" He said and smiled. He was glad to hear that she hadn't gotten mixed up with all the chipping, really that was one of the last things he'd ever want. "So, where did you go during the chipping incident?"
Ansom waved his hand dismissively and gave a slight chuckle. "Ah, let let them look." He said with a nod, finishing off his burger. He chewed for a bit and then, when he swallowed, he spoke up once again. "You're like an exhibit at an art museum. They all look at you and admire your beauty from a distance...but they know they'll never get you. Like a diamond that remains just out of reach." He smiled and emptied his glass of lemonade into his mouth. "If it does make you too uncomfortable...just let me know. I can always come out of retirement early."
Yuki giggled before shaking her head. "I don't think we need to resort to that. You have a way with words, it almost makes me jealous sometimes." She said before she finished her meal and just began to sip up her drink. She then stopped for a bit before looking up at Ansom. "I guess that just comes with time. You have a lot of time to think about stuff and your creativity could've expanded with it. Especially knowledge." She said before she continued sipping her drink, eventually finishing it and letting out an exhale. She smiled up at Ansom before nodding. "Thank you for the meal, Dad. It was great. Any plans afterwards?"

• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie giggled "Oh wow. That's actually a good idea..." She trailed off a little as if she was actually considering the idea or atleast something similar "Though now I can't use that on you either...oh well~" her voice lilted near the end in a joking manner as she shrugged her shoulders. In response to him talking about signing being quicker she nodded her head in agreement "Much quicker, I don't get a cramped wrist either" she laughed a bit. She was about to ask him about any other languages he had learned before spotting the bees arriving with the flower. She watched in silence for a moment before raising her brow and tilting her head. It was pretty cute to watch the little bees carry the flower, even if Matsui did look a little awkward about it happening. She held in a giggle as she watched him stare from the flower to her then back at the flower, making it pretty obvious that he wasn't sure what to do with the present the bees had offered to him. Or rather, she thought that was the case until he had moved to place the daisy on her ear. She paused, blinking a few times as he fixed it into place. She stared at him for a bit as he smiled at her before she returned the gesture, smiling brightly back at him, nodding when he explained that insects sometimes just brought him things. "It's fine" she answered as she let a silent laugh "It's actually really cute that they bring you little gifts like that. They must like you very much" she commented as her hand moved up to touch the little flower that now rested on her ear.

"As for me helping out, I'm glad to be able to help, it'll be great fun to teach you stuff I think, since you know, I'll be about to hang out with you too" she smiled widely before he pointed out her passive nature about fighting. Her smiling faded once this was mentioned, as her gaze flicked off elsewhere, her hand moved away from the flower. Staying like this as he spoke she managed another smile when he had finished "I mean, hopefully I won't have to. Sound manipulation used offensively can get...pretty grim, I try not to think about it, but yeah, it's good to know if I ever need it in a real life or death kind of situation right?" The same smile she wore continued as the subject moved to her friends in her old school or rather, lack of, her gaze had found its was back to lock with his however "I mean...they weren't all mean. Some were really mean to me, some didn't want the bother of a friend with no voice and some were plain and simply scared or weirded out by me..." She shrugged her shoulders "I didn't always have my abilities. I only found out about them when I was around 9 or so. My old schools weren't for supers so I wasn't allowed to talk as I am now and when I did, thinking it might be okay to a few I thought might be friends? I scared a lot of people off..." she admitted as her hand scratched her cheek momentarily. "But I don't blame or resent them for that at all, I suppose it's a normal reaction to experience something you thought not possible. Besides, I can speak freely here so it's all good and I'm glad you think I'm friendly" She tried on another smile, again in fear of bringing the fun mood down. Taking the half of the chocolate he had offered her she nodded "Thank you~" her voice chimed as she took a bite.

" Oh really? Was it that good?" He grinned before she mentioned she couldn't use it on him anymore. " My bad, I guess I'll have to stop talking about it or else Im gonna be prank-proof." He said along with a chuckle enjoying how she lilted her voice in a joking manner. In fact he was so distracted by it it took him a few seconds to get the joke she told about her wrist, once he understood it he laughted for a while. " Oh I get it now! Sorry If I was slow I was thinking about something." Matsui said with a slight smile. He was glad Rose liked the flower he placed on her ear since it was purely improvised. When she said that the insects must like him he simply shrugged. " I think that's the case, although ants and bees are the only ones that have this behavior towards me" He added " Maybe they see me as a really big queen..well king to be correct" He laughted abit at his statement that he was their queen which sounded ridiculous. Matsui was quite happy that he study with Rose, he though it'd be way more fun than doing it by himself. When she mentioned it'd be fun since she got to hang out with him he looked at her with a curious smile. " Hmm? I didn't knew you enjoyed my company that much."
His smile faded as so did hers, and when she had mentioned that her powers could get really grim he already got an idea of how it could. He completely ignored just how strong Sound Manipulation can get to be until this point, if it got out of hand it could go from leaving someone deaf to killing someone. Sure almost any power could be very dangerous if out of hand, but unlike electricity or other elemental powers there isn't much you could do against sound itself. With this new knowledge he now understood why she is so hesitant about using her powers offensively. He wasn't scared of her though, she seemed so pure she wouldn't even hurt a fly atleast not on purpose. " I understand, hopefully you wont have to. Though you never know when a giant gummy dragon comes for all your sweets or something." He said trying to lighten up the mood a little but at this point it was probably too late. As she talked about her childhood he paid full attention to her words and expressions. Even though she smiled occassionaly she seemed like she didn't like talking about it. " I see..maybe you're right about that, people are usually scared of things they can't comprehend. I found out about my abilities around 2 years ago and while I didn't experience the same struggles as you during childhood I still sympathize with you. Once I discovered my abilities I had to be very cautious about not blowing my cover at work or in other social activities." Matsui then looked at her feeling guilty of making her dwell on that past. " Agh Im sorry Rose.. I made you talk about bad memories.. I feel somewhat guilty now.. Should we change subject?" He asked her slight smile trying to remove some of the tension. As she took the piece chocolate he offered and thanked him he simply replied. " You're welcome~" taking another bite of his chocolate.
Unsure of what was happening anymore, Akane had passed out on Makoto's back. Her energy had completely depleted and she was now unconscious. There was nothing she could even do to help her pupil when they were being attacked, or whatever this person was doing. If they were truly being attacked, they would have killed Akane the instant she lost her power. What was this person getting at? As Makoto ran away, the person stepped out from behind a tree, wearing a cloak. "Running won't save you child. That person you have is extremely important to me, and I can't have her leaving my grasp again." The voice said, before appearing above Makoto. They watched as she sent out the drones as decoys, but had no reaction to it. Instead, she continued to silently float above her for awhile. They knew that she was attempting to go and get help from the closest town, which wouldn't put a in hindrance on their plans as they've already found their target and plans to keep a close eye on them. "STOP!" The voice yelled, causing a large force field to appear in front of Makoto. The figure then appeared in front of her, using their powers to lift the unconscious Akane out of Makoto's grasp, and then used them again to push Makoto back. "I asked you a question before. I expect an answer." They said, closing in on Makoto. "I have no intention on killing you, I just wish to gain information. So. Who. Are. You. This time, I'm not asking."
Elsword Tran. Crimson Rose.png
When the force field appeared, Makoto stopped suddenly, nearly slipping. She then gasped when she saw the person appear in front of her which made her step back a few steps. When she lost her grasp of Akane, it gave her a chance to attack now that Akane wasn't on her back anymore. She threw a knife at the person but when she was pushed back, her aim was hindered and it only went for the cloak. She then fell on the ground from the push, rolling a meter before she caught herself and proceeded to get up. However, she has never had a fight with anyone with this much power which intimidated her so it took her awhile to get up, slowly rising. When she was questioned, she was a bit hesitant to answer. She did, but only after she pulled out a pistol and aimed it firmly at the person. "Makoto... Makoto Seiker. To her, I'm her apprentice and a student. Her first, it seems. But I'm also the daughter of her son's friend." She took a few breaths to calm herself before going into one of her forms. She was now carrying her dual pistols which were linked by a chain with sharp blades at the barrels. She held them at her side and her form made her way less intimidated and scared than she was in her original form. "I'm also gonna be working as an intern for her. But how things are now, you're in the way of it." She said with a piercing glare, gripping her pistols a bit tight.
Yoichi sighed and continued to walk, going in the direction they came from. He stopped at the same street they crossed to get over to the side with the restaurant. This time the light was red, and the walk signal was up, signifying that they could cross now. Nyn gave him a lot of words of encouragement in the short time that they had known one another. It sort of assured him that she had no bad intentions, and she truly was a good person, despite what that scythe made her do, or it was just him being delusional that he had finally made a friend, and she really did have some sort of hidden motive. Honestly, he didn't care. When she said that she hopes he becomes a great hero someday, he simply nodded, not saying a word. Crossing the street, he spoke, "So, once we sign you up for school and a dorm, I'm gonna head back to my place. Maybe we can catch up a different time. Maybe sometime this weekend?" He asked, continuing to walk, still not looking back to face Nyn. There was no reason he didn't look back to face her, he just didn't want to walk into anything in the short time span of him looking behind him as he did.
Nyn walked slightly behind him. For some reason she felt like she was being watched, she looked everywhere but she didn't see anyone looking at her. She then looked forward trying to convince herself it was just her imagination. Nyn watched how Yoichi crossed as the light was red and the walk signal was up, she quickly realized how the system works.When Yoichi mentioned that he had to go back to his place once they were done with the signing she felt somewhat downcast. She never had so much fun since.. Well she just didn't know since when, but when he added that they could meet again sometime she lit up again. " Oh.. yeah umm maybe tomorrow? Any day would be good for me." She wondered why he wasn't looking back at her, maybe it was something she said? She was unsure whether it was something to worry about or not.
Yuki giggled before shaking her head. "I don't think we need to resort to that. You have a way with words, it almost makes me jealous sometimes." She said before she finished her meal and just began to sip up her drink. She then stopped for a bit before looking up at Ansom. "I guess that just comes with time. You have a lot of time to think about stuff and your creativity could've expanded with it. Especially knowledge." She said before she continued sipping her drink, eventually finishing it and letting out an exhale. She smiled up at Ansom before nodding. "Thank you for the meal, Dad. It was great. Any plans afterwards?"
"A way with words?" Ansom repeated and then laughed. "I don't get complimented on the way I talk often. Most of the time, I get called rude and heartless." He shrugged and laughed, looking at the tab once it was placed on the edge of the table. He nodded and pulled out his wallet, taking a wad of cash and placing it onto the check. "But I'll happily take the compliment. Especially from family. It means a lot to hear from family recently." He sighed a bit and then shook his head. "As for other plans, I was just going to head back to my apartment and watch television. Maybe pour some wine." He shrugged once again. "It's what I do most evenings. That and complain about the poor service to my landlord and then proceed to do nothing else about it."

• Mizuki Notaro •
Mizuki had continued swinging her book to try and whack the disgusting...whatever they were, pigs? Gremlins? Did it matter? She was more occupied by trying to stop them coming near her than what species they were or weren't. Her efforts were looking to be in vain it seemed as the were continuing to approach and her arms were getting tired...

Letting a somewhat tired exhale it was just then that the main culprit of this invasion of personal space was struck by something that definitely wasn't her and her book. Before she could look at what exactly had hit the creature she heard Kansuke call her name and an arm pull her behind him "Kansuke!" She answered, sticking close to him until he continued to attack the other two creatures, rushing towards them, leaving Mizuki to watch on, her hands still clutching her book as she watched the monsters puff into black smoke.

She opened her mouth, about to speak before Kansuke had rushed for her and grabbed her by the arms, causing her eyes to widen briefly as she stared at him, taking note of the worry he was expressing as he looked her over. Yet again another expression that stirred more of that strange familiarity within the princess. Now was not the time to get lost in something like that when she was leaving said worrying expression without an answer.

"Ah! I-I'm fine, Kansuke" she assured him as she nodded her head gently. She was a little shaken understandably but she was physically fine. "I have no clue what those things were b-but thank you..." She added with what sounded like relief but her expression had began to slowly morph into that of guilt"I shouldn't have wandered off, I ended up just...causing trouble...I'm sorry" she flicked her gaze away with a sigh.


Kansuke Alchaeon

He couldn't tell what exactly it was, but the blonde boy made work of the creatures with much more vigor and emotion than he had done in a long time. There was more energy put into his swings than he normally would have, fueled by some strange sense of urgency that he couldn't quite identify at the moment. Either way, he fortunately made quick work of them before anything happened. On that note, he was glad to hear that Mizuki was fine, despite the shakiness in her voice. Once he heard her affirmation of being alright, he visibly relaxed, taking his arms back as he exhaled a sigh of relief. "Oh good, that's great to hear." he commented, taking a step back to increase the distance between the two. He had just gotten awkwardly close out of nowhere, after all, so he figured it was probably the right thing to do not staying so close. She was already stressed out from being attacked, she didn't need Kansuke making things worse for her.

Even still, Mizuki seemed to be turning her worries inward, and now her tone of voice and words were ones laced with guilt. She wouldn't even look at him. Seeing her act this way sent a pang of sadness through him, one he wasn't expecting. It was also strangely familiar, like he had seen her act like this before, even though he knew this was the first time he had seen her act so downcast since they met. Frowning, Kansuke stepped back forward to close the distance between them once more, his expression both kind and serious. He wasn't exactly sure what was coming over him at the moment, but he felt confident in what he was doing. Kansuke grabbed Mizuki's left hand with his right hand, affixing his gaze on her. "Mizuki," he started, hoping to the gods he wouldn't startle her. "Please, don't feel guilty. There was no way for you to know that those monsters would be there. You should feel comfortable exploring the world around you, and I won't be far behind. And... as long as I'm here..." his voice faded a bit as he knelt down, his right knee bent and his left knee resting on the dirt. "I swear on my life that no harm will come to you. I promise to stay by your side, to protect you and keep you safe. I pledge my life to you, princess." And with that he closed his eyes, dropped his head into a bow, and crossed a hand over his chest to show how serious this pledge was. Something about this felt natural to him, which only cemented his feelings that this was somehow the right thing to do in this situation.​
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"A way with words?" Ansom repeated and then laughed. "I don't get complimented on the way I talk often. Most of the time, I get called rude and heartless." He shrugged and laughed, looking at the tab once it was placed on the edge of the table. He nodded and pulled out his wallet, taking a wad of cash and placing it onto the check. "But I'll happily take the compliment. Especially from family. It means a lot to hear from family recently." He sighed a bit and then shook his head. "As for other plans, I was just going to head back to my apartment and watch television. Maybe pour some wine." He shrugged once again. "It's what I do most evenings. That and complain about the poor service to my landlord and then proceed to do nothing else about it."
Yuki giggled and spoke as she leaned back in her seat. "That sounds eventful. I'm gonna go back home and make dinner for the family. Mitsu and Shira should be back home by now. They went to a bakery and picked up some bread." She said before she looked up at the ceiling, wondering what she should make for dinner. She couldn't think of anything cook. She could cook anything in the world, but she wasn't exactly sure what to make. She then looked at Ansom and wondered if he had any ideas of what to cook. "Hey Dad, do you know any recipes I should cook? I couldn't think of anything and maybe I can try cooking something new. Got any ideas?"
Yuki giggled and spoke as she leaned back in her seat. "That sounds eventful. I'm gonna go back home and make dinner for the family. Mitsu and Shira should be back home by now. They went to a bakery and picked up some bread." She said before she looked up at the ceiling, wondering what she should make for dinner. She couldn't think of anything cook. She could cook anything in the world, but she wasn't exactly sure what to make. She then looked at Ansom and wondered if he had any ideas of what to cook. "Hey Dad, do you know any recipes I should cook? I couldn't think of anything and maybe I can try cooking something new. Got any ideas?"
Ansom laughed at Yuki's comment about his evening and nodded. "Yes. It's the highlight of my week. It's what I stick around for." He shook his head and then watched as Yuki seemed to fall into a thinking state. He tilted his head slightly and waited patiently. After a moment, when she spoke, his listened and then nodded. With a scratch of his chin, he spoke. "Any ideas?" He repeated and then clicked his tongue a few times. "Let's see..." He rubbed the tip of his chin as he made a humming noise that signaled his contemplation. After a moment, he snapped his fingers as his eyes lit up. "Ah, yes!" He exclaimed as a smile crept on his face. "Recently, I discovered this wonderful earthen delicacy called 'scallops'. I don't know how I haven't tried them before." He spoke with a lady has before shaking his head once again. "Anyway, I made this excellent recipe for a delicious scallop skillet bowl. It's got bacon, grits, edamame, and seasoning that will light your taste buds on fire." His eyes sparkled slightly as he spoke. "I can write down the recipe for you to take home to your family if you want."
Waving a waiter over, Thomas asked for the bill before looking back to Exilium and offering a smile. It seemed big green understood what was being said to him pretty well, and honestly, it worked in Thomas' favor. Though he felt the green alien might be feeling at least a bit homesick so it might be about time to change the subject. Pulling out his wallet, Thomas took a high guess of how much he owed for what he ordered and put it on the table while talking.

"Well, enough about here and there, or rather, here and there in the general sense. What did you're people most commonly do for fun? There are many things here but I don't know what you're culture would deem worthy of what we do here. Especially since you guys are so peaceful, so you do seem like you'd have a lot of the same activities."

Thomas looked at Exilium's headgear with a sense of curiosity before leaning over and inspecting it. Well, it was true that something on the head would be good for a mental link enchantment, Thomas wasn't sure how compatible their two species minds were, so he looked at big green and shook his head.

"I just need to touch it to enchant it, but it would be better for me to do it at my residence where I have all the components needed. As for it wearing off, I can form the enchantment to draw upon your own energies and convert them to magic. Outside of that, I'd rather do it to one of your wrist... weights? I'm guessing they're weights, that way I can add a magical interface."

Exilium stood up once the waiter came over to the table. Since he had only water, it was free, and he didn't have to pay, but he left some of the money he had earned from helping some of the people around, town as a tip for him. It was when Thomas started to speak, Exilium began to listen once more. When asked what his people did for fun, he chuckled a bit, raising what would be an eyebrow if he had any.

"What do my people do for fun... Well for starters, while we may not eat them, we grow crops as a past time. Warriors often train, that way they're strong enough to fend off invaders if need be. We sometimes hold festivities to celebrate holidays too."

He said, looking down at Thomas. His answer was pretty similar to something a human would do for fun, but this was his entire species as a whole. The Limax were very peaceful, just like he said. It helped with the unity of the different tribes, and resulted in little to no conflict. But as of late, he couldn't tell him what truthfully is going on. Just what he thinks. Naturally, he would be able to. As a deity, he knew everything that was happening, whether he was there or not, but that is no longer.

"Ah. My wristbands aren't weighted. Just my cape and headgear. I'm ready to go if you are. I was just exploring the area since I plan on staying here for a long while."
When the force field appeared, Makoto stopped suddenly, nearly slipping. She then gasped when she saw the person appear in front of her which made her step back a few steps. When she lost her grasp of Akane, it gave her a chance to attack now that Akane wasn't on her back anymore. She threw a knife at the person but when she was pushed back, her aim was hindered and it only went for the cloak. She then fell on the ground from the push, rolling a meter before she caught herself and proceeded to get up. However, she has never had a fight with anyone with this much power which intimidated her so it took her awhile to get up, slowly rising. When she was questioned, she was a bit hesitant to answer. She did, but only after she pulled out a pistol and aimed it firmly at the person. "Makoto... Makoto Seiker. To her, I'm her apprentice and a student. Her first, it seems. But I'm also the daughter of her son's friend." She took a few breaths to calm herself before going into one of her forms. She was now carrying her dual pistols which were linked by a chain with sharp blades at the barrels. She held them at her side and her form made her way less intimidated and scared than she was in her original form. "I'm also gonna be working as an intern for her. But how things are now, you're in the way of it." She said with a piercing glare, gripping her pistols a bit tight.

The person in the cloak went silent, and stared down at Makoto when she went flying back. Unfortunately for them, the knife had enough force to pull the cloak off. Revealing it to be Perfect, in his human form. He sighed a bit, before putting his hands in his pockets, chuckling a bit. "Well, now that you can see my face, I should kill you. Like, seriously... Damn brat. My perfect plan. Ruined. Well, I guess not really." He said, snapping his fingers. Once he did that, ribbons came rushing out from behind him, and wrapping around Makoto, tightening just enough so she couldn't move. "Good work, Ribbon. I'll buy you ice cream after this if all goes well." Perfect said, smiling as he walked towards Makoto. "Alright, Ms. Seiker. Seems to me that you trusted that bumbling idiot. I won't lie, she's pretty loaded. All kinds of money. I see her family's name on a lot of weapons these days around. If you end up getting a job there... Holy hell, that's good money. Oh, and I almost forgot. Struggle, and I'll have Ribbon there suck your life force out of you. Don't wanna die before you get that internship. Doesn't matter to me though." Though his planned had encountered a bump, it still worked out in the end. With the leader of CROSS gone, and some new guy taking his place, Perfect planned to gain his power back and kill him, taking the organization for himself. He turned around and looked at Ribbon, speaking in a happy tone, "Told you we got this. That woman is too easy to catch now, and the kid stood no chance." Perfect continued to go on, rambling about nothing but how easy the plan was. He then turned around to face Makoto again. "You have not a single idea of who I am... Do you?"
Ansom laughed at Yuki's comment about his evening and nodded. "Yes. It's the highlight of my week. It's what I stick around for." He shook his head and then watched as Yuki seemed to fall into a thinking state. He tilted his head slightly and waited patiently. After a moment, when she spoke, his listened and then nodded. With a scratch of his chin, he spoke. "Any ideas?" He repeated and then clicked his tongue a few times. "Let's see..." He rubbed the tip of his chin as he made a humming noise that signaled his contemplation. After a moment, he snapped his fingers as his eyes lit up. "Ah, yes!" He exclaimed as a smile crept on his face. "Recently, I discovered this wonderful earthen delicacy called 'scallops'. I don't know how I haven't tried them before." He spoke with a lady has before shaking his head once again. "Anyway, I made this excellent recipe for a delicious scallop skillet bowl. It's got bacon, grits, edamame, and seasoning that will light your taste buds on fire." His eyes sparkled slightly as he spoke. "I can write down the recipe for you to take home to your family if you want."
"Alright. Thank you. By the way, what do you mean it will light our taste buds on fire? Is it spicy? I don't think Reika can eat it then haha..." She said giggling to herself remembering how Reika disliked spicy foods and would just have to have an ice cream mid-meal. Yuki wanted a meal that the family could enjoy, so she wondered if the recipe had a non-spicy version. (Sorry for the short post. I don't know what else to put on here besides a question.)

The person in the cloak went silent, and stared down at Makoto when she went flying back. Unfortunately for them, the knife had enough force to pull the cloak off. Revealing it to be Perfect, in his human form. He sighed a bit, before putting his hands in his pockets, chuckling a bit. "Well, now that you can see my face, I should kill you. Like, seriously... Damn brat. My perfect plan. Ruined. Well, I guess not really." He said, snapping his fingers. Once he did that, ribbons came rushing out from behind him, and wrapping around Makoto, tightening just enough so she couldn't move. "Good work, Ribbon. I'll buy you ice cream after this if all goes well." Perfect said, smiling as he walked towards Makoto. "Alright, Ms. Seiker. Seems to me that you trusted that bumbling idiot. I won't lie, she's pretty loaded. All kinds of money. I see her family's name on a lot of weapons these days around. If you end up getting a job there... Holy hell, that's good money. Oh, and I almost forgot. Struggle, and I'll have Ribbon there suck your life force out of you. Don't wanna die before you get that internship. Doesn't matter to me though." Though his planned had encountered a bump, it still worked out in the end. With the leader of CROSS gone, and some new guy taking his place, Perfect planned to gain his power back and kill him, taking the organization for himself. He turned around and looked at Ribbon, speaking in a happy tone, "Told you we got this. That woman is too easy to catch now, and the kid stood no chance." Perfect continued to go on, rambling about nothing but how easy the plan was. He then turned around to face Makoto again. "You have not a single idea of who I am... Do you?"
Elsword Metal Heart.png
Makoto yelped when Ribbon restricted her. She struggled slightly until Perfect told her that it would lead to her dying. She sighed as she listened to Perfect ramble on. He seems to know Akane a lot better than she does, though he only stated to obvious stuff. She already knew the internship for Akane would give her good money. In fact, she was actually surprised the knife actually got to him. When he asked her a question, she had an answer. "I have an assumption but that assumption must be kept a secret in terms of their race. However, I heard about this... 'Ribbon' name before. You're working with that damned CROSS organization, aren't you? The Civil War's over. You're just wasting your time hunting us down for your non-existent goals." She said, assuming that's what Perfect was after. Her silent assumption however, she wasn't even 80% confident in her assumption that Perfect was a Sanctum. That and Akane. She sighed before she looked at him straight in the eye. "So now what, creep. You have both of us. What do you plan to do now? Experiment on me? Kill me? Or are you going to surprise me and let me go and only take Akane, or Annora, with you?" She said before she remembered him talking about her life force. Did he know she was an Intoner? If she was just going to be crushed, she would have been brought back to life within a minute. But he threatened her life force. She wasn't going to gamble anymore by trying to get out somehow. If Ribbon was wrapped around her, she can't do anything but comply. She then her form so she could save her energy for some other time. Though when she did so, her glasses weren't on right and it made her curse under her breath that she can't move to fix them. "Fuck..."

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