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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

• Rosalie Dalton •


Seeing the guy flinch in surprise, Rosalie offered a wide, amused grin along with a silent giggle, the grip she had on her notebook tightening briefly as she went ahead and took a seat after he had scooted over to make some room her to sit "I didn't mean to freak you out. Sorry~" a voice sounded, it was soft and almost lilted or sing-song in tone but the young girl's lips did not move as the voice sounded. It was definitely her voice however, as it continued to sound and clearly was addressing him, just still without her mouth following is all.

"It's just this is where I normally sit. Don't worry though, I'm not here telling you to get off my turf or anything. If anything it's more interesting with someone else here" Rosalie gave another silent laugh before closing her eyes briefly, leaving her notebook down to now rest on her lap "Speaking of interesting, you looked pretty spaced out there. Something interesting catch your eye?" the voice then asked as Rosalie opened her eyes again, her silver gaze once again focusing itself on the the male beside her, lighting up with that same curiosity as just moments before.

Here's the link to her CS if you're looking for it:
Character Registration
(( I don't know how did you read my mind but thanks! :D))

Matsui noticed the girl grinning, he was certain she did so because of the way he reacted to her. In response he chuckled back at her. Once she sat next to him he had already forgotten what he was doing, he simply looked at her as she apologized. " Oh! Its alright, it was mostly my fault since I wasn't paying attention. Besides, I bet I looked quite funny huh?" He replied with a smile, as he looked at her talking he noticed that her lips weren't moving at all. He freaked out momentarily until he remembered he was in a highschool with people like him. This made him realize she must have some kind of power that allows her to speak without using her lips, perphaps she had telepathic powers which raised his curiousity. He then listened carefully to her words. " Ah I see. I understand, I'd be weirded out if I saw someone else suddenly sitting where I normally sit. Its good to hear you're fine with it though." As he heard her speak more, he felt like her voice had something to it. It was relaxing to hear for some reason. It took him a little while for him to realize he had to talk back once she finished talking. " Hm? Oh.. I was just looking at some ants walking and stuff. You may have noticed already, but this is my first day here so I don't know a thing about this place." He said as he leaned more comfortably against the tree.

Kansuke Alchaeon

Even deep amidst his personal training, Kansuke never really took his full attention off the surroundings around him. As such, he was aware of Mizuki watching him. He didn't really mind, he was used to the kids in his village watching him and other people his age as they grew old enough to hold swords. With this, he tried his best to keep his expression from slipping into the darkened thoughts that it was, though it seemed in vain as Mizuki still noticed his expressions anyways. He narrowed his eyes mid swing as he heard the blond girl get up and move to go elsewhere. This caused him to grit his teeth, not wanting to push away Mizuki in any sense. They were from the same homeland after all, something that Kansuke was sure that he would never see once he moved to go to school at FHS. And she was the princess on top of all of that, he didn't want to do anything to ruin any friendship they might have had. So to see her get up and walk away sent a slight tinge of worry? sadness? through the boy, though there wasn't really much he could do about it. The rain wasn't letting up so she was probably just finding a drier spot to sit. He couldn't really blame her after all, this was probably her first time travelling like this. As he thrust his sword forward at an invisible enemy, he made a mental note to stock up on camping gear at the next village they came across.

It was right as he finished a flurry combo of swings that he heard some noises coming from behind him. He stopped his movements before immediately whipping around to see what it was. There was nothing in his line of sight, but it was then that he heard something similar to Mizuki's voice. Now on high alert, Kansuke ran with slight reckless abandon to the other side of the tree, his eyes widening in shock to see ugly red creatures surrounding the princess. Before he knew what he was doing, he rushed in, slashing at the creature nearest to the blonde girl and sending it flying. "Mizuki!" he called, reaching her and simultaneously bringing his arm around her to put her close to his back. For some reason, seeing Mizuki in danger sent his emotions into a bit of overdrive. He was almost seeing red, going into overprotective mode for her sake. He took a moment to assess the enemies that were now recovered from seeing their friend get sent flying and were now charging at him. This moment was all he needed to center himself and launch at them again, thrusting at one and spin attacking the other. Kansuke made quick work of them while dodging their strikes, and before long their bodies were disappearing in a puff of nasty purple and black smoke. The hero took another moment to breathe and sheathe his sword (out of habit mainly), before rushing over to Mizuki and placing his hands on her arms as he looked her over with worry. "A-are you alright??"

Nona Nona

• Mizuki Notaro •

Mizuki had continued swinging her book to try and whack the disgusting...whatever they were, pigs? Gremlins? Did it matter? She was more occupied by trying to stop them coming near her than what species they were or weren't. Her efforts were looking to be in vain it seemed as the were continuing to approach and her arms were getting tired...

Letting a somewhat tired exhale it was just then that the main culprit of this invasion of personal space was struck by something that definitely wasn't her and her book. Before she could look at what exactly had hit the creature she heard Kansuke call her name and an arm pull her behind him "Kansuke!" She answered, sticking close to him until he continued to attack the other two creatures, rushing towards them, leaving Mizuki to watch on, her hands still clutching her book as she watched the monsters puff into black smoke.

She opened her mouth, about to speak before Kansuke had rushed for her and grabbed her by the arms, causing her eyes to widen briefly as she stared at him, taking note of the worry he was expressing as he looked her over. Yet again another expression that stirred more of that strange familiarity within the princess. Now was not the time to get lost in something like that when she was leaving said worrying expression without an answer.

"Ah! I-I'm fine, Kansuke" she assured him as she nodded her head gently. She was a little shaken understandably but she was physically fine. "I have no clue what those things were b-but thank you..." She added with what sounded like relief but her expression had began to slowly morph into that of guilt"I shouldn't have wandered off, I ended up just...causing trouble...I'm sorry" she flicked her gaze away with a sigh.

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(( I don't know how did you read my mind but thanks! :D))

Matsui noticed the girl grinning, he was certain she did so because of the way he reacted to her. In response he chuckled back at her. Once she sat next to him he had already forgotten what he was doing, he simply looked at her as she apologized. " Oh! Its alright, it was mostly my fault since I wasn't paying attention. Besides, I bet I looked quite funny huh?" He replied with a smile, as he looked at her talking he noticed that her lips weren't moving at all. He freaked out momentarily until he remembered he was in a highschool with people like him. This made him realize she must have some kind of power that allows her to speak without using her lips, perphaps she had telepathic powers which raised his curiousity. He then listened carefully to her words. " Ah I see. I understand, I'd be weirded out if I saw someone else suddenly sitting where I normally sit. Its good to hear you're fine with it though." As he heard her speak more, he felt like her voice had something to it. It was relaxing to hear for some reason. It took him a little while for him to realize he had to talk back once she finished talking. " Hm? Oh.. I was just looking at some ants walking and stuff. You may have noticed already, but this is my first day here so I don't know a thing about this place." He said as he leaned more comfortably against the tree.

• Rosalie Dalton •


She shot another grin in his direction when he had mentioned his reaction looking funny "Eh...well. Just a tad" she giggled silently as her voice answered along with raising her hand and inching her thumb and index finger closer together a bit. If he had freaked out at her lips not moving, she didn't really notice. In public she was over conscious of such things, resorting to either miming her lips as she spoke or the easier options of writing her words down or using sign language. In the school however, she freely spoke using her gift for however long she could before her powers would start to tire out from overuse. (Which wasn't at all fun when trying to make new friends) Here she didn't overanalyze reactions to her speech methods.

"Weirded out? Nah~" She waved her hands a little "It's not like I wrote my name on this spot or anything and as I said, it's more interesting" she offered a bright smile, somewhat of an attempt to assure him she really didn't care he was in her spot. It wasn't like she actually owned it and she liked to think she was pretty reasonable.

"Ants?" She tilted her head slightly when he mentioned what it was he had been watching, she even leaned forward in an attempt to spot them herself but they seemed to be already long gone. She just gently shrugged her shoulders and stopped leaning forward "I mean, I guess that's definitely something you can get lost in watching without meaning to. You know, watching them walk in their little lines with whatever crumbs they have stolen" her tone sounded amused but not in a 'making fun of you' way, more genuinely amused by the thought of the little ants. Upon mentioning he was new she let an exhale that seemed like something akin to a chuckle but again, no sound. "I can tell. Already trespassing on my seat and everything" she joked but shook her head "Kidding" she added after as she casted her gaze over at him.

She paused with narrowed eyes briefly as if she were remembering something "Ah. Right. I almost forgot." she stuck her hand out, beaming a friendly smile "I'm Rosalie. Nice to meet you!" Her voice chirped in an upbeat tone "That should of been steps one and two rather than me blathering away. Guess I forgot myself" she admitted as her free hand moved up to rub the side of her face briefly. "Anyway. Welcome to the school!~"


• Rosalie Dalton •


She shot another grin in his direction when he had mentioned his reaction looking funny "Eh...well. Just a tad" she giggled silently as her voice answered along with raising her hand and inching her thumb and index finger closer together a bit. If he had freaked out at her lips not moving, she didn't really notice. In public she was over conscious of such things, resorting to either miming her lips as she spoke or the easier options of writing her words down or using sign language. In the school however, she freely spoke using her gift for however long she could before her powers would start to tire out from overuse. (Which wasn't at all fun when trying to make new friends) Here she didn't overanalyze reactions to her speech methods.

"Weirded out? Nah~" She waved her hands a little "It's not like I wrote my name on this spot or anything and as I said, it's more interesting" she offered a bright smile, somewhat of an attempt to assure him she really didn't care he was in her spot. It wasn't like she actually owned it and she liked to think she was pretty reasonable.

"Ants?" She tilted her head slightly when he mentioned what it was he had been watching, she even leaned forward in an attempt to spot them herself but they seemed to be already long gone. She just gently shrugged her shoulders and stopped leaning forward "I mean, I guess that's definitely something you can get lost in watching without meaning to. You know, watching them walk in their little lines with whatever crumbs they have stolen" her tone sounded amused but not in a 'making fun of you' way, more genuinely amused by the thought of the little ants. Upon mentioning he was new she let an exhale that seemed like something akin to a chuckle but again, no sound. "I can tell. Already trespassing on my seat and everything" she joked but shook her head "Kidding" she added after as she casted her gaze over at him.

She paused with narrowed eyes briefly as if she were remembering something "Ah. Right. I almost forgot." she stuck her hand out, beaming a friendly smile "I'm Rosalie. Nice to meet you!" Her voice chirped in an upbeat tone "That should of been steps one and two rather than me blathering away. Guess I forgot myself" she admitted as her free hand moved up to rub the side of her face briefly. "Anyway. Welcome to the school!~"

Matsui simply grinned at her response, curious as to why she found it interesting. " Oh, I wanted to ask something.. But how do you find it interesting? I don't mean it in a rude way though." He took notice of her bright smile so he smiled back at her, it has been a long time since he saw someone smile that brightly. He nodded at her opinion of the ants meaning that he liked her opinion about them. " Yup, I really like ants and the sort so I easily get distracted by them. I think I ve liked them since I was a little kid. There s just so much stuff you can learn about just by looking like how they communicate or work together and.." He felt like he had to stop himself or else he would be blathering about them wayy more than he should. He chuckled briefly as he looked at her. " My bad, I guess I got passionate there did I?" He took notice of her looking for the ants and soon he got an idea. He placed his left hand on the ground, closing his eyes he called for a pair of ants to arrive at his location. And in no time two ants crawled on his hand. He moved that hand upwards just so she could see them. " Look." The ants were looking at the girl, they waved their antennas as if they were greeting her. He later placed his hand on the ground and they crawled off it. Upon hearing her introducing herself he laughted abit, it was funny they talked this much without introducing themseves earlier " Rosalie? Thats a nice name. My name s Matsui but you can call me Mat for short if you like, its nice to meet you Rosalie." He shaked her hand cheerfully, and as he got welcomed he smiled. He was happy that he met someone so welcoming and positive.

Roman stood there, holding Mal in his arms still. Having not moved a muscle since he had started hugging her from the start. It was comforting. Especially after the weight he had just let off of himself. The only people who knew of that were alive from his past were his two friends; Masahi and Kaori. Them two being the only two people who knew his past. The only two people he could look to if it was haunting him, yet for most of his life they ended up gone. Now there was another who knew of his past. And she'd be there for him whenever he needs her. Roman could talk to Mal about this as much as he needed to, but he honestly felt like he was forgiving himself now. After all of these years, he was thinking clearly. The images of his friends losing their lives in front of him. All the people who had tormented him with their harsh words... It all sort of began to fade away. He must admit though, it was what made him as strong as he is today, but it also was what fed his rage and hatred for most people.

As Mal hugged him, her grip on him being tighter than his was on her. He was happy. She told him that she didn't want to be anywhere else. That she wanted to be with him and their family. There was no better place in his opinion. As she told him that, memories of them all laughing and smiling together began to play in his mind. Memories of Kaori and Masahi when they were younger. The better times of their lives back then. Roman soon let go of Mal, looking her in the eyes, smiling as he did so. "A life without me, huh? I don't even want to imagine what I'd be doing if I haven't met you. I'd probably be out there somewhere without a care in the world for myself, or for anyone else. Like I said, I had lost everything, but I've gained a new everything to take care of, and this time I won't make the same mistakes I did then." He said, his smile still remaining. "And I thank you for staying by my side. Even when you aren't physically with me, I know that there's someone I have to return to no matter what."
A life without Roman and the kids would have been an empty one. Mal really didn't want to know what would have happened if she hadn't met him. Would she have fallen under parents control again? Would she have even been able to be happy like she'd hope when she left? She knew if she had fallen back into her parents grasp, she would have just been their weapon to use whenever they pleased back in their mostly human city. Frankly, the thought scared her, so she brushed it aside. There was no need to think about it now, she had Roman and that's all that mattered. "I'm glad I met you then, both for your sake and mine. Before we met I never knew that laughing could feel so amazing, or that it was possible to smile so much that your muscles in your face could start aching. Heck, I don't even think I knew how to love someone. Really, you've saved me from being someone I don't ever want to be again, I don't think I could ever thank you enough for that." She admitted, smiling and returning his stare. "While me and To- Ah, Masahi were talking earlier, he wanted me to remind you about flowers for whatever you had planned, do you need me to run out and get some?"



...♅Akira continued to tell God about the events that had led him to enter The Existence and make contact with the Gods, along with the events that followed afterwards, such as the Shuron Invasion of Euphoria, the Civil War and his time on Earth. They had bee sitting for thirty minutes just sharing stories and laughing at Human stupidity, along with giving respect to Human ingenuity. It had been a long time since Akira and God sat down to just have a chat, and it was clear they were both enjoying the peace♅...

And that leads us to now.

That's... quite a backstory.

Yup. Still, there's this feeling that I just can't shake.

Is it something to worry about?

...♅Akira crossed his arms in thought for a brief moment, shortly before he replied. As he did so, he raised his hand up to his eyebrow and scratched an itch, all the while laughing♅...

Hm? No, I don't think so. It might just be because we finally have peace, I just don't know what to do with myself.


...ΦGod laughed and nodded, replying to Akira as he did soΦ...

If you say so, Your Majesty.

...♅Akira looked up to the setting sky and took a deep breath, enjoying the oceanic breeze, shortly before he exhaled. He looked over to God and spoke, a small smile forming on his face as he did so♅...

In any case, it was good speaking with you, Abzu. We really had millennia to catch up on with each other. Hopefully the next time we meet it won't be as long as it was this time.

...ΦAbzu laughed once more and replied to AkiraΦ...

Using my name? I'm honoured~ My thoughts exactly. I've missed speaking with you. I can't be as open to anything else, much less other Gods. Well, it looks like I'll need to be heading home. Michael and Gabriel haven't heard from me in over two centuries, they're bound to be getting worried.

...♅Akira nodded and stood up, stretching as he did so. He felt like he'd been sitting there for a month, due to how rigid his body felt. He cracked his neck and replied to Abzu, shortly before they parted ways. Akira went to the Fukushima Estate to pick up Haruo, and Abzu returned to Heaven to see Michael and Gabriel♅...

Sure, no problem. I need to get back to Haruo, I was planning on showing him the sacred training grounds of Euphoria. Until next time, Abzu.

Character Information

Fukushima Estate.


Retrieving Haruo.

Educate Haruo on Euphorian culture.

Interacting With: No One.
Tags: None.


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Skylar Ainsworth

Skylar couldn't help but giggle a bit at seeing Hyou's sudden change of emotion. If she was honest with herself, it was quite cute the way that he always tried to act so big and cool all the time. He was cute all the time, but it made her happy that he tried to act that way for her. She also liked knowing that she could get him to be a bit more expressive like he just had been, but she wasn't going to push it. Besides, that's not what's important at the moment. They were going to be going on a date! After everything that had happened, they really hadn't had much normal time for just themselves. Really, they hadn't had ANY normal time to themselves. So the fact that they finally had a moment where they could be normal and go on a date like real couples did, it meant a lot. With her being hospitalized and having been absorbed, she hadn't been able to attend normal classes, so she had been given a bunch of remedial work in the meantime to catch up. That meant that she didn't really need to think about going to class for a while, and actually could forget about schoolwork and school and leaving to go on a date. She didn't want to think about any of that anyways. All she wanted was some quality time with Hyou. "Well okay.." she mused, thinking about where they could go. She apparently had the world at her fingers with Hyou's offer, so she had to make it a good date. "I think it would be nice to go out into town." Skylar answered after a moment, smiling as she looked up at him. "There's this little art cafe that I heard has really good food, and it's right next to a bookstore I've been wanting to check out. I think there's also an indoor garden somewhere around there too?" She finished, realizing that she had rambled a bit. "I-I would love to hear any ideas you have too!"
Gajeel Smile.png

After sitting down, Hyou took his phone out of pocket, checking his messages, hoping to have gotten one for Alejandro, telling him if he and Astrid were okay. Much to his dismay, he had gotten nothing from him. He knew he had nothing to worry about though. Miss Akane had came and took care of it, along with that weird guy in the orange karate clothes. He just wanted to know what the two of them were up to afterwards. He wasn't sure if Skylar noticed since she had just got free, but Astrid looked sort of sad. It was strange to him that he noticed, but being with Skylar, it was a skill he had picked up. Guess he was more prone to looking for the emotion one may be feeling now that he had someone so close to him that he cared about. Putting his phone away, he listened to what Skylar was telling him. What she wanted to do, and the places she wanted to visit. When she stopped and told him that she'd like to hear what ideas he had in mind, he looked at her and raised a brow. "You aren't going deaf are ya, shorty? But since you asked, what I wanna do is treat you to the things you wanna do. We can do what I wanna do a different time. Now, if there's anything else you wanna do, let me know. I'm gonna take a shower." He said, taking out his phone once more, calling Lily. "Oh, and can you throw these away for me?" He asked, pointing to his current outfit. It was still in tatters from the fight with Perfect. "I put it on because I was planning on heading straight back to my place, but I'll just have Lily bring some clothes over and shower here." As Hyou finished talking, Lily picked up the phone and he hopped up and they started talking. Hyou then hung up and put his phone down on the counter, giving Skylar a quick kiss before he ran off to her bathroom. "I shouldn't be long!"
Once none of them spoke for a while, Nyn simply closed her eyes. In her opinion It helped her in thinking more efficiently. She liked this place alot, sure she had to get used to being in a crowded place but she was sure she could get used to it. Besides, she didn't have to share her table with strangers so in a way she does have some personal space. When Yoichi talked she opened her eyes once again. " Yeah, I ll try not to overdo training. That doesn't seem like the biggest problem to me, though you're very right about the other students in the school. Its quite hard to know just how strong someone else can be. That and the fact that Im not certain If I even have more powers that I already know would leave me at a huge disadvantage in fights.. So Im going to avoid them as much as I can." She stated, at the moment Yoichi is the strongest person she s met, so the sole possibility that there could be others who could match.. or maybe even defeat Yoichi in a battle kind of scared her. This encouraged her to become stronger. She can't imagine herself fighting Yoichi and winning, but if at the very least she could be equally as strong as him, that would be an achievement for her. Nyn then saw him noticing his burger "talking" , once she saw him smile abit she did the same and made the burger stop moving.
Yoichi nodded, and as he did their bill was placed on the table. He picked it up, looking at their total cost. At that moment, he took out the money, placing it on the table, along with a tip for their waitress. "I know it isn't much, Nyn, but if you ever do get in a fight, I'll fight by your side if I can. We may have just met, but so far you're the only person I know well, and who's face I don't wanna blow off." He told her, standing up from his seat. Yoichi stretched and started walking towards the door. "Come on, Nyn. Lets get you all signed up for the dorm. Best do it before we forget and you have to wait until tomorrow." He said, putting his hands in his pockets, brushing shoulders with someone who was walking to close to him. He didn't respond to the person's as they told him to watch where he was going next time. He simply looked back at the person and they started walking pretty fast in the opposite direction. Once that was handled, he looked back in front of him, "You coming, Nyn?"
Yoichi nodded, and as he did their bill was placed on the table. He picked it up, looking at their total cost. At that moment, he took out the money, placing it on the table, along with a tip for their waitress. "I know it isn't much, Nyn, but if you ever do get in a fight, I'll fight by your side if I can. We may have just met, but so far you're the only person I know well, and who's face I don't wanna blow off." He told her, standing up from his seat. Yoichi stretched and started walking towards the door. "Come on, Nyn. Lets get you all signed up for the dorm. Best do it before we forget and you have to wait until tomorrow." He said, putting his hands in his pockets, brushing shoulders with someone who was walking to close to him. He didn't respond to the person's as they told him to watch where he was going next time. He simply looked back at the person and they started walking pretty fast in the opposite direction. Once that was handled, he looked back in front of him, "You coming, Nyn?"

Nyn gave a quick glance to the window out of curiosity. In the distance she saw a black cat searching for something in the trash cans that were laying on the ground. She looked at it with a high sense of curiosity since she s never seen a cat before. The cat turned back and stared back at her. Its eyes were yellow, she found it to be a very interesting animal. She would've kept watching it but once she heard Yoichi talk at her she turned back to him. After listening to his words she had a very noticeable smile, not knowing why, she felt like looking at the table. Maybe because she felt happy? Yes, she was happy. " No.. it really is alot. Normally I would be avoiding people, but Im glad I talked back to you at the gym, or else I wouldn't know you as much as I do now. I know Im not that big of a deal now, but maybe if in the future I can get to be as strong as you I'd like to fight by your side aswell.. not that I wouldn't help you now If you need an extra hand." As he stood up she did so aswell. " Yeah you're right, we should do it today just in case we do forget to." She walked behind Yoichi. Nyn noticed the person brushing shoulders and warning Yoichi. She would've stared at the unknown person directly to send him off. But Yoichi s look already did the job probably even better than her. Once he asked if she was coming, Nyn gave one last look to the fast-food establishment, then she turned back at him and nodded.
Ansom frowned slightly as his daughter's question. At first, he had no clue what she was going on about but then something clicked in his head. He nodded slowly as his memory began to return. "Right, that was the first time we talked without malice in a long time." He chuckled slightly. "Yeah, that 'some lady' is my caretaker, Fiona. I wouldn't necessarily call me and her close. It's her job to watch over me and make sure I don't do anything too crazy too soon." He explained and then shrugged. "She is one of the few people that can actually talk me into calming down so if you consider that to be closeness, then I suppose we are close." He rubbed his temple a bit and then took another sip of his drink. "She's in Malibu right now, taking a vacation." As Ansom spoke the final sentence, the server brought over their food and set down the plates in front of each of the patrons. She then nodded and walked off after Ansom thanked her.
"Ah Fiona. I don't know why I forgot that name." She said before she picked up a hash brown and took a bite out of it, enjoying the crispiness and texture as well as the taste of it. She wondered if Ansom ever thought about going on vacation sometime. She also wondered where he would go. She looked up after taking another bite and swallowing it and spoke. "Have you ever thought about going on vacation? I think Tarumi is a nice place to go to because of the beach there." She suggested before taking another bite out of her hash browns, then downing it with a sip of her drink. She also wondered if she should go on vacation too with her family. She then began to wonder how her mom is doing. Well, her mom dropped by a few days ago so she had an idea.
Akane changed into her armored form, the one she was most comfortable. "Now we train. We're gonna need some food, water, and more firewood. This is a test on how well you're survival skills are, Makoto. I'm tasking you with finding those things. It was also be even better if you found herbs just in case we need to make medicine. This is the wild after all, not sure what kind of animal we'll run into. That brings up the possibility of being poisoned, are pretty badly injured, whether it be a broken bone or a deep cut. Now, I can heal such wounds and remove poison properties with my powers, but I want to try and use my powers as little as possible. This is to build you, not myself. Be careful, as some plants may look safe, but they aren't." She explained, smiling a little as she looked around their camp. "Cozy little place we have ourselves. Hmm, as for food, you can gather fish, or maybe some deer or something. I forbid you to use your powers too. I'll be listening for them, and if I hear you activate them, then you fail this test. And tomorrow's training will be tougher. Now, take this rifle, and get a move on. Don't want anything near by to travel too far away now, do we?"
"Alright. I'll try my best." She said before she took the rifle and inspected it before turning away to find the materials they would need. First, she would want to find a river. With the river, they have water and maybe fish. Or she would find a lake or a pond. She kept walking until she found some herbs on the ground and took some. She didn't have a extensive knowledge on herbs so she only took the ones she knew that were healthy. It was very few, but after that she heard the sound of a river and walked over. Indeed, she found a river and it had a fair amount of fish, but she also found a bear on the other side who saw her and stood up tall to look intimidating. Makoto didn't really pay no mind to it and walked back into the woods. On the way, she was carrying a small notebook and started to sketch out a map of where she went. From the camp, to the herbs and the river. She remembered that she had to get some firewood, so she put the herbs in her backpack and climbed up the tree to kick down some branches. Once she kicked down a fair amount, she carried it back with her to the camp. When she got back, it was a few hours after she left the camp to search for the things she was tasked for. She put the wood in the middle of the camp and told Akane about her findings. "I don't have very good knowledge on herbs so I only brought a few that I remembered were good. There's also a river nearby but there's also a bear lurking around on the other side of it. It also has fish too, and they seem pretty big. I didn't run into any animals on land so far, I think I scared them off with my shots from earlier."
Matsui simply grinned at her response, curious as to why she found it interesting. " Oh, I wanted to ask something.. But how do you find it interesting? I don't mean it in a rude way though." He took notice of her bright smile so he smiled back at her, it has been a long time since he saw someone smile that brightly. He nodded at her opinion of the ants meaning that he liked her opinion about them. " Yup, I really like ants and the sort so I easily get distracted by them. I think I ve liked them since I was a little kid. There s just so much stuff you can learn about just by looking like how they communicate or work together and.." He felt like he had to stop himself or else he would be blathering about them wayy more than he should. He chuckled briefly as he looked at her. " My bad, I guess I got passionate there did I?" He took notice of her looking for the ants and soon he got an idea. He placed his left hand on the ground, closing his eyes he called for a pair of ants to arrive at his location. And in no time two ants crawled on his hand. He moved that hand upwards just so she could see them. " Look." The ants were looking at the girl, they waved their antennas as if they were greeting her. He later placed his hand on the ground and they crawled off it. Upon hearing her introducing herself he laughted abit, it was funny they talked this much without introducing themseves earlier " Rosalie? Thats a nice name. My name s Matsui but you can call me Mat for short if you like, its nice to meet you Rosalie." He shaked her hand cheerfully, and as he got welcomed he smiled. He was happy that he met someone so welcoming and positive.

• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie blinked a few times at his question, her head tilting once more, obviously not finding the question rude at all really "How could I not?" She asked in return with an amused expression "Surely you find talking to new people refreshing or interesting to an extent, right?" She shrugged her shoulders "I mean, unless you're the kind who'd rather enjoy their own company...?" Her voice raised curiously, though to her he didn't really seem that way, he seemed... well a little lost. To be expected if he was new, but he seemed still approachable if anything, which was nice, some characters here were less than favourable and she had bumped into more than a few unsavoury people here too.

His fascination with the tiny ants was somewhat endearing in an odd way, perhaps it was just how pumped up he seemed to be getting a chance to discuss them. Listening to him causing her to give a silent giggle, shaking her head when he had apologised "I mean, you did, but it's fine, it's always nice to hear someone talking about something they really like, making it sound interesting and exciting and all that." She answered to him apologising about his speech on ants but stopped as he lifted his hand, showing the two little ants that were now taking residence on his hand. Instead she now leaned forward towards his hand to get a better look, spotting the two tiny creatures sort of waving at her (or at least that's what it looked like), she once again giggled soundlessly her hand raising to wave back to the little bugs, finding them cute "Hi There~" her voice sounded softly at them just before he had let them call off his hand.

Upon hearing his name and receiving a handshake from him her smile grew bright again "Mat." she repeated, committing the name to memory. "And thank you! I like your name too." She nodded before she narrowed her eyes in though again, pressing her hand to her chin "Hmm...I don't know if I have anything easier to call than Rosalie that I use a lot...Rose? Rosey? Rosa?" She eventually shrugged her shoulders "Eh. I'm not fussy" she smiled over at Mat
"How's your first day going?"


• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie blinked a few times at his question, her head tilting once more, obviously not finding the question rude at all really "How could I not?" She asked in return with an amused expression "Surely you find talking to new people refreshing or interesting to an extent, right?" She shrugged her shoulders "I mean, unless you're the kind who'd rather enjoy their own company...?" Her voice raised curiously, though to her he didn't really seem that way, he seemed... well a little lost. To be expected if he was new, but he seemed still approachable if anything, which was nice, some characters here were less than favourable and she had bumped into more than a few unsavoury people here too.

His fascination with the tiny ants was somewhat endearing in an odd way, perhaps it was just how pumped up he seemed to be getting a chance to discuss them. Listening to him causing her to give a silent giggle, shaking her head when he had apologised "I mean, you did, but it's fine, it's always nice to hear someone talking about something they really like, making it sound interesting and exciting and all that." She answered to him apologising about his speech on ants but stopped as he lifted his hand, showing the two little ants that were now taking residence on his hand. Instead she now leaned forward towards his hand to get a better look, spotting the two tiny creatures sort of waving at her (or at least that's what it looked like), she once again giggled soundlessly her hand raising to wave back to the little bugs, finding them cute "Hi There~" her voice sounded softly at them just before he had let them call off his hand.

Upon hearing his name and receiving a handshake from him her smile grew bright again "Mat." she repeated, committing the name to memory. "And thank you! I like your name too." She nodded before she narrowed her eyes in though again, pressing her hand to her chin "Hmm...I don't know if I have anything easier to call than Rosalie that I use a lot...Rose? Rosey? Rosa?" She eventually shrugged her shoulders "Eh. I'm not fussy" she smiled over at Mat
"How's your first day going?"

Mat raised a brow when she asked how she couldn't. Though seeing her amused got a grin out of him. " Guess you're right about that. And here I think it applies even more, I bet there s alot of people with interesting powers or stories. Talking about powers, I've noticed you have been talking to me this whole time without using your lips. Are you like, speaking to my mind?" He asked at last, his curiosity just couldn't be contained any longer. Upon hearing her ask him if he liked being by himself he looked at Rose with his red and blue eyes. " Oh no no not at all. I mean sure I do like having my space from time to time but I do enjoy having some company too, infact that's what I wanted for a while now." It was true, he was looking for someone to talk to. Yes he did have the ocassional chit-chat with the hotel recepcionist, but he felt very restrained about what he could talk about and what he couldn't. Atleast now with Rosalie he could be more open about himself without lying about the fact that he is a superhuman. He then turned his attention back to her. " Oh! Im glad you think like that. I though you'd think im some kind of weird nerd or something." He laughted abit at himself, wondering why would he be worried about such small thing. A smile was soon brought to his face upon seeing her reaction to the ants. Rosalie s soft voice made him chuckle abit, it was quite nice to listen to. When she complimented his name he smiled slightly. He doesn't like his name since "that day" happened. Though he knew she didn't mean to remind him of that intentionally. " Thanks for the compliment." He said, it was kind of notorious he wasn't really happy about it but his slight smiling kind of hid it. Upon hearing her talk about her nicknames he cheered up again. " Man.. You sure have some good nicknames, Rose and Rosey sound very tempting. I guess I will use both from time to time. If its okay with you that is." He said, his enthusiasm soon returning back to normal. " My first day? So far im having a good time. You seem pretty fun to hang around it."
"Ah Fiona. I don't know why I forgot that name." She said before she picked up a hash brown and took a bite out of it, enjoying the crispiness and texture as well as the taste of it. She wondered if Ansom ever thought about going on vacation sometime. She also wondered where he would go. She looked up after taking another bite and swallowing it and spoke. "Have you ever thought about going on vacation? I think Tarumi is a nice place to go to because of the beach there." She suggested before taking another bite out of her hash browns, then downing it with a sip of her drink. She also wondered if she should go on vacation too with her family. She then began to wonder how her mom is doing. Well, her mom dropped by a few days ago so she had an idea.
Ansom took a bite of his burger and sipped more on the lemonade. "It's come across my mind but I don't think I have the self control." He sighed and set his food down back on the plate. "I've finally gotten to the point of not destroying every tall building I come across. I'm doing much better in restraining myself but if I see a bunch of people having fun and not worrying about anything, I'm not sure if I could hold myself back. That much peace will be nerve-wracking. It won't feel like a vacation after awhile." He looked back up at Yuki and shrugged before grabbing his food and taking another bite.

Alejandro looked at Len once more, not moving a muscle as he continued to pull on his face. It seemed like Len was evaluating him now, and honestly it was rather nerve racking. This guy seemed pretty cool at first, but things were getting awkward. Not that he was against it or anything. He'd take some stranger touching his face over anything that had happened to him recently. He couldn't catch a break. Once Len began to explain himself and the reason as to why he was doing what he was doing, Alejandro raised a brow out of curiosity. Maybe that did work... Maybe it didn't and Len just wanted to touch his face, but once he stopped, he was grateful... Until he lifted up his chin and... Sniffed him. Alejandro almost fell as he tried to make some distance between him and Len. Regaining his balance, he looked at him, preparing to speak, but just as he did, Len called him out for being with a girl... Or well smelling like it at least. It was the truth, and the fact that it was true caught him off guard, and he wasn't even able to respond properly. "A-Are you insane? I wasn't with anyone last night! I was in my dorm after my injury!" He shouted, before hearing how defensive he had become. There was no doubt about it. Alejandro had given himself up and he sighed, looking away, blushing a bit. "Damn it... S-So what if I was? It's not like we did anything... So don't go telling anyone. We're not supposed to be in the female dorms, and I don't want to get in any trouble... Alright?" He asked Len, hoping he'd understand the situation. "Besides, what does it even matter to you? You don't know me. Pretty sure you don't know her either."
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Len was prone to mischievous behavior like many of his race, it was simply something that came with being Fae. So when he hit the nail squarely on the head with his guess of how Alejandro kept company the night before he couldn't help but break into a large childish smirk. This guy seemed to have Low social skills as well if he had to take a guess. But that was neither here nor there, as Len decided how to spend his day; after all, he already was a bookworm and probably exceeded most of the points of were the classes were for him anyway, so a little bit of skipping would be that bad. Having been shouted at in such a manner only egged Len on more, which meant he was aiming to embarrass Alejandro more. "I think I do know you though, Alejandro, son of Roman, courier of minimal socialization and keeper of secrets." Teasing Alejandro with each word, Len poked his chest playfully, almost chuckling as he stepped away and turned to look at the school. If Ali was injured, then Len would feel bad to just leave him be. With that in mind, he spun on the ball of his foot to foot and stared Alejandro down. "But you know, if you're injured you shouldn't be going around alone. With that in mind, I shall accompany you, and fix any issue of 'not knowing you' you seem to have." Declaring that Len crossed his arms over his chest and smiled at Alejandro before adding one last thing. "And it doesn't matter to me since you at least told the truth, though I will say this: I won't forget the scents of the two of you know."
Ansom took a bite of his burger and sipped more on the lemonade. "It's come across my mind but I don't think I have the self control." He sighed and set his food down back on the plate. "I've finally gotten to the point of not destroying every tall building I come across. I'm doing much better in restraining myself but if I see a bunch of people having fun and not worrying about anything, I'm not sure if I could hold myself back. That much peace will be nerve-wracking. It won't feel like a vacation after awhile." He looked back up at Yuki and shrugged before grabbing his food and taking another bite.
Yuki giggled a bit surprisingly. She then just took another bite before looking around at the other customers who were there. They all seemed to be in their own conversations and such. Sometimes she caught the gaze of someone else only for them to look away. She didn't think she looked that pretty. She looked back at Ansom and tilted her head. "Hey Dad. About how I look, I'm not that pretty to look at, right? Like, I don't look very appealing or... Something. Am I revealing too much skin with this dress?" She asked sort of casually. She began to realize she got a couple of looks from a lot of people today, not including the ones she got when she was trying to defend Ansom. Maybe she was revealing too much skin. Or the dress just really emphasized her figure.
Yuki giggled a bit surprisingly. She then just took another bite before looking around at the other customers who were there. They all seemed to be in their own conversations and such. Sometimes she caught the gaze of someone else only for them to look away. She didn't think she looked that pretty. She looked back at Ansom and tilted her head. "Hey Dad. About how I look, I'm not that pretty to look at, right? Like, I don't look very appealing or... Something. Am I revealing too much skin with this dress?" She asked sort of casually. She began to realize she got a couple of looks from a lot of people today, not including the ones she got when she was trying to defend Ansom. Maybe she was revealing too much skin. Or the dress just really emphasized her figure.
Ansom raised his eyebrows and chewed his burger slowly. When he was done chewing, he swallowed and set the burger down, only a quarter of it remaining. "Well I'm obviously not gonna say you're not pretty. That glass of lemonade would probably go upside my head. Then my clothes would be ruined." He joked and stuck out his tongue. He cleared his throat and chuckled. "On a serious note, yeah you're pretty attractive. You have your mother's beauty but you carry that same confident glint in your eyes that I had many years ago." He smiled a bit and took a drink of his lemonade. "And I don't think the dress is too much. What's the point of having a nice body if you cover it with baggy and oversized clothes?" He shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "Why do you ask?"
Ansom raised his eyebrows and chewed his burger slowly. When he was done chewing, he swallowed and set the burger down, only a quarter of it remaining. "Well I'm obviously not gonna say you're not pretty. That glass of lemonade would probably go upside my head. Then my clothes would be ruined." He joked and stuck out his tongue. He cleared his throat and chuckled. "On a serious note, yeah you're pretty attractive. You have your mother's beauty but you carry that same confident glint in your eyes that I had many years ago." He smiled a bit and took a drink of his lemonade. "And I don't think the dress is too much. What's the point of having a nice body if you cover it with baggy and oversized clothes?" He shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "Why do you ask?"
Yuki blushed slightly by his comment. She picked up her drink and spoke before taking a sip from it. "I'm just getting a lot of looks lately. More than usual." After she took a sip from her drink, she set it down and finished her hash browns, only to pick up a fry and bit it. She swallowed it down and looked up at Ansom again. She smiled before tracing her finger along the rim of her glass. "I'm even getting some looks now. I never really minded it before, it just feels off that I'm getting more than what I'm used to."
A life without Roman and the kids would have been an empty one. Mal really didn't want to know what would have happened if she hadn't met him. Would she have fallen under parents control again? Would she have even been able to be happy like she'd hope when she left? She knew if she had fallen back into her parents grasp, she would have just been their weapon to use whenever they pleased back in their mostly human city. Frankly, the thought scared her, so she brushed it aside. There was no need to think about it now, she had Roman and that's all that mattered. "I'm glad I met you then, both for your sake and mine. Before we met I never knew that laughing could feel so amazing, or that it was possible to smile so much that your muscles in your face could start aching. Heck, I don't even think I knew how to love someone. Really, you've saved me from being someone I don't ever want to be again, I don't think I could ever thank you enough for that." She admitted, smiling and returning his stare. "While me and To- Ah, Masahi were talking earlier, he wanted me to remind you about flowers for whatever you had planned, do you need me to run out and get some?"

Roman was enjoying his time with Mal, disregarding all that had just happened before. Her smile was the most distracting factor in it all. It may have just been a smile, but to him it meant a million other things, and it they all made him happy. Listening to the things she had to say, taking it all in. She was right, everything she had been saying, was completely right. Hell, he could even relate to it all too. When she brought up flowers, his eyes widened a bit. He wasn't planning on going straight home after his work with Masahi, even though he said he was. He must've have mentioned flowers to Masahi or something, but thankfully he had told Mal, or else he would have completely forgotten. Taking Mal's hand in his, he looked in her in the eyes and smiled, "No no! We can go together, because truthfully, the flowers were for you. I wanted to surprise you with flowers and dinner with my free time, but with everything that happened, I might as well tell you. Kinda hard to make something a surprise after that, am I right?" He said, rubbing the back of his head. "I wasn't sure when I was going to have some free time on my hands again, so that's why I was going to do all of that... I know I've been busy lately, and my time spent with you has been almost a bare minimum. I felt bad, having to put my work above both you and the kids. Unfortunately, I want to take just you out for dinner this time, and then if Alejandro is home, we can take them and go as a family another time. Sounds good, right? A family dinner." Roman suggested, giving Mal a thumbs up. "So, how about it? Still want to go and get dinner together?"

Exilium took another sip of his water, soon finishing off the last bit. Placing the glass down on the table, he looked at Thomas and smiled a little. Nodding his head as he listened to what he was being told. Taking in as much as he could. Indeed his planet was nice. But they weren't too happy with Exilium himself. He was framed for something that had nothing to do with him, and the higher gods removed his deity like powers. Then banished him from his home planet. It was honestly upsetting, but he couldn't be mad at them. They knew not of what happened, but of what someone had told them.

"Yeah, my planet was a friendly one. Only time things around there would be serious is if someone from another world came and attempted to take our resources, or attack our people. Those things never happened though. And crime was almost never around. But the idea of staying in a crowd to keep the bad eggs in hiding doesn't sound too bad. Seems like every society has there ways to deal with them."

Exilium then raised a brow in curiosity. An enchantment that allowed for long range communication. He understood what Thomas was getting at here. And nodding his head in agreement, he put a hand on his headgear, placing it on the table.

"If you need to pick it up to enchant it, be rather careful. It's not as light as it looks. It's weighted gear. As for this enchantment, does it wear off after a certain amount of time or what?"
Waving a waiter over, Thomas asked for the bill before looking back to Exilium and offering a smile. It seemed big green understood what was being said to him pretty well, and honestly, it worked in Thomas' favor. Though he felt the green alien might be feeling at least a bit homesick so it might be about time to change the subject. Pulling out his wallet, Thomas took a high guess of how much he owed for what he ordered and put it on the table while talking.

"Well, enough about here and there, or rather, here and there in the general sense. What did you're people most commonly do for fun? There are many things here but I don't know what you're culture would deem worthy of what we do here. Especially since you guys are so peaceful, so you do seem like you'd have a lot of the same activities."

Thomas looked at Exilium's headgear with a sense of curiosity before leaning over and inspecting it. Well, it was true that something on the head would be good for a mental link enchantment, Thomas wasn't sure how compatible their two species minds were, so he looked at big green and shook his head.

"I just need to touch it to enchant it, but it would be better for me to do it at my residence where I have all the components needed. As for it wearing off, I can form the enchantment to draw upon your own energies and convert them to magic. Outside of that, I'd rather do it to one of your wrist... weights? I'm guessing they're weights, that way I can add a magical interface."
Nyn gave a quick glance to the window out of curiosity. In the distance she saw a black cat searching for something in the trash cans that were laying on the ground. She looked at it with a high sense of curiosity since she s never seen a cat before. The cat turned back and stared back at her. Its eyes were yellow, she found it to be a very interesting animal. She would've kept watching it but once she heard Yoichi talk at her she turned back to him. After listening to his words she had a very noticeable smile, not knowing why, she felt like looking at the table. Maybe because she felt happy? Yes, she was happy. " No.. it really is alot. Normally I would be avoiding people, but Im glad I talked back to you at the gym, or else I wouldn't know you as much as I do now. I know Im not that big of a deal now, but maybe if in the future I can get to be as strong as you I'd like to fight by your side aswell.. not that I wouldn't help you now If you need an extra hand." As he stood up she did so aswell. " Yeah you're right, we should do it today just in case we do forget to." She walked behind Yoichi. Nyn noticed the person brushing shoulders and warning Yoichi. She would've stared at the unknown person directly to send him off. But Yoichi s look already did the job probably even better than her. Once he asked if she was coming, Nyn gave one last look to the fast-food establishment, then she turned back at him and nodded.

Yoichi had made it out of the restaurant before Nyn, so it was only reasonable that she was on her way out after him. When he had offered to fight alongside her whenever she was in a pinch, he didn't expect her to take it the way she did. Honestly, he was expecting her to tell him no, or that she'd not want him to get hurt because of her. It made her seem like the fighting type, which only made him more interested in finding out more about Nyn. She seemed positive about all the things they've talked about, except the scythe that is. He frowned a bit, scoffing as he turned his head, "You're too damn positive." He said, as he continued to walk. "And before you say anything, no its not a bad thing... I'm just used to people not wanting anything to do with me. Especially for this duration of time. I was rude to you, yet I found myself helping you." Yoichi stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face, Nyn. "You're my first official friend, and I mean that." He said, before turning around and continuing to walk. Friends... There weren't many people that Yoichi liked, so to him, Nyn was special. And since that was the case, he'd make sure that his main friend was okay. "Sorry if I came off in a negative light. I don't really consider many friends." Yoichi added. "And thanks... For calling me strong. From this point on, I'll only get stronger though. To help you in your quest for knowledge, and for everyone else, so they have a hero to depend on."

Yoichi had made it out of the restaurant before Nyn, so it was only reasonable that she was on her way out after him. When he had offered to fight alongside her whenever she was in a pinch, he didn't expect her to take it the way she did. Honestly, he was expecting her to tell him no, or that she'd not want him to get hurt because of her. It made her seem like the fighting type, which only made him more interested in finding out more about Nyn. She seemed positive about all the things they've talked about, except the scythe that is. He frowned a bit, scoffing as he turned his head, "You're too damn positive." He said, as he continued to walk. "And before you say anything, no its not a bad thing... I'm just used to people not wanting anything to do with me. Especially for this duration of time. I was rude to you, yet I found myself helping you." Yoichi stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face, Nyn. "You're my first official friend, and I mean that." He said, before turning around and continuing to walk. Friends... There weren't many people that Yoichi liked, so to him, Nyn was special. And since that was the case, he'd make sure that his main friend was okay. "Sorry if I came off in a negative light. I don't really consider many friends." Yoichi added. "And thanks... For calling me strong. From this point on, I'll only get stronger though. To help you in your quest for knowledge, and for everyone else, so they have a hero to depend on."

Nyn went outside following Yoichi. She wondered about his opinion on her, after all her story was pretty weird so she wouldn't be very surprised if he though she was lying. But she just came to realize that since the time she told him about it he seemed to be very understanding so far. Upon hearing him tell her she was being too positive she furrowed a brow. And before she could ask if it was a bad thing she got inmediatly interrupted by him reassuring her that it wasn't bad. "Don't worry I understand. I've sticked around because you did so aswell, if I told my story to anyone else it'd be for sure that they would have leaved me. But you stayed anyways, so the least I could do in gratitude is to do the same aswell. Besides, its not like Im not having fun." She noticed Yoichi stopped walking and turned back now facing her, she slowly stopped aswell. What he said next left her speechless. She never imagined Yoichi to consider her as a friend. It made her quite happy, her eyes briefly gleamed with excitement. " I...Im really glad you see me as a friend Yoichi. I guess that makes you my first official friend aswell." She smiled abit, since he now is her first friend ever she wanted to make sure he is ok. As they kept walking she soon started to think about the fact that she never heard him laught before, she though it could be a goal to aim for in the future. " There's no need for apoligize, I think the fact that you don't consider many friends makes me special in some way." She took a short pause before resuming the talk. " You're welcome, and im really gratefull you want to help me with my situation. I hope you get to be a well-known hero someday." She stated, his words motivated her quite alot. Nyn honestly wanted him to be a succesfull hero, though in her eyes he already was it.
Mat raised a brow when she asked how she couldn't. Though seeing her amused got a grin out of him. " Guess you're right about that. And here I think it applies even more, I bet there s alot of people with interesting powers or stories. Talking about powers, I've noticed you have been talking to me this whole time without using your lips. Are you like, speaking to my mind?" He asked at last, his curiosity just couldn't be contained any longer. Upon hearing her ask him if he liked being by himself he looked at Rose with his red and blue eyes. " Oh no no not at all. I mean sure I do like having my space from time to time but I do enjoy having some company too, infact that's what I wanted for a while now." It was true, he was looking for someone to talk to. Yes he did have the ocassional chit-chat with the hotel recepcionist, but he felt very restrained about what he could talk about and what he couldn't. Atleast now with Rosalie he could be more open about himself without lying about the fact that he is a superhuman. He then turned his attention back to her. " Oh! Im glad you think like that. I though you'd think im some kind of weird nerd or something." He laughted abit at himself, wondering why would he be worried about such small thing. A smile was soon brought to his face upon seeing her reaction to the ants. Rosalie s soft voice made him chuckle abit, it was quite nice to listen to. When she complimented his name he smiled slightly. He doesn't like his name since "that day" happened. Though he knew she didn't mean to remind him of that intentionally. " Thanks for the compliment." He said, it was kind of notorious he wasn't really happy about it but his slight smiling kind of hid it. Upon hearing her talk about her nicknames he cheered up again. " Man.. You sure have some good nicknames, Rose and Rosey sound very tempting. I guess I will use both from time to time. If its okay with you that is." He said, his enthusiasm soon returning back to normal. " My first day? So far im having a good time. You seem pretty fun to hang around it."

• Rosalie Dalton •


She offered a smile when he had asked about her powers, she was surprised that he had managed to hold his curiosity for this long if she were honest, she shook her head at the mention talking to his mind "Sound Manipulation" she answered simply "Everyone else can hear me just as you can, so don't worry about looking like you're a crazy person by answering nothingness" she giggled silently at the thought, offering a large grin before continuing to explain her situation. Lifting up her hands she began to sign with them as she spoke "I'm Mute. I don't have a voice of my own to use, so to get around that I can use my abilities to generate one for myself" she gave a nod
"And I can use any voice that I like if I so wish" her voice sounded out but for that moment, it sounded just like Matsui's own voice, her smile growing somewhat mischievous when she had done so.

She hand noticed his expression falter slightly at the mention of his name...did he not like his name? She almost frowned herself, thinking that she had somehow upset him but stopped when he had thanked her for the compliment "Ah, you're Welcome!" She beamed. She shook her head when he asked about her nicknames and whether she minded him using them "I don't mind at all, you can call me whatever, I'll still react" she laughed a little before he had moved on to talk about his first day. "Ah, I'm glad!" She answered, clasping her hands together "Although this place is awesome my first day didn't go so smoothly, some guy pinned me by the throat" she said Almost nonchalant in tone apart from her hand moving up to touch her neck as if remembering it "Something about me overhearing his family business. Guess I got him mad? Thing was, although my abilities give me better than average hearing, I didn't even overhear the conversation" she shrugged her shoulders before her gaze snapped back to him and she offered a sheepish smile "I promise not everyone is like that though, don't be disheartened by my silly story" she quickly added as she waved her hands a little. "Either way, I'm glad you think I'm fun"


• Rosalie Dalton •


She offered a smile when he had asked about her powers, she was surprised that he had managed to hold his curiosity for this long if she were honest, she shook her head at the mention talking to his mind "Sound Manipulation" she answered simply "Everyone else can hear me just as you can, so don't worry about looking like you're a crazy person by answering nothingness" she giggled silently at the thought, offering a large grin before continuing to explain her situation. Lifting up her hands she began to sign with them as she spoke "I'm Mute. I don't have a voice of my own to use, so to get around that I can use my abilities to generate one for myself" she gave a nod
"And I can use any voice that I like if I so wish" her voice sounded out but for that moment, it sounded just like Matsui's own voice, her smile growing somewhat mischievous when she had done so.

She hand noticed his expression falter slightly at the mention of his name...did he not like his name? She almost frowned herself, thinking that she had somehow upset him but stopped when he had thanked her for the compliment "Ah, you're Welcome!" She beamed. She shook her head when he asked about her nicknames and whether she minded him using them "I don't mind at all, you can call me whatever, I'll still react" she laughed a little before he had moved on to talk about his first day. "Ah, I'm glad!" She answered, clasping her hands together "Although this place is awesome my first day didn't go so smoothly, some guy pinned me by the throat" she said Almost nonchalant in tone apart from her hand moving up to touch her neck as if remembering it "Something about me overhearing his family business. Guess I got him mad? Thing was, although my abilities give me better than average hearing, I didn't even overhear the conversation" she shrugged her shoulders before her gaze snapped back to him and she offered a sheepish smile "I promise not everyone is like that though, don't be disheartened by my silly story" she quickly added as she waved her hands a little. "Either way, I'm glad you think I'm fun"

Upon hearing her mention that her power was Sound Manipulation he got surprised by this. " Oh, well that's one worry off of me." He replied with a grin when she mentioned that he shouldn't worry about talking alone. He paid attention to her words and signs. He kind of expected her to be mute since she never used her lips to talk, but the fact that she could generate her own voice picked his interest. " Ooooh.. that explains alot. So that means you can have any voice you want right?" His question was quickly answered once Rosalie s voice changed. He flinched in response blinking a few times. It amazed him how she could just match his voice to perfection, which only made him more interested in her. " W-Wow! That's a really cool power to have! I bet you can do all sorts of pranks with it!" He smiled brightly, making his excitement very easy to notice. He though it was normal that since she told him her powers he had to do the same. " Well.. now that you told me your powers I guess its time I told you mine aswell. As you may have noticed I have a strong connection with insects. I can give them orders to follow, mostly ants and bees since they're easier to communicate with. I can also absorb electricity and use to run faster or shoot it somewhere." He briefly lifted his finger up, a small amount of electricity flowing from it. " Last but not least I can transform into something. I won't show it now because you'd probably freak out." Matsui stated, while it was a school for people with superpowers he was pretty sure she'd be scared once she looked him transform into a big insect like in one of those old horror movies. He rubbed the back of his head with a grin trying to change the subject once she said she was okay with him using nicknames. " Alrighty Rosey~" He chuckled abit. When she mentioned that she got pinned by the throat his expression turned into a frown. He couldn't belive someone would do that to her because of such thing, or how she could be fine with it. He ignored everything else she said from that point, Matsui looked at her with a serious look. " That's not okay Rose.. That asshole can't just grab people by the throat like that and get away with it. Who was it?" He asked, his tone clearly more serious than the whole time they've been speaking so far.
Upon hearing her mention that her power was Sound Manipulation he got surprised by this. " Oh, well that's one worry off of me." He replied with a grin when she mentioned that he shouldn't worry about talking alone. He paid attention to her words and signs. He kind of expected her to be mute since she never used her lips to talk, but the fact that she could generate her own voice picked his interest. " Ooooh.. that explains alot. So that means you can have any voice you want right?" His question was quickly answered once Rosalie s voice changed. He flinched in response blinking a few times. It amazed him how she could just match his voice to perfection, which only made him more interested in her. " W-Wow! That's a really cool power to have! I bet you can do all sorts of pranks with it!" He smiled brightly, making his excitement very easy to notice. He though it was normal that since she told him her powers he had to do the same. " Well.. now that you told me your powers I guess its time I told you mine aswell. As you may have noticed I have a strong connection with insects. I can give them orders to follow, mostly ants and bees since they're easier to communicate with. I can also absorb electricity and use to run faster or shoot it somewhere." He briefly lifted his finger up, a small amount of electricity flowing from it. " Last but not least I can transform into something. I won't show it now because you'd probably freak out." Matsui stated, while it was a school for people with superpowers he was pretty sure she'd be scared once she looked him transform into a big insect like in one of those old horror movies. He rubbed the back of his head with a grin trying to change the subject once she said she was okay with him using nicknames. " Alrighty Rosey~" He chuckled abit. When she mentioned that she got pinned by the throat his expression turned into a frown. He couldn't belive someone would do that to her because of such thing, or how she could be fine with it. He ignored everything else she said from that point, Matsui looked at her with a serious look. " That's not okay Rose.. That asshole can't just grab people by the throat like that and get away with it. Who was it?" He asked, his tone clearly more serious than the whole time they've been speaking so far.

• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie had burst into silent laughter at his reaction to her recreating his voice to speak with. It was a little trick she had learned over the years, after hearing someone talk for a while she could grab the gist of what they sounded like she could copy their pretty accurately. Seeing reactions such as Matsui's always made it amusing to do. "There so many amazing abilities in this school, more so than mine for sure, but thanks!...and it is really good for pranks, I can choose where the sound goes too so I can easily emulate whispers in people's ears to make them jump" her grin once again grew mischievous talking about it "I do run out of energy though, when that happens I have to rely on more traditional methods of communication" she explained with a smile before listening to Matsui's explain his own abilities.

Her eyes widened in intrigue as he spoke, while she was expecting him to mention something to do with insects she wasn't expecting him to mention electricity her silver gaze darting to his raised finger as electricity bounced off it "Ah! One of my other friends generates electricity too, you guys should meet up sometime!" She insisted with an excited grin. "As for what you change into? I bet it's really cool! But I'm not going to make you show me" she laughed a little.

She was willing to pass over the incident from her first day without deeper questioning and though she has done successfully until May had spoke out about it, his tone becoming increasingly serious. While this didn't cause her to frown after staring at Matsui for a moment it caused Rosalie's smile to falter before her gaze drifted away from him. She shrugged her shoulders a little "...I don't know. Haven't seen him around much, I think he was a senior or something, definitely not in my year anyway" she answered her voice a little quieter than before "It's no big deal anyways. It was one time and he was just protecting his privacy, I guess" she added after, her gaze returning to Matsui along with a smile as if she was trying to pick up her mood "As I said, don't let my story affect how you see this place"


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