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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nyn was still hypnotized by the burger until she heard Yoichi saying that it would taste better than it looks, which to her it was imposible. " Wow.. I doubt that can be possible. Guess there's only one way to find out." She carefully picked up the burger with both hands as if it was a diamond, admiring it for one last time, she slowly opened her mouth and took a small bite out of it and swallowed. It was very tasty, it surpassed her expectations by a long shot, she couldn't resist taking another bite out of it. " Its..delicous, I never imagined it would be this good." As she continued eating she started to think about him mentioning that she should get some rest. Which to her surprise she didn't feel so tired anymore, maybe eating brough her back some energy or she was just enjoying her time spent with him. " Well, now that you mentioned it for some reason I don't feel as tired as I used to once I got out of the infirmary.. I don't even know what time it is." Once Yoichi mentioned money, she explored her jacket's pocket. There wasn't any, and since he asked her if she had Nyn though he probably didn't had enough money to pay for both. Suddenly something caught her eyes attention, in the long distance of the hall she saw a man on his seat eating peacefully, there were a few dollars that were in the pocket of his jeans. She though to herself that with her powers she could take the money, after all, she doesn't know whats good or bad, for her its what makes her feel good and what doesn't.
And so, with her telekinetic powers, she quickly lifted the few dollars off his pocket, they levitated under the tables and chairs so people won't freak out. Since it was a very small and light object to pick up she didn't struggle in using her power. The dollars then soon were under their table and levitated towards her hand that was in her pocket, then she got her hand out of it and picked up the 10 dollars that were right next to that hand. She placed them on their table. " I found this much, Is it enough to pay the burgers?". (Soz for the two messages Im on cell and I tapped save twice so it sent two times :-_-lines:)
(((( happens to the best of us lol ))))

Yoichi raised a brow, watching as Nyn went to take a bite. The fact that she was immediately proven wrong by his statement caused him to chuckle a bit, being the first time he did anything remotely close to a laugh since the started hanging out. "Well, as you can see, you never truly know until you try it." He said, taking a bite of his burger. He loved coming here. It was the best burger joint he's found since starting school here, and he wasn't too keen on going too far away from the school just to eat. After he had mentioned sleeping to Nyn and she responded by telling him that she wasn't as tired anymore, he simply nodded. She must've been hungry is all. It was an understandable situation if he's ever heard of or seen one, so didn't comment on it. Then there was the topic of my money. Yoichi waited as Nyn began to dig in her pockets for some and when she took out what she had, he shook his head no, "It's enough, but don't worry. This one is on me. Think of it as my apology for calling you weak earlier. Guess I could have said something else, but... Yeah... Save your money for a snack or something. Or if you want, you could get a burger to take home. All up to you." Yoichi had then took another bite of his burger, looking out of the window as he did. Once he swallowed his food, he took a sip of water and then looked back to Nyn, "So, after you get all settled in and stuff, what's the plan ?"
(((( happens to the best of us lol ))))

Yoichi raised a brow, watching as Nyn went to take a bite. The fact that she was immediately proven wrong by his statement caused him to chuckle a bit, being the first time he did anything remotely close to a laugh since the started hanging out. "Well, as you can see, you never truly know until you try it." He said, taking a bite of his burger. He loved coming here. It was the best burger joint he's found since starting school here, and he wasn't too keen on going too far away from the school just to eat. After he had mentioned sleeping to Nyn and she responded by telling him that she wasn't as tired anymore, he simply nodded. She must've been hungry is all. It was an understandable situation if he's ever heard of or seen one, so didn't comment on it. Then there was the topic of my money. Yoichi waited as Nyn began to dig in her pockets for some and when she took out what she had, he shook his head no, "It's enough, but don't worry. This one is on me. Think of it as my apology for calling you weak earlier. Guess I could have said something else, but... Yeah... Save your money for a snack or something. Or if you want, you could get a burger to take home. All up to you." Yoichi had then took another bite of his burger, looking out of the window as he did. Once he swallowed his food, he took a sip of water and then looked back to Nyn, "So, after you get all settled in and stuff, what's the plan ?"

Nyn simply nodded at his statement acknowledging he was right. She took another sip from her drink, thinking about the endless foods or things she had yet to discover. Once she heard him say that he would pay for her this time she was quite surprised. She placed her money back into her pocket with a brief smile. " Thanks, that's very kind of you Yoichi.. but next time I'd like to pay for you too." She took another small bite of her burger, she was halfway through finishing it. Once he talked she looked back at him. " Well.. after I get settled in I will probably go read some books to inform myself more.. and maybe If im lucky I might find something about myself. Then If I have some spare time I will go train for a bit so I can get to sleep."
Nyn simply nodded at his statement acknowledging he was right. She took another sip from her drink, thinking about the endless foods or things she had yet to discover. Once she heard him say that he would pay for her this time she was quite surprised. She placed her money back into her pocket with a brief smile. " Thanks, that's very kind of you Yoichi.. but next time I'd like to pay for you too." She took another small bite of her burger, she was halfway through finishing it. Once he talked she looked back at him. " Well.. after I get settled in I will probably go read some books to inform myself more.. and maybe If im lucky I might find something about myself. Then If I have some spare time I will go train for a bit so I can get to sleep."
Yoichi smiled a bit, taking a bite of his burger when Nyn had thanked him. Once he finished chewing and swallowing his food, he looked at her, speaking as he did so, "No problem. I''m glad you enjoyed it too." He told her, but when she said she wanted to pay for him next time, he rubbed the back of his head, thinking on her words for a moment . "Fine, but I'll make sure I have the largest appetite possible." Yoichi then grabbed his glass of water, finishing it off before placing it down. "Sounds like a good plan. Don't overdo yourself though. Wouldn't want you to strain yourself too much."
Yoichi smiled a bit, taking a bite of his burger when Nyn had thanked him. Once he finished chewing and swallowing his food, he looked at her, speaking as he did so, "No problem. I''m glad you enjoyed it too." He told her, but when she said she wanted to pay for him next time, he rubbed the back of his head, thinking on her words for a moment . "Fine, but I'll make sure I have the largest appetite possible." Yoichi then grabbed his glass of water, finishing it off before placing it down. "Sounds like a good plan. Don't overdo yourself though. Wouldn't want you to strain yourself too much."
Nyn resumed eating her burger, she was very close to finishing it. She doesn't know how many meals or foods taste, or atleast she doesn't remember, but her favorite one as of now are burgers. She was very thankfull of this whole experience, which happened because of Yoichi. She though to herself that perphaps people aren't so evil as she imagined. That maybe its not efficient judge a book by its cover, atleast not entirely. Upon hearing him talk about having a big appetite next time she does pay, she furrowed a brow. " Oh really? Well that ll be a problem." She chuckled abit, whether it was true or not, she was decided to pay for him next time. Not because she felt in debt, rather she felt like he deserved it. " I think it does sound reasonable. Don't worry I won't overdo myself, Its not like I enjoyed being in the infirmary.. Though It was kind of funny hearing you outrage at those boys back there." She smirked at her last statement, when she was fainted back then she couldn't really see anything but she did hear slightly.
Nyn resumed eating her burger, she was very close to finishing it. She doesn't know how many meals or foods taste, or atleast she doesn't remember, but her favorite one as of now are burgers. She was very thankfull of this whole experience, which happened because of Yoichi. She though to herself that perphaps people aren't so evil as she imagined. That maybe its not efficient judge a book by its cover, atleast not entirely. Upon hearing him talk about having a big appetite next time she does pay, she furrowed a brow. " Oh really? Well that ll be a problem." She chuckled abit, whether it was true or not, she was decided to pay for him next time. Not because she felt in debt, rather she felt like he deserved it. " I think it does sound reasonable. Don't worry I won't overdo myself, Its not like I enjoyed being in the infirmary.. Though It was kind of funny hearing you outrage at those boys back there." She smirked at her last statement, when she was fainted back then she couldn't really see anything but she did hear slightly.
At this point, Yoichi had a bite left of his burger, but unfortunately he had become full. Putting the piece of burger down on the plate in front of him, he heard Nyn say that him having his biggest appetite would be a problem. When she chuckled after, it made him chuckle a little bit, before he responded, "Shouldn't be too much to worry about." He said, as he waved for the waiter. He had taken notice to the fact that Nyn was almost done too, so they should be able to leave pretty soon, and he to also find out what he was gonna have to pay. As Nyn continued on, Yoichi was able to understand where she was coming from. Not many people do enjoy being in the infirmary. It was a rather boring, and well depressing place, depending on what was going on. When she said it was funny how he yelled at those guys from before, he simply looked towards the window, exhaling. "Well they were in the way, and I had to get you inside the infirmary. If the situation was dire, I would have just blown the two asshats to tiny bits... Not like no one would be quick to help them. We were outside the room anyways."
At this point, Yoichi had a bite left of his burger, but unfortunately he had become full. Putting the piece of burger down on the plate in front of him, he heard Nyn say that him having his biggest appetite would be a problem. When she chuckled after, it made him chuckle a little bit, before he responded, "Shouldn't be too much to worry about." He said, as he waved for the waiter. He had taken notice to the fact that Nyn was almost done too, so they should be able to leave pretty soon, and he to also find out what he was gonna have to pay. As Nyn continued on, Yoichi was able to understand where she was coming from. Not many people do enjoy being in the infirmary. It was a rather boring, and well depressing place, depending on what was going on. When she said it was funny how he yelled at those guys from before, he simply looked towards the window, exhaling. "Well they were in the way, and I had to get you inside the infirmary. If the situation was dire, I would have just blown the two asshats to tiny bits... Not like no one would be quick to help them. We were outside the room anyways."

Nyn gave the last bite to her burger, she had finished eating. She did not expect to finish her burger, she didn't notice she was hungry until she tried it. " Oh, thats better." With the way she talked it was easy to notice that she wasn't really worried about it. "Asshats" she though to herself smiling slightly. She did not like the infirmary, while obviously no one does because it is depressing and boring, there was some other special reason why she didn't like it but she couldn't quite know what or why. " I see.. I hope I don't have to go there too often. There may be others who need more medical attention than me." She stated, looking at what was left of Yoichi s burger she had an idea. She concentrated on that burger, she made the middle of the burger open and close by itself as if it were talking. It was something dumb, but she was just curious to see his reaction.
Yuki smiled. Ansom came up with something and she didn't. She thought about what she had been up to. In reality, nothing really exciting or big or eventful. It was just S.S.D.D. Same shit, different day. "Well, just the same stuff I do everyday. Working to support the family and all, buying the kids' necessities. The only thing different is that I've agreed to help Neo with Mika sometimes, since Neo's work is chasing down criminals and getting money off of them and their bounties. Someone has to watch Mika while Neo's away. Mitsu is also busy with her studies as well. Besides that, nothing special." She said as she looped a strand of hair around her finger then pulling it out so the strand would hang again. She then began to trace a circle on the table, looking down at it slightly. "What about you, Dad? Surely, you've been up to something all this time... For some reason I'm used to calling you Dad already. It seems... Natural." She stated looking up at Ansom towards the end. It was weird after having so much beef with him that she found herself talking to him more casually. Like on a very open father-to-daughter relationship.
Ansom listened with his head cradled in his interlocked hands, watching his daughter as she spoke. He nodded along occasionally to show that he was actually paying attention and cared about what she was saying. It was something he had been working on for awhile. Even when he didn't care, he liked to pretend to because he found that is was something commonly done by humans. But when Yuki spoke, Ansom found himself actually interested in her responses. May it be because she was family or simply because Ansom actually wanted to rebuild all the broken connections between the two, whatever the reason was, it certainly worked. When she redirected the question towards him, Ansom sat up a little and gave a soft shrug. "I've been all over the place these past few months. I've been trying my best to morph into a mundane style of living...but I will admit that I have destroyed a few things recently. I've made sure that the structures were abandoned though." He sighed a bit. Speaking about his actions aloud really made Ansom think. He already doubted his decision to chance ever once in awhile, but just speaking about it multiplied the feeling even more. "I've been continuing my car collecting as well. That's where my main source of actual income comes from, buying and selling cars. It may be simply the passive chaos around me, but I usually get killer deals." He chuckled and shrugged once again. "Needless to say, I live a pretty boring life most the time. Especially when I started taking a break from my job as the Anti-God." Around that time, the server brought back the two's drinks, setting the pink drinks in front of their respective customers. Ansom thanked the girl and then began to order, ordering simply a cheeseburger with lightly salted fries.
Ansom listened with his head cradled in his interlocked hands, watching his daughter as she spoke. He nodded along occasionally to show that he was actually paying attention and cared about what she was saying. It was something he had been working on for awhile. Even when he didn't care, he liked to pretend to because he found that is was something commonly done by humans. But when Yuki spoke, Ansom found himself actually interested in her responses. May it be because she was family or simply because Ansom actually wanted to rebuild all the broken connections between the two, whatever the reason was, it certainly worked. When she redirected the question towards him, Ansom sat up a little and gave a soft shrug. "I've been all over the place these past few months. I've been trying my best to morph into a mundane style of living...but I will admit that I have destroyed a few things recently. I've made sure that the structures were abandoned though." He sighed a bit. Speaking about his actions aloud really made Ansom think. He already doubted his decision to chance ever once in awhile, but just speaking about it multiplied the feeling even more. "I've been continuing my car collecting as well. That's where my main source of actual income comes from, buying and selling cars. It may be simply the passive chaos around me, but I usually get killer deals." He chuckled and shrugged once again. "Needless to say, I live a pretty boring life most the time. Especially when I started taking a break from my job as the Anti-God." Around that time, the server brought back the two's drinks, setting the pink drinks in front of their respective customers. Ansom thanked the girl and then began to order, ordering simply a cheeseburger with lightly salted fries.
Yuki ordered hash browns and an omelette, if they had any. Otherwise, she would have ordered what Ansom got. After ordering, she took a sip of the drink which amazed her since it was pretty delicious. She wished she could get a recipe for it since she wanted to make one for her family. She looked up at Ansom and smiled. "I see. I'm curious, are you dating anyone recently? Or had an eye on someone?" Yuki asked as she tilted her head. Her curiosity got to her and she wanted to see if Ansom was seeing anyone. She gets that Ansom's been alive for a very very long time and it gets boring staying dedicated to one person after awhile. But she also recognizes it's socially not good to be promiscuous. Well, it's not the same to be promiscuous as a guy as it is for a girl. If it were a guy, he'd just be called a playboy or a player who knows how to get the ladies in bed with him. For a girl, she'd be labeled a slut and would be shunned and shamed. Though Yuki was just wondering if Ansom was seeing someone. She at least hoped that if Ansom was, he would support her and care for her and treat her well. Well, that is if he were to have a child with him. At least he would give her a good time and hopefully stays dedicated. She also wants to be more understanding towards Ansom. Waiting for him to answer, she continued to sip from her drink.
"Pfft, your arm can't even think so that statements invalid" She grinned, she was aware of the grip she had on his arm so she wasn't surprised that he might have lost a bit of feeling in it. "It was, I liked it... even if I might have gotten a little scared I enjoyed it." She stated before looking at him. "I guess it's more of a fear that the clown's going to randomly pull out a chainsaw and be like 'come here little girl'" She held her hands up and moved her fingers in a clawing motion.

Allen looked up a bit in thought. He hadn't exactly had a plan in mind, but he had said that before he could really have something in mind, more to make sure they'd actually have more time to hang out. "We could walk around and if we see something interesting go there?" He offered, a little unsure on if it was actually a good idea or not but he didn't know exactly what there was to do around this area.

Kenai rolled his eyes and smiled "Yeah, Yeah. I know my arm can't think...but it can feel, more importantly it can feel when you are squeezing the hell out of it. Or rather... suddenly not feel after a while. Pretty sure I have pins and needles in my arm now" he joked near the end, giving his arm a shake but stopping as she began imitating the clown or rather, her interpretation of it. He tried keeping a straight face as they before the cinema building but ultimately ended up bursting into a laugh. "That is the most un-threatening I have ever heard. Even with the chainsaw. Please never direct a horror movie." He commented, briefly copying her weurd hand movement but stopped again, shaking his head "Did you want me to drop you home or did you have any other plans?" He asked curiously as he glanced down at her.


Ilaani slowly raised a brow at his suggestion. He had no plan? He made it sound like he did. Not that she minded at all, she didn't really want to leave his company just yet, it had been so long after all, spending time with Allen like this was almost like a little nostalgia trip to when things were...nicer? She guessed? Like a warm fuzzy feeling of having her friend back again...Was that a weird thought? That was totally a weird thought... She shook the thought out of her head, turning her attention to actually answer Allen's suggestion. Her raised brow was now replaced with a bright smile "I mean, yeah. We used to do that a lot so I'm cool with it. I'm not even sure what places there is around here anymore to be honest" she tapped her chin a little as she thought about it "After all, I've only been back here once since the whole... chipping thing...I heard a good few places were damaged or just closed down around here with everyone pretty much on lockdown, right?" She asked before shrugging "I've missed a lot in that respect"
Yuki ordered hash browns and an omelette, if they had any. Otherwise, she would have ordered what Ansom got. After ordering, she took a sip of the drink which amazed her since it was pretty delicious. She wished she could get a recipe for it since she wanted to make one for her family. She looked up at Ansom and smiled. "I see. I'm curious, are you dating anyone recently? Or had an eye on someone?" Yuki asked as she tilted her head. Her curiosity got to her and she wanted to see if Ansom was seeing anyone. She gets that Ansom's been alive for a very very long time and it gets boring staying dedicated to one person after awhile. But she also recognizes it's socially not good to be promiscuous. Well, it's not the same to be promiscuous as a guy as it is for a girl. If it were a guy, he'd just be called a playboy or a player who knows how to get the ladies in bed with him. For a girl, she'd be labeled a slut and would be shunned and shamed. Though Yuki was just wondering if Ansom was seeing someone. She at least hoped that if Ansom was, he would support her and care for her and treat her well. Well, that is if he were to have a child with him. At least he would give her a good time and hopefully stays dedicated. She also wants to be more understanding towards Ansom. Waiting for him to answer, she continued to sip from her drink.
Ansom waited patiently while his daughter ordered her food. When the waitress walked away, he tilted his head to hear Yuki's next question. As she was speaking, he grabbed his lemonade and took a sip. When she finished with the question, he nodded a few times before setting the drink down on the table. He swallowed what was in his mouth before clearing his throat. "Is that a required question to ask every time two people are catching up?" He asked with a chuckle. He then sighed and shook his head. "No, not really. Ever since Haiiro left, I kind of just been focusing on my own thing." He shrugged slightly and began to pick at the seat, looking down slightly. He soon raised his head and chuckled a bit. "Well I did spend a day with this one girl. Very nice lady. Great personality. Elaena is her name but we're just friends. It was just a movie and then dinner. And I think we played darts for a bit." He nodded and took another drink. "It's hard for an old guy like me to pick up the ladies. I don't know modern pickup lines." He joked, adding in a laugh at the end.
Ansom waited patiently while his daughter ordered her food. When the waitress walked away, he tilted his head to hear Yuki's next question. As she was speaking, he grabbed his lemonade and took a sip. When she finished with the question, he nodded a few times before setting the drink down on the table. He swallowed what was in his mouth before clearing his throat. "Is that a required question to ask every time two people are catching up?" He asked with a chuckle. He then sighed and shook his head. "No, not really. Ever since Haiiro left, I kind of just been focusing on my own thing." He shrugged slightly and began to pick at the seat, looking down slightly. He soon raised his head and chuckled a bit. "Well I did spend a day with this one girl. Very nice lady. Great personality. Elaena is her name but we're just friends. It was just a movie and then dinner. And I think we played darts for a bit." He nodded and took another drink. "It's hard for an old guy like me to pick up the ladies. I don't know modern pickup lines." He joked, adding in a laugh at the end.
Yuki giggled a bit. She then sipped her drink some more before she spoke again. "Well, that's good I suppose." She then leaned back in her chair, wondering what else they could talk about. She looked up at the ceiling and remembered that there was someone who sort of made her take a picture of herself in a Yukata. She doesn't remember who it was, all she knew was that she knew Ansom in some way. She looked back at him and asked. "Hey Dad, remember when I sent you that picture of me in a Yukata? I know some lady made me take a picture of myself and she knew you in some way. Though, I don't know how my memory is failing me already. Do you know anyone else who's close to you?"
Yuki giggled a bit. She then sipped her drink some more before she spoke again. "Well, that's good I suppose." She then leaned back in her chair, wondering what else they could talk about. She looked up at the ceiling and remembered that there was someone who sort of made her take a picture of herself in a Yukata. She doesn't remember who it was, all she knew was that she knew Ansom in some way. She looked back at him and asked. "Hey Dad, remember when I sent you that picture of me in a Yukata? I know some lady made me take a picture of myself and she knew you in some way. Though, I don't know how my memory is failing me already. Do you know anyone else who's close to you?"
Ansom frowned slightly as his daughter's question. At first, he had no clue what she was going on about but then something clicked in his head. He nodded slowly as his memory began to return. "Right, that was the first time we talked without malice in a long time." He chuckled slightly. "Yeah, that 'some lady' is my caretaker, Fiona. I wouldn't necessarily call me and her close. It's her job to watch over me and make sure I don't do anything too crazy too soon." He explained and then shrugged. "She is one of the few people that can actually talk me into calming down so if you consider that to be closeness, then I suppose we are close." He rubbed his temple a bit and then took another sip of his drink. "She's in Malibu right now, taking a vacation." As Ansom spoke the final sentence, the server brought over their food and set down the plates in front of each of the patrons. She then nodded and walked off after Ansom thanked her.
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Hyou had noticed how excited he might have looked to Skylar, and immediately went back to trying to be all big and cool. Instead of the smile he wore on his face just a few seconds ago, he was now smirking and nodding his head. When she made her way over to him, wrapping her arms around his body, he chuckled a bit, wrapping one of his own arms around her, listening to her words as she spoke, one she let him go. It would indeed be their first real date. It had to be a few weeks since they started dating at most by now, if not at least a month, and Hyou hadn't even thought of a date. With the way things were, his mind was all over the place. Especially since after they met, it's sort of been tragedy after tragedy for them, so hopefully a change was in store. "It would be our first date actually. You're right. That's why it should be a special one. I'm giving it all to you. Whatever you wanna do, we will do it, and I'll pay for it all. Sounds good?" He asked, smiling a little as he sat down in one of the chairs. Spending money on something like this wouldn't be a bother to him. In fact, he had quite a bit saved up, so he had no problems at all with the idea of doing multiple things today.​

Skylar Ainsworth

Skylar couldn't help but giggle a bit at seeing Hyou's sudden change of emotion. If she was honest with herself, it was quite cute the way that he always tried to act so big and cool all the time. He was cute all the time, but it made her happy that he tried to act that way for her. She also liked knowing that she could get him to be a bit more expressive like he just had been, but she wasn't going to push it. Besides, that's not what's important at the moment. They were going to be going on a date! After everything that had happened, they really hadn't had much normal time for just themselves. Really, they hadn't had ANY normal time to themselves. So the fact that they finally had a moment where they could be normal and go on a date like real couples did, it meant a lot. With her being hospitalized and having been absorbed, she hadn't been able to attend normal classes, so she had been given a bunch of remedial work in the meantime to catch up. That meant that she didn't really need to think about going to class for a while, and actually could forget about schoolwork and school and leaving to go on a date. She didn't want to think about any of that anyways. All she wanted was some quality time with Hyou. "Well okay.." she mused, thinking about where they could go. She apparently had the world at her fingers with Hyou's offer, so she had to make it a good date. "I think it would be nice to go out into town." Skylar answered after a moment, smiling as she looked up at him. "There's this little art cafe that I heard has really good food, and it's right next to a bookstore I've been wanting to check out. I think there's also an indoor garden somewhere around there too?" She finished, realizing that she had rambled a bit. "I-I would love to hear any ideas you have too!"
Diana Young And Abigail Black-Coat
Diana turned back to Elliot before she hugged him again with her one arm, "Well if your a dork then I like you still," A smile still on her face as Abigail sighed lightly, picking up the arm and moving over to Diana, holding it out for her, "Again, it works, but you will have to clean this some time soon ok?" She said in an annoyed tone as Diana nodded, taking her arm away from Elliot before grabbing her metal one, Abigail smiling lightly at the two of them before moving towards the door, "And my job here is done, don't start having children now~!" She said in a joking manner as she opened the door before leaving.

Diana had a furious blush on her face before looking back at Elliot, giving an awkward smile, "Uhm... Well... We're alone..." She said awkwardly once again, the words of Abigail ringing in her head before she let out a short sigh, leaning back into the couch she leaned her head against Elliot, closing her eyes, placing the arm in her lap as she let out slow breathes, "Maybe we should go out soon... Abigail's bar is a nice place..." She said smiling lightly once again. Opening her eyes she looked up at Elliot, "Help me put this in?" She said holding up the arm, a look of annoyance on her face.
Elliot had just smiled a little when she seemed pretty okay with his dorkish interests and habits...which were...pretty dorkish... He shook that thought out of his head for now, instead just watching Abigail as she informed Diana on how her arm was and what to do with it, which he didn't have much of a reaction to since it wasn't really much of his business or atleast he didn't think it was. It was only when Abigail had gave her leaving comment that Elliot had reacted, causing his face to flush red his mouth just slightly parted but no words coming out as Abigail just left.

He answered Diana's awkward smile with one of his own. "A-Ah yeah..." he answered quietly as his cheek now began to fade to their natural colour. He had sat in a somewhat comfortable silence after the two were left alone, closing his own eyes and letting a gentle exhale as Diana leaned her head against him. He blinked his eyes open when Diana mentioned going to Abigail's bar later, looking into her eyes briefly but not yet answering as he silently lifted the arm and had asked for help with, giving her a smile and a nod. "Sure." He answered as he waited for her to turn so he could pop it in "Abigail's bar? You sure she's okay with me being there? I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me around and would just love to punch my face" he admitted but let a laugh about it. "I mean, if you think she won't mind me there too much and it's what you want, I'll go there 100%" he answered with a nod "Oh. And again. Sorry about this" he said softly as he clicked the arm in for her. "There. Done."
Matsui entered through the doors of the highschool. He felt more safe here than he had ever been in this year. He didn't have to hide the fact that he had powers since, after all, its a highschool for the empowered. Then again, he didn't think of his powers proudly, or what he had to go through to get them. He shook his head, he had to find something to do or else he would keep dwelling on the past like everyday. Walking around the halls, he explored some areas of the building until he found the school ground. He walked towards a tree and sat resting his back against it. Mat was looking at some ants out of boredom since he didn't know what else to do.
Ansom frowned slightly as his daughter's question. At first, he had no clue what she was going on about but then something clicked in his head. He nodded slowly as his memory began to return. "Right, that was the first time we talked without malice in a long time." He chuckled slightly. "Yeah, that 'some lady' is my caretaker, Fiona. I wouldn't necessarily call me and her close. It's her job to watch over me and make sure I don't do anything too crazy too soon." He explained and then shrugged. "She is one of the few people that can actually talk me into calming down so if you consider that to be closeness, then I suppose we are close." He rubbed his temple a bit and then took another sip of his drink. "She's in Malibu right now, taking a vacation." As Ansom spoke the final sentence, the server brought over their food and set down the plates in front of each of the patrons. She then nodded and walked off after Ansom thanked her.
"Ah Fiona. I was trying to remember it for a long time and it was driving me crazy how I'd forgotten." She said before picking up a fork and digging it into the hash browns and putting it in her mouth. She smiled at the taste and swallowed it before speaking. "I see. Maybe you should use a vacation too." She suggested before looking at Ansom, wondering what he'd say. She even started to wonder if he ever been on a vacation before. At least what humans would consider vacation. Like maybe out on a cruise or some place else in a hotel. Maybe she could use a vacation too. While waiting, she continued to eat her hash browns and her fries.
Matsui entered through the doors of the highschool. He felt more safe here than he had ever been in this year. He didn't have to hide the fact that he had powers since, after all, its a highschool for the empowered. Then again, he didn't think of his powers proudly, or what he had to go through to get them. He shook his head, he had to find something to do or else he would keep dwelling on the past like everyday. Walking around the halls, he explored some areas of the building until he found the school ground. He walked towards a tree and sat resting his back against it. Mat was looking at some ants out of boredom since he didn't know what else to do.

Shuffling her bag onto her back and hugging her notebook to chest, Rosalie had stepped out of her last class of the day, after waving goodbye to her friend she continued on her way outside onto the school grounds with somewhat of a spring in her step, after all her day was now free. With that free time she didn't really have much of a plan on what to do other than just...relax, she supposed. Her friend was off to an after school club so she had nothing to do.

With that thought in mind she gradually made her way to the nice grassy area out front. It was normally a nice place to sit for anyone really since it caught the sun for most of the day. She went to sit at her usual spot, but upon arrival had spotted someone else in her usual spot. Someone she definitely didn't recognise (not that she knew every face in the school but she was somewhat aware of who normally sat in this particular area) Seeing this she had stopped just sort of the edge of the grassy patch as she watched the male briefly who seemed to be...watching something? Her silver eyes filled with curiosity as they followed where his eyes were going, but was too far away to spot the tiny ants. "You don't mind if I sit, right?" She asked as her head tilted to once side. She still needed somewhere to sit after all, and she was curious to what he was doing too.
Shuffling her bag onto her back and hugging her notebook to chest, Rosalie had stepped out of her last class of the day, after waving goodbye to her friend she continued on her way outside onto the school grounds with somewhat of a spring in her step, after all her day was now free. With that free time she didn't really have much of a plan on what to do other than just...relax, she supposed. Her friend was off to an after school club so she had nothing to do.

With that thought in mind she gradually made her way to the nice grassy area out front. It was normally a nice place to sit for anyone really since it caught the sun for most of the day. She went to sit at her usual spot, but upon arrival had spotted someone else in her usual spot. Someone she definitely didn't recognise (not that she knew every face in the school but she was somewhat aware of who normally sat in this particular area) Seeing this she had stopped just sort of the edge of the grassy patch as she watched the male briefly who seemed to be...watching something? Her silver eyes filled with curiosity as they followed where his eyes were going, but was too far away to spot the tiny ants. "You don't mind if I sit, right?" She asked as her head tilted to once side. She still needed somewhere to sit after all, and she was curious to what he was doing too.

Mat was completely focused on the ants, watching carefully how they moved and react to their surroundings. As he did this he was not aware at all of the footsteps that were approaching him. When he suddenly heard the voice of the girl talking to him, he flinched in surprise. "Oh! S-Sure you can!" He speaked as he made some room for the curious girl, soon realizing he lost track of the ants he was looking at.
Nyn gave the last bite to her burger, she had finished eating. She did not expect to finish her burger, she didn't notice she was hungry until she tried it. " Oh, thats better." With the way she talked it was easy to notice that she wasn't really worried about it. "Asshats" she though to herself smiling slightly. She did not like the infirmary, while obviously no one does because it is depressing and boring, there was some other special reason why she didn't like it but she couldn't quite know what or why. " I see.. I hope I don't have to go there too often. There may be others who need more medical attention than me." She stated, looking at what was left of Yoichi s burger she had an idea. She concentrated on that burger, she made the middle of the burger open and close by itself as if it were talking. It was something dumb, but she was just curious to see his reaction.
Yoichi leaned back a bit in his seat, getting comfortable for the remaining time they were gonna be there, which wasn't going to be long anyways. He had taken notice to her smile, and instantly knew she was thinking about something. Not knowing what it was, he dismissed it and simply turned his attention to what was happening outside their window. The natural flow of life if anything. People just going about their daily lives. Yoichi had to admit, this had to be one of the most normal days he's had in awhile. Aside from the fact he spent it with a complete stranger. "Play things the right way and you won't." He said in response to her hoping to not have to visit the infirmary a lot. "Just steer clear of pushing yourself too hard, or getting in fights. Kinda hard to tell how strong our peers are this time around." Yoichi then returned to his silent state, until he saw something in the corner of his eye. Looking over to it, he saw the piece of burger he hadn't finished. He then looked at Nyn, his face blank. Her sense of humor didn't really match his, but he understood that she was probably trying to make him laugh. He then smiled at her a bit.
Mat was completely focused on the ants, watching carefully how they moved and react to their surroundings. As he did this he was not aware at all of the footsteps that were approaching him. When he suddenly heard the voice of the girl talking to him, he flinched in surprise. "Oh! S-Sure you can!" He speaked as he made some room for the curious girl, soon realizing he lost track of the ants he was looking at.

• Rosalie Dalton •


Seeing the guy flinch in surprise, Rosalie offered a wide, amused grin along with a silent giggle, the grip she had on her notebook tightening briefly as she went ahead and took a seat after he had scooted over to make some room her to sit "I didn't mean to freak you out. Sorry~" a voice sounded, it was soft and almost lilted or sing-song in tone but the young girl's lips did not move as the voice sounded. It was definitely her voice however, as it continued to sound and clearly was addressing him, just still without her mouth following is all.

"It's just this is where I normally sit. Don't worry though, I'm not here telling you to get off my turf or anything. If anything it's more interesting with someone else here" Rosalie gave another silent laugh before closing her eyes briefly, leaving her notebook down to now rest on her lap "Speaking of interesting, you looked pretty spaced out there. Something interesting catch your eye?" the voice then asked as Rosalie opened her eyes again, her silver gaze once again focusing itself on the the male beside her, lighting up with that same curiosity as just moments before.

Here's the link to her CS if you're looking for it:
Character Registration

Ayen couldn't help but let out a weak chuckle at Celaena's words. What has gotten into her, was this okay? Neither of those things mattered. The lack of self-confidence in her questions only served to make Ayen hold Celaena closer as he kept marching towards his room. Her sniffling and gripping of Ayen's shirt stirred his heart, making him only want to stop and comfort, but there was a place for everything and the middle of the house wasn't it. "Nothing has gotten in that wasn't there before, that I haven't accepted before." He whispered in an attempt to calm Celaena before nudging his cheek against her's and walking into the master bedroom. For the most part, the room was pretty normal besides a few shelves with small trinkets from his long past. Against the center of the wall opposite the door was Ayen's bed, it was king sized and only have made in contrast to the neatness of the rest of the house. Even so, Ayen walked over to it and laid Celaena on the edge so he could kneel down and be next to her. "You remember right? How when I made my choice to pursue you, everyone was against it? How despite whether it was okay or not for royalty to choose a daughter of former, I still wouldn't yield on it being you that I wanted at my side? How could you think it's any different now? You are my heart." Lovingly Ayen smirked at Celaena as his hand sought out her's, wanting to let his actions speak as well, his other hand ran through her hair before stopping and pulling her head towards Ayen. Ayen the moving to rub his nose against Celaena's.​


How long had Celaena dreamed of this moment? Reuniting with her Ayen after all the years in the crystal, supposedly dead? Even still, somehow, Celaena dreamed of this. Getting to hold him close again, be held close by him, that was all she really wanted. Not anything of what had happened. So to be here, back in Ayen's arms, Celaena finally felt like she was home again. Like a breath of fresh air, or taking a breath for the first time after not being able to breathe. Everything felt like it was falling back into place the way it was supposed to. And in her emotional state, she was having a bit of a hard time keeping it together. Feeling him nudge her cheek caused her to nudge back, bringing her hand up to touch his face as if to make sure it actually was there. His face felt just like she remembered. She didn't really even notice where it was that he was taking her, only that she was finally being held by him again. She really didn't even notice anything other than his embrace until he had set her on the bed, which momentarily took away her attention. It was now that she noticed they were in his room, and memories from their past together began to bubble to the surface, mainly of the last time they were like this. "I do remember that." she answered once Ayen was done speaking. Celaena looked up at him, tears still falling down her cheeks as she managed a smile. She would never know why it was that he had chosen her of all the potential partners he had been offered. But she loved him anyways, so she it made her happy that he wanted her by his side. "It's just been so long, I was worried you would have forgotten about me or moved on after I..." her voice trailed off as her throat tightened, though her strain was broken by a teary laugh when Ayen rubbed his nose against hers. It was a teary one, but genuine nontheless. Her hand gripped his, holding tightly as if it was the only thing anchoring her to this world. There seemed to be some kind of gentle urgency between the two, one that both of them seemed to need.​
Masahi Takamasa

Filling up the glass, Masahi listened to Kaori speak, taking note of each word she spoke and took them to heart. His out bust a minute ago was something that he felt would happen regardless of when Kaori said what she did. Just the thought of his made his stomach twist in anger. But he hated anger, he could never control it and it made him feel powerless before his impulses. They had gone through more than what people should? That's an understatement. All three of them had seen death. Why was she here? Masahi had already said she wouldn't last on her own. But for now, Masahi walked back over to Kaori and handed her the glass of water, she needed to rehydrate after all her crying, even in this state she should know that. "To begin with, it caused a twelve-year-old boy to snap and become me, the shock of it made Roman faint in the middle of enemies and made me suppress my memories." Though Masahi attempted to speak calmly, there were undertones of bitterness. "And Kaori, you saw me get crushed, I never died, and nobody ever came back to check. There was an underground passage beneath the cave, I ended up there where my life was saved by an old man that replaced the ruined parts of my body." Having said that, Masahi pulled the sleeve up on his right arm to show that it was unnaturally white. "As for why you're here, I said it before, you wouldn't last a week on your own. You have no money, no resources, you'll probably be giving birth any day now, whoever brought you back obviously isn't supporting. Really, even though Roman was going to let you leave, no had no plan, you just walking away like I did, with the sole thought of 'I can't stay' but really, there was nowhere else for you to go. So why are you here? Because, unlike me, you can't support yourself. Complain all you want, but until you can, you're stuck relying on me." As Masahi answered Kaori, there was no air of spite or pity, but plain seriousness. Did he have his own questions? Yes. But they could wait.​
Kaori Hana

The shock of getting yelled at by Masahi over wishing for her death really had seemed to snap her out of the funk she had been in. It was like reality had crashed down in that moment, forcing her to face the reality of the situation. She had deluded herself into thinking that things could work out with Roman, she had been staying as a guest in a married man's home where the wife was not fond of her. She really didn't have a place of her own to take care of the kids, and she was really on her own. Masahi was right that she couldn't support herself, as much as she didn't want to admit it. And now that he had made the rash choice of bringing her here, claiming that she'd have to rely on him for help. There was so much going on that it almost made Kaori's head spin, but she had to keep it together. He was also right that she was going to give birth any day now. Her stomach had dropped and the twins here hanging lower, and she could have sworn she felt some of the Braxton Hicks contraction for probably the last month or so. So the question was, what now? If Masahi was here saying that she was going to have to rely on him, that meant they were going to have to start spending some time together again. And considering that Kaori never though she'd see him again, there were a lot of things on her mind. There was still anger, but right now she just needed answers. Kaori slightly winced at feeling another Braxton-Hicks, though it wasn't enough to stop her from addressing what Masahi had said. "I saw you get crushed under that boulder, knowing full well that under normal circumstances that you wouldn't survive. There was no way any of us, including you, could have known there would have been an underground cave where you would be rescued. And if that hadn't have happened, then there would have been no scenario where you would have snapped. I don't regret what I did." Her eyes snapped to his arm as he had rolled up his sleeve, understanding how why it was that color. She had noticed it before, but had never asked because she didn't want to press on it. Her expression darkened for a moment as he mentioned that whoever had brought her back wasn't supporting her. The Home. As much as she tried to forget them, she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling she always had about them in the back of her mind. She couldn't get them out of her head no matter how much she tried, so hearing them directly be referenced hit harder than she would have liked. Her eyes narrowed at him as he mentioned her trying to walk away with no plan. "You're one to talk about running away." her voice also held tones of bitterness, memories of the Home now being replaced with memories of the cave where Roman and Masahi had saved her life. She still had the white-colored scar on her chest and the sword wound scar on her shoulder. "You left me back in that cave. After everything that happened, you just walked away from it all. Leaving me behind, abandoning me without any thought." The contraction had subsided and she ignored the glass of water and made her way over to him, to face him a little more properly. "Sure you claim I'm stuck relying on you but what makes you think I can trust you after everything? Everything with you back before I found out you were the masked man was a lie. It's like I never really knew you! Everything was secrets with you, and I don't think you ever let me in, not really anyways." Kaori's voice had risen with anger, but it slowly subsided into tones of what seemed like sadness or even loneliness. Sure she had loved Roman, but during everything before throwing herself between him and Roman, there were genuine feelings for him as well. Did those mean nothing?​
Kai didn't want the situation to get to this point. In the beginning he just wanted answers. He wanted to know why. But maybe this was good for them. In a way, it felt good. Relieving almost. There was a lot he wanted to get off of his chest, and apparently this was the way for him to get it off. Might as well, right? Seemed like that's what Violetta was doing. When she commented about him not wanting to go any farther than what he already was, he grit his teeth. Being told he was just trying to keep up appearances, he looked away from her. "You think I'd just blindly say yes because of something like that? If anything, you're making it seem like there was something I was trying to prove to you. I agreed to take on this human form because YOU suggested it. I wanted to do something fun like this with YOU. If anyone else suggested this idea to me, I wouldn't even think twice about it. No one in this world matters enough to me to the point where I would give up all my power just for them!" He said, explaining his reasoning for even doing this in the first place. "Appearances are literally the last thing on my mind. I can care less about how someone views me. But the fact that you think I feel like I'm above everyone is literal bullshit, Vio. Seriously." Kai then turned around again, facing her once more. There was not a single soul he wanted to prove himself to. Not anymore at least. He didn't have any family he wanted to prove wrong. All he had was Vio and the kids, and maybe a few friends. "Is it really a problem that I had to work overtime a couple of times in the past?! It's a JOB, Violetta. A job! I just do what I'm told, I'm sorry if I can't be home at the exact moment my day ends, but it's just the way things work. So once again, sorry." Kai had said, the last two lines being in a sarcastic tone. "If I could get an easier job, trust me, I would, but I can't. Being an Angel is the only thing I know, but I'd be damned if it kept me away from the kids. Now that they're here, I've been trying to give all the time I can. I'm not upset that you have a job, in fact I'm extremely happy that you do. So don't try and make it seem like I'm shitting on you about that, because I'm not!" Kai rubbed his chin, thinking a bit as Violetta gave her last argument. So she had the idea that maybe he wouldn't understand. Hell, maybe he wouldn't. But he'd at least like to know if something was on her mind. If something was bothering her. He was her fiance after all. Then telling him that she'd outlive everything... That was something he completely forgot about. He looked at Vio, the argument they just had being the last thing on his mind. Before he could even get a word out, he heard crying. Stopping almost immediately, he looked down the hall. Kai didn't say anything, and just walked out of the kitchen into the kid's room. Once he made it to their door, his eyes widened and he called out for Vio. "Vio! Get over here! Quick!"

Violetta had actually lived a pretty lonely life. Since she was created when time was created, she had seen the whole of the existence, at least as far as she was aware. So many civilizations and planets and worlds and people that she was able to experience. But never any for herself. She had made a promise to herself to never get involved with anyone or anything. Everything has its time. That's what she told herself so that she wouldn't get attached, because she knew that she would out-live or out-exist it. Even during the times when she had slipped up and had gotten attached, something had gone wrong. Either whoever or whatever it was that she was spending time with would get destroyed by some freak accident, or life would play out normally and Violetta would find herself not aging like everyone else. Everything that she loved or cared about would eventually turn to dust in what felt like a blink of an eye. She could go back and relive those times as many times as she wanted if she wanted, but she knew how it would end, so there was no point. Or there were the times when it was her body that was destroyed and those around her were left to mourn and move on. To her surprise and almost dismay, her body would reform no matter how many times it was struck down or destroyed. It only took one time of returning back to those she loved and having them retaliate and react negatively that taught her it wasn't worth it. And eventually, she stopped attaching all together. Enough lessons learned for that. Kai was a bit of a risk that Violetta had took. She was tired of being lonely. Seeing so many connections and those so-called red strings of fate made her long for it, and it killed her inside to have to stay detatched, even if she knew it was better for everyone. So when Kai came into her life, she threw her detatchment out the window and took a big leap of faith with this one. For the first time, she actually had kids. That was never a thing she allowed in fear of what their kids could do if they inherited any of her abilities. Or what could happen to them if anyone found out about them. So this was new territory for her, just as it probably was for Kai. Of course there would kinks in the road if neither of them knew what they were doing. Tears threatened to come to her eyes as her words had finished and she listened to Kai's response. Maybe she was just scared of really connecting with someone again after all. That seemed to be where all this was stemming from. Something wasn't letting her give up her original self, the self that after getting hurt too many times would just disconnect from everything and be alone. It was like she didn't know how to do or be anything other than that. A scared, lonely goddess. She was trying to think of something to respond with when she too heard the crying down the hall. Instinctively she moved to go check but then Kai moved first, and she didn't want to get in the way of him right now. However, any thoughts of the argument were thrown out the window as Kai urgently called out for her to come over. Worry wracked her body as she sprinted over to him, trying to see what he was talking about. "Kai! What's going on??"
"Of course." He responded with a firm nod when Ryft said he'd have to lead the way. From the way it sounded Ryft probably didn't know where it was he had in mind, so he wasn't going to pressure him into figuring out where it is Zero had in mind. He listened intently as Ryft started talking again before giving him a thumbs up and grinning, "You can count on me if you need anything for sure. And yeah, let's go" He headed to the door swiftly, holding it open for him. Once Ryft had left the room, he followed and shut the door behind them before walking ahead and taking the lead, heading in the direction of the nearest exit out of the school.

Ryft nodded in response as Zero agreed to lead the way, glad to hear that. How embarrassing would it be to get lost at a time like this? The thought made Ryft stop and think for a moment, surprised that he was thinking like this. Now he was thinking about things in terms of getting embarrassed? That was kind of a new emotion, even though he had technically been programmed that way. If he remembered it like he did, the last people that were his Wielders were the people who had created him. That was the last time he experienced what they called "emotions." Everything was explained to him in technical terms of what he was programmed to be able to do, but none of it really made sense. How do you explain happiness or sadness or regret to a literal weapon? But then when they broke the contract to let Ryft go to school, they couldn't have predicted that any emotions he might have been feeling (from being able to connect to someone who naturally felt emotions) would begin to wane until they were nothing but foreign concepts yet again. So it was strange to Ryft to feel any emotions really, partly because he didn't know what they meant and partly because he wasn't sure why there were happening now. "Great, lead the way!" he spoke before exiting the room and following Zero to wherever it was he had in mind for food.​
Yoichi leaned back a bit in his seat, getting comfortable for the remaining time they were gonna be there, which wasn't going to be long anyways. He had taken notice to her smile, and instantly knew she was thinking about something. Not knowing what it was, he dismissed it and simply turned his attention to what was happening outside their window. The natural flow of life if anything. People just going about their daily lives. Yoichi had to admit, this had to be one of the most normal days he's had in awhile. Aside from the fact he spent it with a complete stranger. "Play things the right way and you won't." He said in response to her hoping to not have to visit the infirmary a lot. "Just steer clear of pushing yourself too hard, or getting in fights. Kinda hard to tell how strong our peers are this time around." Yoichi then returned to his silent state, until he saw something in the corner of his eye. Looking over to it, he saw the piece of burger he hadn't finished. He then looked at Nyn, his face blank. Her sense of humor didn't really match his, but he understood that she was probably trying to make him laugh. He then smiled at her a bit.

Once none of them spoke for a while, Nyn simply closed her eyes. In her opinion It helped her in thinking more efficiently. She liked this place alot, sure she had to get used to being in a crowded place but she was sure she could get used to it. Besides, she didn't have to share her table with strangers so in a way she does have some personal space. When Yoichi talked she opened her eyes once again. " Yeah, I ll try not to overdo training. That doesn't seem like the biggest problem to me, though you're very right about the other students in the school. Its quite hard to know just how strong someone else can be. That and the fact that Im not certain If I even have more powers that I already know would leave me at a huge disadvantage in fights.. So Im going to avoid them as much as I can." She stated, at the moment Yoichi is the strongest person she s met, so the sole possibility that there could be others who could match.. or maybe even defeat Yoichi in a battle kind of scared her. This encouraged her to become stronger. She can't imagine herself fighting Yoichi and winning, but if at the very least she could be equally as strong as him, that would be an achievement for her. Nyn then saw him noticing his burger "talking" , once she saw him smile abit she did the same and made the burger stop moving.

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