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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Akane chuckled lightly and held Arashea's hand as she walked towards the exit once more, "Brunch it is~ After that, get ready to go out on the best day of your life. I have it planned out for you already~" She said as they exited the training room and soon was on their way to the kitchen.

...✦She said as she blushed✦...
TheDragoon said:
Shingo brushed some hair away from her forehead and kissed he forehead before leaving with a wave, whispering 'I love you' to her.
Ally watched him leave then looked out the window, "I love you too" she said quietly.
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]
Sora pulled Natsumi in close as she washed the remaining soap out of her hair. "Ok... All done." Then wrapping her arms around Natsumi she whispered softly in her ear, "But I don't know if I want to be done with you yet..."

...☫Natsumi just blushed even more at Sora's words☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦She said as she blushed✦...
Akane looked at Arashea and smiled at the sight of her red face. "Awww~ So cute. We'll be going to the amusement park, which should be pretty fun."
Vespy said:
Vespy turned his head in a very odd angle as she said that and began to say " i was hoping you could lend me your aid in finding this person i mean i'd do all the fighting"
Yuna paused "Oh?, right, of course" she said, nodding "I'd be happy to help you, though a name to call you by would be nice~" she said with a smile, giggling softly before she introduced herself. "I'm Yuna~"

Nonalaka said:
Yuna laughed a little "Ah, right, that'll be hard to do if you don't remember who it was" she said smiling at him "Good luck finding whoever it was then"
Kenai laughed "My sister's spirit guardian is a bear, she may look as timid as you, but most definitely doesn't act as timid as you" he said looking to her "I can't really imagine you as something that isn't cute" he said.
Asako crossed her arm's in a childish way, "I'm not always timid, I can be strong" she said and puffed out her cheeks.
Nonalaka said:
Yuna paused "Oh?, right, of course" she said, nodding "I'd be happy to help you, though a name to call you by would be nice~" she said with a smile, giggling softly before she introduced herself. "I'm Yuna~"
Vespy rubbed his head and said "oh right my bad i should have introduced myself from the start,my name is Vespy" he said with a smile.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Natsumi just blushed even more at Sora's words☫...
Leaning in Sora gently bit Natsumi's earlobe before whispering, "mmm... you got to tease me earlier, now its my turn to tease you."
LunaCrosby said:
Asako crossed her arm's in a childish way, "I'm not always timid, I can be strong" she said and puffed out her cheeks.
Kenai grinned "You can huh? I dunno if you seem like the type" he said moving one of his hands to poke her puffed out cheek before placing the hand back to his pocket.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal nodded and watched him walk out of the room. She sighed and grabbed a random book from a shelf and sat down, opening it and began reading.
After Roman had got to clear his mind of any negative thoughts, he decided to go shopping for a little something. He had picked up some gifts for about 4 different people. Roman then went to go pick up more for 2 more people...After that he returned home. He put up all the gifts and went off to find Mal with gifts for her. "Mal? Mal you around? If so, please tell me Misaki is with the you." He said, walking around looking for his wife and daughter.
Roman said:
After Roman had got to clear his mind of any negative thoughts, he decided to go shopping for a little something. He had picked up some gifts for about 4 different people. Roman then went to go pick up more for 2 more people...After that he returned home. He put up all the gifts and went off to find Mal with gifts for her. "Mal? Mal you around? If so, please tell me Misaki is with the you." He said, walking around looking for his wife and daughter.
Mal was watching tv with Misaki, though Misaki was paying attention to the tv. Mal looked away frmo the tv, "Yeah?" she called out, unsure of where he was.
Roman said:
Taylor sighed and sat at the table with Celia. He knew his question would kill the mood. Damn him for asking that. He placed a hand on her back and patted lightly.
"I see... Maybe you shouln't worry about it for now. Let's just relax while we can, because I have a feeling in a my gut, that something big is gonna happen and it involves the U.N."

He then heard the door open, and he immediately looked up to see Talia coming home from Elora's house.

"Hey dad. Mom. I like the new look. Anyways, I'll just be in my room if you need anything."

With those few words Talia had left the room to go in her own.

"I don't look nice? Geez thanks..."
...❤︎Celia nodded, if the U.N. had a changed of heart about supers, that would be great. If they all just happened to die, well she wouldn't mind that much. Though they were only doing what they thought would be safe for this place, so she couldn't really blame them for trying to protect theirs and others lives. She didn't like that she was sympathizing with them, even if t was just a little bit. Celia sighed quietly before she spoke, soon moving her arms so that her forehead was resting against her forearm. Her forehead was starting to hurt from pressing against the table and she thought that if she left it their for to long, there would end up being a red dot. She didn't want that❤︎...

"Okay.. I won't worry about them to much then."

...❤︎Hearing Talia's voice, Celia lifted her head up off of her arms and greeted her daughter before she watched as Talia left the room. She liked how she looked? Really? Well.. it wasn't really all that hard to like if you didn't notice the tech on her. Celia didn't like having the visible mechanical ware, but she couldn't do anything about it. Though it wasn't so bad, really and she'd get use to it eventually to the point where she stopped hating the way she looked. Celia didn't hate how she looked all that much, she was still cute and such. Hearing that Talia liked her new look, made her smile. It was nice to hear, actually. Celia soon sat up and looked at Taylor as she continued❤︎...

"Welcome home! I think you always look handsome. Does that make you feel better?"
Roman said:
Akane looked at Arashea and smiled at the sight of her red face. "Awww~ So cute. We'll be going to the amusement park, which should be pretty fun."
''the amusement park?''

...✦She asked as she smiled brightly✦...
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]
Leaning in Sora gently bit Natsumi's earlobe before whispering, "mmm... you got to tease me earlier, now its my turn to tease you."

''h-how was i teasing you..?''
LunaCrosby said:
Mal was watching tv with Misaki, though Misaki was paying attention to the tv. Mal looked away frmo the tv, "Yeah?" she called out, unsure of where he was.
Roman appeared in front of Mal and Misaki with a bunch of flowers and chocolates for them. "Seeing that it's Valentine's Day, I decided to grab some stuff while I was out. I have flowers, chocolates and bears etcetera... Enough for all the women I consider important in my life. You're two of them." He said, handing Mal the flowers and Misaki a bear and some chocolates. He also gave Mal some chocolates too.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''the amusement park?''
...✦She asked as she smiled brightly✦...
Akane leaned on Arashea a bit and spoke in a slightly seductive tone, "Then you're going to love the Ferris Wheel." She said smiling a little.
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]
"Oh? You don't remember pinning me down and doing this to me?" Leaning in Sora again gently bit Natsumi's ear.

...☫She remembered now. That she bit her ear which made her yelp a little and blushing more☫...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫She remembered now. That she bit her ear which made her yelp a little and blushing more☫...
Giggling, Sora gently blew into Natsumi's ear and asked softly, "So I wonder how I should tease you. Any suggestions?"
Roman said:
Roman appeared in front of Mal and Misaki with a bunch of flowers and chocolates for them. "Seeing that it's Valentine's Day, I decided to grab some stuff while I was out. I have flowers, chocolates and bears etcetera... Enough for all the women I consider important in my life. You're two of them." He said, handing Mal the flowers and Misaki a bear and some chocolates. He also gave Mal some chocolates too.
Mal looked at the flower's and chocolate, "O-Oh, thank you" she said and smiled.

Misaki blinked and held the bear, setting the chocolate beside her. "What's valentines day?" she asked.


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