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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Shingo sighed and pulled her into a gentle hug as he walked over. "We'll help each other through this, don't worry..." He said softly.
Ally nodded "A-Alright, I won't..." she said and smiled.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal nodded and watched him walk out of the room. She sighed and grabbed a random book from a shelf and sat down, opening it and began reading.
(((( I plan to reply to this, I had him leave to get something, but I have to think about what it I'd exactly he went to get. ))))
HimeragiSeiker said:
''oh then il have lunch now then''
...✦Arashea said as she giggled a bit✦...
"Do you want your meal to be different now, or would you like for me to make the same thing? You have to tell me now though, because I'm about to cook." Akane said, smiling at Arashea.
LunaCrosby said:
Ally nodded "A-Alright, I won't..." she said and smiled.
Shingo blushed a little and rubbed her ears lightly. "I'll come back tomorrow to check on you. The doctors said they'd notify immediately if anything happens." He said.
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]((not sure what to say, because we've pretty much repeated this process over three times now xD ))

well doesnt really take that long to wash hair..
Roman said:
"Do you want your meal to be different now, or would you like for me to make the same thing? You have to tell me now though, because I'm about to cook." Akane said, smiling at Arashea.
''hmmm...il just have pancakes''

...✦She said with a smile✦...
Nonalaka said:
Maya nodded a little, she remembered the day they met down to nearly every last detail, after all, it was an important day to her, it was sad to think they'd never go back there "I was really annoyed when I found out" she said with a frown. "Maybe it'll re open if its ever repaired..." She said as she looked to her coffee cup.
((Yeah, if you wanna wait I don't mind))

((Oh right))

Yuna continued to look around, her small bear ears wiggling a little with curiosity as she spotted someone in the courtyard that she didn't recognise, since she spent so much time around there she had seen most of the students at least once or twice from passing through, but this person just didn't look familiar to her.
Cecil nodded in agreement. What if the building was bought and fixed up... Maybe it could be reopened. That'd be a great day for all who love that cafe. He then looked at Maya and took a drink of his coffee. "Yeah, I've had a tin of memories in that place. Are you ready to go now?"
TheDragoon said:
Drakon was getting really irritated. "Will you just shut up and leave me alone? Your really getting on my nerves." He said.
...| Nymph rolled her eyes and continued to follow him without saying a word|...
TheDragoon said:
Shingo blushed a little and rubbed her ears lightly. "I'll come back tomorrow to check on you. The doctors said they'd notify immediately if anything happens." He said.
Ally's eye's closed when he rubbed her ear's. She nodded, "Alright, i'll... be here then" she said
Vespy said:
Vespy walked slower as to noto raise an alarm as he had never seen this person before so he decided to play it cool
(( gonna take a nap more later?))
((I wasn't online anyways :'D))

As his pace slowed upon seeing her, Yuna tilted her head a little, this persons actions peaked her curiosity, blinking a few times she began to approach him, wanting to know why he was now acting suspicious.

LunaCrosby said:
Asako smiled and began walking, "I have the food hidden in the tree you found me in, I was going to eat it myself but now I decided to share it with you" she said.
"Ah, really?, well how kind of you" he said with a smile "And you hid it in a tree?, like a squirrel?" He asked, chuckling, finding it rather amusing "I'd say if you had an animal spirit as a guardian as I do, it would be something cute like that...you know, non threatening, like a rabbit or something" he said with a chuckle.
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]((I know, that's why I'm out of conversation xD ))

then post that your done washing Natsumi's hair xD )
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmmm...il just have pancakes''
...✦She said with a smile✦...
Akane chuckled lightly and held Arashea's hand as she walked towards the exit once more, "Brunch it is~ After that, get ready to go out on the best day of your life. I have it planned out for you already~" She said as they exited the training room and soon was on their way to the kitchen.
Nonalaka said:
((I wasn't online anyways :'D))
As his pace slowed upon seeing her, Yuna tilted her head a little, this persons actions peaked her curiosity, blinking a few times she began to approach him, wanting to know why he was now acting suspicious.

"Ah, really?, well how kind of you" he said with a smile "And you hid it in a tree?, like a squirrel?" He asked, chuckling, finding it rather amusing "I'd say if you had an animal spirit as a guardian as I do, it would be something cute like that...you know, non threatening, like a rabbit or something" he said with a chuckle.
Vespy tilted his head as to why this person was blinking at him this was all very unusual to him and so he decided to speak
"umm excuse me Miss"
Vespy said:
Vespy tilted his head as to why this person was blinking at him this was all very unusual to him and so he decided to speak
"umm excuse me Miss"
There, he spoke, though why was he acting like she was the weird one? Granted, she was now walking in his direction, but that was triggered by his suspicious actions. "Yes?, why did you act oddly when I looked at you? Are you hiding from someone?" She asked out right, she wasn't one for beating around the bush, she got to the point right away, that was how she was, after all, she was curious to why.
Nonalaka said:
There, he spoke, though why was he acting like she was the weird one? Granted, she was now walking in his direction, but that was triggered by his suspicious actions. "Yes?, why did you act oddly when I looked at you? Are you hiding from someone?" She asked out right, she wasn't one for beating around the bush, she got to the point right away, that was how she was, after all, she was curious to why.
"hmm well you see i've been in a coma for about a year now and my body is still waking up from it i'm sorry if i stardled you at all it was not my intent" he said with a coy smile.
LunaCrosby said:
Ally's eye's closed when he rubbed her ear's. She nodded, "Alright, i'll... be here then" she said
Shingo brushed some hair away from her forehead and kissed he forehead before leaving with a wave, whispering 'I love you' to her.
Vespy said:
"hmm well you see i've been in a coma for about a year now and my body is still waking up from it i'm sorry if i stardled you at all it was not my intent" he said with a coy smile.
She raised a brow her ears twitching for a moment "Startle me?" She questioned before shaking her head "Not at all, I was curious about your reaction." She said as she looked at him, a curious look in her eyes still "How did you end up in a coma? Do you remember?"
Nonalaka said:
She raised a brow her ears twitching for a moment "Startle me?" She questioned before shaking her head "Not at all, I was curious about your reaction." She said as she looked at him, a curious look in her eyes still "How did you end up in a coma? Do you remember?"
" i think i got into some sort of fight with someone or something the detail are still very fuzzy but if i remember i'm gonna kick whatever it was butt"
he rubbed his gently.
Nonalaka said:
((I wasn't online anyways :'D))
As his pace slowed upon seeing her, Yuna tilted her head a little, this persons actions peaked her curiosity, blinking a few times she began to approach him, wanting to know why he was now acting suspicious.

"Ah, really?, well how kind of you" he said with a smile "And you hid it in a tree?, like a squirrel?" He asked, chuckling, finding it rather amusing "I'd say if you had an animal spirit as a guardian as I do, it would be something cute like that...you know, non threatening, like a rabbit or something" he said with a chuckle.
Asako blinked, "I-I could be threatening if I wanted to!" she said. "Like.... L-Like a bear!" she said/=.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Natsumi just sat there letting Sora wash her hair still making some kind of noise☫...
Sora pulled Natsumi in close as she washed the remaining soap out of her hair. "Ok... All done." Then wrapping her arms around Natsumi she whispered softly in her ear, "But I don't know if I want to be done with you yet..."
...?Asuka sat atop a building, her legs hanging off the edge as she stared down at the city with a blank expression. She had been sitting up there for a while, though it was only to see where any of the U.N's bases were or just any U.N. soldier. A sigh escaped her lips before she held her hand out, a fan manifesting with in palm. She soon held the object over her face, focusing her energy on finding any of the array of soldiers throughout the city. Asuka was sensing a large amount of people within the woods, causing her to remove the fan from in front of her face and open her eyes, which were glowing a bright red. Her eyes scanned the city below, settling in on a group of soldiers that were in the woods. An odd place for them to be really, but they must have thought that there were supers hiding within that area. A smile graced her lips and she closed the fan before making it disappear, soon standing up from the building?...


...?As Asuka stood up, black smoke emitting from below her before it swirled up around her, until she was no longer visible. She vanished from the building top and appeared within the woods, careful not to make a sound. The group of U.N. soldiers were in front of her and surveying the area with their weapons out. Huh.. seemed like they were looking for someone dangerous, though she didn't care who it was. One of the soldiers had an electric baton on them, while the others had guns and another had some type of device in their hand. It looked like a button of some sort, but what was that suppose to do? Asuka shook her head, the button was probably pointless so she didn't need to worry about that, or any of the other stuff for that matter. As she watched them walk further away from her, a mist rolled in, making it impossible to see. A quiet chuckle came from Asuka as she watched them look around in suspicion before she disappeared from her spot against a tree, appearing behind one of the soldiers and draping her arms over the mans shoulder as she whispered in his ear?...

"You won't find what you're looking for, because you'll be dead before you can even find it."


...?With swift hands, Asuka moved her hands so there was one hand under his chin and another on top of his head before she broke his neck, a loud crack signifying what she had done. The other soldiers turned opened fire on where the noise had came from, though Asuka was gone before any of the bullets could pierce her. Not wanting to waste anymore bullets, the soldiers creased fire and looked around for the threat. The mist soon dispersed and everything had become visible again, though she still wasn't anywhere to be found. They looked in all different directions and had set out on foot trying to find her, but it was pointless. They weren't equipped to defend themselves from her, much less be able to find her. Asuka found it amusing to say the least as she watched them try and look for her up in her post on a tree. Time to play some more games. Hopping down from her tree, her expression turned neutral and vanished once more, appearing in a clearing within the woods, now ahead of the soldiers. Asuka stood quietly and awaited their arrival, humming a soft tune to herself?...


...?Asuka grinned as the U.N. soldiers stopped once they noticed her and shot at her, though the bullets never reached her, they melted just inches before piercing her skin. Asuka's grin widened from ear to ear and her teeth sharpened as she stared them down. Their efforts were futile, nothing that they had on them was going to work against her. It was marvelous! Realizing the bullets weren't doing anything, they stopped shooting and pulled out electric batons and tazers, which made her laugh. Honestly, didn't they really think that would work on her? Asuka tsked and spoke as she walked towards them slowly, taking her time as she walked closer. It was clear she was in no rush, either way each one of them would meet their own doom and she was going to revel in that fact?...

"Honestly, you need better weapons then these small guns. And a tazer.. you guys are suppose to restrain us. You must be the weak crew of the bunch, no matter. No one will notice you're gone."


...?Asuka had effortlessly killed most of the soldier with her flames and the use of her sword, it was quite fun to be honest. Their screams were that of music as she watched them burn and bleed to death. Asuka stared at the last two soldiers in front of her, seeing them cower away from her, causing a smile to play on her lips. Normal she would have hated doing this, but as she was now, Asuka didn't have a care in the world and would do as she pleased. Others misery were her joy and their pain caused her happiness. She wanted others to know how she felt and this, in her opinion, was the absolute best way how. She'd torture them if she could, but sadly, that took to long for her. She'd much rather just have the lying on the floor in their own agony of pain, letting the soldiers to bleed out, burn to death, or any other type of method she used to kill someone. Thinking about it caused Asuka to end her last two targets, walking towards them as she spoke, reaching a hand out towards one of the soldiers. Everything went dark and the only thing that was heard was a high pitched scream?...

"Lets play a game shall we? I kill you, while you try and scream to alert someone of your whereabouts, but see.. we're so far away from civilization so your efforts would be useless. Go ahead though, I won't mind, I love it when they scream. Time to say goodnight~"

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Vespy said:
" i think i got into some sort of fight with someone or something the detail are still very fuzzy but if i remember i'm gonna kick whatever it was butt"
he rubbed his gently.
Yuna laughed a little "Ah, right, that'll be hard to do if you don't remember who it was" she said smiling at him "Good luck finding whoever it was then"

LunaCrosby said:
Asako blinked, "I-I could be threatening if I wanted to!" she said. "Like.... L-Like a bear!" she said/=.
Kenai laughed "My sister's spirit guardian is a bear, she may look as timid as you, but most definitely doesn't act as timid as you" he said looking to her "I can't really imagine you as something that isn't cute" he said.
Nonalaka said:
Yuna laughed a little "Ah, right, that'll be hard to do if you don't remember who it was" she said smiling at him "Good luck finding whoever it was then"
Kenai laughed "My sister's spirit guardian is a bear, she may look as timid as you, but most definitely doesn't act as timid as you" he said looking to her "I can't really imagine you as something that isn't cute" he said.
Vespy turned his head in a very odd angle as she said that and began to say " i was hoping you could lend me your aid in finding this person i mean i'd do all the fighting"

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