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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Han chuckled, "Yeah, these old bones need a relaxing sleep with the lovely, Goddess of Light~" Han joked. He then floated up, so they were face to face, "Also, you're not the only one who can do that." He said, before pecking her on the lips again.

"Same goes for you and Hayden. Your husband included." Roman told them. "I'd open my home to you anytime you need me to."


Alejandro turned on the tv and began flipping through the channels. "So... Is there a way I could help you heal faster? I wanna go out and explore this dimension they moved the mansion to, but I want you to come along."
Mariah continued to smile, "Well i'm glad to hear that, I might consider visiting you guy's when I can" She said.
LunaCrosby said:
Mariah continued to smile, "Well i'm glad to hear that, I might consider visiting you guy's when I can" She said.
"Sounds like a plan." Roman said, rubbing his chin. "Well, I guess we'll head out. That's if Mal is ready to go though."
Roman said:
"Sounds like a plan." Roman said, rubbing his chin. "Well, I guess we'll head out. That's if Mal is ready to go though."
Mal nodded, "Ready when you are" she said.

Mariah nodded, "Well I enjoyed your visit" she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal nodded, "Ready when you are" she said.
Mariah nodded, "Well I enjoyed your visit" she said.
Roman nodded to Mal and smiled at her mother, "There's many more where that came from. We'll come visit when we have the chance, so expect us more often~" he told her before he and Mal were warped out of the house and to the main room of the mansion.
Roman said:
Satoshi sat up, so he was sitting up straight with his legs crossed. He looked at Haruo, and sighed. He noticed the fact that his lie wasn't believed when Haruo was speaking. Satoshi then saluted him and spoke in a happy tone.

"Alright! We go in quick and quiet! No killing! Only knock outs!" He said, repeating what he was told. "I'm ready to do this. Lets get it done!"
...Haruo nodded and replied as he made his way passed Satoshi, towards the forward operating base that was before them≭...

Okay, let's go.
Roman said:
Roman nodded to Mal and smiled at her mother, "There's many more where that came from. We'll come visit when we have the chance, so expect us more often~" he told her before he and Mal were warped out of the house and to the main room of the mansion.
Mal looked at Roman "that was much easier than I thought it would be" she said.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Kaname's gaze traced the floor behind the position of which his mother stood before him. He had only allowed himself to remain against his mothers for a couple of brief moments, before he had decided to straighten his posture and question his mothers arrival. Though when giving it a minute of contemplation, Kaname decided against it. Blowing his breath in hopes of relaxation, Kaname rolled his shoulders back and repositioned himself to lean in the doorway of the apartment, glancing to look at the peering Camilla. "Camilla, you remember my mom don't you?"
Layla's gaze trailed from her retreating son, to the figure peering in the door. Giggling quietly, Layla was about to speak, before she a gentle whisper finally processed through her ears. Kalin. Raising a brow, Layla's gaze drifted off to the wall behind her while her lips parted to speak. "Kalin....if you're there you can come out. There's two people I'd like you to meet."

Kalin blinked, and then frowned slightly as he turned the corner, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at her apologetically. " I'm sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. I just...well I wanted to make sure you were okay. Amd well, it seemed just a bit safer to come inside to do that." He replued, before his gaze moved to the people standing in the doorway. Kalin laughed nervously as he walked up to Layla's side, patting her head after reaching her. He didnt understand why, but it just felt right to do it...
Roman said:
Takashi chuckled and grabbed a fork so he could eat his food. He took a bite and listened to Violetta as she spoke. That's when he swallowed his food and put his fork down, "You don't have to thank me. Boyfriends are supposed to be there... So that's what I'll do for you and I love you too."
...₪Violetta did the same, immediately digging into her food. It's not like she really needed to eat food to sustain herself, or that she was actually hungry or anything, it was just that food tasted so good and she loved the little pleasure of eating quite a bit. Violetta took the time that Takashi spoke to pour them both a glass of wine, setting the bottle down right as he finished. The goddess took a sip before grinning at him and spoke as she resumed her eating₪...

"Well, that's good to hear then. Lucky me~"
...⊗Kanon shivered as she felt his lips on her neck, her body reacting differently than she would have liked. This wasn't like her at all. She wasn't afraid of things. She had never been afraid of danger before. But now, she was flinching at the feeling of the man she loved's touch... what was wrong with her? Kanon's head slumped forward in defeat and anger at the situation. She hated feeling so helpless. Growing up, she was the strong one. She had to be. How could she be if she was this quivering mess? She hated hearing Achilles' words. She didn't need to make him feel bad. Soft words escaped her lips once more⊗...

"Don't do that to yourself..."
Roman said:
Han chuckled, "Yeah, these old bones need a relaxing sleep with the lovely, Goddess of Light~" Han joked. He then floated up, so they were face to face, "Also, you're not the only one who can do that." He said, before pecking her on the lips again.

"Same goes for you and Hayden. Your husband included." Roman told them. "I'd open my home to you anytime you need me to."


Alejandro turned on the tv and began flipping through the channels. "So... Is there a way I could help you heal faster? I wanna go out and explore this dimension they moved the mansion to, but I want you to come along."
''e-eh..?! how do you know about that mansion..?!''

...⊹She said in surprise⊹...

@TheDragoon you owe me a reply btw)))
Lumina said:
...⊗Kanon shivered as she felt his lips on her neck, her body reacting differently than she would have liked. This wasn't like her at all. She wasn't afraid of things. She had never been afraid of danger before. But now, she was flinching at the feeling of the man she loved's touch... what was wrong with her? Kanon's head slumped forward in defeat and anger at the situation. She hated feeling so helpless. Growing up, she was the strong one. She had to be. How could she be if she was this quivering mess? She hated hearing Achilles' words. She didn't need to make him feel bad. Soft words escaped her lips once more⊗...

"Don't do that to yourself..."
λ"My love, I cannot help this anger and pain I feel. They have stolen your light. But above it all, you flinch at my touch. That they took the joy of my touch from you, infuriates me more than them just trying to take you." he growled. He was truly angry at whoever decided to dispatch those soldiers. More than that, this was something he could not fix. It was as if a thousand spears found a home in his heart. He turned her to face him. "I live for you, breathe for you, and if needed would die for you. But you are hurt, far deeper than any sweet word or bauble could fix. Fortunately, we live in this time, and not back in my time, or I would be handing you my knife. Even then we knew there was no cure for this kind of pain. But if you can find a shred of trust left inside of you, please place it in me and my love for you, and not forget that." he said as he properly embraced her, as his own tears washed her back.λ

Nonalaka said:
Elaena let a small sigh of relief that he didn't question her further, she couldn't possibly answer, it could make things weird she thought to herself, she stood up from the couch and lifted Naji in her arms "I-Im going to go take a nap" she said quietly as she then went to her bedroom and lay down, man that was awkward, she would have cracked and said it too in the end up...how could you address that in normal conversation? Telling your friend they might like you? Or even telling your friend...you did like them....How embarrassing! What if he just laughed at her or something?! Blowing some air from her cheeks, which were now reddening she curled up, hugging a pillow to her face.
"sure have a nice nap I guess" Mateus said when Elaena enters her bedroom Mateus was a little confused he scratched his head "what's with her....I think she's just tired" he said as he reached his arms out as his rabbit Piper hops near him, Mateus lifts Piper and pets his soft fur "ahh it's so nice and soft" he complimented his rabbit's fur as he keeps rubbing it he yawned and walks to the sofa to lie down while Piper is still in his arms.
Ballerina said:
"Correct!" He informed her. "Well, you see I'm a magician, so of course I perform my own magic shows. Oh, but of course I'm not just a one trick pony, I have an amazing singing voice, flawless acting skills, plus my own daytime talkshow." Juniper explained with a boastful grin.
"A magician huh" she said was she looked to him "That's pretty interesting, but if you plan to get an audience in a city where a good percentage of them are supers, chances are they wouldn't be as impressed with simple magician magic" she said as she looked back to her tea "You might be in the wrong town for that"

Alternated said:
"sure have a nice nap I guess" Mateus said when Elaena enters her bedroom Mateus was a little confused he scratched his head "what's with her....I think she's just tired" he said as he reached his arms out as his rabbit Piper hops near him, Mateus lifts Piper and pets his soft fur "ahh it's so nice and soft" he complimented his rabbit's fur as he keeps rubbing it he yawned and walks to the sofa to lie down while Piper is still in his arms.
After a long while, having some time to calm down and think, as well as taking a short nap, Elaena was now starting to stir awake, Naji was still curled up next to her as she let out a small yawn, her eyes lazily fluttering open before she sat up and stretched, making her way out of her room she froze seeing Mateus laying on the couch. Using the door frame to hide behind she peeked around at him laying there, a faint pink colour dusting her cheeks, what on earth was she doing? She never acted like this...,taking a small breath she continued on her path to the kitchen, after all she couldn't be awkward and hide forever. Upon reaching the kitchen she proceeded to get herself a glass of water.
Mayyflower said:
...♮ Luke frowned more and looked down, in all honestly he wanted to hug her but he was to afraid to see her reaction so he didn't he just looked down ♮...
"Lets just try and forget about it, thats some pretty messed up stuff"
Kairassi looked to him and nodded, trying to at least smile "Yeah let's" she said as she then sat silent for a bit, before footsteps could be heard. Kairassi blinked a few times, was someone approaching her? Suddenly she was grabbed by the arm and yanked to her feet "W-What the-" she yelped.

"You're under arrest" the man grumbled as a few more men showed up. "W-What? Why?" Kairassi said as her eyes widened, looking all around at the police. "We got a call of a super massacring a café and we got a description matching yours for being at the scene" he said plainly, tightening his grip and yanking her toward a vehicle. "B-But I didn't do anything!" She whimpered "Maybe, but we have reason to believe you know the girl who did, you exchanged words, so we have questions" one said before the one that was pulling her leaned close to her ear "And I know what you are, I'll see we get you to the right place to get chipped too if you don't cooperate" he said quietly.

((Just cause not many of my characters have been affected by the chipping thing yet really :P ))
Fukushima Akira]((( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10848-mashiro-shiina/ said:
@Mashiro Shiina[/URL] In case you're confused, she's Kuroh's child xD )))
( o-o.............................Mkay.)
Nonalaka said:
Camilla looked to Kaname as he spoke, her gaze moving to view Layla for a moment before she nodded "Yes of course I do" she said as she smiled, she soon stepped out a bit as to not seem as though she was hiding or anything, offering a polite bow in Layla's direction "Its nice to see you again" she said politely with a smile. Her eyes moving to the side out of curiosity as Layla looked off in the same direction and spoke, Camilla was curious to see who this mystery person was, her head tilting slightly.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kalin blinked, and then frowned slightly as he turned the corner, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at her apologetically. " I'm sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. I just...well I wanted to make sure you were okay. Amd well, it seemed just a bit safer to come inside to do that." He replued, before his gaze moved to the people standing in the doorway. Kalin laughed nervously as he walked up to Layla's side, patting her head after reaching her. He didnt understand why, but it just felt right to do it...

Kaname's gaze followed that of both his mother and Camilla. He himself was curious to discover just who this stranger was that had gained the trust of his mother. Though just as he was about to ask, he saw his mothers reaction to the mans actions towards her. Layla had lowered her gaze once more to the floor beneath her feet as Kalin spoke. She was glad he was there to ease most of the tension she felt just by being in that hallway. Though her thoughts were gladly inteerupted by the touch of his hand on her head. Which only made her feel like a little kid, resulting in a light blush painting her cheeks. Kaname's gaze somewhat sharpened, but calmed upon seeing a smile on his mothers face that he hadn't seen in awhile. Sighing inaudibly, Kaname shifted to bring Camilla close to him. "Well. Who is this?" Layla's gaze shot up to look at her son, before her right hand went sliding at the back of her neck. "Kaname, Camilla , this is Kalin. Kalin, this is my son and his....girlfriend?"
Nonalaka said:
"A magician huh" she said was she looked to him "That's pretty interesting, but if you plan to get an audience in a city where a good percentage of them are supers, chances are they wouldn't be as impressed with simple magician magic" she said as she looked back to her tea "You might be in the wrong town for that"
"Indeed, I'm just dropping by this city to film a few episodes and pick up something very important." He told her, looking towards the a window." On most occasions I pick towns with a smaller ratio of supers to humans, even if my show is still never fails to entertain the even superest of supers." Juniper said, looking back at the girl, flashing his typical smug grin.
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Nonalaka said:
"After a long while, having some time to calm down and think, as well as taking a short nap, Elaena was now starting to stir awake, Naji was still curled up next to her as she let out a small yawn, her eyes lazily fluttering open before she sat up and stretched, making her way out of her room she froze seeing Mateus laying on the couch. Using the door frame to hide behind she peeked around at him laying there, a faint pink colour dusting her cheeks, what on earth was she doing? She never acted like this...,taking a small breath she continued on her path to the kitchen, after all she couldn't be awkward and hide forever. Upon reaching the kitchen she proceeded to get herself a glass of water.
Mateus looked at Elaena a little surprised "hmm did you have a good nap?" he asked her while petting his rabbit Mateus wasn't taking a nap at all he was just there lying down on the sofa waiting for something to happen he then yawned "want to drink coffee?".
HimeragiSeiker said:
''something wrong Mari...?''
...♱Roselyn asked due to seeing the little shake in her hand♱...
Mari was nodded, feeling like crying. "I-I... I just don't know if I'm ready for the whole 'mother' thing... It just seems to be happening so fast..." She sighed lightly. She then stopped shaking and shook it off. "Ugh, I can't let it get to me." She said as she went to get some water. "Don't let it bother you alright?" She cooed to Roselyn softly.
Mayyflower said:
...⚘ Lillith giggled and nods, she enjoyed hanging out with her brother, it feels good playing with someone other than an animal ⚘...
"Your really good too"
((Technically he IS an animal xD Zodiac Beast? He's a beast who kinda looks similar to a human in some ways? .3.))

Oliver stretched. "Well... I gotta get going. It was fun playing with you though!" He chuckled as he ruffled Little Lillith's hair.
Roman said:
Han chuckled, "Yeah, these old bones need a relaxing sleep with the lovely, Goddess of Light~" Han joked. He then floated up, so they were face to face, "Also, you're not the only one who can do that." He said, before pecking her on the lips again.

"Same goes for you and Hayden. Your husband included." Roman told them. "I'd open my home to you anytime you need me to."


Alejandro turned on the tv and began flipping through the channels. "So... Is there a way I could help you heal faster? I wanna go out and explore this dimension they moved the mansion to, but I want you to come along."
Celia blushed really bad when he floated up to kiss her. She then just giggled as it faded a little. "Geez, I didn't say you couldn't, now stop teasing me!" She said, letting out a fit of laughs.

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