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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Nanase check the other students' work. Soon one of the students tried to take advantage over her when he was told to redo it, Nanase soon kicked him back as she used cataclysm magic and attached him to his chair*
''dont take me lightly dammit...there is a reason why im teaching you...''

...✿Turning her head at the sudden loud sound, she stared at the boy who was bound to his chair with some type of weird magic. She whispered to herself before looking back out the window✿...

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]sorry...school wifi was down...)))
''something called kissing~''

*Neo said being truthful not really wanting to lie*

*Nanase soon finished before announcing the assignment*

''alright. so i want you to make an introduction letter about yourself. Be informative as possible. for example, your Name, your age, gender, being, and other extra stuff you wanna add. so take out a sheet of paper and start working. and make sure i can read it''

''i dunno...do you have any ideas...?''

*She said curling her tail a bit*

*Emiko slowly pulled away her hand as she smiled friendly at Deus*

''well...im sorry but you cant really. i need to be going somewhere private''

"Why?" Mika asked as she crackled over to them and lookes at them both
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
"Oh, you beautiful thing....I could say something similar..." He said, before bringing the hand she slapped away to his lips, and licking it as he stared at her...

"You really should allow me to join you...while /I'm/ still asking nicely."

((I have the first three Jojos! xD ))
LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet immediately blushed but kissed him back. this is how people kiss? she thought.
After a few moments, Leon pulled away to catch his breath. Looking Scarlet in her eyes, he started to speak again. "Then...when two people become more intimate...they kiss a bit more...like this." Grasping her waist, Leon leaned in, and started to kiss her again. Slowly, he worked his way into a french kiss, his tongue brushing over her lips.
I'm sure Deus will enjoy showing them how Mudamudamuda they are sometime xD ))

@Tobi Neafearn
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[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]I'm sure Deus will enjoy showing them how Mudamudamuda they are sometime xD ))

((All three of the are one character xD ))


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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Ayen chuckled and smiled as he followed Amaya into the kitchen

Amaya cleaned her plate. "Want me to wash yours?" she asks

Rin left the kitchen and went upstairs
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
"Oh, you beautiful thing....I could say something similar..." He said, before bringing the hand she slapped away to his lips, and licking it as he stared at her...

"You really should allow me to join you...while /I'm/ still asking nicely."

*Emiko soon showed an angered face before she started to seemingly growl*
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WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Turning her head at the sudden loud sound, she stared at the boy who was bound to his chair with some type of weird magic. She whispered to herself before looking back out the window✿...
*Nanase kept checking the papers until she finished them*
Mayyflower said:
Amaya cleaned her plate. "Want me to wash yours?" she asks
Rin left the kitchen and went upstairs
Len was waiting at the top of the stairs

Ayen nodded and handed her his plate "Yes please." he said happily
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Why?" Mika asked as she crackled over to them and lookes at them both

''just to...sometimes theres stuff you really shouldnt understand''

*neo said with a giggle*
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Len was waiting at the top of the stairs
Ayen nodded and handed her his plate "Yes please." he said happily

Rin walked up and passed len as she went up the stairs

Anaya took the plate and washed it
Mayyflower said:
Rin walked up and passed len as she went up the stairs
Amaya took the plate and washed it
Ayen watched her clean the plate

Len grabbed the sleeve of the Rin's shirt.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Ayen watched her clean the plate
Len grabbed the sleeve of the Rin's shirt.

Amaya looked back at ayen. "You dont have to stand there" she says

Rin stopped walking. "What are you doing" she asks calmly
Mayyflower said:
Amaya looked back at ayen. "You dont have to stand there" she says
Rin stopped walking. "What are you doing" she asks calmly
Len looked at her "Are you truly okay?" he asked curiously

Ayen chuckled then hugged her from behind "You sure?" he asked quietly.
[QUOTE="Amanda Rose](( yus, and rp :3

((*hugs* Well, i have Jojo and Roland :P ))
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Len looked at her "Are you truly okay?" he asked curiously
Ayen chuckled then hugged her from behind "You sure?" he asked quietly.

Rin nods and smiles. "Yep why wouldnt I be?" she asks

Amaya smiled. "Yep" she says as she drys her hands
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]*Nanase kept checking the papers until she finished them*

...✿Kioko eventually fell asleep while gazing out the window, her head now laying on the desk✿...
Mayyflower said:
Rin nods and smiles. "Yep why wouldnt I be?" she asks
Amaya smiled. "Yep" she says as she drys her hands
Ayen chuckled then leaned down to kiss her cheek

Len let go then nodded "Okay, if you say so." he said before turning to go to his room.

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