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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Layla shook her head. His suggestions didn't match her fortae, until he said shopping. Blinking, Layla stared at him for a few mere moments. Suddenly, she ran off to her room and slammed the door shut, rummaging through her closet. Afterwards, Layla returned to the very spot she left from, completely dressed and ready for an outing with an eagerly childish smile upon her lips.

"Heh, shopping it is then!"

Kano chuckled a bit with happiness across his face. Kano led the way to the front door. He kept the smile on his face for a while.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Kaname's gaze was focused elsewhere, until she finished speaking. "Sleepwalking, eh?" Kaname shifted his gaze to her, gently caressing her cheek with his hand. He couldn't help but to imagine just how it was to watch Camilla walking in her sleep. Chuckling ever so softly, Kaname leaned towards her and whispered into her ear. "That's cute."

Camilla blushed from both the cute comment and a bit from embarrassment that she had such a habit as wandering around in her sleep. "You mean it wouldn't bother you?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Len slightly frowned and continued eating
Ayen chuckled and smiled back at her "Well, i couldn't go into the reasons here." he said teasingly

Rin chuckled lightly and continued to eat

Amaya rolled her eyes and smiled. "True" she says taking a bite of food
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]sorry...school wifi was down...)))
''something called kissing~''

*Neo said being truthful not really wanting to lie*

*Nanase soon finished before announcing the assignment*

''alright. so i want you to make an introduction letter about yourself. Be informative as possible. for example, your Name, your age, gender, being, and other extra stuff you wanna add. so take out a sheet of paper and start working. and make sure i can read it''

''i dunno...do you have any ideas...?''

*She said curling her tail a bit*

*Emiko slowly pulled away her hand as she smiled friendly at Deus*

''well...im sorry but you cant really. i need to be going somewhere private''

...?Kioko took out a notebook from her bag and a pencil before she began writing down what Nanase had said?...

"I'll just add a couple of things about my family... that should do it!"

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Kioko took out a notebook from her bag and a pencil before she began writing down what Nanase had said?...
"I'll just add a couple of things about my family... that should do it!"

*Nanase just waited at her desk as she checked the first paper and immediately ripped it*

''oh and try not to bull shit the assignment. i know bull shit when i see it...do it over Joenes (Joe - when - es)
Mayyflower said:
Rin chuckled lightly and continued to eat
Amaya rolled her eyes and smiled. "True" she says taking a bite of food
Ayen chuckled then ate more of his food as well "Well, i can't help it." he said playfully

Len finished his food then took his plate to the sink
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Ayen chuckled then ate more of his food as well "Well, i can't help it." he said playfully
Len finished his food then took his plate to the sink

Amaya watched len get up and leave the room before smirking at ayen. "I know you cant" she says playfully

Rin ate slowly
Mayyflower said:
Amaya watched len get up and leave the room before smirking at ayen. "I know you cant" she says playfully
Rin ate slowly
Len washed his plate

Ayen smirked back "Well, maybe you could help me wake up later." he said as he ate some more.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Len washed his plate
Ayen smirked back "Well, maybe you could help me wake up later." he said as he ate some more.

"Ima go to bed" she says before getting up and taking her plate to the kitchen and waited for len to finish cleaning his plate

Amaya smiled. "That I will do" she says with a chuckle
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Nanase just waited at her desk as she checked the first paper and immediately ripped it*
''oh and try not to bull shit the assignment. i know bull shit when i see it...do it over Joenes (Joe - when - es)

...✿Kioko tapped her pencil on her chin as she thought about something else to write, but came up with nothing. Well... besides the fact that she could have two of herself, though she didn't know how to explain that. Kioko had made it well thought out and a little detailed before getting up and handing her notebook to Nanase✿...

"I'm finished. I'm guessing we have to bring it up... I'm not to sure though. I was just being on the safe side."
Mayyflower said:
"Ima go to bed" she says before getting up and taking her plate to the kitchen and waited for len to finish cleaning his plate
Amaya smiled. "That I will do" she says with a chuckle
Ayen chuckled "Oh? are you sure you won't just tire me out again?" he asked teasingly.

Len looked back at Rin before he finished cleaning his plate "In a mood tonight?" he asked
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Ayen chuckled "Oh? are you sure you won't just tire me out again?" he asked teasingly.
Len looked back at Rin before he finished cleaning his plate "In a mood tonight?" he asked

Rin shook her head. "Im in a really good mood" she says as she starts cleaning her plate

Amaya smiled. "Oh hush" she says finishing her food
Lumina said:
After... a while, Elyse rolled over, physically panting. She was exhausted, as was her body, and she tiredly looked up at the sky above them from underneath the blanket. It was a bit hot, but now that things were dying down a bit she figured she should maintain some decency. "That was... well, that was good." She smiled, glancing over at Kili, cheeks pink from the prior events as well as happiness from them.
Kili let out a deep breath as Elyse rolled off of him. He had held a blush on his face for a few moments after they had finished, and it hadn't gotten better yet. "Yeah...It really was. That was my first time doing...well, alot of that." He said, looking back at her with a smile.
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko tapped her pencil on her chin as she thought about something else to write, but came up with nothing. Well... besides the fact that she could have two of herself, though she didn't know how to explain that. Kioko had made it well thought out and a little detailed before getting up and handing her notebook to Nanase✿...
"I'm finished. I'm guessing we have to bring it up... I'm not to sure though. I was just being on the safe side."
''well...this works...''

*She said before she looked over her note book soon coming across the word sanctum which interested her. Though she didnt wanna try and push her because she might fear that Akira or Asuka would be coming after her*


*She said as she gave it back to Kioko and started to grade it into the grade book as 100% for completeness*
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''well...this works...''
*She said before she looked over her note book soon coming across the word sanctum which interested her. Though she didnt wanna try and push her because she might fear that Akira or Asuka would be coming after her*


*She said as she gave it back to Kioko and started to grade it into the grade book as 100% for completeness*

...✿Kioko smiled and spoke as she took the notebook back before returning to her seat, soon gazing out the window✿...

"Thank you~"
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko smiled and spoke as she took the notebook back before returning to her seat, soon gazing out the window✿...
"Thank you~"
*Nanase check the other students' work. Soon one of the students tried to take advantage over her when he was told to redo it, Nanase soon kicked him back as she used cataclysm magic and attached him to his chair*

''dont take me lightly dammit...there is a reason why im teaching you...''
Mayyflower said:
Rin shook her head. "Im in a really good mood" she says as she starts cleaning her plate
Amaya smiled. "Oh hush" she says finishing her food
Ayen chuckled "I will later~" he said as he finished as well

Len looked at her curiously before walking towards the stairs
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Ayen chuckled "I will later~" he said as he finished as well
Len looked at her curiously before walking towards the stairs

"That you will" Amaya says before she got up and went to the kitchen
shortyshot8 said:
Marcus nodded "Yeah"

William blinked "What's wrong?"
Riley smiled and looked up She was happy that she had her dad back.
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[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Emiko soon slapped his hand away*
''no! its a family tradition. your not welcomed...please leave me while i am still asking nicely''

"Oh, you beautiful thing....I could say something similar..." He said, before bringing the hand she slapped away to his lips, and licking it as he stared at her...


"You really should allow me to join you...while /I'm/ still asking nicely."

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