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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

shortyshot8 said:
"I still feel bad about it...."
"Your ears"
Yuna put a hand to one of her ears "Yes? What about them?" She asked as she slowly took her hand away.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](And here I was, one post away from having Kili back out. If I do it now, though, I feel like Elyse might turn something important of his to metal xD ...)
For once during this interaction, it was Kili's turn to be surprised, as Elyse threw herself on top of him. As he felt her hands roaming around his lower half, he couldn't help but laugh gently into their kiss. He grasped her hands, bringing them to his pants, as he whispered a pair of spells. The first summoned a blanket to cover the two. The second brought clouds to eclipse the unnatural light above them, causing it to...


After... a while, Elyse rolled over, physically panting. She was exhausted, as was her body, and she tiredly looked up at the sky above them from underneath the blanket. It was a bit hot, but now that things were dying down a bit she figured she should maintain some decency. "That was... well, that was good." She smiled, glancing over at Kili, cheeks pink from the prior events as well as happiness from them.
shortyshot8 said:
"Sure thing"
"It's nice to meet you. I'm William Short"
Kaiden stood there awkwardly not knowing how to reply to william

Riley grabbed marcus's hand. "Lets go" she says happily
Mayyflower said:
Amaya nods. "Okay" she says
Rin yawned and started eating
Len briefly looked over at Rin as he ate.

Ayen yawned as he ate then smiled over at Amaya.
Mayyflower said:
Kaiden stood there awkwardly not knowing how to reply to william
Riley grabbed marcus's hand. "Lets go" she says happily
Marcus nodded "Yeah"

William blinked "What's wrong?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Len briefly looked over at Rin as he ate.
Ayen yawned as he ate then smiled over at Amaya.

"Tired?" she asks looking over at ayen with a smile

Rin looked over at Len and smirked before looking back at her drink
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
"Well maybe do you want to go shopping or something like that?"
He smiled a bit. He didn't want his guest to be bored is all.

"Or maybe some games or watching some Tv or movies?"

Layla shook her head. His suggestions didn't match her fortae, until he said shopping. Blinking, Layla stared at him for a few mere moments. Suddenly, she ran off to her room and slammed the door shut, rummaging through her closet. Afterwards, Layla returned to the very spot she left from, completely dressed and ready for an outing with an eagerly childish smile upon her lips.
Nonalaka said:
Camilla blinked, a faint pink tint growing on her cheeks, she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't become at least a little flustered at that "O-Oh? Well no, Its not bad" she said shaking her head a bit. "though I have to warn you that I sleepwalk" she admitted as she fiddled with the ends of her hair. "So I'm sorry if I wake you...." she said with a nervous laugh.
Kaname's gaze was focused elsewhere, until she finished speaking. "Sleepwalking, eh?" Kaname shifted his gaze to her, gently caressing her cheek with his hand. He couldn't help but to imagine just how it was to watch Camilla walking in her sleep. Chuckling ever so softly, Kaname leaned towards her and whispered into her ear. "That's cute."
sorry...school wifi was down...)))

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Mitsu blushed even more as mika finaly let go making mitsu let out a sigh of releif before she slowly pulled away from neo and looked at her. "Mama what where you and mitsu doing?" Mika asked them

''something called kissing~''

*Neo said being truthful not really wanting to lie*

WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko put her hand down and waited for her to finish taking roll✿...
*Nanase soon finished before announcing the assignment*

''alright. so i want you to make an introduction letter about yourself. Be informative as possible. for example, your Name, your age, gender, being, and other extra stuff you wanna add. so take out a sheet of paper and start working. and make sure i can read it''

Lumina said:
Vanille smiled before nodding as well. "Okay! So... what did you wanna do now? We can stay inside, go out and do something, anything really."
''i dunno...do you have any ideas...?''

*She said curling her tail a bit*

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Would it be alright if I joined you for a while? I understand if you don't have time, but it would be an honor." He asked with his perpetual smile, intertwining his fingers with hers.

*Emiko slowly pulled away her hand as she smiled friendly at Deus*

''well...im sorry but you cant really. i need to be going somewhere private''
shortyshot8 said:
"Hmph...Suit yourself"

He sighed and rubbed his forehead before turning around, soon walking back towards the carriage. "If there isn't any further business, I must return to my young master. We'll just maneuver around you."
Mayyflower said:
"Tired?" she asks looking over at ayen with a smile
Rin looked over at Len and smirked before looking back at her drink
Len slightly frowned and continued eating

Ayen chuckled and smiled back at her "Well, i couldn't go into the reasons here." he said teasingly

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