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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

- Rosalie Dalton -


She stared at the man as he bowed and apologised, not really knowing what the apology was for if she were honest. She laughed silently, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and looking back at him "Wow, you're pretty formal" the voice answered "I'm Rosalie Dalton, nice to meet you too Mr. Caspian" she added, bowing a little bit from where she sat, although not as formal as his introduction, she felt it was only fair she shared her name too. She looked around the area before looking back at Caspian and nodding "Yep! You're right in the middle of the main courtyard actually so I guess you were given good directions"

Caspian Soul
Caspian smiled lightly before he began to laugh a little, "The pleasure is all mine Miss Dalton," He said this bowing once again before she said he was given good directions, "Oh.. No no, this is actually my 20th try at trying to get here... Oh the worlds i have stumbled into... And the horrible stench of fish as well..." He said as if that was the most horrible thing in the entire world, "And I am formal because i was breed on it Miss Dalton, it's a part of me, more or less it's an annoyance," He said giving another chuckle before his face settles with a smile.
Caspian Soul
Caspian smiled lightly before he began to laugh a little, "The pleasure is all mine Miss Dalton," He said this bowing once again before she said he was given good directions, "Oh.. No no, this is actually my 20th try at trying to get here... Oh the worlds i have stumbled into... And the horrible stench of fish as well..." He said as if that was the most horrible thing in the entire world, "And I am formal because i was breed on it Miss Dalton, it's a part of me, more or less it's an annoyance," He said giving another chuckle before his face settles with a smile.

- Rosalie Dalton -


Rosalie scrunched up her nose in a disgusted manner at the mention of the fish smell, she wasn't a fan of fish at the best of times but having it described as a stench? She didn't want to imagine how bad that was, she was glad she didn't have to go there. "That sounds... awful, gross and traumatising, I feel lucky I live on earth and not where ever you just described." Her voice answered as she let another soundless giggle. "Bred on formalities huh. Are you some kind of noble person or something?" She tilted her head "I can't say the same for myself, I come from the countryside, no formalities here." she admitted, smiling brightly before she pocketed her phone and finally stood up, taking her book with her and hugging it towards her chest. "Do you need help finding the office or anything? I don't mind taking you" she offered as she smiled up at him.

"I'm sure, I can take on two~" Seria said with a grin before sitting back down. She was obviously a bit wobbly and giggly. It's clear she is drunk, and she didn't care if others were watching them. She obviously just want wanted to have a fun time.

- Elaena & Elliot Rillas -


Elliot again stared over at Elaena for some kind of guidance but was only offered a shrug from her in return she was equally clueless on whether he should let her have another or not. Elliots eyes drifted back towards Seria, "I uh..." He rubbed the side of his face with his hand before giving a sigh. He didn't think she could handle another but she insisted and he didn't want to upset her either. "F-Fine another. But after that we have to get you home safely, okay?" He answered before going to ask for another bottle, he looked over at Elaena and nodded his head towards Seria. Elaena nodded in return. This might have looked vague to some but this was how the twins frequently communicated. He had just asked Elaena to keep an eye on Seria while he was ordering and she had agreed. Elaena looked over at the now drunken Seria "Is being drunk fun?" She asked, genuinely curious about why someone would do that to themselves. She personally didn't like the taste so she decided she'd ask rather than trying for herself.


- Elaena & Elliot Rillas -


Elliot again stared over at Elaena for some kind of guidance but was only offered a shrug from her in return she was equally clueless on whether he should let her have another or not. Elliots eyes drifted back towards Seria, "I uh..." He rubbed the side of his face with his hand before giving a sigh. He didn't think she could handle another but she insisted and he didn't want to upset her either. "F-Fine another. But after that we have to get you home safely, okay?" He answered before going to ask for another bottle, he looked over at Elaena and nodded his head towards Seria. Elaena nodded in return. This might have looked vague to some but this was how the twins frequently communicated. He had just asked Elaena to keep an eye on Seria while he was ordering and she had agreed. Elaena looked over at the now drunken Seria "Is being drunk fun?" She asked, genuinely curious about why someone would do that to themselves. She personally didn't like the taste so she decided she'd ask rather than trying for herself.

When Seria was told she could have another, she smiled before she spoke in a bit of a drunken matter. "Okay then~" She then started to hum to herself before she was asked if being drunk was fun. She just looked at Elaena and spoke. "Listen, if you want to know if something is fun or not, you need to try it out for funzies. There just some stuff that are better experiencing than explaining~ Or you could observe. And you guys don't even know where I live~ And I can't tell you where I live either. Wait do I want to or can't I?"
When Seria was told she could have another, she smiled before she spoke in a bit of a drunken matter. "Okay then~" She then started to hum to herself before she was asked if being drunk was fun. She just looked at Elaena and spoke. "Listen, if you want to know if something is fun or not, you need to try it out for funzies. There just some stuff that are better experiencing than explaining~ Or you could observe. And you guys don't even know where I live~ And I can't tell you where I live either. Wait do I want to or can't I?"

- Elaena & Elliot Rillas -


Elaena nodded thoughtfully "You're right. But I shall observe not partake. I have less than 100% control of my conscious body at the best of times" she added as she leaned back in the chair. "As for finding our where you live? Both me and my brother can look into minds, we just don't do it out of courtesy and manners. Or so Elliot says, I don't see much problem with it really but he insists" she shrugged lazily "But yes, we could easily just check if we thought it was for keeping you safe...or we'd just take you back to one of our dorms" she said with a nod. It was then that Elliot arrived back with another bottle of Seria's drink, hesitantly leaving it on the table, offering an unsure smile and sitting down again.

Seiko looked at the reception table and realized no one was there. She sighed and looked around the lobby then back at Gail. "What should we do now?" She asked inspecting her staff for any scratches or damage. "Oh I know! We could use a divination technique to guide us to the class." She said pulling out a crystal hanging on a necklace. "Show me the way Mrs. Crystal." She said and it began to oscillate slowly like a pendulum.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

- Elaena & Elliot Rillas -


Elaena nodded thoughtfully "You're right. But I shall observe not partake. I have less than 100% control of my conscious body at the best of times" she added as she leaned back in the chair. "As for finding our where you live? Both me and my brother can look into minds, we just don't do it out of courtesy and manners. Or so Elliot says, I don't see much problem with it really but he insists" she shrugged lazily "But yes, we could easily just check if we thought it was for keeping you safe...or we'd just take you back to one of our dorms" she said with a nod. It was then that Elliot arrived back with another bottle of Seria's drink, hesitantly leaving it on the table, offering an unsure smile and sitting down again.

"Don't look into my head~ That's weird~" Seria said before she saw Elliot come back with another bottle and set it on the table. She then smiled at him before taking it as she spoke. "Thank you very much~!" She said before opening the bottle and began drinking again, this time it was straight from the bottle at the start.
Euloria had went back to cooking the food after she had spoke, smiling when she had felt him hug her from behind and kiss her cheek, she has known her husband more than long enough to know what the thank you meant so she didn't need to ask "You're welcome" she responded in a soft tone. She was glad that his mood was now perked up a bit.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving (( found it c: ))
Suddenly, from seemingly nowhere (or directly behind them), a strange pale boy wearing a school uniform with a black cloak over it all walks up to the pair. Sensing evil magic from the boy, however, Gail sinks into the ground as to not become...that thing again. The thing that knocked a god flying from a large explosion and sent even her to hospital. It was safe to say that she did not want to hang around such bad magic again.

As she does sink from view, Kuro looks down confused, but ultimately not bothered - she was a ghost, he could tell, and perhaps she could feel his powers. Perhaps she fears them. Not a big surprise, really, but it is a shame - she looked friendly enough. Still shaking his head, he walks in front of Seiko. "You look lost, do you - oh, it's you! Seiko?"

(sorry its late, but I have been unexpectedly busy today too - yesterday, whatever. (its 2am)) Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
"E-Eh!?" She said surprised turning around "K-Kuro?!" She said surprised as she pointed her staff at her. "W-What are you doing here?!" She asked terrified taking a few steps back. She was far too terrified to notice Gail's disappearance and pointed her staff at her a white orb forming at the tip.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

- Rosalie Dalton -


Rosalie scrunched up her nose in a disgusted manner at the mention of the fish smell, she wasn't a fan of fish at the best of times but having it described as a stench? She didn't want to imagine how bad that was, she was glad she didn't have to go there. "That sounds... awful, gross and traumatising, I feel lucky I live on earth and not where ever you just described." Her voice answered as she let another soundless giggle. "Bred on formalities huh. Are you some kind of noble person or something?" She tilted her head "I can't say the same for myself, I come from the countryside, no formalities here." she admitted, smiling brightly before she pocketed her phone and finally stood up, taking her book with her and hugging it towards her chest. "Do you need help finding the office or anything? I don't mind taking you" she offered as she smiled up at him.

Caspian Soul
Caspian smiled lightly before he let out a small laugh, "Yes, some sort of noble i guess you could say, this world as far as i know once had kings and princes... I guess i am a prince of some kind," He said giving a small laugh to himself, "Well that makes it sound like i was once a toad or something," He said giving another laugh before she offered to take him to the office, "If you wouldn't mind taking me there... I mean, i'd try myself but i'd most likely end up on the moon knowing my sense of directions," He said laughing once more to himself, bowing slightly as he outstretched an arm, "Please if you don't mind leading the way," He said giving a small smile towards Rosalie.
Expecting more? What was that supposed to mean? After he mentioned naughty punishment she immediately understood what he was implying. "That wasn't what I meant and you know it. If anyone has a dirty mind here it's you" She said, attempting to push herself away from him. Sure, she might have thought that's what he was saying when he mentioned being punished, but it was his fault she was thinking that way, especially with the way he had said it.
Wicked Jester Wicked Jester
Expecting more? What was that supposed to mean? After he mentioned naughty punishment she immediately understood what he was implying. "That wasn't what I meant and you know it. If anyone has a dirty mind here it's you" She said, attempting to push herself away from him. Sure, she might have thought that's what he was saying when he mentioned being punished, but it was his fault she was thinking that way, especially with the way he had said it.
Everest grinned broadly as he allowed her to escape from his arms, smiling at her reaction to his little trick before speaking in a very dramatic manner. "Oh dear. First you believe me to have wicked intentions, and now you stab me with a poisonous tongue! I suppose when I'm with you I shall always be the one taken advantage of. Alas! Such is my life!"
Logan chuckled and looked over to Scarlet, smiling as she went to get what she needed. After his attempts at cracking eggs properly he had started to prep them, but he looked over to Scarlet once more. "What kind of eggs were we making? Did you say scrambled would be quicker or sunnyside?" He asked curiously. If she told him before, he obviously forgot. Well, he usually forgot things anyways, but she knew that.
Scarlet looked over at him upon hearing his question. "Hmm, I believe scrambled eggs would be quicker" She said and nodded, looking back at the bowl and beginning to stir all of the ingredients together. She paused, looking back at him, "Do you know how to make scrambled eggs?" She asked. Making scrambled eggs was pretty easy, but she wanted to make sure Logan knew how before she left it up to him to make.
Everest grinned broadly as he allowed her to escape from his arms, smiling at her reaction to his little trick before speaking in a very dramatic manner. "Oh dear. First you believe me to have wicked intentions, and now you stab me with a poisonous tongue! I suppose when I'm with you I shall always be the one taken advantage of. Alas! Such is my life!"
Hakuru was relieved to finally manage to escape his arms, though she could tell he had just let her go, so it wasn't much of a win. "Yes, poor you. Your life must be so hard when you have to deal with me constantly taking advantage of innocent little you."
Caspian Soul
Caspian smiled lightly before he let out a small laugh, "Yes, some sort of noble i guess you could say, this world as far as i know once had kings and princes... I guess i am a prince of some kind," He said giving a small laugh to himself, "Well that makes it sound like i was once a toad or something," He said giving another laugh before she offered to take him to the office, "If you wouldn't mind taking me there... I mean, i'd try myself but i'd most likely end up on the moon knowing my sense of directions," He said laughing once more to himself, bowing slightly as he outstretched an arm, "Please if you don't mind leading the way," He said giving a small smile towards Rosalie.

- Rosalie Dalton -


Rosalie stared up at him with her silver coloured eyes, blinking a few times when he said he was a prince. "Wow. Fancy." She smiled "We have some royal families in the world still but they don't really do much anymore" she explained, letting a soundless laugh after he talked about ending up on the moon. "Well, we wouldn't want that to happen, would we? I don't mind leading you there all, I'd only be doodling and stuff if I wasn't helping you" she gave a gentle shrug, her gaze trailing towards his stretched out arm her head slightly tilted. Was she supposed to take it? She wasn't sure how this formal way of acting worked. Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, she gave another quick smile "Let's get going shall we?" She suggested before she began to show the way, taking a few steps forward.


- Kenai Yelil -


Pulling his phone from the his pocket, Kenai glanced over the time. He was waiting on Asako at the café they had agreed to meet up at earlier that day and silently hoping she wouldn't be late, he was pretty hungry (though when was he not really). Leaving his phone down on the table infront of him, he slid back slightly on his chair and stared out the window.

Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux ((Sorry it's late I forgot it was supposed to be me starting this and not you x-x))


- Rosalie Dalton -


Rosalie stared up at him with her silver coloured eyes, blinking a few times when he said he was a prince. "Wow. Fancy." She smiled "We have some royal families in the world still but they don't really do much anymore" she explained, letting a soundless laugh after he talked about ending up on the moon. "Well, we wouldn't want that to happen, would we? I don't mind leading you there all, I'd only be doodling and stuff if I wasn't helping you" she gave a gentle shrug, her gaze trailing towards his stretched out arm her head slightly tilted. Was she supposed to take it? She wasn't sure how this formal way of acting worked. Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, she gave another quick smile "Let's get going shall we?" She suggested before she began to show the way, taking a few steps forward.

Caspian Soul
Caspian smiled as she led the way, taking his arms back to his sides as he followed silently for a while next to her, "And to be honest it isn't all too fancy, other than the fact i have to do a lot of signing... Now that i think about it, it honestly doesn't look to bright my future, sitting at a desk and writing about how the sun looked better today than it did yesterday... Perfect future," He said while giving a quick chuckle before he took in the sites around him, noticing even more students of different kinds all around him, Angels and Demons of different kinds he took note of, and scowling slightly when they got to close.
(Look who is back... I apologize for the fact that I was gone... I'll explain later on, but first:
All my characters apart from Gregory are now free for everyone.
Nona Nona , I'll write a starter for us tomorrow, if you please could wait for me, I would be thankfull)
After a while of walking, Gregory and Ariel, which decided to take a little detour through the local park, arrived at Ariel's house, where they agreed to rest for a little bit while the girl gets what she needs for their "day off", as they agreed upon.
Nona Nona
Hakuru was relieved to finally manage to escape his arms, though she could tell he had just let her go, so it wasn't much of a win. "Yes, poor you. Your life must be so hard when you have to deal with me constantly taking advantage of innocent little you."
Everest laughed inside of his head before blinking and putting on a puppy dog eyes act, blinking and causing them to water slightly as he stuck out his lower lip and looked extremely pitiful as he spoke. "It's so horrible! She yells at me, curses me, teases me, and even now she mocks me! The only joy in my life is that this little devil has the appearance of a beautiful lady!"
"Don't look into my head~ That's weird~" Seria said before she saw Elliot come back with another bottle and set it on the table. She then smiled at him before taking it as she spoke. "Thank you very much~!" She said before opening the bottle and began drinking again, this time it was straight from the bottle at the start.
Nona Nona

- Kenai Yelil -


Pulling his phone from the his pocket, Kenai glanced over the time. He was waiting on Asako at the café they had agreed to meet up at earlier that day and silently hoping she wouldn't be late, he was pretty hungry (though when was he not really). Leaving his phone down on the table infront of him, he slid back slightly on his chair and stared out the window.

Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux ((Sorry it's late I forgot it was supposed to be me starting this and not you x-x))

Asako Karasuma


(It's fine~)
Asako checked the time as she neared the cafe. She actually managed to not be late, mainly because she was excited to see Kenai. She considered Kenai her best friend. Of course she and her other two roommates were close, but they were more like sisters at this point.She looked up to see the entrance to the cafe, and upon looking at the window she could see Kenai. Grinning, she pushed open the door to the cafe, walking over and sliding into the seat in front of him. "The almighty Asako has arrived~" she said happily and poked his cheek, mainly to catch his attention.

Everest laughed inside of his head before blinking and putting on a puppy dog eyes act, blinking and causing them to water slightly as he stuck out his lower lip and looked extremely pitiful as he spoke. "It's so horrible! She yells at me, curses me, teases me, and even now she mocks me! The only joy in my life is that this little devil has the appearance of a beautiful lady!"
Hakuru looked at him. If it weren't for the fact she knew he was just messing around, and it was pretty obvious he was, she might have actually felt bad. She crossed her arm's and closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to look at him, mainly because his expression was distracting her from coming up with a response. "Oh how horrible, you must have your hands full with this so called 'little devil'"
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"Don't look into my head~ That's weird~" Seria said before she saw Elliot come back with another bottle and set it on the table. She then smiled at him before taking it as she spoke. "Thank you very much~!" She said before opening the bottle and began drinking again, this time it was straight from the bottle at the start.

- Elaena & Elliot Rillas -


Elaena giggled softly "It would only be for your own good, but okay. I can choose when I look at thoughts unlike with dreams so I can promise I won't then" she said smiling at Seria "Uh, you're welcome" Elliot answered, his tone sounding slightly unsure as she chugged the bottle down but he offered a smile at her anyways. "So uh..is this helping?" He asked looking towards Seria and the bottle, pointing at the bottle "Y'know, helping your... memory thing"


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