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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

SoulofTobi said:
Ayen was visibly shock "i slept for over five hundred year!?" he just about screamed "no wonder so many have changed, why i had to relearn what i believe to be English and why technology has advanced so much that town now feel like dead spots in nature" before he could rant more his stomach growled again and he just about forgot his rant "I'll have to ponder more on this after we have food in our bellies" he said and smiled at Amaya "lets go"
Amaya nodded. "Dang, there is Freddy's over there" she says pointing at Freddy's
WeirdPrincess said:
Alastair sighed as he walked around for a while before taking a seat on a bench."Seems like everything's gone to shit over here....why did I even come here?"
Shinji adjusted his glasses and said Hello,Friend
WeirdPrincess said:
Celia laughed as he tickled her,"I'm sorry! I can't help it. Stop tickling me!" She laughed as she pushed his hands away.
Taylor sighed and stopped tickling her, "Well, we know it's not your laugh. I am gonna find out your flaw as soon as possible, trust me."


Hello ;)
WeirdPrincess said:
Farah sat down on the ground,"Why don't you think I trust you? What made you think that kind of way." She asked softly.
Cam sighed "I don't know" He said sadly as he looked down "Should I tell her?"
Roman said:
(( You'll be okay. I get ignored sometimes also *opens arms for a hug* ))

Hello ;)
((Yay, someone saw me ;v; *Hugs* yeah, It still makes me annoyed sometimes lol ))
Nonalaka said:
((Yay, someone saw me ;v; *Hugs* yeah, It still makes me annoyed sometimes lol ))
(( Yeah me too, but we just have to go with it sometimes xD ))


Hello ;)
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona]Shinji adjusted his glasses and said Hello,Friend

Alastair looked over at the guy,"Hey....I don't think I know you, so I don't know why you're calling me friend."
shortyshot8 said:
Jack's clone turned into actual Jack "Hey there!" He said happily "That's my name!"
Sam grinned. "I'm Samantha but call me Sam" she says holding a hand out
Mayyflower said:
Sam grinned. "I'm Samantha but call me Sam" she says holding a hand out
Jack smiled and shook her hand happily "It's nice to meet ya Sam!" He said happily "What are you?"
Roman said:
Taylor sighed and stopped tickling her, "Well, we know it's not your laugh. I am gonna find out your flaw as soon as possible, trust me."

Hello ;)
"You wish. I bet you'll never find and have to live the rest of your life in curiousity as to what my flaw is." Celia said with a grin.
WeirdPrincess said:
Alastair looked over at the guy,"Hey....I don't think I know you, so I don't know why you're calling me friend."
You see,I call everyone a friend because i am a kind and friendly person,By the way my name is Shinji

Tim said turning around to face alastair
shortyshot8 said:
Cam sighed "I don't know" He said sadly as he looked down "Should I tell her?"
Farah frowned slightly,"Are you okay.... Is there something wrong?" She asked.
WeirdPrincess said:
Farah frowned slightly,"Are you okay.... Is there something wrong?" She asked.
Cam sighed "The girl I fed on...." He looked at his hands and closed his eyes bracing himself "I think I have feelings for her"


Mayyflower said:
Sam smiled "I'm a succubus and you?" She asks
"I am a Human with the power of Fire" He said happily before sighing "Please don't be like the last Succubus I met....I dated one and....She thought I was cheating on her" He said softly as he looked down
WeirdPrincess said:
"You wish. I bet you'll never find and have to live the rest of your life in curiousity as to what my flaw is." Celia said with a grin.
Taylor laughed a little, before kissing her gently. "You're on. I bet I find all your flaws!"


Hello ;)
shortyshot8 said:
Cam sighed "The girl I fed on...." He looked at his hands and closed his eyes bracing himself "I think I have feelings for her"
Farah blinked,"Oh....I see..." She said slowly as she looked away, not really sure what to say.
WeirdPrincess said:
Farah blinked,"Oh....I see..." She said slowly as she looked away, not really sure what to say.
Cam sighed happy to get that off his chest before extending a claw and holding it to his neck "If you want you can push it in" He said softly
Mayyflower said:
As they arrived at the cafe Akito ordered a mocha and sat down waiting for winter to order her drink. " Nice" he says taking a sip of his drink

As they arrived at the cafe Akito ordered a mocha and sat down waiting for winter to order her drink. " Nice" he says taking a sip of his drink
Winter order milk and sat down next to him, taking a drink."Yeah. I guess...." She said softly as she looked at her cup."Why'd you want to come to the cafe?"


Nonalaka said:
((Ah thank you ;v; can you send someone to Camilla?))
(Sure! I'll have Asuka go over to her, but where is she?)
WeirdPrincess said:
Winter order milk and sat down next to him, taking a drink."Yeah. I guess...." She said softly as she looked at her cup."Why'd you want to come to the cafe?"

(Sure! I'll have Asuka go over to her, but where is she?)
((She's in the courtyard, following butterflies xD ...she's easily distracted))
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona]
You see,I call everyone a friend because i am a kind and friendly person,By the way my name is Shinji
Tim said turning around to face alastair

Alastair nodded slowly,"Right.....Well I'm Alastair, it's nice to meet you Shinji. What are you doing just sitting here?"


shortyshot8 said:
Cam sighed happy to get that off his chest before extending a claw and holding it to his neck "If you want you can push it in" He said softly
Farah looked up at him,"No! I'm not doing that!" She exclaimed as she scooted herself away slightly."I'm not going to hurt you because you like someone else."
Shizurucia said:
"...Kalin... Are you alright?" She asked with a worried face. "You don't seem to be feeling well..."
(See you later then. :D )
(Im back! ^_^Would you like to continue? Or did you move on?))

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