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The Eternal Quest: A Partner Search

Elle Joyner

Fracturer of Fairytales


The Eternal Quest: A Partner Search

A Desperate Hunt for Dedicated Folk


Hello there, and welcome to my partner search! You've clicked on this, which means one of two things. You're searching for someone new to RP with as well, or you totally meant to click on the link above mine and hit the wrong one by accident. But while I have you...

Just kidding -- There is none. If you don't feel like reading all this information then I'm probably not the partner for you. <3

Let me tell you a little about myself. I have been roleplaying on and off for roughly 18 years - as well, I enjoy writing novels and hope to someday soon get something published. Writing is and always has been a joy to me, and there is nothing more thrilling than embarking on a new adventure with a fellow creator.

That said, while I try not to be picky, I do have my preferences...

My Expectations:

I am a fair partner, and flexible, but when it comes to roleplays - particularly to 1x1 roleplays - I do have some specifications I expect from my partner.

First and foremost, dedication. I endeavor to create worlds and characters which can grow and develop over time, and unless I feel absolutely positive I can invest all effort necessary into those things, I just won't go ahead with it. Basically, that means that what I make, I work my butt off on. My expectation therefore is that you - being in partnership with me - also invest as much effort into your own work.

This means:

  • No


    without telling me. I get that real life happens - it takes precedent, certainly over the internet, but nothing chafes more than a partner just vanishing on me, without so much as a PM. I also understand sometimes a muse isn't working out - but before you go and give up, let me know what you're feeling. Maybe it's something we can work through, and if not... at least I'm aware and not waiting for you to post when you probably never will.
  • No one liners. Effort means giving me something to respond to. I write -alot-! Generally at least three paragraphs a post - while I understand that this won't likely be the norm in a 1x1, I do ask that you at least try to come up with two paragraphs, minimum. Descriptions make a story flow - they make it real and visual, and fun. That said, I also prefer posts that aren't filled with endless reams of purple-prose nonsense. I can't respond to you if I don't have anything to react to.


Forgetting we're a team: Posts should be both about reacting and reaction.

Failure to inform: Give me the scoop if you're gonna be MIA for a while.

Erotic Content: This is a Me No-No as well as a site No-No

  • Proof-reading is a MUST. At the very least, I expect spell checking. If you can't take five minutes to read through a post to double-check that there are no glaring grammar/spelling errors, than that tells me I can't rely on you as a partner to be properly committed to your work. I don't expect perfection - I make errors, too. But blatantly ignoring obvious issues speaks of laziness. This goes for consistency, as well... I understand sometimes it'll be a while between posts and you might forget a small detail or two - but if your character starts out with blue eyes, then ten pages in, they should have blue eyes... If I write that my character is blonde, then their hair color should not miraculously shift to brunette over night.

  • In a partner, I'm looking for a co-writer... CO as in cooperative. This is not Driving Miss Daisy, and while I look adorable in a chauffeur cap, I am not here to dictate a story while you write. I want us to work together to build a plot... that means communication and planning. I'm creative, but in the end spoon feeding someone a story is just not as much fun. This means creating not just a character, but a universe -- Scenes, NPCs, locations, situations...

  • Character Sheets: I will require a sheet to be filled out - very basic, with an image. I request only live models for images (no animation/drawings/anime/artwork), as this helps me to get inspired - I simply cannot connect with a drawing, emotionally - and emotion is a big part of what makes writing so fantastic. If you cannot find an image, I will gladly assist you. The sheet is for reference and to maintain consistency, and I will be filling one out as well.
What to Expect:

As a writer, you can expect the following from me...

  • Storylines with a definitive beginning, middle and end. True -stories- ... that take characters on an adventure, where they can develop and grow.
  • More than schmoopy romantic crap. Romance is great. I love love... I'm a wife and mother, so I'm all about that gooey, cloying schmaltz that makes us all warm and fuzzy inside. But romance does not an RP make. There will be PLOTS first, and romance will simply be sugar in the coffee. Does this mean that romance won't factor at all? No. I think it adds a lot to a tale and gives characters another element to grow in. But it will not be the end-all/beat-all horizon of the story. I will strive to make every roleplay a well-rounded adventure, regardless of what the pairings may be.

  • Strictly speaking... Well-written work. I will not put out a post that I am not proud of. It may take me longer to get one done, but know that when you do get a post from me, it will be my best writing. I typically write in a third-person, past-tense perspective, though I will occasionally work with present-tense should you desire. First-person, however fun it may be to write, does not work so well with cooperative storylines, so I ask that this be avoided.

  • A timely delivery. While I cannot promise tens of thousands of posts a day, I will do my utter best, crisis-barring, to write at least ONCE or TWICE a week. More often than not, I write much more than that (often once or twice a day), but I am a mother of a rather festive toddler, and there are occasions when I cannot get online as much. Also, I do not typically roleplay (except on rare occasions) over the weekend, as this is time for me to spend with my husband/family.

  • Gosh darn Prettiness: Silly as it may sound, I LOVE working with bbcode almost as much as writing -- I will prettify whatever I can, and I try to make my posts visually interesting, as well as well-written.


The Storylines:

These are the storylines I'm looking to introduce. Nothing is set in stone, and I will be adding more as time goes on and storylines are completed, so if nothing jumps out at you, be sure to come back later and check out the list. The character -I'm- looking to play will be the character in
bold. All my pairings will be FxM. If you have questions, please feel free to ask here, or PM me.

The rating system indicates which storylines hold the most interest for me. This does not mean that storylines with a lower rating will receive any less attention or dedication, some just have a special place in my heart.

I am also open to suggestions on storylines, though I would prefer that those are PM'd to me. Below this list is a selection of character types I will absolutely not play with.

The Candidate

Politician's Daughter x Private Investigator

Genre: Suspense


The daughter of a Presidential Candidate hires a private investigator to look in to the unexpected death of her father, after she begins to suspect the fatal car crash that claimed his life was not accidental.


Wife x Husband

Genre: Suspense/Mystery


A woman returns home to her husband after suffering a head injury on a business trip. A few days later, she begins to experience a strange phenomenon where upon waking, her mind is overtaken by the memories of a stranger.

Patriot Games

Widow x Family Friend

Genre: Suspense/Drama


When the widow of a soldier begins to care for his best friend and comrade, the pair reforms a bond once forged in their youth. That bond is tested when her husband suddenly returns, very much alive, but drastically different.

What Shapes Us

Preacher's Daughter x Delinquent

Genre: Slice of Life/Drama


When a young boy is sentenced to community service, rebuilding a church he accidentally burnt down, he runs up against the feisty daughter of a Preacher, who seems determined at all costs to make him see the fault in his wayward behavior.

Cat and Mouse

Thief x FBI Agent

Genre: Suspense/Action


An Agent's hunt for an elusive thief has nearly become an obsession, but when she turns herself in and makes a deal to become a Criminal Information, he suspects her motives may be less than genuine.

What's Left of Me

Sailor x Young Woman

Genre: Suspense/Mystery


After a shipwreck leaves him with no recollection of who he is, a young man begins a cross country hunt for the one memory he has left, a girl in a faded photograph. Along the way, he is aided by a young woman who rescued him.

Dangerous Reflections

Officer x District Attorney

Genre: Suspense/Action


A young officer begins to suspect she is suffering from delusions when she experiences episodes of fugues. After her partner is killed and she was the last one to be seen with him, she seeks help from her ex-boyfriend, a district attorney with a cold disposition towards her.


Young woman x Young man

Genre: Suspense/Mystery


A young girl's father dies, but not before leaving her with the knowledge of a secret treasure and the cypher key which will give her access to it. She is forced to go on the run, however, when this information falls into the wrong hands - her only ally found in the most unlikely person... a perfect stranger.

The Horizon Beckons

Woman x Man

Genre: Suspense/Action


It was a free cruise. All inclusive, six days, seven nights along the Caribbean coast... the trip of lifetime. Unfortunately, not all good things stay that way. When the ship is hijacked by heavily armed pirates, the passengers find themselves in an impossible situation - held hostage in the middle of the ocean, with no help on the horizon.

Cruise Control

Young woman x Young man

Genre: Suspense/Mystery


A young man takes a routine pit stop at a gas station on a long road trip to see his family. Filling up on gas and snacks, he never anticipated trouble, but when he returns to his car, he finds he's no longer driving solo - and his uninvited passenger is desperate... and armed.


Woman x Man

Genre: Suspense/Mystery


A train through the European countryside turns ugly when a body shows up - No one seems to remember the victim, and his name doesn't show up on the travelers manifest, but one thing apparent, someone wanted him dead... and the murderer is still on board.

Under the Willow

Young woman x Officer

Genre: Suspense/Mystery


After several years away, a young woman returns to her small hometown after the death of her father. What she finds when she gets there is a world she hardly recognizes - and things go from bad to worse when she discovers her father's death might not have been an accident. Desperate to find answers, she turns to the one person who can help - a rookie cop... who happens to be her ex-husband.

Distant Shores

Princess x Sailor

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure


Raised on an island, virtually alone, the daughter of a ruthless king has spent her entire existence believing men are monsters who live only to rob women of their virtue and their lives. When one washes up on shore after a shipwreck, however, the lies begin to unravel and steadily she begins to see the true monster is the man who trapped her on that island.


Young woman x Young man

Genre: Suspense/Action


For six months now, the city of Dell has been without electricity. Things have gone from bad to worse, with crime escalating to a point where the police have all but given up. The best hope for survival is escaping the city - but the man in charge doesn't want that happening and he'll do anything to prevent it... including murder. When a young man's mother falls violently ill and the only cure is miles outside of Dell, he teams up with a young runaway with one too many secrets, to try and defy the odds.

Spy Versus...

Spy x Young Man

Genre: Action/Espionage


When a young man accidentally stumbles upon a secret, he becomes a target for the government. Tasked with eliminating this man, a CIA agent finds herself in a predicament... a battle of ethics, upon discovering he's just an ordinary, average Joe, with no idea the trouble he's put himself in.

Under the Spotlight

Actress x Security Guard

Genre: Suspense/Action


A young up and coming actress runs into trouble when she realizes she's being stalked by an overzealous fan. Things go from bad to worse when, after hiring a security guard protect her, people around her begin dropping dead.

Mister Roboto...

Young Man x Young Woman

Genre: Action/Sci-fi


A man wakes up in a laboratory with no memory of who he is or how he got there. Escaping the facility, he goes on the run, but before he can get far, he's hit by a car. Before the owner of the vehicle can call for help, a van of government agents arrives, and the man comes to. The man cooperates, but when he overhears the agents discussing the need to eliminate the woman, he realizes fleeing is their only option.

Beneath the Golden Sands

Archaeologist x Treasure Hunter

Genre: Suspense/Action



Cry Wolf

Young Woman x Young Man

Genre: Mystery/Suspense


She went on vacation to relax... to forget about the nightmare year she'd had. When a young boy at her hotel approached her, claiming he needed her help, she hardly put much thought to what seemed to be a cry for attention. But when boy's nanny shows up dead and the boy missing, she realizes he was telling the truth and it's only a matter of time before it's too late to save him. Matters become more disconcerting when no one at the hotel can remember the boy... Her only ally in finding him is a hotel bellhop with something to prove, a man with a troubled past and a penchant for exaggerating the truth.

Barren Earth

Young Woman x Young Man

Genre: Futuristic/Suspense


It started because of overpopulation. First the lottery went out to determine which lucky citizens would be harvested for breeding. Then, with these select men and women kept in a secure bunker beneath the earth, the rest of the world was sterilized - and procreation outlawed, a crime worthy of death. It shouldn't have been an issue, except when it was discovered the sterilizing didn't work on everyone.

Human Nature

Detective x Young Man

Genre: Mystery/Suspense


When she was fourteen, she was rescued from certain death by a mysterious creature... a man with beastlike deformities, a fact no one believed and over time, she grew to think she had imagined, herself. Several years later, however, now a detective, she begins to hear rumors that this creature had been seen by others... in the city she now calls home. What seems a coincidence turns out to be so much more when it becomes apparent this creature, this man has been intentionally keeping tabs on her.

Two Graves

Young Woman x Young Man

Genre: Futuristic/Suspense


When her father was wrongfully imprisoned and killed behind bars, his daughter swore that she would do everything in her power to find a way to restore his good name and reek vengeance on those responsible. Her quest takes her to Southern California where she's set her sights on a young man... the son of the man and woman largely responsible for her father's false conviction.

Unacceptable Character Types

Desperate Loners: I will not RP with you if your character is not capable of civilized-human interaction

Perfection Personified: I expect characters with limits, with faults and weaknesses. No one is perfect.

Stale Bread: Make them interesting... Boring characters make for boring stories.

Dripping Pipes: But on the same note, overly dramatic characters are just overwhelming.


Partnership Application:

Yes, you read that right. It may be unorthodox, but before I decide whether or not to commit to an RP with you, I'd like to know a little more about you as a roleplayer. There is no requirement to fill this out, but please know if you choose not to, I most likely will choose not to participate in a storyline with you. If you DO choose to fill it out, just post it into the thread, here. Please do NOT PM the application to me. Also note that filling out the application is not a guarantee that you will be chosen for any one storyline - please know that it's nothing personal, and I know everyone grows and learns at different paces, but if I don't feel we'll make a good fit, I wouldn't want to waste either of our time.

Application Information

Writing Level: Casual/Detailed (I am not accepting SIMPLE applicants, at this time)

Competency: Beginner/Middle-Road/Experienced

Genre Preferences: What sort of genres do you prefer?

Plotting Preference: How comfortable are you with cooperative plotting?

Availability: When are you most available? Are there any times you are NOT available?

Storyline Interest: Which storyline are you interested on pursuing?

RP Status: How many RPs are you currently in/working on? Names are not necessary, but please include if they are a group or 1x1.

RP Dedication: Have you previously dropped out of a roleplay? If so, did you give notice?

And because it's only fair that you should get to see MY worth, as well -
Here is a list of current roleplays I have created or joined on the site.

Looking forward to our roleplaying adventures, together! -- Elle

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Writing Level: Casual

Competency: Beginner-Middle

I'm working on bigger posts with more details.

Genre Preferences: Almost anything, if I have a problem with the story Ill say so.

Plotting Preference: I like working together on plots, although I don't like planning everything out.

Availability: I'm almost always available

Storyline Interest: Cat&mouse, What shapes us (Although I have problems with religion, sorry)

RP Status: 1 active 1x1 although I've been trying to get more going.

RP Dedication: I rarely drop out, when I do I give notice.
Writing Level: Detailed

Competency: Exprienced

Genre Preferences: Open to anything

Plotting Preference: I like working as a team on the plot/story line

Availability: only time I am not online is when I am at work and starting in the fall when I have class

Storyline Interest: patriot games, what shapes us, what's left of me

RP Status: currently in 7 or so rps most on pm one that is public

RP Dedication: I usually never drop out, I will give notice and reason if I do

Make that 11 rps
Writing Level: Casual

Competency: Middle-Road

Genre Preferences: Slice of Life/ Realistic / Mysteries

Plotting Preference: Very comfortable

Availability: I can reply daily

Storyline Interest: The Candidate, What's Left Of Me, Warped

RP Status: 1 Group RP, 1 OneXOne

RP Dedication: No, I haven't dropped from any rps and I do plan to give notice should it ever come to that.
Writing Level: Casual or detailed, mostly detailed.

Competency: Middle-road/Experienced

Genre Preferences: Anything that's not fandom, but I prefer to do things with fantasy influence.

Plotting Preference: I can do it, but you'll have to lead me through. I can provide bits and pieces but I'm typically very quiet about my opinions and the like.

Availability: Since it's summer, my 'unavailability' will be sporadic. I should be available most days.

Storyline Interest: Either Patriot Games or What Shapes Us.

RP Status:

RP Dedication: Yes - the great majority of the times I have given warnings of my departure and, to be honest, I haven't done a whole big bunch of roleplaying on RPN. Most of my droppings are due to in real life issues, such as family problems, personal problems (anxiety / depression), and school things.
Writing Level: Detailed

Competency: Experienced

Genre Preferences: Thrillers/Mysteries

Plotting Preference: I enjoy plotting with other people

Availability: I'm taking a few summer classes but I'm online almost every day

Storyline Interest: I actually have a few of my own, if you're interested

RP Status: Currently, 2 1x1's.

RP Dedication: I've dropped out of some, but they've been for real life reasons.
Writing Level: Detailed

Competency: Definitely Experienced

Genre Preferences: Basically anything, as long as it captivates me and keeps me wanting for more.

Plotting Preference: Very. I'm an open personality and like to throw my ideas against a wall and see if they stick. (in this case, you're the wall)

Availability: I'm available most of the time, unless I'm doing something. If my schedule changes, I will notice you.

Storyline Interest: "Cat and Mouse"

RP Status: 3xGroups, 1x On-Going 1x1 and 1x WIP 1x1

RP Dedication: Yes, I have previously dropped out of RPs, but never without beforehand notice nor did I leave in moments that made the play uncomfortable for the others. You could say I faded away in a subtle manner.
Writing Level: Somewhere between Casual and Detailed - I can do both.

Competency: Experienced

Genre Preferences: I don't really like animal -themed rps, I just can't. :( '

Plotting Preference: I can plot pretty well, I like asking integral questions, but I'm very beta with my opinions as in - not very good at making a final judgement call xD '

Availability: I'm completely free in the summer, which means a very flexible availability - school starts in September and I'll have classes/work then, but I should still be able to post.

Storyline Interest: What's Left of Me

RP Status: 3 dice games with a dedicated time slot, 2 1x1's, Mega and Exodus - few others that may be resurrected, but it's looking bleak. (also one 1x1 starting)

RP Dedication: I don't think so? I try to post whenever I can unless I'm the only one posting, and dragging the rp along.
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Writing Level: Casual/Detailed Depending on the story and my mood I switch between casual to detailed and viceversa.

Competency: Who'd admit anything but Experienced?

Genre Preferences: Mystery, Action, Comedy, Fantasy

Plotting Preference: I love it!

Availability: [15,21]

Storyline Interest: What's left of me

RP Status: 1 group going on, 4 noeXone going on, 2 oneXone starting

RP Dedication: I don't ditch but my partners have left me many times before, leaving humble apologizes behind.
Writing Level: Casual

Competency: Middle-Road [i've been RPing 4/5 years now, so you know *shrugs*]

Genre Preferences: I will do almost anything. My preference has less to do with the genre and more to do with the plot of said story.

Plotting Preference: I like collabs, but I find a lot of people dislike my ideas. So, this might be hit and miss.

Availability: At all times, I have no life [FYI I'm currently on BST, visiting family so it is temporary]

Storyline Interest: None of them? :3 Making a whole new one is nice! Though I suppose if I had to choose, Dangerous Reflection seems interesting.

RP Status: 1[HP], 1[simple], 2[Pending][Detailed]

RP Dedication: Only one within memory [RPes tend to die sooner than I lose interest in them], though I am sure it has happened on other occasions. I hosted the RP, so yes I did give notice. The whole event though was a bit of a mess, it was more of a matter that I could no longer do it than me not wanting to do it.
Writing Level: To be frank; I can match whatever my partner expects of me and beyond, whether it be three paragraphs a post, or eighteen.

Competency: Well I am competent, I think. I am in the zone of competency, in-competent if you will xP Roleplaying about 6 years now I think?

Genre Preferences: I largely prefer Fantastical elements be involved in some way, though they do not have to be every Tom, Tom and Other Tom throwing fireballs around. But if I wanted to hear a story about a "delinquent" and "good girl" hooking up, I could go talk to ninety-nine percent of high-school girls.

Plotting Preference: Did I hear elaborate and usually heart-wrenching plot-stuffs? :)

Availability: I have noted on several occasions that the denizens of RpN tend to think I have been hospitalized if I am not on every single day >.>

Storyline Interest: Make our own.

RP Status: 1 group just applied for, One 1x1 though hopefully I will be resuming another soon.

RP Dedication: To be frank I am usually the one driving the RP in this department, and though my way of reminding my partner may seem impatient, I honestly just like to make sure it does not get forgotten as I realize many of us here are busy individuals.

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