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Realistic or Modern The End


Junior Member

The End IS Here
The weather lately had been erratic. Not normal, summer weather. Something was wrong. It had been raining, thunder storming non stop for two weeks now. Other places were so dry their forests have been on fire with no sign of stopping. Scientists have been experimenting, for lack of a better word, with the weather. Throughout the years they’ve caused some of the worst ‘natural’ disasters. They’re about to cause the destruction of civilization.

People have got an inkling that something bad is on the horizon. They’re right. Despite having this feeling no one is ready for what is about to happen. It starts with an earthquake, which leads to a tsunami. This is the story of eight people and how they survive the end of the world.

Character Sheet
Fiona smiled and took in the view. It was the first time in days that it wasn’t storming. The ocean was calm, the sun high in the sky, and a bunch of people flooded the beach, enjoying the weather while it lasted, cause God knows tomorrow it could be back to pouring again. Fiona’s parents had rented out a beach house that summer despite reports of it being a miserable one. Fiona closed her eyes and laid back, the sun warming her skin. Her headphones drowned out most of the noise around her, mostly children screaming, having the time of their lives.

Everything happened so fast. Fiona felt her heart stop as the ground began to shake. She quickly sat up and was greeted to the sight of people running towards their cars, towards the boardwalk. Doing the best they could to get away from the ocean. Fiona wasn’t sure what to do. She sat in silent fear, gripping her phone like her life depended on it. She was about to stand up when her eyes caught sight of a wave taller then she imagined a wave could get. She felt herself panicking and as the wave crashed down she took a deep breath and braced herself for impact.

The music filling her ears immediately stopped and Fiona was flung off her feet. The wave sent her somersaulting backwards and into what felt like a pole. She tried to cry out but her yell was muffled by the water and she only succeeded in swallowing what felt like the whole ocean. She quickly closed her mouth and clutched her side. The water was still sending her backwards. She had to get above the water. That was her only thought. Her lungs were burning and she knew she wouldn’t last if she didn’t get air. She was starting to panic. Fiona tried to claw her way through the water but she didn’t know which way was up, for all she knew she could be swimming downwards.

After what felt like hours she hit a wall and the water settled enough that she could lift her head above it. She took a deep breath that resulted in a coughing fit. Looking around her, she noticed she was in a gift shop. Her side ached and she could still barely breathe. ‘Help’ is what she tried to say but all that came out was a cough. She swam towards the door and out onto what used to be the boardwalk. There were people everywhere. Some of them didn’t look so alive. Fiona felt the tears run down her face as she let out a painful sob.

Fiona was shivering but she barely noticed it. She followed a crowd of people trying to swim towards, well, away from the ocean. A few cars floated close by and Fiona clung onto one, desperate to rest for a minute. She knew there would be an after shock, another wave, maybe two, but she was still surprised when she was back underwater, the force of it dragging her farther and farther away. She felt something sharp snag her arm and the shriek she let out this time was not something even the water could cover up. Her eyes flew open and even through the blurry, salty, sea water she could clearly see blood floating around her. She was close enough to the surface to lift her head out of the water, the ocean still carrying her down a street. Her right hand was clutching her left arm tightly and as one more wave crashed down she was sent flying into a car. Her head hit the car first and she felt her flesh rip open and her head instantly started aching.

Fiona’s head once again found itself above water and she looked around frantically. There was blood flowing freely down her face. It was hard to stay a float while one hand was clutching your arm. She let out a groan as her arms reached out to cling onto the back of a boat that had been washed in from the sea. She didn’t even think about the owners as she struggled to pull herself up. When she finally did she took a deep breath. She was crying again. Maybe she never stopped. She clutched her arm close to her chest and struggled to stand. She managed to make her way inside the small cabin. She didn’t know where a first aid kit would be kept and she couldn’t look for one now, so she settled on a wet t shirt, tying it quickly around her arm as best she could and sat down at the small table. She let out a sob she hadn’t realized she was holding in and let her head fall into her hands.

( I_Exist I_Exist aliara.s aliara.s MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit Sophrosyne Sophrosyne Abana Abana amxlia amxlia also sorry, I kind of went overboard on this starter, I was just super into it :closed eyes open smile: not all my replies will be this long lol and I encourage everyone to be like kinda dramatic with their starter post tbh and of course yours all don't have to be this long lol )
"The sun was high up this afternoon. It hadn't felt this good in a month,maybe longer." Ash thought. Her car sat in a Starbucks parking lot few blocks away from the beach. It was her lunch break after a full morning of work at the Guitar World in the mall nearby.

"I'll have to head the beach, I've got a good forty five to drink on the beach. It would be a crime to skip a day like this."

She pulled up and took her drink from the clerk, looking as if he'd had a rough day. As she pulled out of the parking lot, there seemed to be a a larger amount of traffic than usual.

The building next to her blocked her view,but she was blocked in. She stepped out of the car to see if there was an accident. She began to hear screaming, and as she looked, water about 11 feet high was flowing in. People and cars were getting swept in. She bolted before she knew what was happening. The screans got closer, and then water.

The screaming stopped and a moment of silence and calm washed over her.
Her cup in front of her eyes caught her attention.

A body flowed in front of it.

Snapping back to attention she fought to reach the surface. The water thrashed her around as other fought for control around her. She heard a man shout from ahead.

"Up here! Hurry!"
Three people were hoisting up people who could grab on. Then those people were joining them.
She fought towards the left, but the first hand slipped out if her grasp. The second caught her. She felt get self hoisted into the roof. She just laid in shock for a little bit, before realising what she should be doing. She bolted up and crawled to the edge. She grabbed the hand of a small child, and pulled her up. She was pale as a bedsheet. Her eyes wide in terror. She started to gasp. Ashley dragged her away from the edge.

"Th...thank you Miss..."
Then she started crying into Ash's arms.
Ash began to do the same.
On a plaza roof 11 people surrounded by water had no one left to save but themselves. Many of them cried. Others tried to stop the bleeding of others.

Until a cracking sound came from below.
Kai Rubio
Storms were common nowadays. Kai blamed it on climate change so when a tsunami occurred he wasn't surprised. Instead of panicking, he thought it through logically. Instead of worrying, he took shelter in his room. After sealing up the windows with some more tape, Kai began boarding up the windows with something a little stronger. He began nailing wooden planks covered by a heat resistant sheet against them, and if that didn't work, then a sand bag ought to somewhat help. He also ran down his apartment stairs and put sand bags infront of doors and sealed off windows and doors also. His Boss would kill him but buisness didn't matter if we'd all be dead soon. The store needed to be well protected. It was a store. It wasn't a fortress so they had to help it along the best they could.

Kai ran back upstairs, putting sandbags at the top of the stairs and placing them in front of all the doors. This could work if he tried hard enough. He took a few minutes to tidy his room. He needed a lot of space for his whiteboard. He had to figure out more ways of protecting himself from this awful weather. There was always one option that he hated the most. Move away and go underground. He hated that option but if he was desperate, it was always there.

He sighed. Being intelligent was the worst. If he was stupid he could blindly follow anyone to his doom and be happy about it but smart people aren't given that chance. He had to find an answer to the Earth's problem that wasn't climate change, even though that was the answer, so Congress can take him seriously. Everything just lead straight back to global warming because science doesn't lie. The world is dying due to humanity's lack of attention to the amount of carbon dioxide emissions we pollute into the atmosphere, heating our planet. The Greenhouse Effect. Kai rubbed his eyes and pushed up his glasses. He wasn't even a scientist but he still knew that this was a difficult time for humanity.
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Putting her thumb over the side of her pipe, Nao hovered her lighter over the last bitter remnants of the bowl. Tilting her head back, she released the smoke from her lungs. She loved smoking at the beach. The smell of the salty ocean always perfectly masked the smell of what she was doing. She particularly liked the spot she was in now--behind the Starbucks--because she could easily walk over to the shoreline and "bake" in the sun, then wake up her high with a coffee afterwards. Yo.... I fucking love coffee, Nao thought to herself as she started to move from behind the building. I'm gonna need a double macchiato after this....

She made her way to the sand and sunk to her knees, closing her eyes and enjoying her body buzz. Suddenly, a text on her phone brought her back to reality. It was from some random dude that she'd hooked up with the night before. She rolled her eyes and started to drift off again, when the earth started to quiver beneath her. Fuck. The weather channel predicted bad weather today, but Naomi wasn't expecting an earthquake. She stood up as quickly as she could, and shook her head a few times in an attempt to sober up. Fuuck. This is the worst time to be sparked up. On unsteady feet, Nao began moving away from the shore as quickly as she could. People around her who knew what to expect from seaside earthquakes also began making their way towards higher ground. I've....gotta go faster. She willed her legs to move and dared not look back. If a large wave crashed over the beach, she would likely drown. The strain of indie that she had smoked already made her feel like she was swimming. She wouldn't last a minute in actual water.

The quaking of the earth worsened, and the tremors began to get violent. Naomi would've had trouble staying on her feet even if she wasn't currently impaired. In one swift instant, the whole earth lurched, and Naomi was thrown to her feet. Ouch....I thought mary was supposed to dull pain. Now what? Naomi sat up and rubbed her aching knee. Her jeans had ripped when she was thrown to the ground. Just as she was steadying herself to get up, a huge wave of water crashed directly on top of her.

Welp. This is where I die. She didn't try to waste energy fighting the water. She rolled over on to her back, and closed her eyes. It was almost peaceful in a sense. Until her tired lungs began to burn, aching for oxygen and her body's primal survival instincts began to kick in. Just die, just die, just die! She thought to herself as her body betrayed her, kicking and trying to swim up for fresh air. The sensation in her lungs spread to her stomach, and it felt like the lights behind her eyes were flickering out....

With one last desperate reach, her fingers broke the surface and her head followed soon after. Her heavy, waterlogged dreads hung in her face and blinded her, but she could breathe. Okay... So maybe it'll take me a bit longer to die. Fine. FINE. She flailed about in the water, almost a little angry that she hadn't drowned. Ugh, there's no time to throw a fit. I need to think rationally. And fast. Her logical side kicked in, and the world started to make sense again. Although her clothes and fingers reeked of weed, the chilly and salty ocean water had brought her back sober. She lifted her dreads out of her face, and promptly smacked into a building. Well, shit. Thanks for the sign, I guess. The current tried to drag her around the building, but she held on for dear life. She heard voices above her, and saw others being pulled out of the water and up above.

"Hey! Help me! I'm down here!" She called out, but she saw the brunette head of woman drag a crying young child away from the edge. "Please! Help me!" Finally she managed to catch a man's attention, but as he stood over the edge of the roof to help her up, she lost her grip. Panic immediately began to overtake her senses as she drifted away from the building and further away from safety. Wait, I take it back! I don't want to die! Please... Her arms and legs felt heavier by the second. She wouldn't be able to keep treading the water for long. Her head was slipping under the water, and she inhaled the salt of the sea with every breath. I can't.... I don't want to.... The burst of strength that she felt earlier subsided, and her body failed her.

She sunk under the surface. She knew that the odds of resurfacing were extremely low. Naomi curled into a ball and started to pray as the current dragged her along. The black lights clouded her vision again, but a sharp pain in her right arm brought her back. She had floated through a window that had been broken by the force of waves, and was in some kind of apartment complex. Using the absolute last of her strength, she swam against the current and up the flights of stairs, until the water level around her lowered. She dragged herself up the last flight of stairs and collapsed. Naomi wasn't safe where she was. It was only a matter of time before the water surged up the rest of the stairs. But at least, for now, she could rest. She rolled over onto her back and closed her eyes.

It happened. The building had reached it's limit and was crumbling away. Ashley held the little girl tightly, and others began to scream, others staying on the areas that seemed more stable.

It didn't matter, the whole top half of the building was washed along and a few people were thrown off the roof. It continued down, as Ashley clutched the child, until it slammed into an apartment building....
Sebastian had been studying in his apartment room when the the building seemed to tremble. Standing and stretching, he walked to the window and felt his jaw drop. A wave, so enormous, had built itself high and came crashing over the beach.

"Fuck!" Was all he could mutter when the building shook from the force of the ocean wave hitting the building. He was on the 4th floor but that didn't help at all, the water reached up the 2nd floor. "I have to get to mom.." His mother was in a nearby hospital, sick with cancer.

Running to his door he swung it open to see chaos, people were screaming and running down the hallway trying to get to the stairs to escape the building. Another cracking sound drew his attention back to his window, fearful the crack was his apartment and not knowing what he to do. Sebastian crept towards his window, waiting for the apartment to either collapse or flood. Neither would be fun but he preferred the flooding part because at least he could swim.

Now in front of his window, he suddenly jumped back and fell over the sofa. He crumpled back and jerk his hands over his head as a neighboring building crashed into his wall.
Fiona's stood up as she heard more screams. She moved out of the cabin, the boat rocking violently. She watched as a building collapsed under the weight of all the people standing on the roof. She was far enough away that the small wave it created didnt really reach the boat but close enough to see a few of the people's terrified faces. Fiona looked around frantically, trying to think of what to do. She couldn't drive a boat, she didnt even know if the keys were in it. The boat could hold about ten people, fifteen at the most.

"Swim!" Fiona yelled. Her voice was a bit drowned out by the others screaming so she waved her arms, "Swim! Get on the boat!" She got down on her knees and pulled someone up, it was hard but she ignored her arm the best she could.

"Help me pull others up." She said breathlessly to the woman. She didnt know what they would all do once they were on the boat but at least they would be out of the water. Maybe they could get into one of the other buildings, if they weren't collapsing as well.

Fiona noticed a young girl holding an even younger child and held her hand out, "Grab on. I'll pull you on!" She shouted. A violent wave lurched the boat, in a stroke of luck, moving them closer to the girl and the child.
Naomi's very soul was aching, but the water lapping over the stairs told her that it was time to move. Her wet clothes felt as though they were stuck to her bones, and she shivered. With a groan, she forced herself to sit up and assessed her body. Aside from the very minor scrape on her knee, she was fine. Which was a blessing, considering that she had smacked into the side of a building. She hugged herself tight, half in an attempt to get warm and half in an attempt to brace herself to get back in the water. She noticed that she smelled purely like the sea now. Heh. At least now the cops won't know what I've been doing. If there's even any around.... She had observed the alarmingly nonexistent amount of first responders. But Naomi wasn't the type to wait around for someone else to help her. Finally she stood up, and stared over the edge of the railing.

She hadn't realized how many flights of stairs that she had swam up. Maybe it was because she was still a little high, but looking down from where she was to the surface of the water, there was at least a ten foot drop. She'd waste too much energy trying to swim back down the way she came. Plus, even if she wasn't dead tired, doing that would screw her over because she wouldn't know where she was under the briny water. As much as it scared her, she knew she'd be better off jumping over the balcony's railing and treading the surface of the water.

As she steeled her nerves, she noticed a boat floating by with about four people on it. She also recognized the woman that she had saw before with the young child. Maybe it's destiny... The current was still moving fast, but if she jumped right now she would be able to swim up to the boat... And there was another woman taking charge of helping people on. She hoped that her strength wouldn't fail her again.

With a prayer, Naomi threw herself off the balcony and curled up into a cannonball. She felt like she was flying.....

The hard surface of the water rushed upon her unwelcomingly. The muscles in her body groaned under the impact. But Naomi's mind paid her body no attention. She thrashed through the water and resurfaced much quicker than she had the last time. And by sheer luck, the boat was headed straight for her. She treaded water for a second, then latched on when it came close enough. Not waiting for any help, she hoisted herself up over the edge. "Whew...." she let out a huge sigh of relief. Now I can really rest.... I just hope these people aren't psychos...
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Groaning, Sebastian rolled over coughing from the smoke and dust. He near coked when he realized he had rolled head first into water. Sputtering now he jerked up to stand only to wobble, "Access for injuries before standing, idiot." He muttered and felt over his body for any said injuries, none fatal but his head was sore. Probably from jerking his head back against the floor when that building crashed into his window.

Trudging through the water he glanced at the stairs and saw water bubbling up filling the floor, "Fuck..". He went back to his window and looked left and right outside, debating if he should jump or climb into the window ahead in the other building. He then saw a boat just to the right them and then he heard a splash and saw a figure with long black hair swimming towards the boat. The water tugged her back and forth from the force of the currents but she made it to the boat safely. "Hey!!!" He called trying to be heard over the sloshing and banging of the currents hitting the building.

He slipped out his window onto the balcony and fell back against his window when the old exit balcony groaned in protest. Slowly he walked down the stairs, fear gripping him each time the metal groaned until finally it snapped off the building. The stairs now in free flight wobbling back and forth as if it was confused, should it stay near the building or plummet into the ocean. Plummet, it decided.

Sebastian couldn't think fast enough he jumped over the edge as the balcony fell and slammed into the water. He was sucked under from the force, he kicked as hard as he could so that he wouldn't end up under the balcony as it floated downward. Breaking the surface, gasping for breathe, he kicked more in the direction of the boat. Reaching the stairs in the back by the propellers, he climbed aboard and immediately sat down. His head felt like it was filled with water and he was becoming dizzy, Concussion? Did I hit my head that hard?
(Sorry for some reason i wasent getting notifications sorry)

Shelby was with her group of friends when it happend. Trhy hadent realised what was going on until it hit them Shelby was instantly knocked upwards into a window of a building smashing through it the water hadn't gotten that high yet. Whithout thinking she up and ran up the stairs eventuallygetting as high as she could shaking at a door handly to the roof it was locked from the outside.Shelby ran back down trying to find a way out and thats when she saw a boat. Shelby grabbed an arm chair hitting it against the hallway window until it broke. She then wavesd her hands trying to flag down the boat wtaching the wayer rise to a safe if that was even possible level before jumping in underestimating the strength of the current it pushed her towards the boat. She pushed herself towards the boat but spiraled out of control her head hitting the side of it pushing the shard of glass in her cheek farther in. She managnes to grab ahold of the back though but was not strong enough to pull herself on."Help!!!" She screamed trying to pull herself farther up.
Jason Doyle
"All this, it's almost ironic, isn't it?"

Jason had long since left the room where the woman whom had given birth to, then abandoned, he and Jackie, his twin sister. He was pacing the front lobby of the hospital impatiently, as Jackie was apparently actually taking the time she should to talk with that woman. Sure, he knew she was the reason he and Jackie were alive, but, she had left them to fend for themselves along with their father, and now she expected them to come rushing to her side? All because of what, pneumonia? That was definitely a bit harsh of him to think, so he slowed his pacing and let out a shaky breath, exchanging a friendly smile in greeting with the receptionist whom had just come back from her lunch break. Pulling his mobile from his pocket, he realized that Jackie had been with that woman- he refused to call her mother or mom, even to himself- for going on half an hour longer. Sighing and giving in to his impatientness, he dialed his sisters number and waited, his foot tapping anxiously on the tile, for her to pick up.

"Would you chill out?" Jackie answered slightly crossly when she answered, allowing the breath Jason had been holding in his chest to come out heavily," I'm coming now if that's what you were going to ask."

Jason chuckled at how cross she sounded and his posture relaxed easily, but he still stood as he spoke," Good. You chatty cathys were in there forever. You do remember that you have to be back at the campus in a few hours right? That means we are now driving the entire time."

Jackie laughed at his comment, which caused him to smile a bit more. He loved his sister's laugh, it was the type that could make even the coldest of person smile. Then again, that was just the type of person Jackie Doyle was. He was snapped out of his thoughts however when a scream could be heard from Jackie's end of the line. It wasn't hers, he didn't think, but it was still concerning.

"Jackie? What was that?" he asked, his tone quickly gaining a twinge of fear. Jackie was breathing hard into the phone, as if she were running.

"Jackie what's happening? Are you running?" he asked, beginning his pacing again, moving to the windowed front of the hospital.

"Jason, you have to-" Jackie was cut off as the line went dead, but, Jason had long since dropped the hand holding his phone to his side out of shock. A wave, the size of the tallest skyscraper there was it seemed, was barreling down on the hospital, carrying all manner of debris along with it.

Looking down to his phone quickly and seeing that their phone call had ended, he quickly began sprinting towards the stairs of the hospital, to the top levels and the last place his sister had been. As he ran, he found that many other panicked persons began spilling into the stairway behind, before, and around him. But, he didn't care. He shoved past them the best he could. All Jason Doyle cared about at that moment was the fact that his sister was safe. Bursting onto the floor where that woman's room had been, he found that the water was quickly gathering on the tile floor and beginning to spill into the stairway where the door had been opened.

"Jackie!" He shouted, scanning the masses of people whom were running past him towards where he had come from for that familiar, obnoxiously dyed teal hair. When he didn't see her, he kept pushing into the crowd, ignoring the calls from multiple people and wondering of 'what the hell he was doing'.

Once he had reached the end of the crowd, he saw her, struggling towards him with the water that now had risen all the way to his knees, and Jackie's thighs.

"Jackie!" he called again, rushing towards her, near tripping on something that had been knocked over against the floor beneath him. Continuing, having to use the most effort he ever had to raise his legs above the water and keep moving, he reached her.

She was shaking and soaking wet, probably from already having fallen into the water, the reason of which their phone conversation had ended originally.

"We h-have to go," Jackie said urgently, one hand clutched to Jason's shirt, her voice stuttering due to her shiver. Jason merely nodded, wrapping one protective arm around his sister, and helping her through the water. It had now risen to his waist, and her stomach.

They were possibly inches from the stairway where they could get to safety, when a loud, sickening crack could be heard from just behind them. Jason only spared a glance back to see a crack making its way up the walls from the floor and down from the ceiling. Suddenly they were moving impossibly slow in his mind, and Jackie was limping and fighting as hard as she could against the water, but it wasn't enough. Jackie couldn't swim.

"Come on!" he yelled over the sounds of rushing water and walls crumbing, winding his other arm beneath her knees, easily lifting his sister from where she stood and trudging forward, still so painfully slow.

The building that had been just barely holding itself together finally cracked, accompanied by a sound that caused Jason's stomach to drop all the way to his feet it felt. He flung one hand out to grab the doorway of the stairwell as the ground tilted and dissapeared beneath him. He fell too quickly to get his other hand around his sister and to the doorway. An ear piercing scream sliced through the air as Jackie's weight fell from beneath him, Jason still dazed from his head hitting the hard tile of the floor still left. Though he had just enough consciousness in his to reach out a hand, the weight of Jackie felt as if it nearly tore her arm off.

"Jackie hold on!" He called to her, his vision blurring as he looked down to her, feeling a thicker substance falling down his face with the water, though his adrenaline was pumping too much for him to feel the sting of the cut he had or the concussion.

His sister was staring right back up at him, her eyes wider than they should be, filled with absolute terror as the torrential waters crept up and tried to sweep her away. She gripped his arm with all the strength she had, and he gripped her. It wasn't enough, the current was too strong. Too wet and too slippery were their hands. In under the time it took a person to blink, Jackie's hands slipped from around Jason's, and she was gone. The last thing Jason saw of his sister was her terrified, shocked look surrounded by soaked teal hair as she feel beneath the water. Jason yelled out, a strangled, desperate sound down at the water that was quickly closing on him, and he felt arms wrap around him from his back, realizing that someone was trying to heave him into the stairwell- they were trying to save him.

"No! Not without- not without Jackie!" He screamed, his eyes still plastered to the water that was quickly rising, yet also disappearing behind a doorway. He struggled against the person dragging him back, but with his head reeling as it was, he didn't have the strength to break himself from the person holding him.

"Son, she's gone," was all he heard from the gruff voice of the person behind him as his vision darkened and his body ceased it's scrambling to get away from its savior.

A few moments later, an unconscious, soaked, raven haired young man would be hauled onto the rescue boat already too crowded with people and placed against the bottom of the thing near the back, where the man whom had saved him figured he wouldn't be trampled.

{I am so so so so soooooo sorry that this is so late, I've got a lot going on at the moment, but, for now here's this extremely probably too long thing Cx}

code by cychotic


Kai Rubio

Kai put his headphones in as tears began to stream down his face. All the wails from people got to him. He just couldn't handle it much longer and he hoped that classical music and cuddling his old stuffed bear would help him. He sat on his bed in the corner of the room and hugged his knees whilst the teddy bear remained lodged up against his chest. The cracks of the bricks that made his home could easily be heard and seen even with his headphones on. This also meant the music didn't mask the screams of innocent civilians that didn't know what was going on. He jusbt sobbed.

It was here when his phone started ringing. He unplugged his headphones and answered it, not looking at the caller name.
"H-Hello," he said in a raspy voice.
"Kai! It's me." The beanie wearing nerd gasped at the voice on the other side. It was none other than his Boss who had been out of town for a few days.
"Jamie," Kai said, "What are you- Why are you calling? Shouldn't you be busy?"
Water sounds could be heard on the other end of the line, "I was on my way back." He began, "And then the tsunami hit."
"It sucks, James, but you should really not be calling. You need to find a safe space to stay until the tsunami blows over."
"That's not what I'm worried about right now, kiddo." His voice sounded nervous which immediately set off red flags in Kai's head.
"J-Jamie, what's wrong," he asked confrontationally.
"It's nothing you should worry about," he said, still sounding off.
Kai wasn't buying any of it, "No Jamie! Tell me what's wrong."
Jamie sniffled, "I-I don't think I'm going to make it, kid."
Kai's tears began to fly again, "N-No! Don't you dare say that."
"I'm sorry kid but there's no way I'm going to be able to find somewhere safe and I'm too far from home right now," the line was beginning to break up, "There's nothing I can do."
Kai began to scream at him, "NO!!! You're the only family I have left, Jamie! I can't loose you!!"
The line was almost obsolete at this point, "N- you're--- I- lo--- th- sto--- be sa---."

The line was cut off and all Kai could do was cry. Everyone who he loved left him. He had no one left. After his moment of pain, he stood and walked over to his sock drawer. He pulled out a Glock and sighed as he loaded the weapon. He walked to his whiteboard and wrote some final words for if anyone were to find his room and if the building were to last that long. It probably wouldn't. Grabbing his backpack, he took some final things. A flashlight, a box of matches, a blanket, a spare set of clothes, his old stuffed bear, two beanies, his spare pair of glasses, two pictures, one of him and his Boss, the other of him, his Mom and his Sister. He wished he could've spent more time with each one of them.

He walked out into the hallway and lowered the ladder to the attic. He walked up and went to the window that lead to the roof. He opened the window and climbed out, holding onto the building as much as possible. Once steadily on the flat roof, he walked to the edge. So many people so little time. He had a whole life ahead of him. He thought he'd gotten through the worst. His Mom. His Sister. His Dad. But reality had to take away the only other thing that mattered to him. Life sucked, which was why Kai Rubio stood above a dying town with headphones in an a loaded Glock to his head during a tsunami.
( Open for Interactions )
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Fiona was exhausted. She was sitting on the wet floor of the boat, her back to the water and the screaming people. She held tightly onto the metal railing and barely noticed the waves splashing at her back. Her eyes were fixated on the buildings around them. Or what was left of the buildings. "Holy shit." She whispered. The boat was moving steadily down the street, occasionally bumping into cars and buildings, but still moving. The whole city was destroyed. Hundreds of people, no, thousands must've been dead. Where were her parents? Were they alive? Fiona felt sick just thinking about it. She didn't know what else to do; she felt defeated and scared. She wanted to know what was going on. It was like a scene out of a movie. Completely breathtaking and terrifying.

She found herself looking around at all the people who had found their way onto the boat, her eyes landing on a body on the other side of the boat. The man was laying on the floor and Fiona's first thought was that he was dead. She felt her stomach flip. What if he was dead? She moved closer. She had to check, just to make sure. She wasn't sure what she would do if he was but she would cross that bridge when she came to it. Fiona's hand shook as she put two fingers together and put them on his neck, looking for a pulse. "Oh thank god." She said breathing a sigh of relief. She relaxed a bit knowing that he was alive. But the fact that he was unconscious was still worrying. It didn't look like he had any life threatening injuries but you never know. They needed to find a place to dock, they needed a hospital. Everyone on the boat had an injury, some of them probably internal and incredibly serious.
Jason Doyle
"Just more proof all that bull they teach you about 'god' is wrong."

Jason had been unconscious for some time now, his cut long since scabbing over and the blood on his face drying, and he thankfully did not have a concussion, just a headache to trump any other he'd ever had. He would have probably stayed unconscious for who knows how much longer if it hadn't been for the woman whom had come over to check that he was still alive. Shifting slightly at her touch, at first he was sure that the events that took place in most likely only a few minutes, perhaps even seconds, -though quite some time earlier- had been all a nightmare. He blinked as he opened his eyes groggily to find a gray sky and an unfamiliar face staring down at him. It was as if his mind had snapped awake at that, and his eyes widened. Jason tried to sit up, but only got half way there before the all too real sting of the cut at his hairline caused him to pause, leaning back against one elbow and holding his other hand to his eyes as he cringed at the pain. Once he'd begun to feel steady again, despite the toss of the boat beneath them, he lowered his hand and looked over to the woman whom had woken him up in the first place. She had dark hair, like his and his sister's naturally, but he was glad to see that fate hadn't played too bad of a trick on him and made her look the same as Jackie. Jackie...

"Did... was-was there a girl- ah- a young woman - with teal hair who was rescued? She-she would have green eyes like mine... and this-this stupid hat..." He began to ask, having to slow his speech as his voice cracked, threatening to be overwhelmed by the emotions he wasn't yet feeling completely, but that were threatening to break him at any moment.

Jason lowered his eyes to his hands that were gripping a bracelet. One of Jackie's. It must have come off in his hand when she slipped in his desperate attempt to catch her. He felt a pressure growing in his throat and behind his eyes and nose, but he wouldn't let himself cry, not now. Instead, he gripped the studded thing until it hurt, glad it was made of a flexible leather, closing his eyes and having to try with all his might to keep his emotions at bay. Opening his eyes again after a long moment, he still wasn't able to look into the young woman's eyes, too scared she would have that look of pity that always seemed to be the last straw for Jason when he was upset.

"Have-have you seen her?"

code by cychotic


Sebastian stayed seated on the boat floor near the rear, listening to the boy stammering his words out to the girl that had check for a pulse. He snorted to himself, If she had watched the guy's chest then she would've seen him breathing. Guess people without degrees in medical don't think that first. Although technically in medical you check for a pulse before anything else. Hmm. He spoke up, "Anyone know how to drive a boat? I gotta get to the hospital." Sebastian had to get to his mother, everything he did had been for her to get the care she needed for her cancer. But even thoughthe cancer was winning, Sebastian wouldn't let her give up.

He looked around at the boat's occupants wait for anyone to raise their hand or speak up that they could drive a boat. So far all he could hear were people groaning and whimpering in pain. Sighing, he felt his head for any bumps or signs of a cuncussion. Feeling nothing other than dizzy, he took his time to stand so that he wouldn't fall from the boat swaying in the water and bumping objects.

He made his way to a middle aged man, "Sir, you might want to stop moving your arm. It's clearly dislocated. I'm a surgeon, may I?" He didn't mention that he was making his way through his last month as an intern. Didn't need the man frightened. When the man nodded and shut his eyes type, Sebastian braced his hand on the man's shoulder and tugged with his other hand. He had to give the guy props, he didn't let out a sound. "Keep your arm to your chest and don't move it." Taking his belt off he helped make a make shift sling to hold the man's arm.

Standing back up slowly, he looked around for anyone else he could help.
Fiona sat crosslegged on the wet floor beside him, her heart breaking for him when asking about the girl he was looking for. Fiona never was good at comforting people, "Uh no," she said lamely, "No one with teal hair is on the boat. And I'm not sure who helped you onto the boat to even ask them." She looked around, her eyes searching for teal hair one more time, "Sorry."

Fiona looked up at the guy asking if anyone could drive a boat, "Even if someone could," Fiona spoke, surprising herself, "you think there's a hospital left?" A bit of her anger at the situation leaked through in her tone. She was probably being insensitive and she wouldn't decline a trip to the hospital if that's where the boat ended up going, her arm probably needed stitches, and though she didn't think she had a concussion, she could use a pain killer or two.

Her eyes found the destroyed buildings again, she couldn't imagine that a hospital would be still standing.
Jason Doyle
"So the world's ending. Anyone have some liquor?"

His face fell a bit at her response and he merely clutched the bracelet in his hands tighter, hoping maybe if he held on hard enough, Jackie would be there, right there with him and this boat full of strangers. Looking up to the man asking about someone who could drive a boat to a hospital, he sighed heavily.

"I'm afraid I came from a hospital, the biggest, shiniest one in this damned town," he responded, his voice colder than how he would usually talk, before any of this. It almost didn't surprise him how quickly 'the change' had occurred, that change of a person's character you saw in the movies," if that wasn't left standing, none of the rest are. I would bet my life on that."

Easily slipping the studded bracelet he'd been holding over his wrist, he tightened it, glad for the laced latch it had, worn, but still with some wear left due to it being leather.

"Maybe if someone here can pilot a boat we can focus on... on getting out of here. Going towards somewhere that might have some damned dry land."

code by cychotic


Sebastian looked back to the guy that had been talking to the girl, "you came from that hospital? Is it still standing? Were there any survivors that you know of? My moth-" he bit his tongue and clenched his fists. He didn't know this guy, for all Sebastian knew, this dude could be lying. "Forget about it. Oh and miss, I know this place has gone to shit but no reason to take that out on others."

Taking a breathe to calm his fears and worry for his mother, he continued, "I don't think we will find dry land soon, we could try to get the engine started but first I have to make sure everyone aboard isn't dying. Last thing we want is more screaming." He muttered the last part so as not to alarm anyone within hearing distance.

Rubbing his forehead, he walked towards the girl. "You need medical attention or?" He wouldn't mind helping her but if she was gonna be rude then he would move on to the next person.

He was used to taking charge when it came to injuries, at the hospital he was an intern for trauma and the E.R. He was quick on his feet but he still had a lot to learn if he was going to be a real surgeon.
Fiona was kind of surprised that he was asking people if they needed medical help, "I don't think theres much you can do for me unless you have a needle and thread. This t shirt seems to be holding most, well, uh-" she looked down at her arm and the blood soaked shirt tied around it, "some of the blood inside of me." She let out an awkward laugh as she pulled herself up. "Thanks though."

Acknowledging it almost made it more painful. She hoped that it wasn't as serious as all the blood and pain made it seem. "Are you a doctor?" She asked. She figured he was, or at least training to be one as he seemed to know what he was doing.
Shelby sat father up the boat from them only now noticing the glass shards in her right leg arm and one big one in her cheek. She put her hand on one on her arm trying to pull it out wincing in pain and giving up. She shakily got to her feet leading in her left side stairing at the waves "do you think its like this everywhere?" She asked unsure of who she was asking. But it seemed pretty hopless right now.
The boat swayed and bumped into another car, he teeteredslightly before righting himself. The dizzying sensation fading as each minute passed, tilting his head a bit he regarded the girl that had told him she was fine. "Surgeon. Doctors talk to you about an illnesses and calm you down with talks of hope. I do the bloodier work. From the looks of it you may need a stitch or two but nothing major. Oh and surgeons always carry a pocket case of needle a thread with a small bottle of germ-X." He felt his pockets, yup still had it but it was probably very unsanitary since his dive in the water.

He heard another voice and looked farther up the boat. He looked at all the occupants of the boat before his eyes settled on a girl with glass in her arm and cheek, "Fuck.." he darted over to her jumping over people littering his path. He knelt beside the girl, "Don't pull that out, don't you know it'll increase the bleeding?" He gritted his teeth, he needed a few towels and some thread that wasn't soaked. His merely he could clean with a towel and sanitize with the germ-X but he couldn't use salt watered thread on this!

Standing up, he cleared his throat, "anyone not in need of care needs to search this boat for any string, towels, and clean water. Something useful, the faster we get this down the faster we can get out of here!" Looking back to the girl, he grinned, trying to make her smile, "what did you do? Hug glass?" He knelt back down, becoming the surgeon and felt around her arm wound, occasionally glancing at her cheek, letting his eyes wander her face. Young, teens perhaps. Not legal, Bash. "The name's Sebastian, by the way." He spoke loud enough so that the guy and woman on the other side of the boat could hear him while he felt the girl's arm. About three or maybe four people were digging under benches and feeling around the steering compartments for supplies.

Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit lovedentist lovedentist amxlia amxlia
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"I'm Fiona." She introduced, once again settling down on the floor of the boat. She would've helped the few people looking around for supplies but she already knew there wasn't much to find. She knew that there was no way the others could know she was on the boat before everyone else and that all she found was a wet t shirt; granted she didn't look long. She commended Sebastian for taking charge and making sure everyone was okay though, and she hoped someone would find something useful. She looked at the poor girl who had glass sticking out of her and sighed when she asked if it was like this everywhere. The thought of the rest of the country being in this state of chaos.

She looked again to the guy next to her, "Are you hurt?" She asked, remembering that he had been passed out cold and if he had a head injury or something someone would have to keep an eye on him.

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