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Realistic or Modern The End: Chapter 1 "Z-day"

Johnny Weiss

Nothing to say? you must be a zombie

That day began like any other. We woke up. Went to work or school, and followed our normal routine. I had been listening to the radio, a talk show that focused on the paranormal (I liked to listen to that in my passing time), when the crackpot radio show host claimed that a zombie attack had happened in New York City. Even if this shit is true, I reasoned, I live in California… it’s not like the zombies could get here, not before the government took them out! I had grown up watching George A. Romero movies, so of course, I believed that I would survive any zombie attack… and my little group of friends, too. No amount of time spent watching those movies could prepare us. Yes, I boasted an extensive knowledge of zombie movies… I had even researched their possibility. I believed that, since we, unlike the movies, at least knew about zombie, we would be prepared. Remember… knowledge is not the same thing as preparedness. Just knowing that they were possible was not enough. We had no plan, no real strategy.

I was in a research lab when everything started. I was replacing a light bulb, when one of the scientists’ secretaries ran in screaming, “Holy SHIT! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” I jumped down from the ladder I had been using, and placed my hands on her shoulders,

“Jessica!” I had said, “Calm down, woman!” She looked in my eyes with a fear that I had never seen before, “What h
appened?” I asked her. She took a deep breath and spoke quick and panicked words to me.

“Phil, we need to get out of here… its Dr. Michaels… he… he’s dead!” I was confused.

“Why would we need to leave? If he’s just dead, we need to call the police!” She shook her head as she quickly interrupted me.

“No… that’s not it, he’s not just dead… you know those movies you’re always telling me about?”

Understanding dawned on my face, I had actually hoped for this day for a long time. Now that it was here, I wanted only to wake up from this bad dream. My thoughts were disturbed, as I heard pounding on the door, supposedly from Dr. Michaels. I grabbed Jessica’s hand, intending on running with her to the rear of the building. As I began running, I was held back, Jessica wasn't moving, “What the he-“ my eyes opened wide in fear as I saw Jessica, she had a zombie holding her back, and gnawing on her neck, “SHIT!” I said as I let go of Jessica and ran as fast as I could. There weren't many people in the building. A handful of scientists, their secretaries, and me. If I could think at the time, I probably would have realized that there wouldn't be that many zombies in the building… but I was past reason.

I ran as fast as I could, and nearly jumped in my car, like the guys from ‘Dukes of Hazard’. I put the key in the ignition, and turned it, hoping my old lemon wouldn't stall when I needed it most.The engine sputtered the first time I turned the key, and the second. It was only on the third attempt that the engine roared into life, and I left the facility behind, hoping my friends could help me...



The moment that I heard about the attack in New York, I went into a frenzy. My friends and I had planned for, and longed for, a zombie attack for years. Yes, many people called us crazy or just demented, and you know what? We liked it. We knew that we would be ready for the day that the apocalypse came, whether it be by zombie, or by some other disaster. We knew that we misfits would only truly live in a survival situation. That we would only truly flourish when we were given the chance to show what we were really made of. We knew that not all of us would survive. We desensitized ourselves to violence and death, knowing that squeamishness was not attractive for survival. We would spar, to try and teach ourselves to fight, though perhaps at the time we were more jokes than seriousness… I had been in sports years before the first outbreak, football, wrestling, baseball… etc. So I knew how to get myself out of a tight spot, and I was a natural shot (though, truthfully, I knew that I couldn’t rely on firearms, so never pursued marksmanship past that). I was sure that survival would be easy, and I would be one of those macho, über-survivalists. We were wrong. All of us.

I followed the first step in our little survival plan… and that’s when everything fell apart. Only I, and my friend Joe got to our planned rendezvous spot… and Joe had been bitten by the time he got there. I… -

I had been the one assigned to bring seeds, so we could begin planting vegetables and fruits when we got to Joe’s uncle’s cabin in the woods, so if I could find people that knew what they were doing, I could plant food for us to survive. I didn’t know where I was going. My friends were probably dead, I knew Joe was, and my original plan was dead. What was I supposed to do?
He had just arrived in Newark, New York, by plane, on my day one in America. Matt had been here before, eight years ago in March of 2006, in this very airport, waiting to be flown to Indianapolis, Indiana. Only, that day, day one, he had not had plans to return to Indiana.

For him, America always had seemed like a place to go for action, growing up, and he wanted a piece of the action. Though, when Matt was younger, he thought he had always wanted to just get away from the horrible accusations and hate that his family seemed to receive from almost anyone. The plane, that Matt had arrived on, the Boeing 757, was not very good at keeping people at ease. Most passengers were throwing up their on-board meals, mainly due to turbulence. But, you know how people like to complain about airlines.

Shaking his legs awake, at the terminal he had arrived at, Matt wasn't ready to walk just yet. It was like pins and needles in his legs, but he had a job to do, here in New York. Tying up his leather boots, Matt took his time walking to the collection point. It was funny, in England they didn't worry about steel toe caps going through the metal detectors. But there, Newark airport, he found himself with his hands up being held on suspicion of being an English terrorist.

Without complaining, Matt folded his arms behind his back and was walked to the clearing room with his things in his backpack. Matt knew that they wouldn't find anything, in his backpack, to hold him, however they still found it odd that he had came back to the same airport that, eight years ago, he had landed in. Without saying a word, the police can be your worst enemy. He wasn't going to say a thing, that is until a female officer came in the room.

Attractive, wasn't the word for her. More like...bait. Matt could tell something wasn't right with the situation as soon as she leant forwards, it was a setup. His girlfriend was testing him. "Okay, very good. You can come out now." Laughing as they entered the room, the airport security, and the cops that had arrested him, pointed and laughed their heads off. "Yeah, that's it. Laugh it up. Get it out of your system."

The time of day was 9:30am. ((edited))
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(@Jokesome - You need to write in third person.)


- Write in third person.

- You MUST have a reason to be travelling to a location where another survivor is (It needs to be a good reason, too.)

- Do NOT summarize travelling across States and/or the country in ONE POST.

- No badassery - None of the 'I'm a hardened soldier who doesn't care what happens' - RP fear, lack of knowledge, terror, trauma, devastation, etc.

- Don't control other characters.

- Do not introduce NPC's for other people - that's mine and Robert's job.

- Be realistic.

- Do not skip time by days/weeks/months, etc. That's what I and Robert will do whenever it's necessary.

- We are staring in the early Summer. June 14th, to be exact. RP this accordingly.

June 13th, 2014.

Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Euper Lane Elementary School.


"Okay, guys. Awesome job! Awesome job." He said with a laugh while clapping, right after blowing his whistle. The sun was a killer today, and he was surrounded by a bunch of hot and irritated eight-year-olds. Third Grade sports lessons, it was always quite a good time for him, to be honest. He taught all years, but this one seemed to be one of his favorites - The boys and girls were actually divided up, and they were all taken off to do different types of sports. The girls with a female teacher, and the boys with himself or another male teacher that honestly wasn't that cool at all. Right now, there was a competition going on in his mind. A competition between the First Graders and the Third Graders.

He loved kids, so it didn't matter. The First Graders won the battle in terms of how damn cute they could be, and a lot of them reminded him a bit of his own children. The Third Graders were still cute, but they could understand the jokes he liked to make during lessons - it was hard to crown either of the Grades, as you can imagine. He had six to choose from (occasionally seven, when he rarely taught Kindergarteners), and he'd narrowed it down to these two. He lead them all back into the locker rooms and then stood in the corner - he looked over them all, all of them were wet with sweat or looked very uncomfortable due to the heat - they weren't the only ones. He was really feeling it, too.

"Come on, guys! Fifteen minutes and you're off for Summer! Hit the showers and get dressed!" He yelled. He saw all of their faces perk up when he mentioned that they didn't have long of school left. He didn't even need to finish his sentence before they all shot off to get washed. He had to supervise, of course, but not to an extreme extent. He liked it if they had their privacy - the whole 'shower monitor' thing really did unnerve him. If there was too much noise or some sign of something fucking up, he'd turn and shoot a glance. Any other time, though? Nah, he let them get on with it. He didn't particularly like the idea of seeing someone else's kid naked. It felt wrong.

After ten minutes, they were all dried and dressed, and sitting patiently on the benches. Waiting for that bell to go off. He could see them sitting on the edge of their seats, ready to spring up and make a dash out of the shower and changing rooms for a nice long while. Michael was timing it, whistling, too, just to make sure that they got teased about it even more. It was such a good build up, and thirty seconds before the bell went off, he went and opened up the door and put the door-stop under it, leaving it open... Finally.

A loud ringing went on for a few seconds. The stampede went off on one, but he stopped them by blocking the door.

"Awww... Come on, Mister Davis! Get out the way!" One boy yelled up at him. He chuckled softly and shook his head briefly. They always joked about like this. He never shouted at the kids unless a fight broke out, or something.

"Before I move, I just want to wish you all a wonderful Summer, and I'll see you back here in September, alright?" He smiled and then stepped aside. "One last high-five from you all, eh? I'm gonna' miss you guys." He said, and then they all began dashing by, slapping the hand that he'd held out in front of them. The final kid, who wasn't much bigger than your average seven-year-old, ran by and merely brushed his hand. Michael quickly grabbed it and stopped him from going anywhere. "What was that, Richard?" He asked with a grin. "Come on, put some effort into it." He added, and then watched the child put a slap across his hand with all his might, and then smiled.

"Have a good Summer, Mister Davis." He smiled as he watched backwards towards the exit.

"You too, pal. Run along, now. See you next Semester." He winked, and then watched the boy run out of the building to catch up with the rest of the group that had left. He disappeared into a swarm of other students that were all leaving the school. He could see the older years, like the Fifth and Sixth Graders, all making a run for it to get out and home for Summer. He loved his job here, and he liked his Personal Trainer job (of which he had booked for tonight), but the school job took the crown. He couldn't wait to be back.

The worst thing was, on the following day, he'd planned to take his children to the shopping mall. He didn't know that tomorrow was going to be the day when he realized that he was never going to work at that school, or see any of those kids ever again.
Michael sat in an LAX airport terminal, his flight to New York has been delayed due to the next Ebola or Swine Flu.. a few over sensitive bigwigs decided no more travel was permitted to New York, so here he sat, a flight to North Carolina was the best they could manage on such a sudden flight change, from there he would just have to ride a bus..

Over the sound of his headphones he heard a womans scream, he turned to see a man over top of a woman, he was attacking her, and looked to be biting her.

Michael stood and ran to the woman, he grabbed the man and pulled him off, her neck was torn open and blood was gushing out onto the floor, her dead eyes glued open as she gazed coldly back up at him.

He turned to face the man, who was already back on his feet and rushing toward him, the heavy set male crashed into, and pinning Michael to the ground, he lunged forward with the jaw to try and get a taste but Micahael held him steady at arms length. 2 shots rang out, striking the man in the torso but he did not falter even slightly, his focused unchanged from Michaels face. Finally a 3rd shot rang out, striking the man in the skull, sending him slumping over to the side, two airport security rushed forward helping him to his feet frantically asking questions if he was alright and if he was bit, he assured them he was fine and looked down the terminal where he could hear a large commotion coming their way, it was people, a herd of them, running straight toward him.
June 13th,2014

Los Angeles,California

California Ave. Elementary School


It was that time of year that Ms.Ambrose hated the most,the end of school. She loved he students so much she never wants to let them go. She say to her Class "Quite down guys, calm down" she would them say "I have something very special before you guys has a wonderful summer." She said with a beautiful smile, she would pull out treats for her class and a gifts for each and everyone of them. Ms.Ambrose would pass each student a Cupcake and a Gift for the summer. Ms.Ambrose wanted to cry because her wonderful students was leaving for the summer. She knows that she not going to see them again because they all are going to First grade.

She would look at her students and say "Okay Class,It's almost time to go to your summer vacations. Just seat tight eat your cupcakes,when the bell rings you guys get to go home" she said smiling at them. When it hit 3:20. She knew it was time from them to go to there Summer Vacation. She would look at her students and say "Okay Class you are Dismissed" she said smiling watching everyone of them leave the classroom. She would then Grab her purse and do some paperwork before she left. When she was do she grabs her coat and her purse and walks out the school's door and saying "I will be back next year."

She would walk to her car which was two blocks away from the school and drive home. Whenn he reached him to took off her shoes and she puts her coat on the coat hanger and goes up to her room and seats on her laptop. Then she got a Message from the school saying "Hello Ms.Ambrose if you are open from June20th-Augest10th, we have a summer job for you, if you like would you teach a 3rd grade class for summer school" when she looked at the text she was happy And she wrote back. Sure I will be happy to. She closed her laptop and goes downstairs to watch so T.V.

((Her outfit to work))

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Stanford University, California...


Summer is officially here, normally about five years ago back in high school Alexandra would be thrilled about that simple little fact. The never ending parties, cute boys, out of town trips with her friends. Those were the good old days, oh how she misses them so much. Yet here she is, already in the midst of her own summer break which started late last month to avoid conflict with her college schedules. She argued with herself whether she should come home this summer vacation, but the probability of her own parents not welcoming her back were rather high. Alexandra just couldn't even believe it, its her second year already in college yet they're still against her from doing this...From chasing her own dreams.

No more she decided, no longer will she let them control her own life, and till she doesn't get that diploma to shove to their faces she is not going home. "I'll prove it to them..." She whispered to herself as she sat on her bed inside her dorm. Her roommate Clarisse on the other side cleaning her 'utensils' with a white piece of cloth. It always bothered Alexandra the way her roommate fancy and admired those things, its just creepy. Is it even possible to have an obsession with your kitchen knives? The cooking she understands but this is just insane.

"Clar." Alexandra called out to her roommate, books and notes were wide open at the bed in front of her. "Yep?" Clarisse responded without even giving a single glance at Alex yet resumed her wiping with a particular knife she's been cleaning for the past 15 minutes. "Ever considered, oh you know. Leaving that at the school's culinary kitchen? I mean you do have your own locker there right?" Alexandra said in a matter of fact tone as she kept her eyes on Clarisse.

'....Has she been wiping that one for more than 10 minutes now? Crazy!'

"Ever considered to stop studying since its summer break anyway till august?" Clarisse responded sarcastically as she slowly placed the last knife inside the case and zipped it close. "There! Alright all done!" Alexandra rolled her eyes at her yet decided that what she said was true, for crying out loud its summer break. She glared at all the open notes and books in front of her and closed them shut. "For once I agree with you." With a nod of satisfaction she stood up and walked towards her backpack and started clearing her bed. "What would you ever do without me." Clarisse said while placing her hand on her chest like she's praising herself. Alexandra wanted to answer her that maybe without her around she would feel safe with not having all those knives around here, but considered since she's too attached to them she might get offended.

Alexandra took a quick glance at the wall clock just above the study table and saw that it was now 3:30PM. Long afternoon ahead of her. Standing up she made her way towards the bathroom and decided that it was time to get ready before the party tonight. Maybe it is time to unwind a little and let the beast within herself free even just for one night. "Getting ready already? Someone's excited. Well if you do get screwed tonight at the Sorority party let me know okay? Would love to hear all about it...Well unless you do Richard Adams then don't. I'll kill you." Clarisse added with a glare and a gentle pat to her knife set. Alexandra didn't want to admit it but that did creep her out more than it should. She entered the bathroom and pulled her hair back before sighing and looking at the reflection of the Russian beauty in front of her. She doesn't understand how sometimes seeing her feels like looking right through a stranger...Like someone she doesn't even know.

Chuckling, Alexandra took off her clothes and showered to get ready for a wild night... Tonight she's having fun, tonight she'll be herself again...

And tonight will be the last night for half of Stanford population.
June 14th

Fort Smith Shopping Mall

11:53 AM

Ah, this was a good day, for sure. Or so he thought. There was nothing he loved more than spending time with his two sons whenever his wife was working - that was the main thing about her being a trainee accountant. She worked during the Summer for the most part, whereas he didn't. It was awesome, because it meant that he became a full-time dad - he loved that. The shopping mall was crammed full of hundreds of people, and he made sure that he kept his two boys close at his sides. That was every parent's worst nightmare in a place like this: Losing two young children, aged four and five. That was hell. The last time something like that happened was when Chandler was four, and he was walking a three-year-old Isaac right alongside his dad.

They got separated.

It was half an hour of a lot of crying and panicking, but after they got reunited, they never left their father's side again. If they were out in public, I mean. They didn't want to risk getting separated, not ever. They'd just finished having lunch at a little restaurant - the two boys had chili dogs and fries. Michael was sure that there was something wrong with the chili, but he wasn't going to complain. The boys like it, so that was all that mattered - they hadn't thrown up ten minutes after, nor had they complained that they felt sick, so he could only assume that the chili was fine. He had a chicken burger, though. He didn't want a hotdog with chili - that was a funny thing about his boys. They'd eat anything you'd never expect young children to eat.

".. Daddy..." Isaac tugged on his hand as they walked along, his footsteps slowing down a little. Michael took a deep breath and looked down at him, a gentle smile finally coming onto his face.

"What's up, pal?"

"I need the bathroom..."

"No problem. Chandler, do you need the bathroom at all?" He asked as he turned his head to look down at the slightly older boy that was holding his left hand. Chandler looked up at him and nodded.

"Uh-huh, I do." He said in agreement. Well, that sorted out everything they needed to worry about. Michael needed to go, as well, so it was all very conveniently timed. He walked them across the mall and through a little hallway that lead into the Men's restroom. The restroom was actually empty, surprisingly. He looked down at the two boys and then smiled a little, patting the back of their heads to usher them forward. Isaac just turned and looked up at him with wide eyes - He knew what was wrong.

"Okay, Isaac... Go in a stall and lock the door, okay? Call me when you're done." He said, and Isaac was instantly off to the furthest stall. He dashed inside and locked the door, leaving Michael and Chandler to do what they needed to do. Isaac always had a convenience for bathroom breaks, as you can see. Once Michael and Chandler were both done, he sent Chandler off to wash his hands - by then, Isaac had already called for him and unlocked the stall door, so Michael went in and helped him get all cleaned up, and so on, and then lead him out so he and himself could get their hands washed as well.

And then they heard gunshots, and a lot of screaming.
June 14th

Fort Smith Police Department

12:00 AM

It had been a normal day for Elizabeth. She did her morning routine, went to work and talked with her co - workers. Little did she know, that day was going to be a day she would always remember and fear. Elizabeth smiled at one of her co workers as they talked in the break room. "So, how is your family?" Elizabeth asked. "They're fine I guess, we're having another kid" he answered and then Elizabeth surprised him with a hug. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you ".

They continued talking for some time until they started to hear screams and gunshots coming from the outside and ran to see what the problem was. Elizabeth saw a little to of people eating others... They were eating them! The other officers ran outside too and everyone was assigned a place to go help people. Elizabeth ran towards one of the police cars and drove towards the mall. When she arrived, it was a complete mayhem with everyone dying and those monsters controlling everything. Elizabeth shot some of the monsters to get in the mall and found herself trapped with the monsters covering the exits and the stores.

Elizabeth turned around and realized that the hallway that lead to the restrooms only had some of the monsters so she decided to run there. She shot two more of the monsters with her shotgun and ran towards the ladies bathroom and closed the door behind her. She tried to call the other officers but no one answered so she took a deep breath and decided to finish what she was supposed to do in the first place. Since the bathroom she was in was empty, she walked quietly to the men's bathroom and opened the door to see an adult and two kids there. "Are you alright? Come on we have to get out of here"

Stanford University, California...

...Deta Beta Sorority House


Alexandra's eyes slowly blinked open as she felt the bright sunlight shine from the windowpane hitting her right on the face. "Ugh..." She grunted as she went to a sitting position on a really soft bed. Her hands went to her forehead and gave it a quick massage for it felt like it was about to crack open with a single hit. Looking around she tried to familiarize the place that somehow felt foreign, unfamiliar at all. Or maybe she's already in her room in her dorm with an insanely horrible hangover making her brain fuzzy and clouded. Looking at her wrist watch she saw it was only 12am and decided to get back to sleep, slowly she leaned back down relaxing when a hand flew across her chest and locked her on a tight hug. Her eyes slowly grew wide as the guy's face were inches away from his. "Holly shit..." Alexandra cursed under her breath as her heart race on her chest.

It was Richard Adams, Deta Beta Sorority leader... "No f*cking way." She said in denial as she pushed his arms out of the way and quickly stood up grabbing the blanket to cover her naked body, which she haven't even realized till now. "No! No! No!" Alexandra started panicking as she bends down and starts grabbing her clothes, to her dismay the only ones she successfully found were her black tank top, pants, and boots. Without hesitation she quickly puts it on and ran outside Richard's sorority house. When she got away at a good few distance she stopped and leaned against a Light post as her head swirled making everything around her swirl like a bad case of vertigo. "Shit!" She cursed again as she grabbed her head hoping to make the spinning stop.

After a while the heavy vertigo stopped but the heavy feeling on her head due to the hangover stayed. Walking wobbly she made her way towards her dorm hoping Clarisse wasn't there. She is so gonna kill her for sleeping with Richard Adams. Pushing the door open to the girls dormitory felt like it took all her strength. Since when was opening a door this hard? The living room area was quiet, no one's here. Probably somewhere out there with a hangover or still drinking. She quickly made her way towards the stairs and climbed up to her dorm room.

"Ugh!" She grunted as she lay down on her bed, finally she can stop walking.

"A- Alex? H-Help me!" Clarisse spoke from inside the bathroom, her voice trembling and sounded like she was crying.

"Clar? A-Are you okay?" With all her strength Alexandra stood up and walked towards the bathroom, slowly turning the knob she almost fell back when she saw her dormmate on the tile floor. Blood pooling around her, her hands on her neck trying to stop the bleeding. She was pale, so pale that her lips were starting to crack.

"Holly shit what happened?!"

June 14th 2014

Los Angles, California



Kathrina was home like always on a summer Vacation. Kathrina would get out her bed and walk to the Shower. She would bath herself and wash her hair. When she got out the shower she would walk over at her dresser and find something to wear. When he got her outfit on she went over to the bathroom and grabs her brush and burghers her hair. She grab he things and she went outside and went to go to the grocery store to buy some groceries for the house.

((Her outfit))

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(The idea of this was that we didn't all start in the same State, but now we have everyone starting in Fort Smith, Arkansas. @PaigeAmbrose - You're meant to RP fear, we're on day one - Your character wouldn't be that quick to just stab someone in the face. Plus, due to the bone density of the human skull, you've got a slim chance of actually hitting the brain. I'm going to need you to rewrite that scene, or add something to it.)
(Well, the first groups of posts are supposed to be centered around singular character introduction and development, so that's fine. @PaigeAmbrose)

Michael didn't know what the best plan of action was here. He could hear a lot of gunfire - he knew how to disarm people and defend himself if needed, but with the amount of gunshots that were going off, he wasn't sure if it was such a good idea to just run out there like some sort of insane vigilante and try and run through it all and then get back out to his car. He decided that the best option here would be just to hide. What else could he do with two kids that didn't have a clue about what was going on? Isaac was crying, and Chandler was pretty damn close to it. He was flustered and worried, but he needed to protect them. They're all that mattered.

And then a cop walked in. Just what he needed. Now she was taking on the hero role and assuming that he was in such dire need of help. Christ, did the kids really make him look that vulnerable? He saw that she had a shotgun, and so did the boys. They instantly cowered behind him, but they found some comfort in the fact that she was a police officer. Did Michael need her help getting out of here? Yes. That's all he wanted. He wanted to get out of here and get home with his children, nothing more.

"Christ, lady. Just get us out of this damn mall, will you? I need to get the boys home and find my wife, ASAP." He said, quickly leaning down and sweeping the boys up in his arms. He was in no mood for hanging around. He just wanted to get out of here. (@EmilyPower)
The cops shook his hand, one by one, "sorry Mister Roles. It's just a joke. We're glad we caught you when we did though." "Uhm, why? I'm little more help than a screwdriver...what could you possibly want from me?" One of the security for Newark Airport left the room and came back holding a cake.

"That's a nice cake, but it isn't my birthday. I thought you guys would have known that from Katie's memo?" The police left the room completely, "no, Mister Roles. This is from Katie, to you. In memory of your brother Richard. We couldn't get it to you while you were in the air, sorry."

Tearing up, Matt smiled and chuckled at the cake. "Wow. She really knows how to hit me in the emotions. Damn, thank you guys." Handing out more hand shakes, Matt cleared up his tears. "I meant to be stone, you know? This is completely out of the blue..." He chuckled, as did the security of the airport. It was a sad, but happy moment. Melancholy.

Exiting the clearing room with the staff, they all suddenly heard a large explosion. "That cannot be good. Sorry Mister Roles, we need to do our jobs now. We'll leave you to get your luggage." Running away from Matt, towards Terminal J, the security were shifting towards where the explosion had occurred.

"I'd hate to find out that the one day of the year that I come back to America, that terrorists have decided to bomb the airport..." Walking with his rucksack towards the luggage pick up area, Matt saw alot of people rush towards his self. All either screaming or yelling to get out of the airport. He thought for a moment, then decided that his luggage wasn't important enough to risk getting killed for.

"Nah mate, not worth the hassle. Although, I don't have any way to clean myself. Well, I'll just have to chance it that I can find a cheap hotel to stay in." His original plan was to plant a memento of his brother in Central Park, the same side to the Chrysler building. He walked at his casual pace, which was actually quite fast. He could walk 2 miles within half an hour, so his walking speed in the airport was slowed by those people that had fallen over. He didn't help them, he wasn't that generous.

Stanford University, California...

...Dorm Room


Despite the dizziness and the hazy fog in her brain, Alexandra was somehow snapped back into her full consciousness when she saw Clarisse looking like she was about to pass out, or maybe even die in a few more minutes due to blood loss. Blood, there was just too much. The tiled wall had smudges of the crimson color, the mirror and floor like a bucket of blood was poured into it. Only difference is Alexandra can see where all the blood came from, just one bite on Clarisse's neck caused all this bleeding.

"Move your hand..." Alexandra slowly removed Clarisse's hands that covered the bite mark to see how bad it was, unfortunately it was worst. It was deep, so deep that layers of her flesh were visible, in fact Alexandra was positive that if she put her finger in she would soon be able to touch her esophagus.

Her stomach started churning, all the alcohol and food from last night were threatening to come out triggered by the revolting sight. But right now, that was the least of Alexandra's worries. Suddenly Clarisse started trembling, her eyes rolling at the back of her head, then blood spurts out from her mouth...Then slowly to her eyes... she kept on trembling as she made gagging noises...trembling...trembling...trembling.... then she stopped. Alexandra stood up and took a few steps back as she watched with shock and fear, her hands and clothes filled with blood, tiny crimson blotches on her face.

"No..." She whispered in denial at the fact that Clarisse could be dead. "No, no! no!" Bending over she place a hand on her neck to check for a pulse... There was nothing... She's dead... "Oh my god... O-Oh my god." Alexandra started sobbing as she sat across from Clarisse's body. What would she tell her parents? The school council? What if they thought she killed her?

Then suddenly Clarisse's finger twitched once, then again. A glimpse of hope flashed through Alexandra's eyes... Until Clarisse came back to life, her eyes blurry white like something was covering her pupils.
"Graaaaaagh!" She groaned and pinned Alexandra on the floor.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Alexandra yelled through sobs and tears as she tried to push her off but she was just too heavy.

"HEEEEEEEEEELP!" Alexandra yelled in a high pitch scream hoping someone would help her... Anyone as her own roommate clicks her jaw like she wanted to bite her, her teeth hitting together making this unnerving sound...

Elizabeth took a deep breath and then looked at the children. Great, one of them was crying just what she needed to get even more attention from those monsters. Elizabeth looked at the kid who was crying and tried to calm him down. "Everything is going to be ok. We're going to get out of here right now and you will go home ok?" She said and then looked at the father. "The main entrance if full of those monsters so going through there is not a really good idea so I'm going to check if the emergency exit is safe. You stay here" After she said that, she left the bathroom and ran towards the emergency exit and touched it but then turned around and ran towards the bathroom again. She remembered that when the doors of an emergency is opened some alarms go off and she knew that the alarm would make the monsters go there. Elizabeth entered the bathroom again and looked at the family. "I have no idea if it's safe there but if I open it an alarm will go off so we're going to have to enter together. You stay behind me alright?"

Leah drive alongside the highway, sweat sticking her mousy brown hair to her freckled brow. Classic rock played fuzzily on the radio, just barely audible below the static and wind blowing in through the half-down window to her left. A sigh pulled it's self from her tar stained lungs as the old truck being to shake and slow down. It wasn't the first time the old thing had broken down on this trip, and it certainly didn't seem like the last. With furrowed brows and a cigarette loosely hanging between her lips, she pull the rust bucket to the side of the road and step out.

As her boots hit the scorching pavement below, her eyes drift along the dry scenery. Why was it so damn hot out? Of course she knew it was summer, but something about this day made everything, even what would be the norm, feel off kilter. The small woman approached the steaming hood of the old Ford. "Ford; Found On Road Dead", she muttered to herself, lighting up the cancer stick in her mouth before lifting the hood. Her eyes scanned the interior for a problem. She checked over the usual sources and let out a long line of cuss words only to find out they didn't have anything to do with the problem.

She slammed the hood down in low patience, leaning back on it and jolting forward as the hot metal burned her back. The issue was probably the tires. She slowly made her way around to the pan of the truck, letting out a bellow of smoke on her way. Reaching into the pan, her hand came to an abrupt halt. The cigarette fell out of her mouth and hit the ground below as her mouth hang open in shock. Leah forgot the jack back at the garage again.

Frustrate, the woman kick the tire in front of her with a shriek. The road she was travelling on was old, nearly nobody took it any more. Hopefully, she'd have cell phone service. Back in the driver's seat, the woman fumbled with her large, floppy brown purse in search of her phone. Finding it, clicking it on and she glared at the top of the screen as it read, "No service. ". She'd have to stick this rattling old piece of junk until she got back into the city and pray it made it to the garage. Starting the car back up again, her brows furrowed as the news blared from the radio. It sounded utterly unreal.

Those infected with the illness going around were attacking? Attacking? The fuzz on the radio began to chop up the words. "Evacu-" more static, "dange-" even more. Leah check her phone again and frowned. The hair on the back of her neck stood up in discomfort. "I should probably get home..." she thought, pulling the car back onto the road with an unsure feeling in her gut. Home sounded safe for now. Whatever the woman on the radio spoke of would hopefully blow over by supper time. She turned the radio dial to a station with music and began her way into the city.​

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Lucky awoke with a start as her phone started to buzz. The room was quiet, cool, and dark. She reached out to grab her phone and sat up in bed. She could hear the TV playing in the living room. She had been home for the summer for a couple of weeks now, and waking up in her old bed still felt weird. She felt childish sleeping in the same sheets she had had since her youth. Her head throbbed from looking at the bright phone screen in the dark. She opened her Twitter account and scrolled it, her eyes adjusting. People seemed to be freaking out about something happening, but it was unclear. She felt a wave of panic wash over her. She felt like someone or something was trying to attack them. She never paid attention to the news, so maybe this was a new World War.

Lucky tore her sheets off her legs and slid out of bed. In her PJs, she tiptoed towards the door. Her parents' apartment was silent and still. She inhaled deeply and she could hear her heart in her ears. She opened the door and crept down the short hallway to the living room. The TV was on, but her parents keys were gone. Things were thrown around the kitchen in disarray. She spotted a note scribbled on the back of an old receipt: Stay inside. Keep doors locked. We are going to get your brother. Lucky's breath caught in her throat and she stood still for a second. Her body was frozen, gripped by the scary thing that she didn't understand. She turned to the TV and read headlines. People were reporting an outbreak of a disease, something that was killing people and making them come back to life. Clips recorded by news stations and cell phones played repeatedly. She got up from the couch and crept to the window. She peeled back the blinds to look outside. The street was empty and quiet. It seemed like her parent's apartment complex had somehow separated itself.

Lucky knotted her fingers together, unsure of what she should do. She had her car with a full tank of gas and a spare tank in the back. She could leave, but she didn't know where she would go. She was scared to stay in the apartment. She felt like she was sitting, waiting to be eaten by these living dead people. She had watched zombie shows on TV but now it was real and actually scary. She looked at her phone for a minute. She dialed her mother's cellphone, a number she knew by heart. The phone rang twice and then the line went silent. "Hello?" Lucky said into the phone. She hung up, her body shaking. Her hands felt numb and like they couldn't work. She dialed her brother. He answered within the first ring. "What's happening?" she said softly. "Everyone here is freaking out, Luck. Mom called me and said they were coming to pick me up, but that was this early this morning and it's been so long." Lucky pushed herself up against the wall. "I don't want to die," she said, her voice cracking. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Just drive here. I mean it. My school is close to San Diego. People are saying this thing is across the states. I haven't seen anyone get sick yet. It's safe here." Her brother seemed to assure her. Lucky sighed and wiped her tears away. "Okay. I'll leave." She hung up the phone without saying goodbye. She didn't want to waste her time.

Lucky grabbed her school bag and emptied the books out of it. She packed her lighter, food and water, a phone charger, a change of clothes, and her wallet. She snooped around a little while before finding the knife her grandfather had given her when he passed away. She put that in her bag and walked towards the door. She looked around one last time and realized she had left the TV on. The reception was starting to go in and out and the terrible, eerie static noise played intermittently with the newscast. She left the TV on and opened her door slowly. The hallway was still well lit, but it was empty. She walked quickly, but made sure her steps were soft and quiet. She made her way to the dark parking garage and yanked the door open. She spotted her car and unlocked it, putting her bag in the passenger's seat. She exited the parking garage without a problem and headed towards the highway that would take her to her brother.

Along the road, Lucky saw cars stopped and empty. She continued to drive, but stayed alert. She saw a woman running in the middle of the street on the opposite side of the road. Lucky slowed a little and watched her. Not far away, two of the dead were chasing after the woman. Lucky felt her heart beat pick up and a sweat spread over her forehead. "Oh god," she said, her breathing picking up. She had stopped her car and sat frozen, watching the scene unfold. Her foot slammed on the gas as the dead gained on the woman. She couldn't see people die, she wasn't ready for that. It seemed fake. Lucky merged onto the highway and it was busy, but moving. Cars packed to the brim all seemed to be trying to get somewhere else. Everyone around her was scared too. Tears fell into Lucky's lap as she clicked on her favorite CD. She sang quietly to herself as she began her long trip to find her brother.

Rose screamed at the site before her. Her high school, in the middle of nowhere, was under attack by these...things! She saw an opportunity to run past these monsters and took it. She ran until she saw the elementary school."Alex!"she thought and ran towards his school. Tears ran down her face as she saw the monsters go into classrooms. She soon found Alex's classroom and picked him up. He cried loudly, clearly terrified. She started to rub to their house which, sadly, was near these hellholes. She ran into the house and pushed asked into his bedroom."stay here!"she said sternly and ran to the garage. She dug through a box until she found her father's machete. Her eyes widened when she heard something behind her. She quickly turned around and froze."M-Meg?! D-dad?!"she said, terrified as she saw her family. They had become the monsters that were killing people all over town. "S-sorry"she said, shaking as she attacked them. After a few minutes, they lay on the ground, dead. She quickly took the keys to their truck, see much food as she could grab, and one rifle her father had for when he went hunting. She got Alex and put him in the truck. She got into the driver's seat, started the car and drive out of town.
Memphis Tennessee

June 14 2014


Haynes grabbed his car keys out of his cook's locker.

He pulled off his apron and hair net and tossed them inside the rusted locker, and slammed the door shut.

"Bye Kev', see you later man" he said addressing a fellow worker whom he had befriended. He pulled out his time card as he marched out into the hot and humid air of the summer. As he got into his small prius his phone began to ring, it was his mother. "Hey mom." He said putting his keys in the ignition. "Hey sweetheart, i hate to ask, but do you mind picking Winter up from daycare on your way home? Me, your father and Kyle are stuck at the vets office with Tank, and Winter's teacher called and said she drew all over the bathroom walls.", his mother responded sounding quite stressed. Haynes chuckled at his little sister's antics, he knew she only did it so she could get out of daycare. "Sure mom, i'm on my way now." he said before hanging up.

At the daycare, Haynes was greeted by several screaming kids,and

a very stressed teacher. "She's hidden in the restroom and won't come out." Mrs.Donald said looking more than ready to tear her hair out.

Haynes pushed past the several other kids, and walked to the restroom, knocking gently on the door.

"I'm not coming out til' Mommy's here!" Winter screamed angrily. "It's Haynes sweetheart, come on out." Haynes said chuckling at his baby sister.

Winter opened the door slowly, peeking her little eye through the cracked door, before swinging it wide open and hugging her brothers neck, "Let's get out of this dump!". Haynes scooped winter up, and walked to the front desk, where he would have to sign Winter out. After signing his and Winter's name legibly, he was free to go. Winter skipped gleefully to the car, holding Haynes hand tightly, Haynes opened up his trunk, pulling out the spare car seat he had for his baby sister.He buckled Winter up securely, and started the car.

Waverly sat in the den of her house watching the news.

Her mind was in complete disbelief, and shock, she was just about to dial her mother when Haynes charged in carrying Winter.

"Haynes look at this!" she screamed motioning to the tv. Haynes sat Winter down and plopped down on the sofa beside his little sister.

The news was showing clips of what looked like chaos at Fort Smith, Arkansas's mall.

Small words ran across the bottom of the screen, "
All families should stay home until further notice for their own safety, strange flu-like virus is currently causing dead humans to reanimate. Symptoms include Nausea, pupil enlargement and shedding/rotting of the skin. If you have witnessed, and or have any of the symptoms isolate yourself from others immediatly; seek medical help. Virus is passed through bites and scratches. All families should pack bags filled with vital supplies in case of need for evacuation."

Following the announcement, the camera switched over to a frightened news reporter.She was just beginning to talk about the scene behind her when a man with pale skin and bloodshot eyes bit into her right shoulder. The woman let out a blood churning scream, and the live report stopped.

"You need to tell me what the hell's going on out there, ma'am! I don't know what's going on, but there's hundreds of gunshots going off and not even any sign of any of it stopping! Has there been a terrorist attack or something?!" He asked in question. Yeah, he was worried, but not for himself. For his children. God, what was his wife thinking right now? Had she maybe heard about all of this happening, and was now panicking and crying her eyes out? Why hadn't she called him yet? Did something happen to her, too?

When he followed the police officer out, all of his questions were answered.




He made sure both of the boys' heads were against his shoulders so that they couldn't see anything. His face was flushed of color. He didn't know what he was going to do. He was scared now. Really scared. There were dead bodies everywhere, and some of them were... walking around?

"Get us out of here." He choked. (@EmilyPower)
"I'm on it! " Elizabeth said as they ran towards the emergency exit. She was really scared, they didn't exactly prepare you to fight the dead in police academy and she had never seen something like that before. Only in the movies but it seemed great there since all the characters were badasses who were created for that kind of situation but Elizabeth? She was not ready at all. When they reached the exit, she took a deep breath and looked at the others. "Ok, when I open this door there would be a really loud alarm that might make those monsters come looking for us. As soon as I open it we are going to run and fast as we can and we will not stop until it's safe alright? Then, if you are going home then you need to lock everything and stay inside. If you have a knife or even a gun to defend yourself then use it but only against them alright?" She said and then opened the door and a really loud alarm went out. She ran inside the hallway that the exit led to and started to run with the rest.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Michael muttered as the alarm went off. Both boys were screaming now, they were so terrified and upset and they didn't know what they could do. They were lost. They were sure that something bad was going to happen, but Michael couldn't stop to comfort them, and that really upset him. He'd have the chance to do that once they got home, though.

If they got home.

Michael ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He was fast, even with the boys in his arms. He was healthy and strong, so this wasn't too much of an effort for him. He kept running until he felt the bright daylight sting his eyes, and then he hunted around for his car. He finally spotted it, standing out like a beautiful woman in a crowd of drunken men. It was his savior. His current joy. His everything.

He made a mad dash for the vehicle and unlocked it as soon as he got to it. He near enough threw the boys into the back and then slammed the door shut. He could see the bodies walking around and some of them were even shambling towards them. There wasn't much time.

"Thank you..." He said softly to the officer that had essentially saved them. (@EmilyPower)
Elizabeth followed the others to their car in case they needed help and then smiled knowing that she did her job but it was not over yet and she had a lot to do. She looked around and then looked at the adult with the kids as he thanked her. "I'm just doing my job. Stay safe and pack everything useful. Clothes, water , food and even guns and stay inside ok? And protect your kids, they've been through a lot of shit" she said with a smile before running towards her car and getting in. As soon as she was going to go one of the monster hit the car trying to attack her. She quickly drove away taking deep breaths and towards the police department.
What secrets were held by the future, what loss and what violence awaited those who survived the initial outbreak? Was this the end of all things as foretold by so many religions and prophets? Was it the apocalypse predicted in the ancient tome of the Christians, perhaps it was the second coming of the flood, a reset button pressed by the hand of nature to restart the human race, or perhaps this was mankind's final stand. A flame being snuffed out by a cruel hand of fate. Even if humanity survived this, how many would be left, what kind of men would inherit the earth, would it be the meek as the old saying went? Or would it be the vicious and cruel? Perhaps it would simply be the lucky.

Damon looked around at the people who had gathered in the center of their temporary camp. From face to fearful face Damon looked, seeing the same fear in their eyes that he felt deep within his heart, they were scared and lost, fearful of the future and even more fearful of the present. They were sheep without a herd master. All their lives they had people to tell them what to do, where to go, what to eat, what times to go to the doctor, when to take a vaccine and when to go to a therapist, what shows to watch and books to buy, buying in to the medias lies, now they had nothing but each other, nothing but people, themselves, and survival. So many would crack after the first week unless they were saved by the government, but those who retained themselves would find inner strength they never knew, the strength to survive and to carry on, not just for themselves but for those around them. Damon knew that as a fact. He'd experienced it during his first real combat engagement when he had braved the face of death and come from the gauntlet of combat unhurt, and he'd seen the same steeling process occur in every green soldier who survived their first encounter without cracking. Those who could withstand the flame of conflict rose above the rest and became hardened like the strongest steel, and those who cracked, went insane, or died, perhaps that was the true purpose of this outbreak, an extreme extension of Darwinism meant to weed the weak from the strong, to leave only the hardest of all humans alive.

How many of them would retain themselves, that was the question Damon asked himself as he looked around the the people who made up the group. They were average civilians, normal people, teachers and mechanics, gardeners or construction workers, cashiers and college students, family men and women, kids too.... not soldiers, but one thing they did have was a cause, something to fight for, and a person with something to fight for can be a force of nature. A person with something to fight for will die for his cause, they will brave the impossible for a even the smallest of chance at victory. Perhaps, because of that fact, because these people had something to fight for, they were not so lost, but someone would have to bring it out of them, someone with experience in the matter. Damon, like a chemist working with volatile chemicals would have to extract it from them as if he were prying oxygen from its bond with carbon. It would be up to him to do so, for among those gathered, Damon was one of only two military men, and the other was as experienced in combat as the rest of the civilians around the ex infantryman, and now, among the rabble, an argument brewed, it was petty in nature as most were but as it began Damon began moving through the circle towards the center of the group, someone needed to bring up the one possibility that no one had spoke of yet, only then would people come together.

"Yeah we know, no need to dig up fresh graves just yet lady" said Miller in a cynical and sharp tone, interrupting the woman who had spoken before him. "That's my wife you're talkin to watch your tone kid, or I'll watch it for you" said the old man at her side. "Watch how you're talkin or what old man, I'll slap the shit out of you" said Miller, standing quickly and putting his chest out in a sign of aggression. In response to the sign, the old and quite large husband of the woman stepped forward, and as he approached the smaller and younger man, preparing to throw a punch, Damon stepped out of the crowd and quickly moved between the two men.

"STOP" yelled Damon, his voice rising loudly over the banter of the group, causing the voices to die down slowly before fading out into silence.

"Sit down kid, and Rob, relax, the kid's a kid, take a deep breath" said Damon, attempting to calm the situation, waiting until the two men had calmed themselves and had stepped back several paces before continuing.

This isn't who we are...... not yet" said Damon exasperated, pausing before continuing. "We're all tense, battered, bruised and hurt, both emotionally and physically. We've all lost things..... we've all lost people, we've lost out homes, our businesses, but one thing we're not going to lose is our minds" said the middle aged soldier, pausing again for effect.

"You're all talking about rescue, about which FEMA camp to head to. Look, we have to think longer term, we don't know if anyone is coming, for Gods sake they dropped napalm on Charlotte because of the infected. The CDC, the army, all of it, it's breaking down and it hasn't even been a week. I've never seen anything move through population centers this quickly and it might be a long, long time before we see a safe place again..... if we break down now...... if we fall apart...... if we can't learn to live together we'll die alone" said Damon.

"He's got a point" said a voice from the crowd. A tall man with average and round features stepped from the crowd and looked around at the people gathered, holding the silence before speaking.

"He's right...... we don't know if the CDC will control this. I'm a lab doctor. I worked with pathogens all my life, and I've never seen anything like it. My....." said the man before looking down, pausing to process the coming words, swallowing as if he were trying to clear a bad aftertaste, and after a few seconds of silence he continued his broken stream of words."My wife...... she died in front of me from this virus, and aside from the horror of seeing her die, and the horror of seeing her deceased corpse kill my son, I learned a lot about this disease. This outbreak isn't going to be easy to contain, it might not ever be contained, we have to think about what it takes to survive without relying on the system we lived with for our entire lives" said the man, clearly relieved to be done talking, his eyes were filled with fresh grief and he slowly slumped onto the grass covered ground, his eyes glued towards the earthen floor.

"How do you think we're gonna do that boss man?" asked Miller to the doctor as he sat back down on the tree stump he had been using to rest his legs before the confrontation had occurred.

"We keep moving" said Damon simply, answering the question for the now mentally absent doctor.

"Who assigned you commander and chief, did we have a vote?" asked Miller sarcastically. "One thing you learn overseas, when you're in hostile territory, movement is life, when you're stationary you allow for the possibility of being surrounded, entrapped, funneled, scouted out and attacked when your pants are down. It's not going to take long for people to start looting, breaking laws that cant be enforced anymore, killing, robbing and anything else you can imagine. Unless you want to be somebodies mark, we keep moving, and we stay alive" said Damon.

"Great plan, but how are we getting gas, last I heard Shell stopped taking plastics after zombies started killing people" said Miller, drawing laughter from the crowd of survivors. "What's so damned funny?" asked Miller dryly to the air. "You said zombies" said a middle aged man from the crowd. "Yeah zombies, what else am I gonna call em?" said Miller in an annoyed tone, half asking and half stating his words. "I don't know but, you know, zombies are impossible, you know that...... right?" said the man in the crowd, sounding slightly unsure of himself, looking to his right and left for some sort of affirmation, meeting only unsure eyes as he did so.

"Regardless of what they're called, for now they're the enemy, now to get moving we need to gather a substantial amount of supplies, it's a getting too dark for me to be comfortable scavenging near the city, so tomorrow at sunrise I'll take the first four volunteers who want to come with me in my truck, and Mike if you wouldn't mind taking your truck as well we could bring in twice the supplies" said Damon, half asking and half stating his last sentence.

"No problem on my end...... I'll do whatever it takes to get us on the move and away from the city" said Michael.

"No doubt" said Damon morosely as he looked towards the horizon at the setting sun, underneath the velvet clouds was the orange glow of Charlotte North Carolina, a city of almost one million people that was now up in flames, a city now ruled by the undead.
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Rose drove down the road. She had been taking older roads in order to get around San Antonio. She glanced into the back seat to check on Alex, who had fallen asleep even after all that happened. She sighed softly and smacked her cheek lightly"relax"she told herself and turned the radio on. She sighed softly when she heard only static."figures"she said softly and switched from one station to another hoping to hear another human voice.

She soon gave up and quickly looked around. Once she saw an area that seemed safe, she would pull over and get some sleep...no then Alex might start to freak out and attract those monsters. She sighed again and continued to drive.

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