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Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Season Unending

TES: Season Unending
  • Vorar

    A Machiavellian Prince
    "Evgir Unslaad has come at last. The 'Season Unending.' War... without end."

    The year is 401 of the Fourth Era and a new conflict is boiling in Skyrim, the Old Kingdom of Men. High King Torygg has been slain by a rebellious jarl who seeks to gain independence for the Nordic homeland. Torygg’s widow now rules from the Blue Palace in Solitude with the intention to let the Moot, the council of the nine jarls, declare her to be the new High Queen of Skyrim. The Jarl of Solitude enjoys the support of the Mede Empire which has appointed the General of the Second Legion to be the province’s military governor. Whilst the self-declared sons and daughters of Skyrim battle the imperial forces, unforeseen entities are seeking to thrive in the ensuing chaos.

    Welcome to this roleplay set in a setting that will be familiar for most of you. You can roleplay as a jarl, a travelling mage, the leader of the Dawnguard, whomever you desire! Lore characters such as Elisif the Fair, Ulfric Stormcloak, Isran or Lord Harkon can be replaced by your own custom character, but two things are set in stone: the Jarl of Solitude and the Jarl of Windhelm are both the leaders of their respective factions. The other jarls are free to align themselves with the side of their choosing. Neutrality is of course always an option, but inaction won't guarantee survival.​