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The one who made Aerth
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It was most likely a funny group to spot leaving Andwall. Most notable was the Crown Prince Leon and his sister Annalise. Shame their father seems to be the only similarity between them, by their sides and watching over them were some of the finest knights Drawin could produce.
Sir Barclay, Tiberius, Kana and a masked fellow named Clement.
These intriguing characters followed Lalo and his man Turg, both dressed like the stereotypical hunters one might see selling meat and skins on the streets of Andwall.

The party left Andwall three days ago, the sun was setting as Lalo makes various bird noises in a effort to contact his big brother who should have been close by keeping a eye on Drocoka.
Lalo's eyes pierce into the darkness with his right ear exposed from the hood that would hide his features... Al should be close by. The plan was to stay close to the river and stay hidden, Only observe the mountain and who goes near it.

The obvious answers being But brother, the skyracers live on the mountain
A smirk formed on the man's face but Lalo shook it away as quickly as it came, turning around to face those following he began to suggest orders...
"we should set up camp by the riverside, my scout should be here or returning soon so no Dragon breath at any sudden noises please and thank you."
Without the larger boomerang on his back Lalo felt a bit uneasy, naked even. Not that such a weapon could be thrown underground... It's more a confidence boost to help keep his mind at ease, "Turg and I will look around for a moment, maybe even bring some game back"
The red haired man was a tad taller then Lalo and ultimately very quiet. However Turg beamed proudly with his short bow in hand as Turg was just happy to be involved.

The river was a small walk off the trodden path towards the mountain with bushes and trees hiding it decently. If one was on horseback they might not even notice the sound of water. While its off the road it is in no way a secure hidden spot. The wildlife is dangerous and the chance of a pissed of Skyracer flying overhead spotting and deciding these groundlings are getting to close to home is a risk they would need to take.
Razvi-sama Razvi-sama Pepsionne Pepsionne DapperKnight DapperKnight RageFactorXIII RageFactorXIII
Your right to react as you want, respect rpn's rules. Write combat actions as attempts as I need to voice and react as enemies and npcs.

Razvi, al can approach whenever and can have news such as...
Prince Poison flew past as a dragon,
Skyracers been buzzing about Drocoka like bees would a hive,
And Saw two cloaked people skulk towards the mountain four days ago.
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Leon Hart
Demanding, exhausted​

Leon sighed in relief at Lalo’s suggestion to make camp for the night. He clasped his hands together, letting go of Elita’s reins to stretch his arms above his head with a light groan. The horse shifted, impatient in their brief standstill, dipping Leon’s person side to side with her movement. Orange rays of light from the lowering sun stretched down upon the party, igniting Leon’s blond hair into a golden shower.

"Turg and I will look around for a moment, maybe even bring some game back," Lalo informed the group, his eyes turning to each of them briefly as he gave his orders.

Leon nodded, “Yes, yes. No dragon transforming, no laughing etcetera etcetera.” He yawned, waving a hand dismissively. “I’m dying to take a bath in that river, though. Some nice cool water to cut through the heat and sweat from travelling all day.” His red gaze turned mockingly seductive as he cast a quick glance sideways towards Kana. “Any of you can join me if you’d like, just no stealing any peeks.” He smirked deviously, the expression lasting only a second before he shifted his attention to a more serious topic.

“Is there any local wildlife we should be wary of?” Leon directed his question towards Lalo and Turg before the two could take off. “Don’t want to meet my maker by some measly squirrel.”

"No, nothing living out here at all. The game I mention bringing back is all the way back at Andwall...Though I suppose wolves, bears and gorgons could be walking about hoping to bring back goods from market"

Leon let out a sneer at Lalo's vague and teasing response, his attention quickly veering to the side at sounds emanating from the thick brush off the edge of the path. Sure, camping out by the riverside seemed like a grand idea. Getting there, however, didn’t look quite so fun. The displeasure at the thought of trampling through the ominous vegetation was clear on his face.

Leon swung one leg over to the side of his horse, gently sliding down to land with a soft thud and minimal puff of dirt on the path below. He gave the mare’s golden striped fur a light pat before he maneuvered to the front of her and readied himself to lead her through to the rest spot. His eyes moved expectantly between the knights and masked rogue as he waited for one of them to volunteer themselves to go first.

(Mentions: everyone, Interacts: NeonFlow NeonFlow Lalo)
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Gælin had rode upon the back of one of his horses, a mighty destrier, whose coat, mane, and tail was not unlike that of wrought iron in color. He carried with him what he'd usually bring on an excursion such as this in black leather saddlebags. He rode upon his horse in his full set of armor and garments, plate and mail, with an arming doublet used to pad impacts should the plate and mail get struck. His warhammer and sword were fastened to his waist, and his helmet was settled at his lap. He'd watch his colleagues and the heirs walk upon the uneven terrain themselves, admiring them for their fortitude to walk the distance on foot, excluding Prince Leon of course, who had also taken a horse, a beautiful one if that. He'd thank Kana anytime she'd lend him a hand when his horse couldn't traverse alone on the rugged earth.

Gælin rummaged in his rucksack for a while before he grasped and took a drink of watered down beer, and promptly spat it out unto the earth below. It left a poor taste in his mouth. "Either the water's gone bad, or the beer's gone stale in this heat." He muttered to himself before casting the flask down to the ground.

As the company came to a stop, Gælin halted his horse and swung off of it. He settled his helmet upon his head, and drew his sword in his right and grasped the reins of his horse with his left. "You reckon there's some fiend in the brush, do you Prince Leon? Surely a fine drake such as yourself has little to fear..." Gælin remarked in a teasing manner, "...I jest, one can never be too cautious." he then assured. Gælin planted a foot forward, his horse striding behind him.

"Shall we push on, lads?"

Mentions: Everyone
Interacts: Pepsionne Pepsionne
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Their travels through the rocky, muddy, moss covered terrain was a rather peaceful one for Kana, in all honesty. While many might be out of their element or uncomfortable, Kana felt like she was back somewhere familiar. There were moments the knight would pause, only for a moment, to gaze upon a a rock structure or a fallen tree that triggered some sort of distant, nostalgic memory. A smile would grace her lips before she'd rush forward to catch up with the group.
Ever since she was separated from her family, Kana had not stepped foot outside the city walls. Maybe to accompany a royal or a noble of some kind to neighboring cities, countries even...but never like this. Despite accompanying two heirs, she oddly felt...free. Like, she could finally take a moment to pause and smell the sweet, fresh air around her. Fill her lungs, relax her tense muscles, before continuing on eagerly. Sure, they might be walking towards their eminent deaths, but at least the view was nice.

Unlike zipping through the air rapidly to try and keep up with a dragon's powerful and majestic wings, Kana's feet feeling grounded against a solid, uneven trail was reassuring in a way. There were other moments, when the sun would set past the horizon, where Kana's eyes would widen ever so slightly upon seeing tiny orbs of light from a distance. Little will-o-wisps. Whoever was beside her, she'd quietly and excitedly extend a hand out eagerly to show them, tapping their shoulder or tugging their sleeve. However, she'd quickly remind her manners and give out a quick apology. She was an esteemed knight, she couldn't be acting like an excited little girl.
Oh, but how could she not when the world around them was so...magical? Coming from a family of nomads, who traveled day in and out through various lands, it was clear that she was at ease and took pleasure sleeping on the ground. Jumping over over-grown roots or boulders, pausing to help Leon or Gælin with their horses over difficult ground. She found medicinal herbs with ease, or could tell Lalo where the nearest river was.
Surely, it was awkward at first...traveling with a group of strangers, two--technically three, whom were he superiors. Annalise was not someone she expected. Overall. To think there was an heir to the throne who lived outside the castle. Kana was of course polite and respectful towards the woman, as it was her nature and duty, and made a mental note to not...stare at the woman's horns. It was rare for Kana to come across those one would call a "beastkin", so this was surely something she needed to process. She had met one, a very long time ago when she was still traveling with her family. Her family, as was their motto and way of life, accepted the beastkin. Live and let live...they taught Kana that evening, after saying their goodbyes to the kind stranger...
Of course, she didn't think it was impossible for the King to have a long-lost daughter with such qualities. He was known for being...rather eccentric, so to say. But, Kana had sworn herself to the Royal Family, and Annalise had royal blood coursing through her veins. So, Kana would protect her with her life. Plus...she was so small! Kana was probably half a head taller than the heir, if not more! She had to protect her, even though she knew the woman was most likely perfectly capable of doing so herself, like Leon...right? Well, that was still to be seen.
In the meantime, as they traveled, Kana always stayed behind and kept her distance. Watching the royals, Leon on his horse...a beautiful horse, at that. Ah, but she meant what she said before. She wanted to see dirt under those fingers of his. There were also the other knights to take into consideration. She knew them well, or rather, she knew their accomplishments and strength. She admired them all and she was honored to be able to call them her colleagues. Tiberius seemed a bit shy, so she tried to include in him in some conversation. Occasionally throwing him a few questions of: "Do you prefer "this" or "that"...?", whenever they made camp and she took it upon herself to help with the cooking. There was Turg, a man she could hardly get a word out and it saddened her a bit. Gælin was so eloquent, and Clement was just...interesting, overall.

It was their third day of travel and at the mention of resting, Kana smiled, watching as a few around her seemed to visibly relax. Lalo was doing some birdcalls that she wasn't entirely sure as to why, but he was awfully insistent. She stretched her arms in front of her and let out a tiny groan, which then led to a yawn. The sun was setting and the world around them was painted in a beautifully warm hue. As she rose a hand to rub down the sore muscles around her shoulders and neck, she noticed the way Leon's hair glistened, allowing the rays of sun to simply bounce off of him. She diverted her gaze back to Lalo at his orders and nodded firmly his way, "I'll try to see if we can catch some fish, maybe change things up for tonight", she assured, waiving after Lalo and Turg with a small goodbye. They still had a ways to go to get to the river, though.
As Leon began to suggest a bath in the river, Kana allowed her mind to wander. A quick dip sounded...great, in all honesty. But, as she turned her attention back to him...she noticed his gaze and rose a brow over to him, before a breathless laugh seemed to leave her. Almost in disbelief. She rolled her eyes, her grin still plastered over her lips before she began to pad her way towards Annalise, "As...tempting as a bath in a river with you sounds--and I truly appreciate the offer, my liege, very generous", she said sarcastically, "I believe it best if us women take a bath together down a ways the river, where we can enjoy some decent privacy", she offered, smiling down to the heir, "...if you wish", she added softly to Annalise, "Do not fret, Leon, you will be greatly accompanied by strong men who will do their absolute best to not sneak a peek", she chuckled, a soft tease for the prince and her comrades.

As the conversation shifted to the fauna around them, Kana looked around her as Lalo called back to them, warning them teasingly of the dangers that lurked. He wasn't wrong, though, "Do not forget the wild boars", she added to the men, laughing at Leon's comment about a squirrel. It was interesting to see this side of an heir, she thought. She always viewed them as...untouchable. But, here they were...making little quips here and there.
With that, Kana watched the back and forth between Gælin and Leon, seeing no one was taking a step forward. Okay, she could lead, "Who knows Gælin, maybe dragon meat is a delicacy amongst other wild animals. You're indeed right, one can never be too cautious...", she teased morbidly as she walk on ahead, "Yes, let's. We can boil some water for some herbal tea with a few herbs I picked up along the way, if any of you want", she assured kindly back to the others.

Kana walked on ahead, ensuring to go at a leisurely pace for the horses and their riders. So, how does one find water? Well, animals always know where the water is, so one should always be on the lookout for wildlife or animal tracks. Lush green vegetation was also a sign that water is nearby, like moss. Swarming insects may be a hassle, but they also signal that a water source isn't far away. She swatted away a few swarms here and there, ensuring that those behind her stayed near and that the heirs were perfectly fine. She still held that slight paranoia that something would happen to them, that something would suddenly burst out and just...
She sighed, pushing on ahead.
Finally, the most obvious way of finding a water source, in this case, a rushing river...was with one's ears. They were making a slow decent downwards towards the river, which was natural since rivers were purely downhill to begin with, "If you guys want to pause at any moment, let me know", she assured back, trying to not raise her voice to call too much attention to them and whatever...lived above.
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Annalise unknowingly shared a silent sigh of relief with her sibling, Prince Leon when Lalo declared that the group would be setting up camp soon. The small woman was grateful for the break after hours of travelling. Her little feet had been hurting after the end of the group's first day of travel and that had not gotten any better in the two days since leaving Andwall. It did not help that the white haired beastkin was unused to this sort of travel. Annalise had only ever traveled for this long once before in her life, when her mother died and she made the trip to the capital. Maybe I should have asked to use Prince Leon's other horse. The small woman internally lamented as she tried to not focus on just how sore and hurt her feet felt from all the walking she had been doing in the past few days. Still, the journey was not too bad aside from when Annalise had to convince the others that she was, indeed, an heir.

In the past two days, Annalise had tended to lag behind most of the group as they traveled, this placed the small woman near Ser Kana, the only other female of the group and Sir Tiberius, a tall, quiet young man who did not say much. The two were welcome company to the white haired beastkin. They made Annalise feel safe and fairly well protected on an unsafe journey, even if she was not entirely convinced that either of the two knights would put forth the effort to protect her. Though, Annalise also worried about slowing the group down with the stops she had to take to rest her sore feet every few hours. She had even voiced this concern to Tiberius when Kana had moved forwards in their group to assist Prince Leon and Sir Barclay with their horses. The solution the young man came up with was extremely embarrassing, but fortunately no one bothered to look back, at least she didn't think they did, when Tiberius decided to carry Annalise through some of the more difficult patches of terrain in order to keep up with the group. Still, it had not been a fun experience trying to deflect the few questions from the others, asking why her face was red.

The nights were definitely Annalise's favorite part of the day, not just because they granted the small woman a chance to rest her hurting feet, but because they provided her with the opportunity to talk to Prince Leon, the young man who was supposed to be her sibling. The white haired beastkin enthusiastically approached Prince Leon at the end of the first day to try to talk to him. Annalise pestered the young man with a great deal of questions to get a feel for who he was. She asked Leon simple things, such as his likes, his dislikes and what he did as a Prince. The small woman's questions were answered in a concise manner, which was great and while Leon did ask a few polite questions of his own, it never truly felt as though the young man wanted to talk to Annalise. That was why Annalise asked the Prince less questions on the second night and left him alone during the day.

The white haired beastkin was pulled from her short recollection of the past two days' events when Kana approached her. The offer to bathe in relative privacy without having to worry about the potential stares of the men, sounded nice. The cool water would be a welcome balm to her tired body. Annalise looked up towards Kana and gave the taller woman a light nod, alongside a tired, yet grateful smile. Then, the small woman let out a soft laugh after hearing Kana's joke at Prince Leon's expense. It was amusing how the female knight turned the Prince's own suggestion against him. Though, Annalise did not quite appreciate Kana's second joke because she believed that the other woman was probably right. The beasts in the current area could certainly make a meal of the small woman if given the chance. Annalise spoke up eager to push that concerning thought from her mind and instead focus on Kana's offer to brew the group tea. "I would like some tea later. If that's alright?"

Annalise was constantly swatting away the small, flying insects that swarmed her as the group followed after the female knight's lead. While she warded away the small nuisances with her arms, Annalise's footing slipped and she began to tumble towards the ground. Thankfully, a hand caught her before she could fall. The white haired beastkin glanced up towards her savior and was not too surprised to find that it was Tiberius who had helped her out yet again. Annalise gave the young man a word of thanks as she found her footing with Tiberius's help. After that, Annalise was able to follow the rest of the group down to the riverside without too much trouble.

Tags: Pepsionne Pepsionne Razvi-sama Razvi-sama (Interacted)

Location: The Wilderness
"Do not fret, Leon, you will be greatly accompanied by strong men who will do their absolute best to not sneak a peek,” the knight Kana’s voice quipped back sarcastically towards Leon.

He cast a sideways glance at Gælin, the look in them thoroughly amused. “So this is what it’s like huh? Getting shot down,” He said, the tone of his voice implying the concept was distant and foreign to him. “Quite amusing is it not?” Leon flashed a coy smile at the man before moving to follow Kana through the brush. Gælin’s reassurance had eased his hidden reservations about trampling through unmapped wilderness. After all, he had traveled six days with the knight during the trek to Andwall, witnessing him toss aside various intruders like it was child’s play.

Sweat began to bead on his forehead, the individual drops pooling together before running down his temple and cheek in a stream. The ends of his blond hair dampened, sticking to the back of his neck and forehead. He swatted away the buzzing sounds of flies gently, mild annoyance beginning to stir in his chest. If anything, this nature hike surely was character building. Even Elita began emanating signs of annoyance, her tail whipping harshly at the presence of bugs.

As annoying and bothersome as this trek had become, Leon actively suppressed his emotions from slipping through. He wasn’t slow to understand that he was the brunt of many jokes and sarcastic remarks as of late. Leon couldn’t really blame them after all, he understood that royalty from the city was an easy target to hit. It was a refreshing change of pace to say the least, having to prove his capability. He had grown bored of interacting with those in the city, their responses tailored specifically to his known interests and opinions to align themselves as the perfect companion. He never knew someone’s true intentions. Getting what he wanted was too easy. It was more amusing, as of late, to chase what he wanted instead. So Leon pressed on, sweat beginning to trickle down the middle of his back, ducking to avoid intrusive vegetation.

Leon’s attention sparked at a distinct sound that cut sharply through the omnipresent buzzing and zipping of pesky insects. If he was not mistaken, it was the babbling sound of running water. He dipped his person down to the side to peer out beyond the figures who blocked his sight ahead. His red gaze filled with amusement at the sight of moving water, still obscured in many places by trees.

“It looks like we are almost there,” He stated to no one in particular. The remainder of their trek seemed to be a gradual downhill slope, before the land leveled out evenly and the river became mere steps away.

The sound of broken twigs, their snapping all rushing together in one movement, whipped his attention back behind him. His brow lowered at the sight of Annalise being steadied by one of the knights, her expression embarrassed and small face flushed red. Thinking back, it wasn’t really a surprise for him to find out that he had another hidden sibling. A beastkin nonetheless. Leon turned back to the group in front of him, his expression twisted into distrust.

Her origins didn’t surprise him, his father did have a reputation for his--preferences. No, what bothered him the most about Annalise was her sudden entrance into the rightful place of an heir. To the best of Leon’s knowledge, it had been just him and Waboe who seemed to be competing for the throne, the rest of his siblings too entrenched in the pace of their lives or simply too wary to undertake such a precarious quest. Why step forward now? Right after their father died?

Leon couldn’t shake the skepticism from his mind. He would have to eventually. Play nice until he could get his cards aligned enough to successfully pursue the throne. Still, when talking to her, he couldn’t help his reservations from taking the forefront. He would answer her questions politely, but that was all. Not until he was sure he could trust his newly discovered half sibling.

The soft trickling of the water strengthened with each step they took, until the sound of the water was the most prominent sound. It drowned out the zipping and whining of bugs, save the more determined ones who continually hovered far too close to his ears. Leon smiled, eager to feel the cool water waiting ahead for them. They had made it.

(Interacts: Nellis Nellis , Mentions: RageFactorXIII RageFactorXIII Razvi-sama Razvi-sama )
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Clement steps from the shadowy brush of the forests and places a firm hand on the prince's shoulders, as if congratulating him on a job well done. "Good job my dear prince. You have managed to make it to a safe place without the need of your dear entourage." His body slowly melts out of the thick trunk of a study forest tree, as his hands were already brushing off some of the dust from Leon's person. Clement had always enjoyed taking sweet walks in the woods, but ever since his long term contract with the crown, these walks became more and more less frequent but that simply made them all the more special. Sadly it seems his first trip into the forests involved protecting the crown prince from danger, watching him stumble and trek for days from from within the trees. A man should never combine pleasure with work. at least in his eyes.

After brushing off the first layer of dust and dirt, he stares down at the prince from behind his unchanging mask for a moment and turns away to regroup with the others. "I suggest you find yourself softer boots. I can hear your stomping a mile away, dear Prince. It'll make the travel all the easier on your feet, if you're more of a man of comfort that is."
Lalo and Turg skulked away rather quickly, there was much to consider and worry over for the rogues. Hunting was the quickest way to steady a unruly heart and uneasy soul. Just moving quietly with single straight forward goals...
Don't get hurt.
Kill something edible.

Boomerang ready in his right hand with Turg and his short bow following with a wide smile. "right,"
Lalo pointed towards what looked like tracks from a four legged beast.
Turg let the arrow in his bow hang loose as he got down on hands and knees to inspect...
"Was a boar, chased by wolves... boar got away... probably has a herd nearby or nest"
"A wolf or piggie then, whatever we spot first"
Lalo grinned with the two sneaking further into the trees and bushes.
Was just under a hour later but as Turg predicted they found wolves hunting boars, able to track down a nest. Lalo and Turg killed the two wolves, with Turg using his mana to make a igloo out of dirt to cover the nest.
"That's uh. Nice an all but how's the mother getting in an out, the babies feed off the mother"
Lalo admits the oinkers are cute when small, but they also looked the perfect size to hold over a fire or make into a pie. If Turg wasn't here he most likely would have taken a few.

Turg's face grew as red as his hair as they picked up a horned wolf each to carry back. With wolves across their shoulders Turg quickly went back to kick open a larger door to the nest and sprinted back hoping Lalo hadn't noticed, Turg loved boars and would risk his life to protect babies from monsters like Wolves and Lalo.

During this two hour time nothing eventful happened at camp.
No maulings, murder or explicit acts had taken place in the water...
The two were a stones throw from the river and able to hear banter. With Lalo quick to spin the wolf off his shoulders and flex as if he had done something impressive in front of a crowd. Turg let his wolf fall on top of the first and silently clapped for Lalo.
"you are in for a treat, Turg here can make amazing stew with anything found or caught dead in the bush, he even has bowls and spoons so the royals not need worry about sharing"
The man teases but Turg was more then happy to pull his knap sack out to reveal cooking and eating utensils.

With a dagger in hand and a sigh Lalo started the process of skinning what they caught.
Turg began setting up a small station for cooking, complete with a table raised from solid dirt, a tablecloth laid over it, a chopping block and selection of knives.
For simplicity sake Lalo and Turg will arrive as quick as they left. In game though I imagine two hours or more has passed.
With characters setting up their respective areas or relaxing.
No skyracers have flown in the direction,
Any animals nearby are scared off by the noise or not dangerous enough to be curious
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Gælin laughed a loud, hearty chortle at Leon's remark. "Suppose you're not accustomed to modesty, my liege? I will say as a noble myself, it is quite the task to accomplish." Gælin's sabatons trod loudly among the brush, snapping twigs and kicking up small stones. His steel plate and mail rattled such as that of a child's plaything, steel against steel and mail against mail. Gælin swore for a moment he saw a small critter of sorts scamper from the ferns and shrubs that surrounded him, but before he could catch a confident look at it, it slunk away into the shadows. The pitter-patter of small feet still lingered for a while before moving on.

As Gælin trudged with the troupe, several remarks of curses and profanities could be heard, relating to that of the many small buzzing insects that surrounded him, before swatting several with his gauntlet. They were quite the pest, if any could slip through the odd chink in the armor and get past the doublet, they'd bite at his arms and back. As he walked, Gælin's feet grew only sorer, as the uneven terrain coupled with the discomfort of tight chausses, and the odd rock, began to wear on his feet, even through the sabatons and turnshoes. Gælin paused for a moment, dislodging a particularly troublesome pebble from his sabatons.

The heat of the surround landscape wore even more on Gælin, his metal armor like that of a kiln, albeit slowly. Sweat began to pour down his face, and despite having put on his helmet earlier, undid the chinstrap and grasped it firmly by the visor. "Sweet lord of mercy, this heat is something else, eh?" Gælin thought outloud. The humidity of the place certainly took it's toll. While it wasn't the highest he'd experienced, combined with the over a week of travel he'd experienced with sparse breaks in between travel. He'd certainly have to work on cleaning of his clothing.

Gælin spotted the transition from the temperate ferns, trees, and heavy shrubbery to the thinner reeds and grasses. "Say, I think we're but a moment from the riverbank..." and a second before he had finished his sentence, Leon announced their arrival.

When they had arrived, Gælin was quick to join those who would to bathe, of course with a moderate distance between the men and women. It took him more than a while to strip form his plate however, and would've been quick to ask for assistance, which he had to do on a multitude of occasions. After casting his plate and mail unto the muddy sand, on only in his arming doublet, breeches, and turnshoes, promptly stripped those in moderate privacy before joining his peers in bathing. Gælin, the hubristic man he was, would've attempted to sneak a glance on his feminine peers, but the distance found to be much too far for him to make out any... details.

After his bathing had concluded, and he'd gotten himself one again dressed in the clothing he'd brought, Gælin worked well to clean the smell of sweat and humors from his plate and mail. A lordly soul such as himself wouldn't tolerate such a fate. Gælin lilted the tune of an old folk song as he did so. Without a squire to assist him, the cleaning of the armor was quite a chore, but a welcome one to pass time while Lalo and Turg were out on a hunt to bring back what would likely be both the luncheon and supper. Gælin dug a bit in his rucksack before producing a fine bottle of sweet mead, which possessed a fine golden color not unlike that of a setting sun. He'd plan on sharing it with the company post supper, such is a fine way to end the three days of roving. He stole the bottle of mead back into his rucksack before continuing to maintain his steel.

Upon the arrival of Lalo and Turg, Gælin was quick to his feet and to speak. "Aye, here's the lads back with the food. Say, we having a fine stew? I look forward to it."
As they all trickled their way down the uneven slope, one by one, Kana occasionally looked over her shoulder to eye each member of their little group of misfits to ensure they were able to easily follow her down the steep path that was naturally formed through debris and rain water. Her eyes would constantly drift back towards Annalise, though, as if silently assuring herself that the heir was fine. She knew these days had been rather challenging for the little beastkin, as it was clear in the many pauses the woman sheepishly asked them to make. Kana personally never minded, she'd pause and even stay back if that was needed of her. She quietly began to wonder, even, if Miss Annalise had blisters or any other injuries caused from weariness or strain. She remembered she had a naturally-made balm she had picked and ground herself for sore muscles and blistered. It was an all healing balm, really. Not that it had magical properties or anything special. Just...a simple family recipe. She smiled a little at the thought whenever she took time to replenish her balm.
Yet, there were moments where Annalise would fall behind, and Kana naturally slowed her pace. She was never going to walk ahead of an heir, out of respect and duty, unless she was placed in a position to lead, like right now. Once they were alone and freshly bathed, Kana silently told herself she would offer the salve to Annalise, along with bandages. They most likely needed to asses any damage on her feet. Kana understood the great discomforts that came with walking over blisters or aching muscles. Maybe they could sit down with two cups of hot, steaming tea. She always carried with her a tin mug, and thankfully she had another spare or two she could lend Annalise. At hearing the woman accept her offer for tea, it made the knight smile. As one woman to another, she was even willing to share her secret stash of honey she liked to have with her. It was a slight luxury, but a luxury she could afford...A dollop in a warm cup of tea after a cold bath and a long day of travel made all the difference in the world, especially with such bitter herbs.

Kana replayed Leon's words in her mind as she walked, occasionally allowing herself to slid against the debris, covering more ground that way. She couldn't help but let out a small chortle as he jested with great amusement towards Gælin. At least, in her mind, she thought he was merely teasing. The thing is, one of the few things Kana knew about the heirs were the handful of rumors that seemed to fly around the castle corridors from gossipy maids. So, when she found that Leon was going to be joining them on this adventure, the first thing that came to mind was the well-known fact that he was...for a lack of better terms...a flirt. A gallant. A tease. His little escapades outside the castle, to god knows where so late in the evening, were also a popular go-to to the whispering. Kana wasn't one to gossip, but of course as she patrolled the corridors she couldn't help but overhead. And, when she met him? Ah, she must say...his reputation precedes him. So, she never took him seriously. Every insinuation, innuendo, or side-way glance...she took as a joke. He was a funny one, a lot more care-free than she imagined him to be. For some reason, she imagined he was going to be a lot stricter. She was also pleasantly surprised, and happy, to find that he was polite with Miss Annalise, even if his responses were short and curt.
"I don't know, Sir Clement, I think I prefer the prince's loud footsteps in case he gets lost. Easier to find him", Kana hummed softly, looking over her shoulder to look to the masked man a bit cheekily, before she flicked her eyes to Leon's to meet his crimson gaze. What a unique color...

The walk downwards was just another reminder to them of the growing heat and humidity that surrounded them, almost like a thick fog. Thankfully, it wasn't an arduous heat, but it settled heavily over them. Weighing down their clothes and especially those in armor. Kana didn't even want to begin to imagine how Gælin must be handling both the physical and figurative heat.
The only sounds that seemed to envelope them all as they treaded down the downward path, were the occasional hisses and groans from the group. The stomping and neighing of horses. The clinking and clattering coming from Gælin's armor. The buzzing of insects and the calls from unknown creatures. Hot, sweaty, itchy. And, yet...
The very sight of the glistening, rushing river seemed to ease Kana's weariness. Though, just as she was about to celebrate--She heard gasps, the sudden chaotic thumping and crackling groans the flora around them seemed to emit as Annalise actually tripped and slipped! Kana whipped around, extending hand out to summon a gust of wind to ensure the princess would stay upright, maybe at least cushion her fall, fearing she would hit her head--!
When Tiberius thankfully caught the heir.
Kana seemed to let out a soft breath, a little embarrassed she became so frazzled over a simple loss of balance. As a knight, she was to keep her composure at all times. She was to protect at all times...She shook her head and smiled lightly down to the princess, before she offered Tiberius a light bow of the head. A simple 'thank you'.
The lack of shrubbery around them gave the group a clear view of the grand river before them. It was clear, clean sweet water and if one leaned over the water's shoreline, one could see a different array of rocks and pebbles, each displaying it's own unique diversity in color. Absolutely stunning...She grinned back to the group. They arrived.

The thought of sleeping under the stars, next to a roaring river was an exciting one for Kana. She slid down her used jingasa, allowing it to hang off her neck casually as she began to set down her things. She ruffled through her hair, a few strands damp from the sweat caused by the humidity. After ensuring the ground bellow her was both sturdy and dry, she sat down her leather wayfarer bag she strapped to her back. Unloading the extra weight over her shoulders, she finally undid the leather pouches that were strapped around her hips. Both shoulders and hips felt great relief and weightlessness, allowing the knight to properly stretched and rub through a few knots on her shoulders.
Collecting a clean spare of clothing she carried around for leisure and a few other essentials, plus her weapon, Kana waited for Annalise to join her side. She meant what she said previously, she was not going to bathe with the men. They could all have their fun and horseplay around if they wished, but she was looking forward to a tranquil bath down the river.
Ensuring there was a great distance between her and the men, Kana sat her folded, clean clothes and began to strip down. Her black robe, her light-weight tempered armor, the guards on her arms and legs, her mail, and spandex she wore underneath. She folded everything very neatly and all in one place. If the heir was to join her, she would actually enjoy the company...maybe even share a pleasant conversation. If not, she understood. Whatever the princess wanted, Kana was happy to follow. If she wanted distance, if she wanted Kana to keep her eyes and conversation to herself, etc? Kana would oblige.
In the meantime, without any reservations, Kana tiptoed into the cold, brisk running water. It was a wonderful contrast between the suffocating heat, and it even seemed to liven the knight. Encouraged alertness and a speedy recovery for sore, weary muscles. She took a quick dip forward underneath the water's surface, being able to submerge her whole head before she whipped her hair back and sat up straight. She ran her hands over her face, clearing out the water from her eyes. She smiled, smoothing her hair back.

Unknown to potential lingering stares from the other men...after her bath and awaiting Annalise to finish hers, Kana thought it was a good moment to head back. The sun was slowly setting and the little critters around them was preparing their song for the moon, croaking and hissing in a harmonious melody. She slid on a loose fitting, linen dress that tied around her waist. The sleeves reached her elbows, but were quickly covered as she draped her black robe over her shoulders. She slid her jingasa back around her neck, and as she walked it danced happily from side to side from the sway of her body.
Kana hugged her gear as close to her body as possible, not wanting to leave behind a single guard. Her Kusagirama was strapped to her back. One could never be too careful....
Kana could already see Lalo and Turg from a distance, seeing as they were setting up for today's dinner. Maybe she could offer to help, and after dinner, she would offer Annalise her balm. Maybe Leon or any of her comrades could find use for it. She was simply afraid of running out, since the ingredients weren't cheap or easy to come by.

There was already chatter up ahead, praises and promises of a good hearty meal, and Kana continued to hear rustling all around her. She didn't think much of it, at first, believing it might be a family of foxes quickly making their way back home. She was about to turn and ask Annalise if she enjoyed honey in her tea, just wanting to make polite conversation with the woman...when she actually saw a figure emerging from the shrubbery behind Annalise!
Kana dropped her gear without second thought, a noisy rattling following after, as she whipped around the heir to stand protectively in front of her before she practically ripped her Kusagirama off her back. She positioned herself to swing, gusts of wind already twirling around her and lifting about the sand before her. She opened her mouth and was going to demand the hooded stranger to make his intentions known, she was going to warn him that if he dared lay a hand on the woman behind her, she would cut him down! She would--!

In the blink of an eye, the stranger had disappeared from in front of her...only to suddenly reappear with his hand tightly clasped over her mouth! To silence her! Without second thought, Kana's blade was suddenly inches from his throat, when he finally uttered a word that caused her to pause.
"Skyracer!", the stranger hissed in a hushed tone.
"If you yell, you're going to call their attention and Lalo is gonna chuck me at them! Feed me to them without any mercy!", the man insisted.
Kana stared owlishly into the stranger's gaze, her whole body tense and soon growing still...Oh. Oh, Sir Lalo mentioned a scout, right? Was this the scout?
"Hi", the man slowly pulled away as he grinned down cheekily to the female knight, "...I'm so sorry if I scared you, that really wasn't my intention. I've honestly been waiting around trying to find the best way to approach a group of skilled knights and dragons without it resulting in my impending doom", the man said dramatically, soon laughing, "...guess I didn't figure it out, in the end. I really didn't mean to scare you all", he fretted weakly, rubbing the back of his neck. He was shrouded in a dark cloak that covered his face, mostly. He also seemed to have a dark bandana over his nose and lips to conceal as much of his face as possible.
"My name is Alexander! But, you can call me Al. Only cool people call me Al, and you all seem pretty cool, so let's just stick with that", Al snickered softly, just...a bucket of sunshine that kept bashing Kana upside the head with so much joy.
It was safe to say that Kana was...processing...slowly looking over her shoulder quizzically as if asking if anyone else saw this...strangely happy man. Did she spend too much time under the sun? She then peeked back, not wanting to seem rude, "N-No, I acted out. It's just...we're in the middle of nowhere, so tensions are high and all", she stated, "I'm truly sorry, my name is Kana and it's very nice to meet you. You must be the person Sir Lalo was expecting--".
Al snorted out a bit of laughter at the use of 'Sir' before Lalo's name. Right. Sir. Sure. Let's pretend he's a 'Sir'.
Leon tensed at the sudden touch of the masked Clement, the man appearing seemingly out of thin air. He wasn’t used to the rogue’s vague and random appearances, even after the long trip to Andwall. He didn’t know if he’d ever get used to it.

"I suggest you find yourself softer boots. I can hear your stomping a mile away, dear Prince. It'll make the travel all the easier on your feet, if you're more of a man of comfort that is." Clement jested towards him before walking away.

Leon looked down at his feet with a disgruntled expression. What was wrong with his boots? His eyes shot over to Gælin, whose every step sent a cacophony of sound to tremble both the Earth and the man’s armor, and decided to stomach Clement’s remark.

"I don't know, Sir Clement, I think I prefer the prince's loud footsteps in case he gets lost. Easier to find him,"
Kana quipped back to Clement. Leon glanced up at her, surprise and intrigue laced in his features. She turned back at him to meet his gaze, the look in her eyes unreadable. He steadily held his own, but after a mere second, she averted her attention to the path before them.

Once arriving at the bank of the river, the knights around him began to drop their supplies eagerly. The sounds of heavy metal from Gælin’s armor thumped to the ground in a shower of gritty dirt with each layer he shed from his body. Seeing the men quick to strip down, the women spent no time hesitating to extract themselves from the group, moving farther down the river than was truly necessary. Leon huffed in amusement to himself, maybe his comments had spooked them.

Following suit to the other knights, already half undressed and aiming for the river, Leon began stripping from the light supplies that adorned his body. Most of the equipment he had brought with him was saddled on Elita’s back, making his undressing quick and to the point. His clothes, all made of rich and luxurious fabrics, were dampened with sweat. He held a shirt in his hand, staring down at the article with a look of dissatisfaction. There were smudges of dirt from having traveled all day. The thought of washing the clothes himself exasperated him, but it was better than having them ruined by another unsure of their handling. Leon placed the clothes in a neatly organized pile before following the other men who had long since been in the river.

The streaming water was refreshingly cold against his skin as Leon entered the river, his body creating a split ripple in the surface as the current tugged against him with soft pressure. He couldn’t help but notice how his figure, considered quite muscular among the aristocrats and diplomats in the city, appeared lean in comparison to the knightly figures of his companions. A slight twinge of jealousy hit in his chest. He didn’t like the idea of coming up short in something, especially when it correlated directly to power and capability.

Leon plunged himself under the water, letting the cool current immerse his figure completely. The pull of the current began to wash away the dirt and sweat from their travel all day. He broke back through the surface, raking his wet hair back out of his eyes once it began showering a stream of water from the tips. His eyes lit with a fire as he caught Gælin attempting to sneak a quick peek in the distance at the women, who were just entering the water. The cheeky bastard. Leon smiled deviously, but said nothing. He couldn’t blame him, after all.

After bathing and changing into a more comfortable set of clothes taken from one of the packs stored on Elita, who was now brushed down and resting in the distance, Leon lounged on the spotty bank of the river. His dampened blond hair looked brown in the dim evening light that was fading into dusk by the second. It was raked through and messy, the tendrils taking on a slight wave which contrasted starkly from its usual neatly styled appearance.

Leon’s focus was settled on the dusty blue sky and the faint stars that peeked through the haze. His clothes, washed reluctantly by himself, hung between two trees to air dry. The pieces floated silently in the gentle breeze that traveled down the river bank. In his hand he held a cup filled with wine, its sweet smell emanating up into the air. He wasn’t going to wait until dinner to start drinking. He never did.

The evening seemed to have been going smoothly. His companions worked silently on their own tasks for the night, the fire crackling softly off to the side. Kana’s noises of alarm, the sound as startling as a loud crack of thunder, cut through the relaxed atmosphere of the camp like a hot knife. Leon shot up halfway from his lounged position, cursing under his breath as he spilled a bit of wine on his shirt. He dabbed at the spot half heartedly as his attention ping ponged back and forth between Kana’s situation and his own.

The sight of a tall male figure emerging suddenly, putting his hand over her mouth to keep Kana from yelling out made Leon stand up in alarm, his thoughts frazzled at what to do in the moment. His eyes immediately fell upon Gælin and Tiberus as if to ask “What the hell should we do?”

Before either of the knights could answer his silent question, the male backed away, having seemingly said something to lower the female knight’s defenses. Leon let out a breath in relief as he sat back down. “Damn, that just gave me a heart attack.”

He downed the rest of his wine, ignoring the hardy pounding of his heart, and grabbed the flask to refill his cup. To think he was just beginning to enjoy himself too.

"Aye, here's the lads back with the food. Say, we having a fine stew? I look forward to it." Gælin said calmly, his tall figure hoisting itself up to his feet.

Leon looked half heartedly in the direction the knight was facing, his energy already expended from the brief bout of adrenaline that had come with the arrival of the new member. “Stew. It could be worse.” He thought to himself. Leon took another long sip of his wine before turning his attention back towards the sky, its color already draining into an inky black.

(Mentions: Razvi-sama Razvi-sama Kana and Al, Nellis Nellis Gælin, DapperKnight DapperKnight Clement)

After helping the heir safely set herself back onto her own feet, the young knight gave Annalise a nod of acknowledgement in response to her thanks. Tiberius had been assisting the white haired beastkin in this manner throughout the past two days of their traveling together. Initially, Tiberius had only lingered near the smaller of the two heirs because he did not wish to stand near the rest of the group and Annalise's slowed pace allowed him to have some space. Unfortunately, this did not spare the young man from small talk as he was still bothered by the beastkin heir and Ser Kana on occasion. Still, their interaction with Tiberius was preferred over the light conversation that trickled back from the other men within the group, besides, Annalise did honestly have use of his presence and it was Tiberius's duty to serve the heirs.

When the group finally did reach the river, they broke into two groups for the purpose of washing themselves, which was perfectly fine. Though, Tiberius found that it was a little uncomfortable to bathe mostly nude alongside strangers, especially since most of the strangers held positions that situated them as his superiors. Not even the cool river water eased Tiberius's nerves as he washed nearby the other men. The young man hurried through his process of cleaning himself and stepped out from the river while he was still damp. This caused Tiberius's fresh set of clothes to partially cling to his form as he hastily dressed himself, after which the young knight took up a secluded spot in the group's campsite.

The black haired male had been calmly observing the other members of the camp while waiting for the women to return from their bath and for Lalo and Turg to return with dinner. Tiberius was silently thankful for the peace the night brought. It was only at this particular time of day that he was truly allowed to relax and not have to worry about social interaction with his current traveling companions. I hope Kana does not speak to me again tonight. I am fast running out of things to say. Can she not see that conversation is not my strong suit? The young knight had not been expecting to talk as much as he already had on this journey and while that was not necessarily a bad thing, it was unusual. Tiberius had never had to talk much when tending to his daily duties back in the capital, yet out here on the trail things were different.

A small commotion brought Tiberius out of his thoughts and forced him to shift his focus towards his immediate surroundings. The young knight found the Prince glancing between himself, Sir Barclay and the source of the commotion, Ser Kana and a strange man that had not been traveling with the group. Tiberius jumped to his feet and was about to rush for Fury when Ser Kana and the mysterious man both calmed down and gave each other space, showing Tiberius that his interference was not required. Still, the young knight kept Fury close and carefully watched the newcomer and the women from his spot from within the camp while Lalo and Turg, who had both recently returned, started to prepare their catch as the group's dinner. I truly hope this stranger comes in peace. I would hate to spill blood before turning in for the night. A fresh kill before bed has brought me nightmares in the past and I do not fancy witnessing my teeth and flesh peeling from my body again.

Tags: Nellis Nellis Pepsionne Pepsionne Other Male members (Mentioned)

Location: Camp


The cool river water eased the pain Annalise felt in her poor, sore feet, causing the small woman to let out a brief sigh of relief. Unlike the others, sweat was not what had been bothering the white haired beastkin, her revealing outfit made sure of that. Though, there was one unfortunate thing about Annalise's outfit aside from the looks it tended to draw and that was the small issue of there being only one set in existence. This meant that Annalise did not have another set of clothes to change into aside from the white dress she had neatly folded at the bottom of her potato bag. Annalise was hesitate to change into the dress because she did not wish to stain it with dirt, sweat and quite possibly, blood while she was on her journey with the group. Still, when she stepped out of the water, clad only in her small clothes, Annalise had little other choice than to unearth the white dress from the bottom of her bag. The dress would have to do until Annalise was able to clean her outfit.

Walking back to the group did cause Annalise's feet to hurt slightly, thanks to the few blisters that were on them, but the small woman did her best to ignore that as she followed behind Kana. Should I try to talk to Leon tonight? The white haired beastkin pondered as she quietly walked behind the female knight. He did not seem to like our talks as much as I do. Is it because I'm a Beastkin? Annalise wanted to discard that last thought, but her past experiences with Humans had always taught her to err on the side of caution. In the past, whenever someone was too friendly or disinterested in Annalise, it usually meant that they wanted nothing to do with the white haired beastkin. Well, that or they were lusting after her body. Sometimes it was hard to differentiate, but Annalise was fairly confident in her belief that Prince Leon did NOT desire her, not if his attempts to flirt with Ser Kana were any indication. Then, there was the amount of help Annalise had received from Ser Kana and Sir Tiberius, which may have been the two honestly seeking to assist the small woman, yet Annalise was not entirely convinced that was the case. There had to be an alternative motive, especially since Prince Leon was the obvious choice as her late father's successor, not that Annalise desired the Throne.

Annalise was so caught up in her musings that she did not notice the presence stood right behind her. That is why the small woman was understandably startled when Kana rushed by Annalise and pushed the white haired beastkin behind her. Disoriented and unaware of what was going on, Annalise tried to focus on Ser Kana to see what situation she had been dragged into. There was a strange man, one the small woman had not seen before in the past two days. The stranger did not seem hostile in Annalise's eyes, even when he ducked behind Kana and covered the female knight's mouth to prevent her from screaming. Thankfully, the man's words proved Annalise right for once. "Its nice to meet you Al! My name is Annalise." The small woman cheerfully greeted the much bigger man, giving him a smile while silently hoping to help assist in diffusing the lingering tension that hung in the air. "Would you walk with us back to camp?" Annalise knew that they were within eyesight of the others and that this man, Al, had probably figured out where the group was before trying to approach Kana and herself, still Annalise believed she was being nice by offering to have the man walk with Kana and herself, back to where the others sat.

Tags: Razvi-sama Razvi-sama

Location: Outside of the Camp
Clement snaps his face to look at Kana, almost as if he himself had been insulted by the remark made by the swordswoman, but it was difficult to tell what he was feeling at the time as he gives off a single laugh and began to walk around her, keeping his face firmly on her before climbing onto the trees, quickly disappearing into the treeline. The leaves laughed and cackled as he moved through them, and slowly they turned silent, becoming part of the ambient noise of the forest as the brightly colored man left the company of the knight.

He watches as the night slowly approaches, turning the painted sky into a murky blackness. He figures that they'll need two for the watch, maybe three should they discover something, or someone, has been stalking them lately. It wouldn't be out of the imagination if some brave bandit or trapper might try their luck to steal from the party. They most certainly didn't look like a band of poor pilgrims, and more of a small company of misfit mercenaries, armed to the teeth with weapons and magic. If he was assigned to bother the group, he most certainly wouldn't want to be caught by the party.

Seeing as night quickly approached, Clement climbs down from the branches, the creaking alerting the camp to his arriving as he drops onto the very edge of the camp. "I don't wish to alarm everyone, but I suggest we might need an additional sets of vigilant eyes, in addition to our usual nightguard, once the night swallows the dusk."

Nellis Nellis Pepsionne Pepsionne (Camp, In the treelines)
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Lalo and Turg made swift work of preparing food, once the wolves were skinned however he made himself scarce so Turg could work his culinary art. One might think he had mana for cooking instead of dirt if they tasted any dish he made, that however is just talent and practice. As the fire was started he darted off to forage within eyesight and shouting distance of course...

A familiar sight was spotted which made Lalo whistle with piercing intent
"Al you tosspot of cold water!"
Lalo stormed towards Al and Kana continuing his rant whilst getting closer
"did you not hear me? I know you know my fire-hawk mating call!"
Having to jump up to force the taller man into a headlock Lalo started speaking a bit softer
" If you don't whistle back then I don't know if your in trouble or dead you fool, and despite you being tall handsome and blonde I don't want to be looking for the bits your hacked into cause you wasn't being sneaky!"
Lalo had a relieved smile on his face upon seeing his brother, releasing his hold so Al could stand up without hunching the younger brother continued with a hushed tone
"I wanna know all you seen, tell me before we share it with Prince and princess back there. Ah,"
Lalo's smile shrank back down to its usual polite smirk as he made eye contact with the knight
"You've a good head on your shoulders sir Kana, but your rank and your looks puts you with the princess at this moment and you shall have to excuse brothers to talk"
Lalo gave a subtle shove to Al before walking away from the others around. Turg passed by with handful of things to add to the boiling water.

"you been out here for more then a week Al, I hate to sound like a bitter fling but tell me all you seen and heard"

Razvi-sama Razvi-sama for kana but mostly Al
When they started to walk back towards the group, Kana allowed her eyes to wander over to the beastkin, thinking she looked quite adorable in the dress she wore. It looked loose and comfortable, but it was so beautifully white that she too silently worried that the woman was going to stain the dress with the sand and dirt that surrounded them. It looked well made, and considering the supplies Kana discretely noticed Annalise carried with her throughout their journey together...she silently wondered if she made it? Kana lacked skills when it came to sewing, so she really admired those you had the talent for needlework. She couldn't sew on a button, even if her life depended on it. Her mother had tried desperately to teach her, but to no avail. She just ended up pricking her finger, over and over again.
Sadly, her reverie was broken by the sudden alarm that, the man she now knew as Al, brought to her. They stood there, his hand cupping her lips, her blade against his throat. Locked together to simply stare down at each other until he finally broke the tension with his hearty voice and light-hearted snickering. Oh.

As Al continued his amused snickering, all Kana could do was simply eye him wearily. Well, as long as he wasn't a threat to Annalise or her teammates, then she supposed it was okay. With that thought, she lowered her weapon completely, until it made a deaf 'thump' against the sand. Plus, if this was the man Lalo was waiting for, she shouldn't be so critical or suspicious. So, she tried her best to offer a smile, "...right, well, anyway...I truly am sorry for our...tense first impression, so to say. I hope my next couple of impressions are more pleasant", she said kindly, before she bowed her head towards the man.
That seemed to pause Al in his laughter, as it slowly died out upon seeing the woman...b-bow to him! "O-Oh, don't waste your energy doing that on a decrepit like me", he chuckled, waiving the woman's efforts away. Through his laughter, Al brushed back the hood and tugged down at the cloth around his lips to reveal a friendly face. He smiled down to the knight, his grin jovial and beaming with delight. A noticeable feature though...was the deep scar that dragged over his leg brow.
Kana smiled, straightening herself out, "Oh, come on, don't say that", she hummed, before she heard the crunching of sand before her. Ah! Kana turned half-way to look to Annalise, showing genuine concern for the small woman, "Are you okay, my liege?", she asked softly.
When Kana turned to face, whom he assumed to be an heir due to Kana's form of address, Al paused...not...having quite expected to see the being that stood before him. Minute. With features he had never seen on anyone else. Her gaze was striking and her horns were...strange. Something to get used to. But, she wasn't unpleasant to look at. Quite the contrary, actually. His smile now left him, a frown remaining as his cheeks seemed to slowly warm with color, "...liege?", was all he choked out.
Kana looked over her shoulder towards the dumbstruck rogue, noticing his surprise. His eyes were wide open, as if he as drinking in her unique image...his mouth agape, "She's the fallen King's long lost daughter. An heir", she said, rather firmly, as if protecting the woman's title. This man should show more respect towards her, to gawk at a woman was utterly disrespectful. And clearly, when Al turned his attention back to Kana to see her displeasure, he seemed to have realized his lack of manners. She took a moment to lean down and collect her things back in her arms.
Al struggled to look away, words tumbling past his lips as he began to stutter. The more he choked on his words, the redder his face seemed to get before he paused all together. He cleared his throat, ignoring Kana's hardened stare as he offered Annalise a kind smile, "Let's start over", he chortled, his laughter reverberating within his large chest cavity, "It's nice to meet you too, Ms. Annalise...but, I must admit...I'm not really good with formal protocol and all that non-sense...do you mind if I call you Anna?", he asked with a hum and a cheeky grin to match. He was grateful for her offer to walk together, as he looked to the two women with an encouraging smile.

Seeing the man was actually awfully kind, Kana allowed herself to take a small breath and relax fully. He wasn't a danger and for now that's all that mattered. She walked behind Annalise and Al, watching as Al joined the woman's side to continue their walk towards camp. She looked past the two figures, her eyes falling over Leon as he calmly watched the burning sunset. She followed his general line of sight as she walked, admiring the crimson beauty that seemed to consume their surroundings. The light was slowly fading and the creatures of the night were preparing to venture off into the nightly routines and adventures. She hoped that didn't involve them, of course.
They were getting closer to the campsite, close enough to overhear Clement suggest another pair of eyes for tonight. It wasn't a bad idea, she thought. Seeing as they were getting closer to their final destination, with creatures Lalo heavily warned them about. Kana looked down to her armor, thinking she could finishing washing it down and polishing it while dinner was being made. She could already tell Gælin was hard at work with his own, hulking armor.
Yet, she saw something she didn't expect...and that was Lalo turning towards them and...running? No, bulldoze was a better word for what he was doing.

Al had joined Annalise's side without knowing how to speak to her. What could he ask for someone of her kind? Were there topics she would consider rude? The fact that she was an heir didn't surprise him, but he wondered if she knew all along she was the King's daughter. Why was she here, risking her life for a man she never met? He worried that would be too rude, so he stayed silent, contemplating his words...until he heard a familiar whistle that made his chest tighten with excitement and anticipation.
Al's head snapped to attention as he saw Lalo bolt his way. He stopped and positioned himself in a position of attack, almost bracing his body for the full force of Lalo's violet contact! Al nearly boomed in his laughter, trying his best to contain his volume as he suddenly found himself in a headlock, "H-Hey, you stunted growth spurt!", he choked, his grin mischievous as he rose a hand up to push against Lalo's face, to push the man off of him in general. Not that he minded the contact...It was...good to see the man. Any time apart made Al miss him like crazy, and worry of course.
Al twisted and writhed in the man's hold, his laughter consuming him, "Aw! Good to know you care, and...that you think I'm handsome", he offered a roguish grin back to the man. Finally, Lalo released him and Al nearly stumbled forward. He straightened out his clothes and his hair before he turned to face his brother fully, "If I do get hacked into pieces, please promise me you'll keep my handsome, chiseled head so that you can admire my beauty even after my untimely death", he sighed out dramatically, his tone whimsical and full of mock sorrow before he snorted out a bit of laughter and shook his head. One step forward, and Al practically slammed his hand on Lalo's shoulder, "...it's good to see you are well, bro", he offered sincerely, matching Lalo's relief upon seeing him. Except, his own expression held...affection. Warm affection for the smaller man in front of him, "And, sorry for not returning your mating call. I promise I'll be diligent and attentive next time", he winked, his tone suggesting he was only teasing.
Al's attention turned back to Kana and Annalise as Lalo gestured back to them. Prince and princess...who was the prince, then? He looked over his shoulder to see the little group that banded together by the river's shoreline. If he had to guess, he would say it was the only other blond amongst the make-shift sausage fest that gathered at camp. He gave off an...air of regality, what could he say? "Actually", his voice lowered a few octaves, "We do have quite a lot to talk about, I have some news...so if you want to speak privately, we can", he assured, "Before or after dinner, I don't mind. I see Turg over there is working his magic and I'm really excited to taste what he has for us tonight", he grinned, his stomach rumbling as if agreeing with him. It's been a long couple of days of only eating dried meats and berries, he deserved a warm, home cooked meal.
Kana was...to say for a lack of better words...a little stunned at what was just presented in front of her. Brotherly love? Maybe. She eyed Annalise as if to decipher what he reaction was to such...strangeness. She had seen Lalo react in such a manner these past couple of days of knowing him. He was a funny man, but to go as far as to call him playful..."Oh, no worries. I've heard worse when training with other knights", she assured, "I appreciate the sentiment, sir".
Al, once again, became a little more sheepish before the women, especially in front of Annalise. He's never been in the presence of someone with royal blood, so he didn't really know how to filter himself. He groaned weakly at the shove, rubbing his side but was too big to move an inch. His head turned to watch Lalo walk away and he sighed...before he collected himself and smiled to the women. He continued to guide them back to camp, "It's kind of cute how she calls you 'sir', Sir Lalo", he smirked, following and reaching after the man quickly. Al practically settled his whole weight around Lalo's shoulders, hanging off of him and shaking him from side to side, "You? A bitter fling? Never! Ah, but...I don't know, Lalo, it doesn't look good", he stated, keeping his arm around the man.

In the meantime, Kana ensured to stay back with Annalise as Al all but chased Lalo. She smiled sweetly to the princess before she walked ahead to reach the camp and be with the others. Ensuring Annalise was within their parameters, Kana bowed her head to the woman to retire herself before she went to where she had dropped her belonging. After dinner, she would make herself some tea and for Ms. Annalise, and offer her the balm, hoping it would relieve Annalise of any pain that ailed her feet.
As Kana walked, while Al murmured to Lalo loud enough for them to catch a few words, she paused by Tiberius and nodded curtly to him in acknowledgment as she passed him by. She did something similar for Leon, but the bow to her head was deeper. She slid down to her knees beside her bag and splayed out her armor and clothes. As she dutifully cleaned, she listened to Al's comments to Lalo as best she could.

Al turned to Lalo, "So, you know that dragon you wanted me to keep an eye on? Big, purple, and ugly?", he teased, laughing a little at his own amusement, "I saw him fly past this area not very long ago, so I think he's nearby. Not...too close, but you know...not a day's walk away, you know?", he hummed, "Also, as I have been keeping a lookout, I noticed that the Skyracers seem to be a little more...agitated. More than usual. They have been buzzing about the Drocoka like an angry's wasp nest", he added, his tone coloring his concern, "...but, most suspicious of all...about four days ago, I saw two figures hiking towards the mountain about three...no, four days ago. I didn't see their faces, as they were covered with hoods", he stated with a heavy sigh, "Other than that, it's been pretty calm...I suppose. I've been waiting out here for a week, just glad you all made it safely. With all the things I have seen, I was worried you might run into some sort of trouble, brother of mine", he stated, pulling away from Lalo to give the man some space to come to terms with the information he just offered.

(Mentions briefly: Nellis Nellis and DapperKnight DapperKnight and Pepsionne Pepsionne . Interacts with: NeonFlow NeonFlow and RageFactorXIII RageFactorXIII )
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While he continued to keep his gaze upon the strange new man, Ser Kana and Lady Annalise as those three conversed with one another, a sound from nearby alerted Tiberius to yet another presence. Believing this new entrant to be hostile, the young knight drew his blade and whirled to face the newcomer, ready to rush forth and disable them if necessary. It was not until the masked figure spoke that Tiberius vaguely recalled that the individual before him was not a threat, but rather a part of their entourage. The individual's name was Clement, at least this is how Tiberius believed the masked figure was introduced to the group and they, (him?), had usually kept to themself during the journey. It was this vague familiarity that had the young knight returning Fury to her scabbard as he allowed himself to relax ever so slightly after properly identifying the new arrival. We may need to ask for a better warning from Clement before they drop in on us. Their sudden arrival could have easily been mistaken for bandits, beasts, potential assassins or even Skyracers. Any of those groups would have caused a swift, but bloody combat, which would require the entire group to then relocate if we wished to find a safe resting area for the heirs.

Tiberius had allowed his mental dialogue to drown out the opening part of Clement's words. This unfortunately meant that the young knight had only captured the tail end of whatever it was that the masked figure had said. In addition to our nightguard...? Is Clement suggesting multiple sentries for tonight's watch? The dark haired male did not enjoy the idea since it would deprive more individuals of their much needed rest, which just may include the heirs. Still, Tiberius could not entirely disagree with his ally's suggestion due to their group's size. They had enough individuals to keep watch throughout the night while granting most of their members an acceptable amount of rest, yet that arrangement may very well mean inconveniencing the heirs. The suggestion was not something that Tiberius wished to weigh in on, lest he draw the ire of his current comrades and superiors, though there was something that the young knight could do to assist in settling the group's first two sentries for the night. "I shall watch." Tiberius stated firmly and loud enough for those at the campsite to hear him as he sat down once more, this time with Fury resting upon his lap.

The young knight then patiently waited for Turg to finish with the group's dinner, taking his own serving as one of the last few people to be given food. Then, Tiberius decided to stand once more so that he could now attempt to locate a suitable position from where he could carry out his part of this night's watch. Tiberius gave a brief nod in response to Kana's as he and the female knight passed by each other, while the black haired male found his post for the night. It was by the edge of the camp and while the post was certainly within plain view, Tiberius was more than confident in his ability to respond to any threats that may present themselves to him.

Tags: Everyone is mentioned, sorta

Location: The Campsite



Annalise waited patiently while the strange man, Al, and Ser Kana conversed. The two of them appeared to be trying to act civilly after nearly breaking out into a fight from Al's sudden arrival. The strange awkwardness of their interaction, as well as Al's own laughter, caused the white haired beastkin to let out a small, girlish giggle of her own. It was good to see that Al and Ser Kana would be able to get along and not just because Annalise did not wish to be caught in the middle of a fight. I know that Al showed us that he was not a threat by not trying to attack Kana, but it did not seem like Kana believed him for a bit. Still, that funny moment between those two is enough for me. I'm glad they were able to avoid fighting. A bright smile was present upon Annalise's face while she continued to watch Al and Ser Kana talk.

The young woman was so relieved by the de-escalation between Al and Ser Kana, that she was caught entirely off guard from the way the female knight addressed her. "L-liege?" Annalise whispered to herself as her bright smile turned into a small frown just from hearing that one word. It was simply a title, a way of addressing certain individuals to show that they were above others or somehow better than them simply because of the circumstances of their birth. Annalise was not one of those individuals in spite of the blood flowing through her veins and while she knew that Ser Kana meant no harm with what she had said, the white haired beastkin still found herself feeling... inferior. Lesser. The title did not fit someone like Annalise at all. It did not fit SOMETHING like her and every passing moment Annalise spent thinking about that one, weighted word, increased the young woman's distress. This is why Annalise was immensely relieved when Al broke her out of her own thoughts with his request to call the white haired beastkin by a nickname. "Nope! I don't mind." Annalise said as a small, warm smile started to form on her lips. "I think 'Anna' fits me much better than 'liege'."

Annalise's mood had improved a little bit as she walked back towards the camp the group had made for the night alongside her newest acquaintance, Al. The towering man had not bothered to say anything else after asking permission to call the young woman by a nickname, one that certainly made Annalise feel much more at ease than the false title Ser Kana had addressed her as. Still, the silence from the taller man did give Annalise some time to think on something to ask him. Should she inquire about his family? Most people did not seem to mind when the white haired beastkin asked them questions about their kin, yet that was only when Annalise was in the market or in the middle of assisting a customer. Maybe she should ask Al about his work? A lot of people enjoyed their work and were not shy about sharing their opinion of it, but then there were some who despised it and hated being reminded of the effort they put into something they strongly disliked. Annalise did not want to potentially upset Al, so she would not ask the big man about his family or his work. This left little else to ask the man. This is slowly getting awkward. I don't know what to talk about without causing Al to dislike me and he doesn't seem to want to talk on his own either... Oh! I got it! Food! I'll ask him what he likes to eat. Everyone likes to talk about their favorite food! The white haired beastkin felt rather confident in this new approach into reinitiating conversation with her new acquaintance, so she opened her mouth to voice her question to the giant man beside her, only for a new voice to break through the silence between the three.

The young woman wanted to pout at having her chance to talk to Al be foiled by Sir Lalo, but as the two continued to interact, she found that she could not stay upset. Al and Lalo displayed behavior that, while infinitely rougher and crass, reminded Annalise of her time with her own mother. The reminder caused the young woman's smile to turn sad as she watched the two men, who were obviously not blood related, show that they were brothers. I wish I still had something like that. I miss Mom. I never knew Father and Prince Leon, the only sibling I have been able to talk to, seems to want nothing to do with me. The white haired beastkin turned her cyan blue orbs towards the ground as she forced back the moisture building up behind them. She couldn't cry here. Not out in the open with so many strangers. Not over something she knew would only bother the others.

Annalise did not notice when Al and Sir Lalo left her and Ser Kana until she found herself looking up to Ser Kana's smiling visage. The other woman's smile did elicit one from Annalise, though the beastkin's was brittle and small. The young woman let Kana walk ahead of her while she trailed behind the female knight. Annalise was grateful for the silence now since it allowed her time to gather her thoughts and to collect herself before she returned to the group back at the campsite. The young woman knew that she was already a burden upon everyone here already with her inability to walk long distances and her lack of combat skills. That was why Annalise did not mind it when Ser Kana separated from her when they arrived at the camp. Instead, the white haired beastkin found her own area to sit, away from Prince Leon this time, as she quietly enjoyed her given portion of the night's dinner. Though, when Kana gave Annalise tea and the balm for the beastkin's aching feet, the smaller woman made certain to express her gratitude.

Tags: Razvi-sama Razvi-sama

Location: The Campsite

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