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The Dragon's Call


...the Story Teller
No young man, no matter how great can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, he must live and learn. And so it will be for the young sorcerer as he walks through the gates of Camelot. A boy who, in time, will father a legend. So the fate of the kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name…Merlin.

In the town square in front of the castle a crowd had formed to witness the beheading of a man for the crime of practicing magic as king Uther had forbade any sort of magic even though he himself had used magic long ago to birth his own son Arthur who knows nothing of this and the only living soul who does know is the court physician and ex-sorcerer, Gaius. The king let the ax fly to the young man’s neck who’s only true crime was to help and heal with his magic, but Uther bears no leniency to magic save for the ones to his benefit but even then he detests magic and refuses to show any leniency to anyone outside his court physician to use any kind of magic. After the kill a woman vowed revenge on the king for killing her son and used her magic to try and kill Arthur as penance for her own son but Merlin saved him and killed the witch and was rewarded by becoming Arthur’s man-servant though they both loath the idea but become friends in a way, more like brothers who pick on one another. Soon a festival was to begin to celebrate the capture of the great dragon that lays beneath the kingdom to show its strength. What magic and tricks will go on under the king’s nose? That is up to Merlin and Arthur. Merlin is the manservant to the arrogant prince Arthur who often picks on him and thinks him a buffoon but that is only to hide the fact he has magic he was born with and is, so far, the only Dragon Lord left.
"Merlin!" Arthur shouted as he crossed the courtyard of the castle walking in the direction of his manservant.

"What in the world are you doing?" he questioned, as he got up in the young mans face. Merlin, already being somewhat accustomed to his charges behavior looked at the packages he had in his hand.

"I was delivering these for you like you asked sire," he said hoping as to whether or not he was doing the correct thing. See, Merlin grew up in a town where royalty seemed as much of a legend as magic. People knew it existed but was so distant from the common folk. And yet, through a series of events that transpired not all that long ago, he found himself taking care of the future King of Camelot's every whim all the while whilst trying to perfect his magical gifts.

Arthur looked down at the packages Merlin had in his hands. He smirked as he picked one up and smacked Merlin across the head with it.

"This, you idiot, goes to the armory. You're heading in the complete wrong direction."

Merlin looked around and noticed that he indeed was in the wrong direction.

"S-So it appears."

Arthur glared at Merlin before sighing and turning away.

"Be sure to have my lunch ready before noon. I have some knights to teach." It was then did Arthur turn back to look at Merlin.

"Oh and please try not to make a fool of yourself this time. It's embarrassing to have such an incompetent man-servant." With that said he walked away leaving Merlin in the courtyard to tend with the rest of his duties.

Watching the prince of Camelot walk off, he couldn't help but think about his so called destiny. So far, it didn't really feel like it held that much importance. He didn't really mind though. He'd just play things by ear and see how they'd go. Besides, he had some things to deliver. With that firmly in his mind he too left the courtyard. However, he didn't even get a few meters until he crashed into someone.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry," he said as he started picking up what was dropped onto the floor.
The day was brightly lit and the sky was clear as bright sapphire with the warm Sun heating up the ground to the perfect summer day. The people of Camelot were busy shopping and conversing with one another and serenity could not help but smile and believe that her life would be here from now on. This would be her home. But she wondered if she would even survive. She heard the main castle wish you was stopped once in awhile to ask who she was but all she did was smile and continue on her way. She admired the castle as she walked. It was so big and grand, more so than she ever dare to dream. A smile plastered all to her face as she was trying to find the main hall to get an audience with book the king and the prince. With the letter securely in her hand she knew she was safe here and will be received. In her observation of the castle she could not help but be distracted from her past and was sooo knocked down by a boy carrying way too many passages on his own. She heard him apologize and she could not help but laugh a little, "It's alright. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She said and helped pick up what had fallen. She then looked at the boy with her jade green eyes and met his bright blue ones she froze a moment as she felt a connection to him he had never felt before. Like something had tied a string from her soul to his and she wondered if he felt it too. Her long golden hair shone brightly in the sunlight and almost rival the gold of the king's crown. Her skin as pale as fresh and untouched snow with lips as red as blood to shame the red roses. She was dressed in a fairly airy and light gown of lavender with white flowers decorated at the him and light green, that allowed for free movement and lightness of foot sowed would not weigh her down but it fits her well and suited her, made her look almost like a princess in her own right. "Please forgive me. I hope you can help me for a moment, please. Could you take me to the king and Prince? I have to speak to them both as soon as I can, but why don't I help you first?" She then smiled and gently took some of the packages into her own hands to help ease the burden and follow him to wherever he was needed to go. " my name is serenity by the way, it's nice to meet you."
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Looking up and meeting the girls gaze, straight away Merlin felt something. He wasn't sure if it was just the beauty of her astounding green eyes or the presence of magic that he felt coming from her, but whatever it was, it was strong. It was in that moment that he knew, this girl would end up playing quite the part in his own destiny. They often say meetings happen by chance, he knew this one was fate. Taking a moment to actually comprehend that the girl had spoken to him, he quickly added.

"No, no the fault is all mine!" Merlin insisted. When the girl had asked to seek an audience with the King and Prince of Camelot, Merlin couldn't help but tilt his head like a little dog in confusion.

"Why, are you a princess or something?" he questioned. Her beauty definitely made it seem so. However, he realized how rude that may have sounded.

"I-I mean, because both the King and Prince are quite busy so to have an urgent audience with him well, you'd need to be royalty or some noble or have a matter that's well...urgent." The girl then started helping him pick up his things and looked ready to carry them off.

"Oh please, you don't have to do that," Merlin insisted. The gesture was very kind but he felt guilty knocking into someone and then having the same person help him with his allocated jobs for the day.

When the girl spoke her name, Merlin couldn't help but notice how well that name fit her appearance.

"Well Serenity," Merlin began, giving his signature smile "I'm Merlin. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Serenity giggle a little when he asked if she was a princess as it was a bit funny as she could be considered a noble but not really. "Of sorts, I suppose. It's a long story that starts before I was even born. I don't want to bore you." she said and kept the packages in her hands with a smile, "It's alright, I understand that it's unusual but even a king has to keep his promise." she shook her head, "I may not have to but I want to. It's fine, really." she then got a response for his name and smiled again and tested it out, "Merlin. That's such a wise name. Kind and guiding." she then realized she might not have made much sense and let it go. "The pleasure's mine, Merlin." she then fallowed the young man whom she now felt a deep connection to weather it was something normal or magical she had yet to learn but as they walked she couldn't help but feel their destinies were intertwined and she didn't mind that too much at all.

As they went along with the chores Merlin had to do Serenity fallowed along with a witty conversation and a sparkling smile. Along the way they ran into Gwenevier who was surprised to see Merlin in such high spirits and with a girl by his side who seemed more like a princess than anything else and wondered who she was. After their introduction they bid farewell and continued on their route for deliveries. They stopped at Morgana's chambers and instantly Serenity felt like something was off with the slightly older woman but tried to play it off as kindly as she could. Morgana was perplexed at Serenity's arrival and her assistance to merlin and had to ask him if it was wise to keep a visitor from the king for so long. Serenity assured that the king and prince Arthur were their last stop on the route. She wondered how Arthur would react to meeting her before the meeting with the king. She had heard that Arthur was supposedly charming to the ladies but a bit arrogant and wondered how he would react to her if he didn't know who she was. "Merlin....would you like to play a prank on the prince?" she asked with a mischievous grin, "Nothing harmful or sinister, just a small trick to see his reaction."
Merlin was actually quite surprised when she had said that she was actually kind of a princess. Like, how does that even happen. What does that even mean? He was genuinely curious. So far, a lot of the nobles that he had dealings with weren't the most nicest of people. Well...except for Morgana. She was pleasant enough. However, as the newly introduced Serenity helped him out with his chores for the day, he couldn't help but get to like her. She was kind and sweet and quite the conversationalist. Plus the comments about his name from when he had first introduced himself definitely earned her brownie points in his book. Merlin had agreed to grant her an audience with, at the very least, the Prince of Camelot after he had attended to his duties. After all, it was the least he could do. Besides, she had perked his interest. Supposedly the King had made a promise with this girl. Or Parents perhaps. Either way, he wanted to know.

As the the two continued Merlin's rounds of the day, they bumped into Gwenevier, Morganas maid and good friend of Merlins. She gave Merlin the strangest look when she he was with a ridiculously beautiful woman. After they gave their pleasantries and split off Gwen looked back at the departing duo and said to herself

"There's no way I can compete with that."

Before hurrying away herself.

Merlin, being a little curious and not being able to wait, had decided to ask what promise the King had made.

"So, you said something about a promise that was made, do you mind if I ask what that is?"

However, before he got a response they had arrived at their next destination. Morganas chambers. He knocked on the door and the ever pale face but yet smiling Morgana came to greet them from behind the door.

"Oh, Merlin. It's just you. Come to deliver my usual sleeping draught?"

"I have, oh and Gias told me to give you this. To help with your stomach ache of late."

"Oh thank you Merlin, both you and Gias are a blessing to me."

She opened the door a little more to let him in but when she did so she noticed the other girl standing next to him.

"Oh, and who is this?"

Merlin chose to answer.

"Oh, this is Serenity, she's here to see the King."

"Are you sure it's wise to have her assist you instead of taking her straight to the King?"

Merlin was about to protest by saying something that he was just showing her the grounds but Serenity cut in and reassured her that that would be their last top.

Another moment or two had passed and before long, they were departing from Morgana's chambers. However, it wasn't long until Serenity had said something that caused a huge smirk to appear on Merlin's face.

"A prank you say? On the Prince? The future King of Camelot? You want to pull a prank on him? A man that has the power to execute us if he so wishes?" He paused for a second before he let his smirk grow wider.

"I'm all for it. What do you have in mind?" he asked. There was no chance in hell he was going to miss out on pranking Arthur. That was one of the little pleasures he had left in the world. And to have a beautiful noble girl help him do it. It was game on.
Serenity and Merlin were becoming fast friends and she couldn't help but be ever so happy to be near him, but she didn't understand why. He was kind and witty and clever and all, but beyond that she didn't know anything about him and yet, she felt as if she has known him her entre life and longer. When they were alone again she decided to answer Merlin's question as to the promise that should be held by Uthar. "It's a promise that was made before I was conceived. You see...back before the time of the purge, my family had been royals of a nature and were on level with the very kings that sit upon thrones and were close friends with the Pendragon line. My ancestors were visited by a seer that foretold of a child's birth that would be the last of their line. If there was not a promise of protection and shelter for this child within the Pendragon home, my family's line would end. Then, a few years before my birth, my father forged that promise that should a child be born to him, and he should pass from this world that his child would be welcomed within the Pendragon house with open arms and no harm is ever to be brought to the child. The king agreed to the promise as they were close friends. But, unfortunately, the day I was born to my mother....a monster in the form of a man, with the coldest eyes I'd ever seen, came into my mother's room as she recovered from my birth...and slew her where she lay...unable to protect herself...my father had died trying to protect us...I don't know how, but I was saved and raised in a village far to the east. A land without a name. This letter is that contract that was made but I decided not to make it one sided. I want to work inside the palace. I'm a decent minstrel and I'm sure the king would not be too objected to the idea of music as he dines every night." she explained and at points she was saddened but she kept a smile just to try and let Merlin know that she didn't want him to feel bad for her but happy that she survived and is here now and who she was.

Upon hearing an agreement on playing a prank on Arthur she smirked and giggled in mischief, "Okay, here's my idea, I want to see how the prince really acts when not around his father and like everyone else. I wonder if he's the jealous type. How about we pretend you're a prince and I've come to fetch you? I'm sure it would put him on his rear." she giggled at the idea, "Bring him out here, make up some excuse but act like you've never met me before, okay?" She then gestured for him to go and get Arther to the courtyard where she awaited as if she were a true royal princess.
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Merlin listened intently to her story. It was truly a tragic tale. How someone so young could lose both parents like that would be horrible. As someone that never knew his own father, he could empathize to a degree. But, at least she had found her own way through the graces of this village to the East. And had apparently become a minstrel. A songstress most likely. He couldn't help but look at her face and think that that role suited her perfectly. But there was something a lot more alarming than that.

"So wait," Merlin began "You're telling me that you're the last living heir to a royal blood line...but yet wish to sing for our King? Why not ask for help on getting you back on the throne! That spot would be rightfully yours. True enough the King may end up asking for some of your land or whatnot but still, this is a big deal right now!" However, he paused for a second or two.

"Unless of course you're trying to keep the whole you're royalty thing under wraps?"

That would make sense, Merlin concurred. It would not do well if people started hearing that a certain royal bloodline heir was suddenly seen. Hunters and Assassins all around the lands would be out for her. And that thought wasn't exactly the nicest.

"Oh well," Merlin started "Whatever the reason and whatever you choose to do from here on I've got you back OK," he told her with a smirk.

"Like with this prank that we're about to do. It sounds amazing! I'll go grab him now. Meet me in the courtyard in five minutes."

With that said Merlin dashed off. It didn't take long until he reached the training grounds near the castle where the armored prince stood with sword in hand as he tormented, oops sorry, trained his new recruits.

"What was that swing just now?" Merlin heard Arthur shout as he stood by the side lines. "My grandmother could swing harder than that. Put some effort into it man!"

As Arthur was about to make a swing of his own Merlin shouted out his name causing him to stop mid-swing and focus his attention on the man-servant.

"Merlin." the blond started as he started a march towards his servant.

"I am in the middle of training." the future King said coldly in Merlin's face. "I suggest you leave before I consider training you. After all, seeing as you'll be accompanying me on most of my hunts and battles, you'd need to learn how to fight too am I right?"

Quickly shaking his head Merlin said,

"There's an issue in the courtyard that needs your urgent attention. You can come back to harassing your students later."

Arthur looked at Merlin, then to his students waiting on him and then to the courtyard. He then glared at Merlin and announced to his students that training was postponed for the moment.

After that, he, along with Merlin made their way towards the courtyard. There in the middle of the courtyard stood Serenity with a frown firmly fixed upon her face. Arthur strode up to her and spoke arrogantly.

"And who are you?"

It had appeared even good looks weren't a match for him today.
"It's not quite that simple, Merlin. I am and I'm not royal. My family had never had a real tittle as they declined such but they had been considered that way anyway. They never had land to speak of but their reach was vast. Like I said, this was before the great purge and things were very different back then. I have no throne to reclaim but I do. It's very hard to explain and from what I hear about the king....he would not help me reclaim my birthright anyway. Even if I did have tangible land to reclaim, I would not give even a yard to Uthar, not for how he has treated so many people. Good, innocent people, just for being who they are, the hypocrite. I will not hold the same judgment for Arthur as he will prove his way when he becomes king, then I might relinquish something to him, but never Uthar. Besides, I'd rather not rely on someone so set in their ways that they cannot bend or they'd break. But I don't mind people knowing I'm of noble birth, but my line must remain hidden from Uthar's ears. After all, what's one more princess in the world? I could belong to anyone for what anyone knows." she tried to explain but it was so hard to without giving away why exactly it was so dangerous, not just for her but for those that rely upon her survival. Upon hearing that Merlin was on her side and would help her no matter what she smiled and gave him a graceful curtsy, "Thank you, Merlin. You've no idea how much it means to me."

When Merlin ran off to fetch Arthur Serenity made her way to the courtyard and waited patiently. When she was approached so arrogantly she understood why Merlin was so eager to play this prank on him and she hadn't even turned to face him yet but when she did she felt that same thread attach itself to this young prince and it was very tight, almost painfully so. She wondered if he felt that too but she couldn't let that show. Since Merlin stood so close to Arthur she gave a deep and graceful curtsy, "I am Princess Serenity. I have come from the farthest lands in search of the prince. At last I have found him. Sire, you are far more handsome than they described. I am beside myself to be able to be in your presence." She said before she stood up properly. Arthur would think that those words were for him and would be such a stroke to his already inflated ego but that would change the instant she moved and hurried over to Merlin, passing Arthur along the way as if he didn't even exist, and hugged him tightly, "Your highness! I have finally found you! I am so relieved that you are well." She then pulled back a little, "But why are you dressed as a commoner? You are the next in line to inherit the throne and you're dressed as a....a servant? Why?" she then looked to Arthur with a bit of a scowl, "Did you dress him this way? He is royalty! A prince! And my betrothed! How dare you treat him this way!" she seemed outraged but being a lady she had to remain docile. She then turned back to Merlin, "Prince Merlin, are you alright? Ever since I heard you were alive I had been searching for you, and when I heard you were in Camelot, I was sure that I would find you here but not in this state. My poor dear Prince Merlin." she then kissed his cheek in fake worry.
'Princess Serenity,' Arthur recited in his head after she spoke her name. Like Merlin, he too thought he name was quite appropriate for her. It just seemed to...click. More than that though, the moment he saw her, there was a sensation that surged through him. Something he had never felt before. It was strong. Powerful. As if electricity had just coursed through him. However, his musings about what had just happened to him vanished quickly after she spoke. Her voice was soft and elegant, yet each word she said held a power over him. As if he was being entranced. And the things she was saying definitely helped her in that degree. Her story of a supposed prince she was looking for sent another feeling down him. This time, one he was definitely familiar with. It was just like when everyone else complimented him on his excellence. He was about to give a thank you and inform her in his ever so arrogant way that everything she knew that was amazing about him he himself already knew as well. However, before he got the chance to, the girl had made a dash for his bumbling man-servant Merlin, standing next to him. And then the girl had the audacity to start implying that Merlin, of all people was next in line to a throne? Impossible! That notion was just complete and utter nonsense! Arthur was about to step forward and question her about what in the devils name she was talking about when she had turned on himself with a strong scowl and start interrogating him in the middle of the courtyard as to whether or not he was the one that had been the cause for her supposed Prince's commoner appearance. Then she said and did something that had really caught him by surprise. Merlin was betrothed to a Princess? And then she gave him a kiss on the cheek?! No, no no. No. That was not right at all. That just could not be the case.

"Excuse me, but I think you must be making a mistake," Arthur said finally managing to get a handle on the situation if only just.

Merlin on the other hand coped a lot better than Arthur had. To start with, he too was rather surprised, but after a second or two, Merlin totally understood the situation and ran with it. Merlin was more than impressed with Serenity's acting. She did an amazing job. The little peck on his cheek was an amazing touch, and one that Merlin couldn't help blush at. Arthur's face when throughout the whole scene was priceless. The confusion and the sheer bewilderment was something he would treasure forever and was sure would be his saving grace when he felt like he had had enough and wanted to be the one to end the Prince's life. And it was all thanks to Serenity that it could happen. But, he was not done yet. After Arthur had finally said something, Merlin chimed in straight afterwards.

"What mistake?" he said feeling a little cocky. "I don't see any mistake. I'm the Prince of a foreign land and you're just jealous cause no you're not the only special one. I mean, she just called me her Betrothed right?"

Arthur quickly jabbed back.

"Shut up Merlin. The only thing you're the Prince of is being an idiot. Now stop talking and let the grown-ups talk."

Arthur turned to look at Serenity.

"Sorry, but could you please explain this whole...situation again. So that I can understand it. Because at the moment, you're leading me to believe this fool," he started pointing at Merlin "Is a Prince."
Serenity wanted so badly to burst out laughing as she saw Arthur's face in utter bewilderment and confusion but she remained the flawless actress and continued the wonderful prank. When Arthur began to talk back to Merlin in such a way she looked as if she were surprised and appalled that he would speak like that to her betrothed and a prince at that, "How rude!" she said and stood in front of Merlin to defend him with proper pride of a princess, "I did say Prince Merlin, did I not? I would not make any mistake in my betrothed. You should not speak to a fellow prince that way, it is very poor manners and very inappropriate for a prince, as you are supposed to be." when he asked for her to explain the situation so he could understand, it left her such an opening she could not resist, "Are you all muscle and no brain that you do not understand? If anyone is a fool here it is you, not my dear Prince Merlin. His father, the king, will be most displeased to hear how you have treated him. He and his mother had been lost long ago and he and I were betrothed at birth to forge an alliance, when we were children we found we became best friends and eventually promised to marry one another on our own. It has kept me going these many years, the hope that I would see him again. To keep my promise to my beloved." she said almost in tears at the made up memory and turned around and gently sought to be held gently by Merlin to comfort her in and praise her for her faith. The look on Arthur's face was absolutely priceless and while her face was turned away she tried her best to not laugh but in doing so her body trembled but from Arthur's view it would seem she was crying in both joy and relief.
Merlin was really stunned at her amazing ability to string a thread on the spot so well. Regardless of his magical gifts, he couldn't help but feel as if people who have the ability to lie like what the innocent looking girl in front of him was doing, they were probably more dangerous than he was. After all, a well woven lie could bring down a whole Kingdom given time. But well, in this case, it was bringing down a single Prince. She even started the water works. Merlin couldn't help but play along and wrapped his arms around her letting her head rest upon his shoulder.

"How could you make such a beautiful young lady cry!" Merlin said scolding his charge. "What kind of Prince does that? And in public no less?" Merlin said raising his voice a little to attract on lookers. However, when he had looked up to see if that had worked it had appeared they already had quite the crowd. Well, obviously. There was a beautiful girl in the courtyard and the Prince as well. On lookers were bound to happen.

Arthur had realized this fact as well as he looked around him. Thinking quick, and so as to not draw even more of a scene, Arthur took a step forward and whispered strongly.

"OK, look. Whatever left you have to say I'll hear it in the castle. And I'm sorry if I upset you. I'll be sure to apologize to Merlin afterwards if it'll please you. But can we please just move from here."

Merlin, with a smirk couldn't help but feel as if that indicated their win. Looking down at the girl resting upon his body asked

"So what do we do my love, do we follow him?"
Serenity had played her part perfectly and she was surprised that Merlin could play along so well. She wondered if they should have mercy on the foolish and strong prince and end their little prank now before they get him into trouble.

She glanced at Arthur, keeping her pretty and pale face sad and joyous that she had found Merlin, "That you would suggest that I was mistaken about my dearest Merlin, how insulting." she said before she looked up at Merlin and whispered to him, "I think it's time for mercy. He already looks like a drowning puppy the way he's getting flustered and embarrassed in front of people. When we get inside we'll end the prank okay?" She then nodded her head and remained in Merlin's arms as they walked to finish their performance.

Once alone again but now in the prince's room where there were no prying eyes Serenity was graceful but once the door shut behind them she collapsed to the floor laughing and giggling. It was just too much for her to bear anymore and she could no longer hold it in.

"That was so much fun! Oh my!" She said and laughed till she could not breathe anymore and brought tears to her eyes. After a few minutes and she was sure that Arthur was well confused and dumbfounded at both her and Merlin's laughing.

"I beg your pardon, Sire, but it was just too much to resist. Please do not blame Merlin, he was only doing as I asked him to. It was only a prank. I just wanted to see how such a proud prince, as I've heard you were, would take a small blow to his enormous ego. That it dragged on so long was my fault as well, Merlin was only playing along. My apologies, but if you cannot see the humor in this then you take yourself far too seriously. If you can't laugh at yourself, you've lost yourself entirely." she said after she had calmed down and gave a deep curtsy again but this time for him specifically.

"You were correct, Merlin is not a prince, but in his own right, he is. His good heart is rivaled by very few anymore. In strength of heart, he is your equal. The way you handled yourself out there was greater than many men I've known to fall for a similar jest. Others had reacted very poorly, even in front of people. It has become something of a ritual that I do with people I meet of high standing. If they do not take a joke well, then I know that they no longer are who they are but what they are, and it saddens me. If you lose you sense of humor and can't laugh at yourself, then how can you relate to the people that serve you? But I'm talking too much." she said and re-introduced herself, "Hello, sire, I am Princess Serenity. I've come to seek an audience with the king and yourself and have a promise kept that he himself gave in writing." she said and held the letter in her hand once more to show she had legitimate business here in the castle and with them.

She handed the document to him and the parchment seal was unbroken and sealed with a dark crimson wax and an intricate seal of a very ancient line but not one that was known today at all. But Uthar would know it very clearly. It showed that she was not lying about her status as royalty. Little did anyone in the prince's room know what trouble was about to ensue itself within the kingdom. The dark past would be revealed very soon and would shake the very foundation of Camelot to its core.
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Merlin looked down at Serenity as she started whispering to him. Arthur had already turned his back as he started making his way back inside of the castle and so didn't notice what was happening behind him of him. Merlin gave a nod of understanding with Serenity's course of action. However, a part of him wanted to keep the act going for a little longer. Ever since he had started being Arthur's man-servant he usually treated worse than dirt. It was nice to have someone, a pretty lady no less, to make him feel appreciated. Even if it was a prank. But, he knew all good things had to come to an end and this was one of those. He certainly enjoyed it whilst it lasted.

Once the small party had entered the Prince's room, laughter erupted from Serenity, causing Merlin to join in joyously as well. Arthur rounded on the two, and with an expression of frustration and confusion upon his face at the scene unfolding before him demanded to know what was going on.

"What in the world is so funny?" he asked.

After the pale skinned Princess had explained the situation, things started becoming clearer to him.

"So wait," Arthur started pointing first to the Princess then to Merlin.

"So he's not really a - and you're not really betrothed - and me thinking I was losing my mind was also completely false?" he said not actually finishing any coherent sentences.

After fully grasping the whole situation, Arthur couldn't help but glare at Merlin. He turned to speak to Serenity

"Whilst it was indeed quite the practical joke, I personally didn't find it at all amusing," he said "except for the part that entertained even the slightest possibility that Merlin could be of royal blood. Now that was funny," he said cracking a sarcastic smile and sending it Merlin's way. Merlin gave him a small frown in exchange. However, the words that were directed to him by the lady Serenity were words that were welcomed. Hardly anyone ever spoke so kindly to him. No one but Gwenivere and Gias ever spoke like that to him. So it made him blush a little. Especially the compliment about his heart. He decided he liked this girl.

With a sigh, Arthur receded.

"But yes, I suppose i'll admit that the two of you got me good. Even you Merlin. I didn't know you could act so well. And you lady Serenity, are far more than just a pretty face." Arthur said giving her a knowing look. When the lady Serenity finally moved on to more formal business, Arthur too took to a more appropriate posture, standing tall and firm when he accepted the letter. He took a look inside and found that he was unable to read it.

"What is this?" he asked confused.
Serenity almost gave a heart broken look when Arthur didn't seem amused at all that he was the one the joke was played on but it was honestly the only test she could think of to show a good heart.

"Sire, if you cannot laugh at your own reactions to certain things, you are far too full of yourself. Humility is the truest mark of a noble heart. Merlin has shown that time and again before you, but you so very rarely if ever. If our situations were reversed, I'd have laughed with my whole heart straight out. You're so bottled up and guarded. It's almost sad." she said calmly but when he admits to the prank having pulled him in easily and slightly smiled with a little pride when he said that she was more than just pretty to the eye. "Thank you sire."

She was then confused when he could not read the document. She stepped up and took a look at it herself and understood, "It's not written in common tongue, sire. This was written before the purge. At the time, the most iron clad promises were written in Dragon Tongue. That way not even a dragon could break their promises." she explained, "It simply states that my father and yours agreed, that in the event of my father's death and my mother no longer living, I was to be welcomed into the Pendragon home with open arms and no harm is to ever come to me. That is all it says but I do not wish to be a freeloader. I wish to have a job, rather than just stay without any reason. I'm a decent minstrel and dancer. I'd willingly offer my services in exchange for the promise being kept."

With that explained the letters on the paper became readable and there at the bottom was Uthar's name and her father's name as well as two blood thumb prints to sign in blood so that it could not be any other.
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Arthur didn't take too kindly to the rather personal attack on his personality.

"Well I'm sorry my dear lady, but as it happens you are not me and our situations are not reversed. I found your so called joke to be nothing more than a farce that wasted what could have been a perfectly good introduction to one another."

When the girl had answered his question as to what the writing was, he couldn't help but be a little amazed.

"Dragon tongue? As in this parchment has some form of magic to it?" Arthur asked his hand slowly dropping to the handle of his sword.

"I'll have to inform you that any form of magic is forbidden within this Kingdoms walls." Arthur said, his guard rising.

When the Princess spoke of her situation though, Arthur couldn't help but acknowledge it. But yet, he still had a duty to attend to. And that duty was to the King. And the moment he saw the words become readable, alarm bells went off in his head. The parchment was indeed magic. However, he did not draw his sword for he saw his fathers name and finger print on the bottom. And it was clearly his fathers hand writing. He paused for a moment, looking at Serenity and thinking of what to do.

"Very well," he said. "I will take this to my father. However, you are to remain here." He ordered.

"And you Merlin are to make sure she doesn't leave this room until I return. Do you understand?" Merlin gave a bow.

"Yes sire," he said. With one last look, the Prince left the room and closed the door behind them and headed for the castles main chambers.

It was in this moment that Merlin turned to Serenity, with a face that asked for answers.

"Dragon tongue?" he asked her.
She shook her head, "No. It's as normal as anything but the language is sacred and once read it becomes readable in common tongue. It's like making a promise in stone or blood." she explained but when she heard that magic was forbidden she gave him a bewildered expression, "I head heard....but...I half hoped that..."

When she saw Arthur drop his hand to the hilt of his sword she took a step back almost in fear of him. Her heart began to beat faster in her chest. The expression on his face was something that made her worry for her safety and made it almost hard to trust that he would not strike her down though she had not brought any harm to anyone and was a royal herself. Would he dare strike down a royal that was promised safe haven even if she had brought a little magic that was before the purge. "This letter was the only thing that kept me alive to this day or I would have been killed long ago. I owe this promise my very existence. You look at me with suspicion....do you think I wish any harm to anyone? Why would I do that?" she asked him before he left the room. She felt a twinge of pain in her heart that Arthur didn't seem to trust her.

When Merlin asked her about the language she looked at the thin boy as if it were a common thing, "Yes. The language of dragons. It's not easy to understand if you have not studied it but those naturally gifted can speak it without being taught. Back before the purge, it was common practice between nobility to make such promises in dragon tongue. Even treaties were written in the language and signed with blood. Uthar made such a promise to my parents and here is the proof. Why? Is it no longer in use?" she asked confused a bit and a bit more worried.

Meanwhile the king, Uthar, was deep into a meeting with his knights about a foreign land that was said to hold magic that he considered dangerous. He had no idea that his past was coming back to haunt him and his plan would finally be able to be implemented, to crush magic or at least have it contained.
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Arthur noticed her feared expression. The terror that had welled up inside of her the moment he had suddenly taken to a more aggressive position since their meeting made him feel a little bad. However, he had a King to protect and he would do so no matter the cost. Before he walked out, the girl had asked whether or not he thought she would harm others. He looked back at her. Her appearance made it seem as if she was the most harmless flower on the planet, however...he knew looks could be deceiving. Yet, he couldn't find it in himself to say anything more on the matter. Instead, he graced her with one more little stare before leaving the chambers.

Merlin on the other hand, tasked with watching Serenity grew curious. A newer part of magic that he had not yet heard of. After she had explained a little bit about it, he couldn't wait to run down and talk about it with the dragon. However, he first had to answer her question.

"Ah...that matter is a little touchy. See, Uthar has banned anything from the old religion. Seeing as Dragons are creatures of such, he had them exterminated. Although," Merlin said giving her a glancing look "There's a rumor that says a dragon lies beneath the castle."

After answering her question, Merlin decided to ask one of his own.

"So, if you don't mind me asking," he said grabbing a goblet and pouring some water into it for her.

"Would you be magic by any chance?" He asked her handing her the goblet.

Arthur made haste towards his father. He barged in to the main hall, ignoring his fathers protests of him disturbing his council meeting. Instead, he walked right up to him and handed him the parchment.

"Father," Arthur began "Please tell me what this is about."
Serenity watched as Arthur left the room and leaving Merlin and her alone to wait for the king or at least something to happen. She had no idea of the events that would unfold within a matter of minutes. Learning that all things from the old religion had been banned in Camelot, Serenity could hardly believe it. She didn't understand what could make a man turn against everything that he had known for such a miserable world. When Merlin asked if she had magic she simply nodded her head, "Yes, but...I was born with it and of it. My father and mother, as I said were considered royalty but it was because they were the strongest of their kinds. My father, the greatest dragon lord, my mother...the queen of dragons. Their union was not looked upon with happiness at first because the two were very separate worlds, but...when they realized that it was love of the purest kind, they rallied around them and cheered and named them king and queen of Albion, the realm of magic. I was told that, when I was born I literally glowed with magic straining to remain in my body. Even to this day I still glow when I let my guard down so I have to remain guarded, no matter where I go, even in my sleep. I was born this way, but...to simply be banned from a promise the king himself made....it cannot happen." she replied to Merlin and explained the situation of her birth and how her magic resided in every fiber of her being.

Meanwhile while Uthar was in deep discussion with his knights Arthur burst in and demanded an explanation while thrusting a piece of sealed parchment at him. "Arthur, we are in the middle of a meeting. This had better be impor-....." he began but when his eyes beheld the seal of the royal family of Albion he stopped speaking for a moment and he went a little pale as his eyes widened slightly and with a shaky hand he took the parchment from his son's hand to look at the promise he had made many years ago. He opened the letter and saw his name and the thumbprint at the bottom, remembering that he made such a promise but would he keep it, was his question. "Leave us..." he said to his guards and they obeyed without a word and left the king and prince alone in the chamber. "Where did you get this, Arthur?" he asked in worry and seemed like he was angry at Arthur for bringing such a memory back to him.
Merlin listened to her intently, intrigued and compelled by every single word she spoke. There was a sensation rising within him, something he couldn't quite explain. It was almost a mixture excitement and anticipation. The reason for it, he had found someone just like him. He had found someone that, like he, was magic. Seeing as he was still new in Camelot, and that magic was forbidden, he hadn't really met any other sorcerers. Except for that one that tried to kill Arthur in his very first week of arrival in the castle. Gias, too could be counted as a mage but he did not practice it any more. However, this girl in front of him was a whole new ball game. He could have another confident, he could have someone he could practice with, perhaps learn and grow with in the old arts. He almost shouted out his secret to her when something in the back of his mind pulled that action away from him. Gias's words rung and echoed within his head. He wasn't to tell. He was to tell no one of his secret. Even if they are magic. They shouldn't know he is too. It...It was just too dangerous. Regardless though, Merlin looked to Serenity and smiled.

"That's amazing," he said "well, rest assured your secret is safe with me."

He had a feeling he had just made a very valuable ally.

Arthur on the other hand, was not having nearly as nice a time as Merlin was. The moment his father had laid eyes on the parchment he held in front of him, he personality turned cold. Like it always did when it revolved around magic or his past. According to the girl though, this was both. He had feeling that this was going to be a headache. Perhaps he should have just pretended this whole matter didn't exist and just hired the girl as a minstrel without all of this excess baggage. He shook that thought from his head. No. She was magic. Or well...at the very least was an ally of it. His father needed to know.

"A girl, wanting safe stay and a position as a Minstrel in the court handed it to me. Saying you were not only honor bound but contract bound by this paper as well father," Arthur said "However, that magic is supposedly written in Dragon Tongue. Something you taught me was magic," Arthur said emphasizing the fact that Uthar was the than had said that.

"Seeing as it was magic, I decided it'd be best dealt with in your care," he told honestly.
Serenity smiled a bit weakly as if she was worried and sad, "Thank you, Merlin, and yours is safe with me as well. You're just like him, my father, from what I was told of him. Kind and very wise, if a bit of a clown when needed to be, but that just makes you even greater." she told him and winked at him, letting him know that she knew of him as well, even without him telling her. She was almost pure magic after all and she could tell such things without even a word being spoken. She truly didn't know the extent to which this ban had been pushed, nor how far Uthar would go to erase his past with any assortment of magic. Her jade green eyes were fixed on the door and her hands trembled in hopeful anticipation of being able to stay in Camelot. She had a very bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that things were going to get worse before they got better.

Uthar got up from his chair, taking the parchment and crumpling it in his iron grip, "You've done well to bring this to me Arthur. Now I can finally bring this to an end." he said with a very dark intent in his voice as he headed to the doors and called for his knights. "Where is she now?" he asked with a heart of anger and fear and turned back to Arthur once his most loyal knights joined them, "Take these knights and have the girl imprisoned in the lowest dungeon, with the strongest and heaviest chains we have. Make sure that they are the same ones we use for the great dragon. I will not let this opportunity pass. Both magic and the past will finally be corrected after so many years. I will be down to see her shortly to pass sentencing." he seemed like a madman, bent on a plan that had lost all focus. "With this, the war will be over and that wretched element will forever disappear."
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"I don't know what you're talking about," Merlin said attempting to fake a lie as he busied himself with a bunch of miscellaneous chores around Arthur's room awaiting his return. For someone so apt on the battlefield, the man definietly lacked in domestic skills. However, considering he'd had servants from basically the moment he was born it really isn't a wonder as to why.

"You know," he Merlin started "If I ever became royalty and had kids, their going to learn how to at the very least change their own clothes," he said as he started picking up all the dirty clothes that were left on the ground by his crown prince.

Arthur's confusion at the whole matter was only escalating.

Take a girl straight to the dungeons without giving a proper explanation as to why. That was not his style. However, he had seen this scenario before. The moment any form of magic or his fathers past was brought up, he would act like this. He became scared and all rational thought just seems to vanish from him. It sometimes drove Arthur to annoyance.

"Father please," Arthur tried "What is going on? Who is this girl? What was in that note? And why on Earth would I lock up someone who just wants to work here."
Serenity smirked as she put a finger to her lips to let him know that she would not say anything and that their conversation would be between them and them alone. "You need not worry, Merlin. I will not oust you. Emris." she said his magic name and gave him a wink. When he went on to pick up after Arthur and his messy ways she giggled and went about to help. She was not a stranger to work it seemed but she still had the air of the noble princess she truly was. "Well, that just goes to show you get out what you put in. I doubt the king would scold a prince for a messy room." she giggled. Unaware that her destiny was about to change drastically and her life hang in the balance within Arthur's and Merlin's hands.

Uthar was almost in a panic as Arthur attempted to talk back to him and question his decision. "Because she is dangerous Arthur! She is dangerous to Camelot and to your future. If she is not at the very least contained, things will fall back to the way they were and all my work will have been for nothing!" he said almost enraged, "Now do as I command and seal her away at once! That child should not have been born. The little creature that would have surely been Camelot's doom will now become its key."


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