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Fantasy The Dragons are back (Redo, always accepting)

This looks like an interesting rp. Can I join? If so is it possible to make a human that's not a dragon hunter?
Betweengoodandevil said:
Hmm... I dont see why not we have an elven who is not a dragon. I dont mind you can! @Dragon221
Cool. I may dabble with a mortal character unless I get tired and add a dragon instead
@Wickedkent Well, right now we are in the middle of the goddamn forest. I am more than happy enough for you to join us if you want. Cuz more people = more the fun! โ˜œ(หšโ–ฝหš)โ˜ž
Shiro kurogane]you can jump in with [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/38274-kantheone/ said:
@KanTheOne[/URL] because he's wandering around rn.

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