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The demon dance (Zevande & Miss Dolly)


Junior Member
It was cold but the snow hasn't arrived yet in the woods, Leiu sat by the river and filled his water sack with water. The sun was on it's way down and the sky had a beautiful pink colour. A sound made from the leaves from some distance made him react quickly. He stood up and grabbed his bow that was laying on the ground beside him. He put an arrow at it and was aiming towards the sound, he was prepared for anything that could appear infront of him.
( bara en snabb fråga, vilka typer av varelser föredrar du? Människor eller t.ex. alver, älvor o sånt? Så att jag vet xD )
( Uppfattat! Håller mig nog på ditt spår...)

Celine had walked for god knew how long, her feet hurt, her clothes were dirty and her long brown hair which used to be in a braid was now a mess. And thanks to her good for nothing mule, she was lost. Yes, her horse had from the moment he threw Celine off his back and ran for the hills, been degraded to a mule.

"Lost in the woods..." she muttered to herself and yelped as she almost tripped over a very inconveniently placed rock that was sticking up from the ground. She managed to regain her balance however and kept making her way through the bushes. "Wolf chow...that´s your future, Celine...Congratulations!" She was even too caught up with talking to herself that she didn´t even notice the man aiming an arrow at her.
His look hardened and held his grip tighter around the bow, he clenched his jaw before he realized it was only a young woman that was running towards him, he didnt take down his bow, he didn't trust her.

"Stop right where you are!" he growled out to her
The female froze in mid step and she looked around in confusion until she noticed the man. The moment she did her eyes widened in fear and she slowly held up her hands in front of her as she took a step back "I-I´m unarmed...uh...sir..." She called out, but it sounded more like a squeak from a mouse.
He frowned "A woman all alone in the woods without any weapons? You want me to believe in that?" He lowered his bow but still had the arrow in it. He went up to her and stared at her with his ice blue eyes "prove it and please, don't undress, it is to cold for it"
She frowned back sourly at his remark and began digging through the pockets of her, used to be white, fur coat while she muttered under her breath "hmph,´too cold´...like I haven´t noticed..." Under her coat she wore a pair of black trousers, and a navy blue shirt that didn´t exactly hide her figure. On her feet she wore black fox fur boots. She even patted the pockets of her trousers and opened her coat to show that she had no such thing as a weapon on her. The only closest thing to a harmful object she had was the jewelry around her neck, a silver necklace which pendant had the shape of an oak leaf.
His eyes wandered from her face down to her boots where he frowned again "Take off your boots and if there isn't any weapon there I won't be any threat to you" he had been learning to hide weapons everywhere, that was one of the reasons why he always walked around with a long dagger in his boots, maybe she did the same
Her gaze also wandered down to her own boots and her expression turned into a rather nervous frown instead. Why did he have to ask about that...? She thought to herself, but quickly hid it with a glare and folded her arms across her chest and took a step back. "Listen Mr..." She glanced at his bow "Archer, hunter...whatever you call yourself. Maybe you haven´t noticed, but it´s freezing cold. And I´m not in the mood to freeze my feet off!"
He rised an eyebrow at her "the name is Leiu, and listen here miss, it is only a matter of seconds, you won't be freezing your feet off, believe me. So if you just give me your boots for five seconds you will have them back. or else I can't trust you"
She glanced at him for a moment, then sighed in defeat and settled down on the ground, untying her boots and eventually pulled them off. She then placed them on the ground at his feet and glanced away while pulling her coat more tightly around herself. "Feel free to take a look then...Leiu."
He glanced down at the boots before he slowly bent down and picked them up. He looked inside of them before he took his hand in them and started to see if there was something in there but he didn't found anything. He laid them down before her and put his arrow back into his quiver

"What are a pretty young woman like you doing all alone in the woods without any weapons?"
She raised a brow at that as a smile tugged at her lips, then reached for her boots and began putting them back on. "Well, I'm not hiking, that's for sure. I simply wanted to enjoy a short ride in the forest, away from town" She got to her feet and tried to brush off her dirty coat. "And I wasn't alone, I have a horse..." Her expression turned into an annoyed scowl as she looked around the area "Somewhere..."
He frowned again "then you must have been riding for a long time, it will take weeks to go to the nearest town, maybe even months. You are lucky to find me, only the gods knows what would happen if you met bandits out here" he looked up to the sky that started to darken "I need to get back to my camp soon before it gets too dark"
Her body stiffened slightly in fear at the mention of 'bandits', and she looked back into the forest with worry. "Bandits..? I'd prefer wolves over bandits, even a dragon..." She then followed his example and looked up at the sky, frowning as well. Then her gaze fell upon him, and turned into an almost pleading one "Might I...join you, sir? Just for the night? I won't be a bother, I assure you! Then I'll be on my way, as soon as dawn comes, and you can..." She glanced at his bow again "Get back to whatever it is you're doing out here..."
"I agree, rather wolves than bandits" he let out a quiet sigh "well, how do you going to get home without any weapons and can you even protect yourself?" he went quiet for a short while before he asked "which town do you live in? You could follow me to my camp and after that you don't leave, I will help you to get home and after that I will get back to whatever I was doing"
She stared at him for a moment in cheer surprise, then a smile brightened up on her features "O-Oh thank you! Really I..." She cleared her throat "I came from a town called Caisters. It's the greatest harbour town in the kingdom." She raised a brow at him "You're familiar with the town..I hope?"
"Oh I am" he smirked "I was in fond of a girl from there once" that was a lie, he had a mission there once, that was why he knew where it was "I must tell you that the food isn't the easiet thing to get here so I often eat what I have and then you must eat too, even if that is disgusting you must, or else you won't make it so far. And I must know your name miss"
She blinked, had she really not told him her name yet? "Well, my name is Celine, Celine Hart...and the food shouldn't be much of a problem...I hope" Her eyes then brightened up upon hearing a certain thing "Oh, I know of almost every girl and lady in my town! What was her name?"
oh shit shit shit. He had to come up with a name quickly, didn't he know anyone who came from that town? Then he remembered his wife who had been dead for a long time, that she once told him that she came from a farm outside the city "Meesha" he said "Her name was Meesha" so far so good
And lucky for him, the name was familiar to Celine who smiled and nodded. "Ah, yes...Must've been one of the farmers!" She then shivered a bit and pulled her coat tighter around her frame, shifting from foot to foot "You had a camp..?"
He wanted to breathe out in realif but she maybe became suspicious so he answered on her question "ah yes, or camp is more like a small wind shelter and a fire place, easy to create and easy to pick down. I'll show you" he smiled and started to walk towards the direction where the camp was
She tilted her head a bit at that and hesitated, then looked back over her shoulder at the way she came from. Her eyes then widened in fear as she thought she saw something moving among the trees, and it clearly wasn't her horse. That made up her mind for her, and she quickly followed the stranger.
"okay, because we are going to spend a few weeks together now it may be good to know eachother so... tell a little about yourself" he haven't noticed the creature that was lurking in the woods

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