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Realistic or Modern The Dead is Awakening

I'm so sorry... (:'() You can totally take her over if you want i'll delete the cs and you can make her a new one. im totally sorry, but hey smart mines think alike @PokemonGirl
Nah it's fine we can fight over the next one cause now we both have two characters
Name: Quentin


Gender: Male

sexuality: straight

personality: Cajun is a very straight forward no nonsense kind of man. He doesn't take nothing from anybody, He does have a soft spot for the ladies and is very respectable as long as your the same to him.

Bio: Most people call Cajun a backwoods redneck he was born and raised in New Orleans Louisiana on the streets so he had to grow up tough. at the age of 18 he was already in and out of jail. Cajun fell in with the Klan and didn't like the way it was ran so he killed the grand dragon and was then arrested for murder in the first degree he finally got out only to discover the world has went to chaos. When he made it to his home in the Lower ward he discovered his sister had been kidnapped and his parents where murdered tragically he has a very dark past and it haunts him all the time. He has always tried to protect and help those around him with no regard of his own safety Cajun had a woman in his life Cassie lebreaux her daddy was a man of high power and she was a sweet innocent southern girl that had a thing for bad boys. she picked the wrong one with Cajun. see Cajun and Cassie got into a fight and He stormed off. Cassie refused to let that be the end of it and had Cajun beat down in a back alley near bourbon street during madri gras season. So he is very skittish about trusting others

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c36fcc176_rpstuff.jpg.e7a3f9fcebd19bdad9480ead51bede18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63024" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c36fcc176_rpstuff.jpg.e7a3f9fcebd19bdad9480ead51bede18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

weapons: He carries his buck knife 30-06 rifle and 1911 handgun and his horsing rope

relationships: tammy larou {Deceased Mother}

Jamie Larou {deceased Father}

Jessie Larou {missing sister

other: Cajun is very quick on his feet and is a drunk as well



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