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Realistic or Modern The Dead Hills (Post Apocalyptic Zombie RP continuation)

Peacemaker .45

Gigachad.jpg >“why yes I don’t proofread my posts”
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The dead rose up from their graves. Society collapsed. The world fell dark. City by city, state by state, country by country – the world fell dark. The old world, and the rules of it, disappeared, and a new one replaced it. Survival became the key. You either lived to survive by whatever means necessary. Or you would fall.

But the collapse was years ago.

In the mountains of the Northern Rockies in the Montana/Wyoming/Idaho region, people are trying to survive. Some in large, organized groups, some lone wolves, some just a small group of friends, families, or survivors. With an evolving and mutating infection, the dead seem to change. And on top of that, things called legends are now coming into question as to whether or not they’re truly a legend, after
attacks and sightings began to rise.

Resources are running low, groups are getting more frantic. With the increasing threat of the undead and their new mutated forms, and dark individuals out there looking to take advantage of the people fighting to live, the situation only gets worse.

But in these mountains and valleys, dark secrets lie within them. What is lying in these mountains?


So what is The Dead Hills?
The Dead Hills is a post apocalyptic RP, mainly focusing on Zombies. But as of late and with the future vision of the RP, there will be more of a focus on cryptids in urban Legends, particularly from Native American culture and lore in the region.

Where does it take place?
So this RP is one that had been around for awhile. But some stuff got in the way and we had to stop for awhile. There was a story that was basically finished prior to that stop. Now, we’re picking it up again and we’re starting a year or so later from prior events. So where does that take us now? The Montana/Idaho/Wyoming area of the Northern Rocky Mountains.

So what are we looking for? We’re looking for a few new people to join the RP. The RP is best defined as a mix between casual and detailed. So, someone who writes more detailed is preferred. But I’ll be honest with you guys, this isn’t an RP meant to be one where you just blast away at zombies and stuff left and right. This RP is intended to be more realistic (or at least as much as you can be with this genre), one that is gritty, where the characters look and act more realistic, and they do have flaws that can show and there are character arcs altogether with them. In other words, they can’t just be some military dude who has a gigantic arsenal and is trained in gorilla warfare and been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and have over 300 confirmed kills. They’re just survivors, not Navy SEALS. Native Americans will play a part in the RP as well. So if anyone wants to play one, or would be interested, I thought I would just throw that out there.

We’re open to all ideas for plot. We do communicate ideas and bounce off of each other to try and work out ideas and plot points. (We currently have a Discord group where we discuss it all.)

If you wish to find out more about the RP, or view some of the pages for it, here are some links.

General Info Thread <—(current characters here. But so far, there is some debate about who is returning. Just a heads up. My character, Jennifer, is for sure.)

Character Sign Up

In Character Thread

Character sheets look like this



Age (minimum of 18):

Appearance (Realistic picture ONLY/face claim and short description):

History (Two paragraph minimum):

Personality (1 paragraph minimum):






Character Quote:

[Not going to lie, I suck at making these threads o if you have any questions, post them below, or PM me. I’m happy to answer any since I’m bad at these interest threads]

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