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Realistic or Modern The Dead Are Walking -Roleplay-


"Okay,okay. Maybe a quick arrow to the head or maybe a trip and stab..." Aberdeen stood inside of a grocery store,looking for any leftover items. So many thoughts ran through the small girls head as she heard obvious zombie groans coming from around a corner. She decided on the method to use on this unfortunate soul and popped out,her bow drew back and an arrow springing free of its restraints. After about half a second,the arrow connected with the infected's head,sending it falling to the ground. Aberdeens lip quivered up in disgust when she seen the arrow poking out of the back of the skull. "Sorry about that,dude." She said before pressing down on its stomach and pulling her arrow out of its head and placing it into the pouch with the others. 

Her  eyes focused all around her,watching for any movement and her ears listening. When she knew it was safe to move,she continued moving up and down the almost empty isles,getting things she thought would be useful like food or water or medical supplies. After her bag was filled,she exited the store,her thoughts now filled of what this small town used to be like. Now,it was a ghost town. Once outside,she climbed onto her horses back. "Yah!" She yelled,heading South. 

 Eveline 'Eve' Doreen Smith

Eve throwed herself up from the bottom shelf as she detected the sound echoing through the town. Someone had yelled and they were not scared, nor did they sound angry. Eve spat on the floor, a silent curse she learned a few years back. She had no time for stupid people, and giving away living sounds were stupid. Dragging her mind back to her own buisness Eve hold a flask she had found over her head, looking through it with the daylight in the background. A bottle of whiskey, she smiled. This was perfect. She opened the bottle and sniffed, this was not good stuff for drinking, but for cleaning it was perfect. High in alcohol and low in taste, probably really cheap and something she would have liked in her teens. She grabbed her backpack that stood beside her, made a silent place with the sleeping bag and throwed the back Packsack over her shoulder again. She exited the liquorice store, over the other side of the street there was a clothing store. She looked longengly as she went past it. The windows chrushed and the clothes throwen at the floor. She did not have time for this, she told herself, she did not need new jeans. Looking over her shoulder, following the sound of a moan she saw the first one rounding a courner. A silent curse, the girl who had shouted would hopefully get hell for what she did to others. Eve loosen a band around her backpack, a move she learend the hard way, as she started to move faster. They were slow, she thanked every god she could think of for that. From har backpack she took her axe, the only beloved weapon she owned. Guns had never really been her thing, even when she as a kid hunted with her father. She had prefered the work afterwards, she gutting and the butching. Eve smiled at the memories, it was such an easy time. Starting to run, but not sprinting, she got herself out of the town. She could still hear them, the walkers. Turning her head around she could see a few, about ten of them, change their way again. She hoped the person, or persons, destracting them from her had just as much luck as her. She gave a the town a sad smile, hopefully the walkers would not get dinner tonight, and hopefully she would.
"God fucking damn it." The male wearing the Ghillie suit, hidden in the tall grass by the outskirts of the town mumbled under his breath when one of the women yelled, attracting the attention of the 'beasts' "That fucker ruined my visit to the town" he joked to himself, still keeping the low indistinct and almost unintelligible tone. "What? Another one?" he noticed another survivor leaving the town on foot, but this time she was being chased by a few zombies and was holding an axe 'Should I help her? Or should I just loot her dead body?' the male thought to himself as he crouched, heading towards where he last saw the female, zigzagging to avoid zombies that were standing in the way 'I just fucking hope that person isn't a fucking psycho' he thought, but ended laughing at himself, since he was already becoming quite paranoid after living in the woods ever since 'it' started, first off it was his annoying neighbor, then the old woman in the house behind his, so he ran off into the woods carrying supplies without thinking twice, building a camp where he hoped nothing would follow him.
(Sorry for Oocing in Rp chat, but I won't be able to reply in the next 6/8 hours)
Tara wakes up in the four story building and yawns, the faint crackle of electricity can be heard in the distance. She smiles to herself they held up then? Guess the extra length of wire helped a bit. No more burnt out traps then. She picks up her jacket and puts it on and makes her way over to the dirty window, using her sleeve she wipes away the grime and peers out into the deserted city. Tara picks up her sniper and looks through the scope, there was nothing more than a few husks shambling through the streets "shame. I thought I could meet someone today and talk to them...It's been a while since I spoke to anyone..." she puts her rifle down and walks over to her makeshift bed, a few feet away she had built a fire which had slowly burnt out overnight. She opens her backpack and pulls out a tin of beans, she opens the can using the ring pull on top and pours them into a metal cup which she then places over the fire "But food brings us no closer to God; We are no further away from him if we don't eat it and we are no closer if we do..." she laughs to herself as she recites the phrase, her dad had always been big on religion but Tara never really understood why, it was nothing more than cryptic messages to her but she never spoke a bad word against it since it made him happy to have some kind of belief.

Tara looks over to the wall next to her and eyes up her barbed wire baseball bat. she had hastily made it just after things started getting bad and she was thankful she made it. At first she was worried it wasn't going to be as effective anymore but the barbed wire added some extra power to the bat. She unstraps her thigh holster and lays it in front of her, she had taken the Five-Seven pistol from her father just before he died. He had handed it to her with his final breath and told her to run and she did. Tara runs her hand through her hair and then brings her knees to her chin as she remembers her father and what had happened to him. She shakes her head and picks up the cup tentatively and instantly pulls her hand away as the heat surges through her fingers and burns her. She folds up some spare cloth and uses it as an oven mitt, she grabs the cup and takes a forkful of beans, she blows on them for a while and then eats them. While she wasn't eating like royalty, Tara was happy that she was eating at all. she had met more than a few people who were willing to kill her for nothing more than a Kit Kat. She swallows another forkful of beans and then begins singing to herself "I've been through the desert on a horse with no name, it felt good to be out of the rain, in the desert you can remember your name, cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain" she chuckles as she sings and then goes back to eating her food in silence.

(First post has to be long to set up some kinda story for my character sorry XD)


justin sighed a little as he drove down an empty street towards the now abandoned city a bored look on his face as he sat there one arm rested on the door holding his head up and the other one on the steering wheel as he slowed down meeting a bunch of broken down abandoned cars. Slowly he manuvered Around them as he moved in his seat reaching over to the military radio on the dash and flicking it on and trying to find a working signal as he got past the minefeild of cars and was now in the city slowly driving along so the engine didn't attract much attention. Justin was rather glad he had suited up this mourning with his leg holster on and one of his pistols fully loaded in it while the one with a silencer sat near the seat for easy grab also fully loaded. His helmet sat in the passenger seat and his vest was strapped up to his chest along with his combat belt all filled with full mags for his assault rifle which also sat close by and his pistols. He kinda hopped another human that was nice would hear the sound of his truck and come looking for him. He was getting tired of the silence, it was almost driving him insane
Tara finishes her food and goes back to the window, the dead were all moving in the same direction. It was obvious something was drawing them away and Tara wanted to see what it was, she packs up her stuff, disconnects the traps and packs it all into her bag and sets off. She twirls her bat around in her hand as she bursts through the main doors on the ground, her Five-Seven was in her thigh holster and her sniper was slung over her shoulder. Tara hears the faint hum of an engine and grins either friendly people or bandits, should make for a bit of fun either way. she runs down the street and then takes a sharp turn into an alleyway, she sees the military vehicle drive past and ducks down. She pulls a radio from her bag and begins searching for correct frequency, eventually she settles for the one she thinks is right and attempts to contact whoever is inside "you there. In the humvee, stop the vehicle now. I have an anti-materiel rifle aimed on your vehicle so don't try anything funny. Are you friendly or are you here to kill, steal and destroy?"

@Daniel reaving
Justin was slowly driving alone till he heard some one over the radio slamming on his brakes as he heard her words and immediately he picked up the mic to it and looked around. As he pressed the button to talk he couldn't help but chuckle at her words. "You really thing I'm gonna believe that you have an AMR? Even if you did I highly doubt you know how to use it. So why don't you give up your hoax and step out of your hiding spot. I don't kill people unless they try to kill me." He said back through the radio 

@Katie Jensen
Tara steps out of the alleyway with her sniper aimed at the Humvee, she wasn't lying about the AMR, her sniper was a military Barret M82A1. She wasn't going to fire unless provoked. She speaks into the radio "check behind the car, I fully know how to use this thing. The great thing about my dad being an ex-Ranger is he taught me how to use pretty much any weapon he could get his hands on and after the end of the world came the military left their bases behind...Found this just laying around so you wanna laugh now?" Tara didn't want to sound like she was looking for trouble but she had to show the man inside she meant business. She wasn't going to let someone looking to kill innocent people go free, she had to be sure he was friendly.

@Daniel reaving
Dayana grunted as she lay on her back in the footspace of an abandoned car. She squinted up at all the colored wires in front of her. She had never hotwired a car before but she did watch as one of the fellow members of the last group she was in had did it... she sighed and almost punched the steering wheel in anger but stopped herself knowing that would only draw attention, and what if the horn had honked when she hit it. She laughed to herself as she envisioned some idiot honking the horn and getting over run by a horde...She got out of the car deciding to keep it moving and try another car later. Yana bent back in to pick up her beloved machete and her backpack. A small gasp escaped her as she heard the engine of another vehicle coming past her. Yana quickly got back into the car and bent down. She peeked her head up just enough to see. Whoever was driving slammed on the breaks and Dayana immediately gripped her machete. "Fuck. Did they see me?" She whispered to herself assuming that is why they had stopped. 

Yana sat in silence, watching, waiting to make a move.
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"He might have taught you but the difference between you and me is. I am special forces. And your a girl with basic arms training from your father. Do you have the discipline to truly shoot a man?" He asked as he put his helmet on and turned off the radio transferring the channel to a radio strapped to his vest as he grabbed his rifle making sure it was loaded as he looked back in the mirrors spotting the girl on the passenger side of the car. Smiling he quickly got out using the jeep for cover as he got to the back corner and kneeled down leaning out barely with his gun aimed down at her. He was in a special military stance that baciay fully hid him behind the car as long as well as let him fully aim at her. Pressing his radio. "Are you sure you want to get into this fight girl? I'll lower mine if you lower yours." He said to her 

@Katie Jensen
Tara nods and slings the rifle over her shoulder, the stranger was from the military and that's all she needed to hear, she raises the radio in front of her "sounds like a desl, sorry for threatening you but these days you have to be careful...You can go now, I just had to make sure you weren't here to kill what little remains of the living." Tara lowers the radio and clips it onto the waistband of her shorts and turns on her heel and begins walking away.

@Daniel reaving
"Really? That's it?" He asked over the radio as he saw a couple of the dead start shambling out of building. "Uhhh you might want to hurry up and get out if you want. Seems like the dead know we are here." He said to her as he looked around some more as he got an idea. "Why don't you come with me? I have plenty of food and water to spare." He said over the radio

@Katie Jensen
Tara thinks it over a second and sighs "I was told to never talk to strangers and I broke that rule so I guess going with one doesn't matter. I accept." she turns to face the dead as she waits for a reply, she twirls the barbed wire bat and prepares to defend herself

@Daniel reaving
The male, long since giving up on the other girl leaving the town, returned to his usual advantage spot on the hills, only attracting one infected, which he easily dodged it and kept moving in the crouched stance. "Bloody hell, go after someone else" He mumbled under his breath, and, as if luck striked him, the infected turned and started chasing someone.... or something else. When he reached the spot, he immediately noticed a parked vehicle in one of the nearest streets 'So that is what the infected are after...' Dominik thought as he looked through the scope, searching for people near the vehicle and in the nearby buildings.

@Katie Jensen

@Daniel reaving

(sneaky sniper with a ghillie, hue)
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"Well then lets go." He said as he stood up stepping out of his cover and geastiring for her to come over. "We need to get out of here." He said as more and more dead started to show up around them 

@Katie Jensen
He noticed a male entering the vehicle as the undead started to crowd around him 'Shit, I'll see what I can do...' He thought as slowly raised his aim 'Umm... 300 meters?' He fired one shot, the bullet quickly travelling towards the horde, missing an undead by inches and hitting the hull of the jeep, the gunshot giving away his location to more undead.

@Daniel reaving

@Katie Jensen
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Yana watched the two speak for a brief moment and then the woman lowered her weapon and started to walk away. Yana was confused but didn't show herself. She finally let go of machete. They werent trying to kill each other so chances are they wont try to kill me, at least not right away, she thought. Maybe i should go talk to them, see where theyre headed. It had been a few weeks since Yana had been seperated from her group and although she liked her solitude, in a world like this, having company wasnt all so bad. " Aw shit" she said to herself as she heard the shuffling of walkers, she looked behind her and there they were, coming right for her and the other two. There were also some coming out of a building near the man and woman. She reached quietly toward the door handle and pulled the door closed as quietly as she could. But it wasn't quiet enough. As she shut the door and it clicked the zombies slowly turned their heads in her direction, their empty eyes met hers. She jumped over the middle console to the passenger seat and opened the door. Just as the Zombies began to bang on the door on the other side. It's like they came out of nowhere. It's always like that it seems. She ran towards the two now, " Hey! C'mon let's go!" She whisper-yelled at them looking around as the zombies by the abandoned cars scrambled closer plus the ones coming out of the building. They needed to get out of there and fast.
"Shit!" Drake said as he heard the gun shot hit his jeep and immedietly turned to where it came from and shot at the area a couple times before focusing on the dead putting bullets into there heads. "You two let's go!" He yelled at the girl he was talking to and the girl that had appeared near them. "Get in!" He yelled sternly as he kept firing at the dead as he made his way for the driver door expertly hitting the dead in the head one after the other all the while keeping an eye on the place the sniper shot had come from

@Katie Jensen


 The muzzle flash could be seen for a split second as the male fired another shot, this time the bullet landed in one of the infected, hitting it on the right leg. 'Alright, I better move before they think I'm hostile...' Dominik thought as he crouched. Still camouflaged by the tall grass, he started heading west, the only direction that would make his escape possible, since no infected were around that general direction 'This guys are in trouble! God fucking damn it!' It was his only thought as he could see more of them closing in.

@Daniel reaving

@Katie Jensen

Yana slashed at a zombie to her right as she ran over to the passenger side door. She stabbed another right between the eyes and snatched her machete back out of its head as she grabbed and swung open the door. "Cmon!" She yelled toward the other girl. Dayana put her machete back in its sheath on her back and pulled out her pistol. There were way too many zombies to fight off with just her machete if it all we downhill and she had to escape alone. 
Tara swings her bat and smashes an infected in the side of the head, she turns and opens the back door of the humvee and jumps in "drive! They're surrounding us!" Tara watches as the horde surrounds the military vehicle and looks at the soldier "So we have a mystery shooter and a horde of these things...Do you always bring trouble with you?" she sits back and regains her breath, if they didn't start moving soon they'd be swamped. 

@Daniel reaving @ragingfire
"Course! What's the fun in not bringing them with?" He asked as he got in making sure every one was in before he put the jeep in drive and launched off plowing over a good amount of dead as he raced down the street and took a sharp turn and kept going easily outrunning the horde. "So may I know your names?" He asked the girls as he reached down fiddling with his prosthetic a little so it was easier to drive with it on as he looked to the two girls curiously

@Katie Jensen


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