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Futuristic The Darkness of Our Souls

Sadow grimaced "A settlement? What does the Inquisition have planned for this area exactly? They don't seem the type to invest time and resources on things that won't return a profit." As much as they professed to be an organization devoted to rebuilding humanity, Sadow understand they cared about the same thing as other "organizations" - making money. If the Inquisition were to rebuild the world, it would be in their image. Their laws, their rules.
"No, no, no profit, I mean what is there to make a monetary profit this days."She said defensively, dispite her hardening experiences she was still naive to the inquisition true face. "I will admit it is a bit of a experiment, seeing what is necessary to make a successful community to repeat process in other areas. They are selective with settlements denizens."
Sadow lowered his gaze in contemplation before replying "Tell me what is needed." It's been a long time since Sadow settled down. It would be a refreshing change from having to keep looking over his shoulder for bandits.
"Any people with useful skill that can help in building the community. No lazy sloths"She explained before taking out a list from her pocket and read it out."We need a people experienced in security, skilled foragers and scavengers, IT people, builders or architects and more..."medical professionals"...Look they just want to piss me off by having that requirement underlined as vital."
"Shhhh..." Kelsey cut her brother short. "I can hear voices nearby." She walked over to the door and pressed one ear up to it gingerly. "...community..." "....security..." Someone was definitely talking, of that she was sure, but she could only pick up the odd word or two of what they were saying. She turned back to her brother. "I should go and check this out. But thanks for the food." Kelsey tucked the small bundle of food that Ryan had given her into her bag. Nothing too extravagant, but it would last her a little while.


She looked up. "Yes?"

"Stay safe. I'm worried about you, you know."

Kelsey didn't respond. Instead, she turned around and went out into the street, closing the door quietly behind her. She could still hear talking, maybe in the next street over. Instinct told her to get away, since a group of people meant trouble, but she couldn't stop herself from going to investigate. She crept silently into an alleyway and edged closer, trying to make out what was being said.
Sadow folded his arms and asked "How many have already volunteered?" He was still skeptical of this. A huge civilization would mean constant attacks by bandits and raiders. Sadow had his share of experience, but he didn't relish being a target.
"Currently we are at around twenty people, with temporary settlements set up."She explained before moving to a nearby window looking out the wasteland ahead."Mostly tents with improvised barriers as a parameter. This temporary at the moment just in case we find a better location or there is a need for a quick exit in time of serious trouble."
Settlements? Twenty people? Kelsey had heard many things from scavengers, but talk of any kind of long-term settlement was new. "Tch..." She muttered to herself. "They're fools if they think that, in this day and age, a settlement is possible." Decades of war had proved that humanity could not sustain a stable society for long. It was in our nature to lie, betray, steal and destroy: a settlement could only get so big before something went wrong. But Kelsey couldn't help but let her mind wander. If....just if there were some kind of settlement...a place where Mum and my sister could be safe..." She killed the thought quickly. It would never work. Her family were safer the way they were. She turned around and began to creep back out of the alley.
Sadow's eyes darted in the direction of the sound. The crackle of glass beneath a shoe. He took aim and fired a warning shot into the alley, shouting "Come out of there with your hands raised!" He was sure the person would take off, and while Sadow wasn't in any mood for a chase he wasn't going to let some potential leftover bandit filth get away to mug and rob another day.
Meredith acted quickly, stepping behind the man and grabbing him about the arms.

"They're not harming anyone, let them be." She hissed into his ear. Unnececary death... not worth it. "There was nobody else with those fools and myself."
As soon as she heard the shot, Kelsey froze. She turned around, hurriedly considering her options. She could try and make a run for it, but there was no guarantee that she wouldn't be chased. Besides, she wasn't too fast and her stamina wasn't great, so she would most likely be caught up with or, worse, take a gunshot to the back. She began to walk slowly towards the opening of the alleyway, and she began to speak quietly; "I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm just passing through." She slid one hand into the pouch at her waist and pulled out three darts between the fingers of her right hand, which she discreetly slid into her belt. If things went wrong, she could always put a dart in the gunman's eye and try to get away.
Sadow took the girl's advise and lowered his rifle to the ground "You should be careful about stepping on broken glass. Apart from cutting your feet open like a seashell, it can give your ass away." Sadow didn't relish the idea of putting rounds in a girl, regardless of the advise. He remembered having to do such things in the Inquisition, among other atrocities he had pushed into the back of his mind. Best not to dwell on the past.
"Are you people done?"She asked asked softly but firm after the situation died down abit, a disappointed look in her face."Not just this, the whole ordeal in general. The cynicism and mistrust.... I am, i don't know about the rest of you, lost a lot because of it. I want to change it, not restore the old world but improve the one we have however small itiss. I don't want waste my time with those that dont want the same. I am going to go, if you want to join me feel free to, otherwise...Hope you thrive here."

She turned away from the group and walked of wiping away an errand tear from her eye.
Meredith sighed. She looked from the two that had been fighting to Helana, walking away. It took her only a split second to make her descision. Carefully, she reached for her sword, watching Sadow, that he either didn't notice or didn't feel it threatning. Slipping the blade into her belt, she began to follow Helana. She couldn't run to catch up, not wanting to jostle her arm, but she walked as fast as Helana did, not letting her out of her sight.
Kelsey stared after the two women as they walked away. The man with the gun no longer appeared to be watching her, and now would be a good time for her to slip away. But something within her made her reluctant to leave. Sure, these people were probably being idealistic. It was what everyone was dreaming of; a safe place to return to, a community. A sense of normality. The woman's words resonated in Kelsey's mind. I do want change... she thought. This kind of world is no place worth living in. Every day is a struggle for survival. Despite this, she was hesitant. She was afraid to get her hopes up, only to lose it all again. But if there was a chance...just a chance that this could work...she had no choice but to follow the woman who seemed to have such a strong conviction and a vision. It was a gamble Kelsey was willing to take. She stepped forward. "Wait!" she shouted.
Helena stopped and turned to face the call to her to wait, she was pleasantly surprised that the two girls followed her. He gave each of then a small smile, her spirits raised slightly.

"Thank you."
Meredith shook her head.

"Don't mention it." She murmured, looking back, catching up to the woman. "You probably saved a large chunk of my flesh, anyways."
With gritted teeth, Kelsey slowly began to walk forward. If the likelihood was that this 'community' would fail, she just had to be there to make sure that it didn't. "I heard what you were saying before. Please...let me join you..."
Kelsey began to think. In all honesty, she did not have any particular talents. None that would be useful, anyway; she doubted that the piano lessons she was given as a little girl would be of any use here. "Hmmm...I'll admit, I don't have any exceptional skill. But..." She paused, before pulling out one dart, and her most treasured possession, her father's knife. "I have good aim and a powerful throw, so these darts have been my main weapon. And..." She held up the knife and flicked open the main knife, which glinted in the sun. "This knife is like a part of me. I'm reasonably good with carving and crafting things out of wood. I know it's not much, but I'll help in whatever way I can. Even if it's just to help with menial jobs.." She knew she sounded desperate, but what else could she say? "Oh! And, my brother knows some people. He gives me supplies quite regularly." After the last had been said, Kelsey took a deep breath and crossed her fingers. She hoped it would be enough.
She thought for a minute.

"Fighter we have plenty of a byproduct of or age i figure, we have no use of it."She began saying in a still voice."Wood carving will have its use for more permanent structures in the new settlements, but we are taking about larger builds then decorative pieces. Can you handle something like that?"
She sighed, though logically unconvinced of her usefulness in the projects part of her didnt want to leave a young girl like her behind.

"I doubt that would do for my superiors but your young and can learn so..."She began to say finally."I guess we can try you out and see how you go."

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