The Darkest Night: Terror in Arkham

The energy of the street rose to a frightening crescendo before...after a long while...a bent and grey old man in overalls and a stained white button down, his rubber boots squeaking sadly, approached. 

"Was it the Whisperer? The one who cries with a drowning voice?" He asked softly. 
Miles found himself lost once all that commotion flowed over him.

He didn't know what to do, who to talk to, or even where he was. He wanted to go home and lock himself in his room for the month, he picked up Olives shattered glasses.

Finding the nearest tree, Mile slowly walked over, sat down with his back against it. He absently fumbled with Olive glasses, this is all his fault.

He shouldn't have let her get distracted, he shouldn't have even gone on this bike ride, and he doesn't even know if she's alive.

Pulling in his knees, Miles crossed his arms and buried his head into them. Waiting for death by embarrassment and shame.
Olivia Finch blinked a few times, slowly coming out of her haze.

"Miles...I think those are bodies..." she paused, grumbled, then sighed. "I didn't get to finish my sentence..." she felt around her face, then her hand shot out towards the bedside table. She swept over it, searching for something with nimble fingers despite her current state. She moved to sit up in an attempt to aid her search, only to flop back down with a pained hiss and an "oof!"

she rubbed her eyes again, blind as a bat without her glasses. 

"Al...dous...?" She squinted, trying to distinguish his face from his neck from his hair. "I-I feel like I've been hit by a truck..." she mumbled, rubbing her sore abdomen like a pregnant mother would.

"...and I never got that milkshake." 

"Not a truck, my dear. A Packard." Aldous cooed, gently sitting down on the edge of the bed and running his fingers through some of the loose strands of her hair. 

"You were careless riding your bike, my dear. You're in the hospital. Don't think too much. Just rest." 
Olive smiled wistfully. "Asking me not to think is like asking me not to breathe, darling." She reached up for him, grasping his shoulders weakly. "Kiss me?" She asked, fixing him with a puppy look. "I may not be all too appealing at the moment, but a pity kiss will do." She teased, "Oh, pretty please, Al?" 

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He smiled a small, barely perceptible smile. "Of course, Olive."

He leaned over and pressed his lips gently against hers before sitting back up. "Do you want anything? Water? Food? Someone told me that 'Miles' fellow called the ambulance. Is that true?" He asked, not expecting her to know anyways. Retrograde amnesia was a bitch.
She frowned, "We were riding bikes..." she mumbled, trying to recall. She then gasped, covering her mouth with her hand and bolting up. 

"Aldous there were bodies by the water! That's what I wanted to say!" She then cringed and sank back down into the bed. 

"Ow, ow, ow..."

"What bodies?" He frowned. "What do you mean about the bodies?" He screwed his face up in confusion. She was probably just rambling. A smack on the head will do that to you. 

He looked towards the beside table. She didn't have her glasses. She must have broken them. 
"On the river side!" She said quickly, urgently. "I saw them and that's why I crashed...or was hit..." she studied his expression and frowned, "You think I'm mad, huh?" She sighed deeply. "I can't say that I blame you." 


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