The Darkest Night: Terror in Arkham

Olive nibbled her lip worriedly. "We shouldn't be so nosy..." She murmured, clutching Aldous's arm, "Let's get on with the tour." She insisted, her look saying 'we'll look into it later.'
Miles nodded in agreement with everyone else. As much as he would enjoy prying into the crime scene for information on the Kidnapping and the Waites, now was not the place or time. Especially since he wasnt a local.
Aldous nodded stiffly, acknowledging the collective caution of the group and pressing onward. The rest of the tour was a cursory guide to Uptown and the University Grounds, but hardly anything of as much interest as the mysterious kidnapping. The Arkhamite couple returned them to La Guarde House just as the distant bells of the Baptist Church chimed out the eighth hour and the setting New England sun cast Arkham in a deep chill. 

Chapter Three -- The Flight of Phantoms

That night, after the students had been thoroughly haraunged and pressed into menial service until ten by the irritable Delacroix, they returned to their quarters free to spend their time until they were summoned at 7 AM sharp the next morning to have Bible study with the old hermit, on account of it being Sunday morning. 

There wasn't much to do, but the students did notice that a telephone had been installed at the request of the University and was hanging on the far wall of the living room. It was one of those older sort of telephones with a bell-type microphone and speaker and a rotary dial. But, presently, it was the only way to contact anyone outside the House directly because cell phone service was spotty at best, and at any rate hardly anyone in Arkham carried one. 

Much to their potential relief, as well, Delacroix had followed through on his promise to repair an old radio and the old wooden box was sitting on the coffee table, currently tuned to AKRD, which was the "classic hits" station in the area and was broadcasting currently an aged version of the barbershop quartet tune "Sweet Adaline."
This phone is definitely ancient.. but, I really would like to call my mom.

Miles thought to himself. As much general unease dread this town was giving him, it would be nice to hear a comforting and familiar voice.

Awkwardly Miles picked up the artifact and hesitantly put it on his ear as he slowly dialed up the numbers to her home phone.

With every ring Miles tensed up a little bit, once... twice... Then he heard the familiar click.

"Hello? This is the Castello residence, may I ask who this is?"

Miles laughed at the formal politeness in her voice. She clearly didn't know this number at all.

"Ay ma, it's Miles!"

Miles dropped his formalities and settled in his Chicagoan accent as not to confuse his mom, he didn't really care if anyone else heard him at this point.

"Miles! My goodness I didn't expect you to call at all. And what strange number is this your calling from?"

"It's okay ma, I'm callin' from da schools ere. How ya doin ova dere?"

"Your grammy and I are doing just fine on our end, don't you worry your curly little hairs ova there."

Miles smiled warmly, he missed his mom quite I but since he'd left.

"How's school? You make any new friends yet?"

"Ah well s'good yous taughts me some mannahs ma. Da people ova ere talk very propah so danks very much. I'm still gettin use to it dough."

"Well I'm glad to know that I had some good influence on you. Now I don't want to keep you from your studies mister. So I love you and gammy loves you and call us back soon okay deary?"

"Love yous toos ma. Bye!"

Miles hung up the contraption as best as he could and turned back to everyone else half expect them to ask alot if questions.
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Olive watched Miles with a peculiar look on her face.

Such an accent. 

She blushed, watching Miles.

How unique! I've never heard it attractive...

She smiled towards Miles with a dreamy expression.
Julia looked up from her spot in the same armchair with her old newspaper and her mug of tea. She saw Miles acting awkward and standing like a man in front of a firing squad.

"You called your mother?" she said. Before he could respond, she said, "That's very sweet of you." and smiled at him, her eyes crinkling a little.

She sighed and set the newspaper down. "Nothing in here about the Waite house kidnapping. Of course it is yesterday's paper. Oh well." Just another frustrating thing that meant she had to wait even longer.

She had been pretty upset that the Housemaster had pressed them to do chores. How often did bathroom tiles need to be scrubbed for grout, anyway?! Plus, it had meant she was too exhausted to go to Riverfront that night.

She looked up at Olive, sitting across from her on the other side of the coffee table. "I was surprised you joined us for Delacroix's Bible study. Do you usually venture out here every Sunday?" (Too late, it's canon, now! Muahaha!) As she said this, she poured out the now-heated water into a small mug and passed it across the table to her.
(Haha. We beat you Colbs.) 

She smiled sheepishly, "I'd like to know you all better, you see." She took the mug delicately. "You all seem very nice," she pointedly looked towards the previously scantily dressed female, then back to Julia. "And it isn't too often we meet new people, you see." She replied, glancing down at her cup. 

And it would be nice to have some time away from Aldous. I love him dearly, I think, but I'd like to speak a bit more freely...

She looked over at Miles, and with a blush murmured, "That accent is...attractive." 
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Amy had dressed in her jogging outfit, but after yesterday's tour of Arkham proper, she was certain she would cause a car accident in the form-fitting black Lycra pants and colorful sport top.  So she threw a baggy T-shirt over it all.  She was so petite that an ordinary T-shirt served as a ready-made night-shirt or cover-all.  She stood in her tiny room and glanced over the half assembled writing desk.  She needed at least one screwdriver to finish putting it together.  For a moment she toyed with the idea of asking Delacroix for one.  She had skipped his stupid bible study and was eager to see his reaction.

She could hear Julia talking to Olive out in the tiny common room, and she decided she would avoid making trouble for the others, she'd get her own damn tools.  She snatched up a water bottle off of the little dresser and headed out into the common room.

"Good morning," she said brightly, remembering to pretend to b polite and cheery - these Arkhamites seemed to need that.  She noted that Julia had that same intense look on her face, like she was desperate for something and trying to look calm cool and collected.  She declined the offer of tea -politely, for once- and waved her bottle of water to give reason.  Olive no doubt would find the wordless, shorthand exchange between Amy and Julia to be odd and somewhat rude, but it was just the way teenagers communicated with each other these days - at least, teenagers not from creepy, haunted towns seemingly being willfully held back or sheltered from the inexorable onward march of time and progress.

It occurred to Amy that Olive and Miles were flirting, if pathetically awkwardly, and that Julia was following the exchange closely... which made no sense to Amy, Julia didn't seem at all the type to hang on gossip and drama.  No, there was something else to be had here.  Being in her own room, Amy had missed Julia's report on the local newspaper.  So instead of going out for her morning run over to campus for a proper breakfast, she sat on the nearest available piece of filthy furniture.  She hadn't missed Julia's obsessive taking of notes yesterday.  Some students were like that, taking notes about everything, rather than just listening and thinking.  But yesterday was different.  Julia wasn't being a compulsive student, no.  After learning about the Waite kidnapping, her note taking had taken on a sense of earnest diligence.

Unless I'm thinking too much and not taking enough notes, myself, Amy thought.  So she sat back and listened to the conversation, too, wondering what Julia was after.  Was she the detective type?  Would she call that cop... what was his name?  Sauron?  She closed her eyes and remembered Albus talking to the mick - her dad had always called Irish guys 'micks'.

Ed O'Saur, that was it.  She realized she was forgetting to repeat everyone's name after hearing it.  She wouldn't remember them if she didn't work at it.  But she didn't have time to wonder why she couldn't remember names of late nor to stop and recite them.  There was something going on here, and judging by Julia's keen interest, it had to be the Waite kidnapping.  Glancing around, Amy noticed that Julia's notebook was close to hand.

Let's see what happens, Amy thought.

"Olive, do you know where we can get some proper furniture for this room?" She asked.  "This stuff," she made a gesture to encompass all of the shabby furniture, "is just so... old and musty."
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Once Miles was through with his conversation. He turned around to see Olive and Julia glancing in his direction. He didn't expect Olive to be there.

Miles adjusted his tie from his newly bought outfit. He felt quite embarrassed to be speaking in his native accent around an Arkhamite. To him, it felt very rude, not to mention he thought that she might tell Aldous, resulting in being looked down upon.

"I due apologize for my, seemingly rude english dielect. You see, my mother is from my birth place in Chicago, and I didn't wish to shock her with such a drastic change in the tone of my voice." Miles looked away from Julia and Olive sheepishly as he fished his fingers through his thick, curly locks to scratch his head.

The abashed atmosphere was quickly cut through by Amy's harsh tone of voice as Miles snapped his attention in her direction when she mentioned the furniture. Miles gave a small wince at the question addressed, and turned his attention to Olive. He desperately tried to silently communicate, through facial expression, that he was sorry to her. Hoping she would pick it up, and not just think he was having a sort of fit.
Julia turned to Amy, noting her jogging outfit. 'Well.' she thought. 'Make an impression, that's for sure.' She raised her eyebrows lightly at Amy's chipper tone of voice. 'In the morning? That's new.'

Instead of voicing this opinion, she said, "Surely you remember what we saw in Rothschild just yesterday, Amy." The kind lady at the counter had basically told Julia that almost no one in town had new furniture. "Besides," she added, "you wouldn't want everyone thinking we're a charity case." She smiled lightly at that, thinking back to Aldous' and Olive's first reactions to coming inside.

She glanced curiously at Miles. Judging from his statements yesterday, Julia had thought he was attracted to Olive. Now he was almost pointedly backing off. Did he know something?

Clearing her throat to get his attention, she said "How did those sleeping pills work for you, Miles?"
"Oh! Um, they were alright. I did fall quite quickly to sleep, but to my dismay, it didn't last very long."

The nightmares were still on going for Miles, and the very mention of it brought him back to that night.

Miles found himself exploring the shore at night for some clues about the where abouts of the stolen kid with an old lantern to try and illuminate his surroundings. The fog was thick and obscured even the sickly pale moon light shining down on Miles, like a spotlight. He reluctantly made his way into the eerily still cold water, only ankle deep at first. He felt a solid crunch beneath his foot. Hesitantly, Miles brought the lantern closer to the water surrounding him to get a better look at the water's floor. Miles stomach dropped, his knees buckled with terror. They were bones, children's bones. The mouths of their skulls were open, screaming in a symphony of torture and agony. Miles fell, the latern was snuffed out. Only with what was left of the moon's illumination through the fog could Miles see that the bones started to move. Their grinding and cracking rang through his ears as he tried to move, tried to scream, anything.  They held him down fast, a dismembered hand covered his mouth. The last thing Miles saw as he looked to sky was the moon was no longer what lit the fog but a single, large eye. It's pupil like a goats. It burned the night with hatred and the sound of children laughing and screaming buried Miles as he plunged into darkness. That's when he had awoken in a cold sweat.

He shook himself back to reality.

I think it would be a good day to just study inside.

He thought to himself. He had a biology pretest to work on anyways. The folklore though could probably wait, he wasn't up for reading anymore about this place after last night.
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Julia frowned as Miles almost immediately zoned out after answering her. He must be an intelligent person, all three of them had been accepted to Miskatonic U, after all. He would have to shape up if he hoped to succeed this semester. Or, maybe there was something else going on....

Julia looked around at everyone and then sighed loudly. "Maybe we should address the elephant in the room. Olive, what do you know about the kidnapping from yesterday?"
Olive's eyes locked onto the floor.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I knew the boy's family, and that was all. A shame, an awful shame." 

She murmured, her voice cracking as she repeated what a shame it was.

"Miles, would you care to go for a bike ride now? I rode my bicycle over here, so if you're prepared then I am." She asked, standing abruptly and smiling towards him. 
"Well uh, I would be delighted to miss." Miles politely answered.

As reluctant has he was traveling alone with an already spoken for lady, it would give him a chance to breath some fresh air and get his blood moving. Also he could get some more info about the local hot spots from Olive that they could look for clues on the nefarious activities the locals may be apart of.

"Any particular sights you would enjoy to see? Or perhaps some routes? Since I haven't been accustomed to much of the local paths and parts, I am afraid I am a touch lost on where we should depart."
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"We could circle around the main square and along the riverside, if it suits you." She smiled, and grasped his hand, all but tugging him out of the door.

Okay, so perhaps she did actually tug him...

she slammed the door behind them, then resumed her regular behavior. 

Once they were safely outside, and glanced around, then leaned in, whispering conspiratorially to him.

"Could you...maybe speak in that accent again?" She asked, giving him her best puppy eyes, her cherub-like blonde curls only adding to the effect of innocence and cuteness, "Pretty please? For me? I'll buy you a coffee!" 
"I uh, *cough*" Miles spat out.

He wasn't used to people really asking him to talk in his normal voice, especially around here.

"It's more fer da sake of myselfs ya see?"

Miles spoke in a low voice and sheepishly looked at his feet and back up at Olive

"Dese folks 'round ere dey ah... might dink I'ves gada condishin er sumthin.."

It was true, even for a native Chicagoan, Miles' accent was pretty heavy, and sounded like rain on a tin roof comparied to the proper crisp tone of the Arkhamites. He didn't want them to mistake him for not being intelectual enough to participate in everyday activities. Or worse be marveled at for being "such a smart boy" because, you know, a speech pattern obviously means you have some sort of disability.

"An s'far as da bikin goes by da river ova dere, I'm okays wid dat."
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"Surely you remember what we saw in Rothschild just yesterday, Amy."

Amy smiled and rolled her eyes dramatically.  Her eyes were green and pretty and rolled quite nicely.

"Yes, I remember," she said with a grin, "That's why I'm asking if there's any other place to shop."

Amy sat back and watched Olive watching the byplay between Miles and Julia.  She repressed a disapproving look that she wanted to level at Miles for take sleeping pills and at Julia for giving them to him.  Her opinion didn't matter to them and her judgement was unwanted, she knew.  And possibly unwarrented, judging by Miles' reaction, so she kept her expression neutral.

And judging Olive's response to Julia to be a complete lie, Amy glanced at Julia to see if she caught it too.

"She knows something," she said, after listening for the sound of Olive and Miles' footfalls on the stairs.  "Or at least she's more closely connected to the Waite family than she wants us to know."  She looked Julia up and down, appraisingly.

"Do you jog?" she asked.
"We're outsiders," Julia said. She stood up and stretched lightly. She was more worried about leaving the two of them alone, but Miles would behave himself. Maybe she would even open up to him more than she had to the two girls.

She turned towards Amy as she asked if she wanted to jog with her. She thought for a moment. 'Beats sitting here doing homework and finding out nothing.' She grabbed Olive's full mug and her own empty one and set them near the door to remember to wash them later. "I do, let me change." 

Julia changed into a ratty old t-shirt and a pair of baggy sweatpants. She tied her hair back in a ponytail high on her head. Appropriately dressed, she came out again and nodded at Amy. "Where to?"
Olive giggled girlishly, "That's so cute!" She gushed, before putting a hand shyly on her cheek.

"Let's go then, city boy." She pecked his cheek ever so lightly, and began on the way to get their bikes.

Once said cycles were retrieved, Olive hopped on hers', and waited for Miles to follow.

"Just follow me. I know the way by heart." 

Miles touched his cheek, dumbfounded at what exactly just happened. A sudden warmth had enveloped his entire face. Ugh why stop it brain! StopstopSTOP

Without turning to look at Olive, Miles spoke "yah sure just ahm.. gives me ah sec ere an lemme give da bike ah once ova."

Miles park himself around the corner where his bike was and vigourously rubbed at his face to try and minimize the amount of visible blush he could feel. Covering his nose and mouth with his hands, Miles muffled his drawn-out indistinguishable "noise vomit" out of annoyance with himself.


After a few seconds, Miles forced out a sharp sigh and lightly slapped his cheeks. Okayokay get it together bud, be normal for gods sake...

He quickly grabbed his bike and brought it around the corner to see Olive with her own quaint little model.

He smirked at her "Alrighdee, da good-ole-boys ready da go f'ya are." He said as he brought his kickstand up and planted himself on the well worn seat of his bike. 
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"Where to?" Julia asked.

Amy thought about it for a minute, pacing in a slow circle.  It seemed the slender, athletic girl was incapable of standing still.  "I only see two choices," she said, finally.  "Either the Waite house or the river front.  And it's way too bright and early for sneaking around a crime scene," she added this last quietly, lest Delacroix -who was fond of sneaking about and eavesdropping- should overhear.  "So, we're left to see what kind of trouble we can stir up on the river.  What do you say?"
Julia raised her eyebrows lightly. "You want to stir up trouble." she said, simply. She didn't bother to quiet her voice, she spoke in her normal volume. "On a Sunday. The first week we arrive."

Both statements of fact. Julia did in fact want to go to the Riverfront. And jogging would give them a good reason to be moving through. But not ideal for poking around. That could come later, and she did have some studying to do.
Olive smiled, oblivious to his meltdown moments prior.

"Alrighty, let's start off for the riverside. Maybe a malt shake on the way back?" She suggested with a sly grin. She had a sweet tooth that was only rivaled by candy-craving toddlers. 

She kicked up her kick stand, and placed her feet on her pedals with a practiced grace, sitting on the little leather seat, which was looking brand new. Her whole bike was shined to perfection and well cared for. She began pedaling forward, turning briefly to beckon for Miles to follow, her impossibly long legs in knee socks and her bouncing blonde curls marking the way. 
"No, I don't want to stir up trouble," Amy said with a mischievous grin that belied her words as they made their way downstairs and outside.  "But I can tell by the way you've been taking notes about this kidnapping that you're going to, sooo... I figure I better keep you company."

Out on the front steps, Amy began her pre-run stretching routing.  Being a physical fitness nut, she had already done a full stretch in the morning, but that was more to put the nightmares out of her mind than anything of the mundane world of caring for youthful muscles that didn't really require much in the way of limbering up.  And it would provide Julia an opportunity to back out or change her mind.  Amy sometimes got the impression that Julia didn't quite like her.  She had to learn to get along with people better, stop being such an introvert.  And she liked Julia.

"This whole town seems weird, doesn't it?" she said, not sure where to begin.  She rarely put her foot in her mouth, but that was merely a consequence of her rarely speaking to anyone.  "It's like something out of an old horror movie."


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