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The Dark Of Winter

Dusk looked down sadly. "I really can't stop him. And... it's tradition. Mom and Dad were arranged and they fell in love. Maybe that will happen with me."
Dusk stumbled backwards and fell on the ice. "No... You're lying! You're just like Grandfather said! I should have listened to Grandfather!" She tried to get the skates of ice off.
"Just stay away from me! Once a Guardian, always a Guardian." She got the skates off and ran, tears in her eyes. It can't be true. It just can't.
Dusk gasped and took a step back slightly. Suddenly, the faint sound of Eclipse calling Dusk's name could be heard. Dusk sighed. "I have to go. I'll come back tomorrow, I promise." She turned and ran off.
Tony's shadows retreated, and he nodded, watching her go with a sigh. He absently wondered if anyone else, like Jack or the Guardians, could see him anymore. Maybe that was why they thought him dead
Dusk ran back into the lair only to see a boy with jet black hair with the ends a snowy white standing in the middle of the living room, talking to her parents and grandfather.
Rage wasn't talking, watching the boy with a glare. He looked over and his gaze softened when he noticed Dusk, mouthing the word, 'go' to her, not wanting her to meet the boy
Dusk was about to walk out when the boy turned around and smirked at her. "You must be Dusk." He said, his poison green eyes looking into her pale blue ones. He was several inches taller than her. Dusk nodded. The boy walked over to her and kissed her hand before standing straight and half smirking half smiling at her. "I'm Daniel Phobic. Pleasure to meet you. You're not near as beautiful as your grandfather described."
Tony was watching through the window, knowing only Dusk could likely see him. Tony's eyes gleamed, and ice rose around the other boys legs, freezing his bottom half in place

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