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The Dark Of Winter

Eclipse looked up at him with wide eyes, then looked at Tony. She blinked back tears. "Please, can we go?" She asked, her voice wavering. "Before he wake up?"
Eclipse sighed and nodded. "Yes. The nightmares can take him back, we still have work to do." Eclipse put her hood back up and walked off to one of the houses.
Eclipse did most of the houses on the block, except for one. "Her birthday is tomorrow and she already believes, I think we should let her be." She explained softly, looking at the sleeping child.
Eclipse sighed. "Right." She half groaned. "Hey, can you deal with him? I don't think it would be a good idea for me to do it." She asked.
Eclipse sighed sadly. "I've already lost him, and Pitch would kill him anyways, I know I said I didn't want you to be a killer, and I don't, but if I see him, Pitch will probably make me kill him to prove my loyalty." 
( mythical creatures rp)
Eclipse sighed and looked up, "it's a new moon," she said. "And all the stars are out, let's go for a walk, the horses can find their way back." She smiled.
Rage nodded with a sigh. That would leave Tony to be tortured by Pitch for a while. he gently took her hand

Tony groaned as he woke, tied to the ceiling by chains, his staff in the corner
Eclipse smiled and began walking back to the lair.

Pitch walked in, glaring at Tony. He took a knife and cut the shape of a broken heart on Tony's cheek. "She broke your heart, this will always remind you of that." He smirked evily. He then cut the picture of a broken staff of Tony's arm.
Tony flinched slightly, but didn't make a sound, glaring at his father. He wondered what the staff was for

Rage followed her
"To remind you and your no good father that I broke both of you and I can do it again." Pitch hissed.

Eclipse sighed, "why does everything have to be so hard and painful?" She asked sadly.
Tony glared at him and growled lowly, glad that the extent of the torture had only been two carvings so far

Rage shrugged, "Its life I suppose"
Eclipse sighed and turned to face him. "You were wrong by the way. You did change. Not all the way, but you did." She smiled and kissed him.

Pitch took out a whip and began whipping Tony.
Tony gritted his teeth. His chest and back was bare, the only clothing on him being his trousers

Rage smiled into the kiss and purred
Eclipse smiled as she kissed him, chills running down her spine when he purred.

Pitch smirked and continued to whip him.

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