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The Dark Of Winter

Tony took it with a shaky hand, and nodded silently, "I...I'm s-sorry North"

Rage nodded, "Unless you want a certain someone to die?"
Noel glared after him. "No. You can't make me. Like you said, you're not allowed to hurt me."

North sighed. "Maybe you should talk to Jack."
"Perhaps not. But there are always others" Rage called gleefully over his shoulder

Tony looked up at North, tilting his head, "Y-You think h-he'll talk to me?"
Noel growled. "What is it?! I can tell by the way you're acting you're playing some kind of angle. What do you want!?"

Jack looked up. "You should be resting Tony."
Rage shrugged, "Just saying, you didn't make the agreement with me. The only reason your family are still here is because of Pitch's efforts to hold me back and you behaving"

Tony blinked at Jack and shook his head, "Can......Can we talk alone?"
Noel glared at him. "Touch them and I swear I will personally rip out your coal black heart and feed it to the Nightmares."

Jack nodded and got up, walking outside.
Jack sighed sadly. "It was when you and Noel were born. He meant to take Noel so that Christmas would be ruined but you two looked exactly the same. We tried to find you but we saw you get hit with black sand. It should have killed you."
Tony looked over at him, and ran his hand through his hair, sitting heavily in the snow and gazing up at his real father, "I...I'm sorry for yelling earlier.... I...I'm kinda bipolar" He said softly

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