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Realistic or Modern The Dark days of winter(Snowy city rp)

If you are interested in doing this RP, here is some information:

It is 2020. Winter has settled over the city of Berlin, Germany as they prepare for war against France. Many French spies have settled in among the Germans, and vice versa. With this new threat coming, nobody knows when the French attack Germany's border towns, and when they do it could mean certain doom for Germany. In fear, Germany created a wall, 10 metres high, around their capital city. Letting no person in or out.

OC Roles:

No fighters/soldiers! All OC's will be in Berlin as either German citizens, French spies, or The Polizei in Germany who will try to hunt down the spies. Polizei can have glock pistols and nightsticks, while no citizens are allowed to own firearms, to protect the city. Any citizen with a gun shall be detained, and their gun confiscated. 

Character informarion:



Role(German, French or Polizei)

Appearance(picture if available.)

Weapons(if any)
Oooh I can definitely see the Berlin Wall and Cold War vibes here. I'm interested, and I'll probably get a character soon.
Name; Erhard Muller

Age; 38

Role(German, French or Polizei); German

Appearance(picture unavailable.); [Do I type out the appearance?]

Weapons(if any); A Kitchen Knife

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