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Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

Sasha heard the loud scream and nodded at Kira's advice. He barely had time to grab his things as he was yanked out of class by Kira. Not sure where to go in this school he kept up with her smiling, "he sounds like an interesting person already" Sasha said to Kira jokingly.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Hmm I have no idea where she would be, library or the rooftop?" Mahiro suggested with a shrug as he looked down at the waking Haru. "Hey Haru," he greeted with a bright smile, " it's been like a whole two days since we've seen you, "
"Wait no no he is a crazy guy that called me his gluttonous friend" Kira said looking around every corner trying to see if he was there. "Okay now if we are really quiet we can head outside to the gardens where it's super quiet and nobody really goes there" she said and walked into the hallway looking around for Haruka and the rest of the 'gang'
Haruka smiled when he finally spotted Kira and jumped on her. Literally jumped. Like a super mario scene.

"Finally we got you" he said as he hugged her tightly. He was feeling especially happy ever since his morning nap that Mahiro interrupted. Haruka noticed Sasha and stared at him for a minute before looking back at Kira.

"Wow you move fast" he said with fake annoyance. "And here I thought I would be the only guy in your life" he said sarcastically and dramatically before laughing.
Kira screamed in surprise and broke free of him and jumped behind Sasha shaking horribly. "T-t-there you go again....what is with people these days?...." She asked peeking from behind Sasha. "Oh Sasha this is the crazy kid I was telling you about. Haruka." Kira slowly began to look around for a way to escape. "Seems like you are full of energy Haruka..." She said as she noticed on open window.
Mahiro had to walk fast to catch up to Haruka, but it seemed he had already found Kira. He watched rolling his eyes as he made a scene. So dramatic. He laughed though when Kira broke frer and pushed him away.

"Haruka stop harassing Kira and scaring the new kid." He said as he went over to them.
Haru yawned, watching Haruka attack Kira. Her eyes wandered to the new student who was beside the said girl. "New boyfriend?" she asked, leaning again a wall. It would be wonderful if a pillow appeared for her. "People have so many relationships these days, I won't catch up in a hundred years." She nearly fell onto a passing student. "Sorry," she mumbled, hoping she didn't scare the guy. She missed her bed and her pillow. A nice place outside would be just as great.
Karu walked around town with his hands inside the pocket of his light-blue and white jacket. He looked around for something to do, because apparently he got bored at home. The pool inside his house was currently being renovated, so Karu decided to step out. "I really need something to do..." he mumbled softly.
Haruka pouted before looking away, though it wasn't clear whether he was actually hurt by her words or not.

"Jeez, I'm not crazy..." he murmured in disappointment. He looked away, his mind suddenly floated to somewhere else.

"I wonder if the music room is opened" he mumbled to himself as he bit his lower lip. He'd been meaning to play the piano for quite some time now ever since his had a loose string.
Hana woke up to the sight of iPhone camera flashes around her. "Huh...?" She said as she woke up. Some senior girls were taking photos of her.... They thought she was cute but Hana was not very confident in herself because of people in her old classes that made fun of her eye colour. She walked with a fast pace to the music room and sat down in there.
It seemed that because of Karu's laid back attitude, he had forgotten about his classes. He panicked for a moment and rushed to his school. "Damn it..." he groaned. He entered the school, most of the students were gossiping and laughing with one another, unfortunately for Karu the swimming pool was being used by students who had their Physical Education class. Instead he decided to head straight for the music room.
(Noooo, I'm just welcoming someone. :3 It's nice this RP is getting more people. I won't steal him--not that it's possible, anyway. :P Good luck, Hana!)
(huehuehueheueheuehhheheu I AM WATCHING YOU LIL GIRL)

Hana sat up as she saw someone walk into the music room. "Oh.. Sorry... Were you using the room?" She said as she picked up her bag before fumbling with it.
Karu smiled and chuckled as he shook his head. He leaned towards her ear and whispered. "Don't tell anyone but..." he paused for a moment. "I'm skipping class!" he pulled away and grinned widely, before he lifted his index finger against his nose, "Shhh~"
(Whoa whoa, slow down, @Tempesta . *starts laughing* Taro is shipped with Kira. Haru is a loner for life; she's fine with that. She doesn't know what the heck love is, LOL)
(awe thank yuuuuuuuuh)

She started to blush and then smiled. "I'll be sure to keep it a secret... But why are you skipping class?" Hana said while sitting down again.

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