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Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

((Oh yeah and I almost got in trouble but got out of it because the principal knows I'm a cool kiddo~ xD )) 
((JK I'm only cool to certain people other people XP))
~'Ring Ring' goes the school bell as it tells us school has ended early~

Kira slumped onto her desk as some of her older friends talked to her about maybe doing a karaoke night. She shrugged as she saw Mahiro and Haruka. "Oh hey gang members. Come over here please" She said as she beckoned them over
Harukas eyes widened as walked over. "No way, is Kira starting the conversation for once?" He joked sarcastically as he sat down in front of her and patted her head.

"What's wrong, any mortally wounding injuries?" he laughed before shaking his head and paying attention to what she had to say.
"Noo~ I'm not a dog or cat" Kira pouted as she looked at him. "I was wondering what you two had planned for after school. I'm free until 6 when I have to head to the café to make sure the new girl is working out okay" she complained looking at them both with her brown eyes
Mahiro shrugged and went over to Kira. Earlier she was getting away from them and now she was beckoning them. She was bipolar and odd.

Mahiro though just went with it.
Hana woke up again infront of the classroom door. "Uh oh..." She said while standing up and dusting off her skirt. Hana tripped over her backpack and fell over in the hallway with a loud thud, landing on her face.
"Ah, right. I invited Mahiro to take me around town since it's my first time shopping here since I moved and I also spotted a really cool cafe that I wanted to check out, do you wanna come?" he asked as he fiddled around with his hair. His bed hair was so magnificent it managed to last all the way through the school day. He paused as he heard a noise.

"Did you guys hear something crash in the hallway?" he asked with a worried tone as he stood up to go check out what it was. It was like one of those weird in-school-horror-movies that his friends made him watch.
"Did someone trip?" Kira asked not moving. "If you want to go shopping I'm your girl. Plus I might know the café you are talking about..." she said then got up. "Don't worry boys Kira can handle it" She said has she looked out the door. "Oh! First year are you okay?" She asked panicked and helped the girl up
"Um... Yes... I'm fine..." She said while picking up her bag and running to the school garden again. Hana really didn't like talking to people other than her family and cousins as she felt like they were the only people that would ever accept her.
Mahiro wanted to pout when Haruka invited the others, but he kept a straight face. That's when he also heard the crash in the hallway and he quickly turned his head as Haruka left to check it.

He tagged along with Kira to find that the strange girl from earlier had fallen.
"Mahiro will you let me punch you? I feel like I need to let my frustration out and right now you are the perfect option" Kira said as she watched the girl run away again. How the heck was she supposed to become friends with her if she kept running away.
"And there she goes again..." he sighed in dejection. He leaned back against the wall as he saw the trail of blood.

"Well good thing I'm not on cleaning duty!" He said trying to shed some light on the situation before awkwardly rubbing the back of his head.

He raised an eyebrow at Kira's awkward question and waited for Mahiro's answer.
"Fine. Anyways it's not like you would let me anyways." Kira said as she slumped against the wall. "How am I supposed to talk to her if I can't even see her for more than 5 seconds without her running off?"
Hana sobbed to herself in the school garden. She wanted to be more confident, but whenever she even thought about it the past kept replaying in her mind, putting her down on everything and not having a lot of confidence in herself.
"Punch me? Um no. Why would you even want to do that." He replied with a raised brow at Kira. Yup he was right this Kira girl is borderline crazy.

Mahiro attention turned to girl that ran away, what's wrong with her?

Mahiro pulled out his phone to check he time, it was almost 4
"I've got an ingenious idea! Let's just knock her out and take her with us!" He then paused realising how violent that sounded before he laughed it off.

"Or- uh- we can just- go? And try another day" he murmured as he looked away. He wanted to help her too but she was being unresponsive and he really needed to get going too.
"Actually you boys go ahead. I'm going to at least get a name." Kira said as she picked up her bag. "And the reason I would want to punch you Mahiro is because sometimes your body language annoys the crap out of me." she said smiling "Bye ~" She called as she walked off to find the girl
Hana slouched under a tree and ate an apple on the grass that fell from it after wiping it on her cardigan. "You know...I think ill give it a try trying to make friends with people..." She said while standing up and looking for the people she saw earlier.
Body language... Mahiro sent her stern icy glare as she stalked off to find the mysterious run away girl. Pushing the bipolar girl out of his mind, he wondered what happened to Haru, she probably had to go home early or something.

Mahiro looked over to Haruka, "What do you need to buy again?" He asked.
"First yeaaarrrr~" Kira called out as she searched around. "Heeeelllloooo? I'm looking for the girl from earlier" She said as she checked under trees and bushes. "Goodness I just wanted to talk with her..."
Haruka chuckled at Kira's comment despite being completely oblivious to his 'body language'.

"Meet us at the cafe towards the West Side, the one with the cream coloured sign" he told her before he waved her goodbye. "Good luck Daphne!" He yelled as he walked towards the doors whilst gripping Mahiro's hand.

"Come on, we need to get going in order to find that piano I've been wanting" he smiled at him. Before letting Mahiro be the lead.

"I'm counting on you" he spoke gently as he looked upwards, still clutching onto him.
Hana looked over at the girl who was shouting her name. "Um.... Sorry for keep running away like that... I'm just really nervous around people I don't know..." Hana said while looking at her feet nervously.

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