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Fantasy The Curse of The Howling Moonlight

Vivian laughed breathily as she stretched out in a lanky cat like fashion beneath him, her gently round chest meeting his.

"There's also tell he snores in his sleep and likes to be coddled,"His mate teased with a wicked grin and a knowing wink,"but they are only tales I assure you."
Mary shrugged the dried blood dirt and scuffs off, she even managed to get out some of the lesser dents. But there was still much to be fixed on it. For one the chest plate was dented badly and the metal itself torn. Finished with what she could she put it all together and set it aside in Marius's room, then went to go tell her family good night.
Marius made sure the fire was stoked and everybody was settled in their rooms before heading to his own. Smiling when he saw the armor set in there, it looked even better than before he fought the monsters. Minus the large scratches and gashes in it now. He yawned and shut the door a little ways before stripping off his shirt and preparing for bed.
He chuckled. "I'd believe his mate likes trying to coddle me more than she knows she does." He teased back his hand caressing her side as he kissed her neck. "There's also tell that she talks in her sleep." 
When Mary was done kissing her siblings goodnight and hugging her mother and petting beast she went back to Marius's room knocking on it in warning before entering. "Everything settled and good I take it?" She asked taking her long blonde hair out its braid and letting it sweep over her shoulders.
"And those, my love, are only rumours." Vivian smirked and simply let her slender body relax as his lips deftly lingered over the tender skin of her throat. Her legs shifted slightly and her palms rested ever lightly on his shoulder blades, fingers splayed out across the scarred skin of his muscled back. The rest of her was still, lying quietly as anticipation kindled a warm feeling in the pit of her abdomen.
"Come in." He called out softly as she knocked, to avoid waking anyone. "It is. Is your family all settled in and comfortable?" Cocking his head to the side he looked at her with a smile as she let her hair down. "Your hair is very pretty like that. It's almost as golden as sunshine and so long and flowing as well."
Ash grinned looking up at her as his lips lingered down her chest and he brought their bodies closer together. "I suppose we'll find out soon enough." He teased once more before obtaining entrance.

(Then they had sexy sexing sexiest sexes sexual sex.) 
"They are." Mary said with a nod but blushed bright pink when he spoke of her hair instinctively pulling it out of view. "Er...thank you..." She said not thinking a man would complement something as silly as a woman's hair. Then she walked over under his bed and pulled out a bag of her's that she brought from her house and pulled a warm, sleeved night gown from it and draped it over her arm. "Look away for a moment would you?" She said noticing he had no changing screen. "Here cover your eyes too." She said not wanting him peaking she tossed a pillow at him to cover his eyes with as she swiftly changed her back facing him.
"Of course." His cheeks took on a glowing shade of pink as soon as he realized that she had nowhere else to change. He spun around and buried his face in the pillow. "Tell me when you are finished dressing okay? I don't want to catch you in the middle of changing."
"Done, you can look now." Mary said tying the small ribbion below her collar bone then getting into his bed. "You didn't peak did you?" She inquired with a teasing smile.
He put the pillow down and spun around to look at her with a smile. "No, but I will admit that I was tempted." He teased. "Fortunately, acting like a gentleman was beaten into me quite thoroughly."
Mary blushed again. "Well I'm glad you are such a proper gentlemen." She said smiling back at him. "Who knows what I would have done if I caught you." She said jokingly as she looked at him.
"Probably beat me up and toss me out into the rain." He joked. Sliding his legs underneath the covers. "You'd have to be quick to catch me though. I'm a sly and devilish one."
Mary scoffed. "Perhaps I should toss you out there right now just for spite." She said with a laugh but then suddenly a devious smirk spread across her lips. "Course you wouldn't do anything to me right?" She said with an overly innocent voice curling up into his chest, and looking up at him with big blue puppy dog eyes. "You wouldn't peak on me would you?" She said batting her eyelashes playfully.
"Noooo of course not." Wrapping his arms around her, he looked down at her with a soft, teasing smile. "That is. Unless you wanted me to." There was a glint of mischief in his deep golden eyes. "I would never do anything unless you wanted me to. I swear it."
Mary playfully flicked Marius's nose, but then looked up at him. "You won't do anything unless I want you to? Pinky swear it." She said holding out her pinky finger to him.
{beep boop time skip}

She was draped in warm furs as she sat near the fire which had dwindled during their time together but now blazed bright with new logs. A smile seemed to be plastered permanently to her lips now, no doubt she would have pups after the fleeting hours of passion had passed and night had near fallen.

She was tired and sore, her body marked with red blots on her pale skin from where Ash had nibbled at her. But where he had bitten she had scratched him, in a wild attempt to dominate which had failed more than once.

Now the two rested, and when her stomach had growled irritably, Ash had been more than happy to find food. She savoured the chunk of bread she was offered, nibbled on cheese and soft skinned fruits in the company of her mate.
"Pinky swear?" He looked at her with a bright smile and laughed. "Okaaay, I suppose I will pinky swear to it." He wrapped his pinky around hers. "Although, a kiss would be more binding you know?"
Ash looked to Vivian with a smile. "Remind me why I didn't just steal you away earlier?" He asked peeling an orange and eating it as he leaned against the wall.
"You wouldn't have wanted me earlier. I was a meek girl at this time last year believe it or not." She smiled and tucked the strand of dark hair that fallen in front of her eyes back behind her ear. Her neatly pressed bun had been torn out during their frivolous activities and now remained a tangled mess of long brunette curls.
"Is that so?" Mary asked her voice flaked with sarcasm. "But maybe I don't want to kiss you." She teased looking up at him with a grin. She sat up a bit facing him. "Maybe I want you to kiss me."
"Well then, if that's what you want me to do." With a devious smirk he quickly leaned forward and stole a quick peck on the lips. "I promised that I would do anything unless you wanted me to and you never said you you didn't want me to kiss you."
"I find that hard to believe. A woman like you doesn't just happen in a year. It takes time to go for meek to mate." He said with a smile.
"A woman like me?" She laughed and softly as she brought the mug of warm ale to her kiss softened lips,"I'm not sure whether that's a compliment or a I should be offended?" Vivian smirked over the rim of her drink and raised a slender eyebrow.
"Well then you should watch yourself before I do." Mary warned with a grin resting her head on his chest tracing the lines of his chest and abdomen through the fabric of his (insert whatever his bedclothes are if any here). "Imagine what our childhood selves would do if saw us now." She said softly with a gentle smile. 
"No of course not." Ash shook his head and chuckled. "That is unless being my mate offends you?"
((He doesn't have a shirt on.))

He grinned and relaxed back onto his pillow."I believe they would be gagging and looking at us like we are insane. Our childhood selves would never be able to believe that we could like each other like this." He sighed contently. "Which is why I'm so glad to no longer be like that....I was so horrible to you..."

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