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Fantasy The Curse of The Howling Moonlight

"A hunting accident." She replied quietly. Hand gripping his as tightly as she could as the woods seemed to close in around her, crowding and brushing her pale skin, soft spoken words barely a whisper.
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Mary smiled hearing Marius say that. Beast wasn't pleased with how close they became so quickly, yet with what Marius did for him and his daughter he could no longer try to keep them apart, but that couldn't stop him from disliking their affectionate gestures. Suddenly steady rain started falling on them and Mary yelped at how cold it was. "We should go inside." She said picking up Marius's armour and heading into the cabin with beast behind her.
"Agreed. No use in standing out here and catching a cold" He shivered as the cold drops ran down his back. With a big, happy smile he picked up a few remaining pieces of the armor, the non silver parts to keep from burning himself again, and followed Mary and Beast back into the cabin.
Ash felt her grip tighten and he wrapped his arm around her protectively from her fears and bad memories. They walk on for a bit more before the light mist becomes heavier and forms large water drops that ran down on them. "We should go." Ash said combing his wet hair away from his face as he headed back for their den. 
Mary walked in and wrung the some of the water out of her skirts and hair. Beast walked in and shook himself then immediately headed for the fireplace. "Where should I put these?" Mary asked with a curious smile holding his armour.
She nodded silently and gladly went to him as he brought her closer to his side. It pained her greatly to have thought of her father, especially with a child that could very well be on it's way to this world. It would have been his first grandson, the child of his only daughter. Perhaps he would've read to her son, drawn him pictures of the poplar trees in the fall and the evergreens in the winter as he had done for her. Perhaps she would name her son after him. A man who had been only kind to everyone but had the courage to stay with his troubled wife for his daughter's sake. As thought after thought entered her muddled mind, her saltine tears mingled with the heavy drops of now falling rain and her curling brown hair plastered in wet, stringy, streaks on her pale cheeks.
"Let's see....you can put them in the spare room for now. I need to wash them and will be staying in there anyway so you can keep my bed." He smiled kindly at her. He also wanted to keep the bloodied pieces as far away from prying eyes as possible until he got them spotless.
Mary nodded but a frown crossed her lips. "But what of the silver? Won't it still burn you?" She asked concerned looking down at the armour "let me clean it alright?" She could hear her family washing dishes in the kitchen and she looked at Marius. "I'll put them in the spare room until I go to clean, but where is my family going to sleep?"
"Alright, if you insist." He glanced in the direction of her family, that was a good question. "There is another room farther down the hall, your siblings should easily be able to share that one. Your mother can take the room I am in, I'd hate to make her sleep on the chair. I have no problem with sleeping out here in front of the fire place. I'm sure Beast would not mind the company. Unless he'd prefer to sleep in the spare room with your mother?"
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Holding her close to him as they entered their den, he paused when they reached the middle of it. He could sense her sadness and turned to face her. He could see the tears on her cheeks despite all the rain and gently wiped away her tears. He didn't say anything he just hugged her close to them.
She shrugged his arms off of her and narrowed her reddened eyes while she furrowed her brow stubbornly as she quickly went to unbuttoning his soaking wet shirt, by holding her he had gotten most of the misty spray and rain. "Don't worry about me, you'll catch a cold if you stay in these. Get your trousers off and put dry clothes on while I start a fire." His young yet completely capable mate fretted and stepped around him, pulling the heavy cotton shirt from his torso.
(Ash wasn't wearing a shirt he was to lazy to) 
"I'm sure he'd like that." Mary said with a smile, then sighed." Marius, you're too kind. I feel like we are just kicking you out of your own home. You won't even be sleeping in a bed anymore." With her free hand she stroked his cheek, a sweet smile on her "Marius you know you don't have to sleep in a chair you can sleep in your own bed."
"I don't mind being kicked out of my own home like this. I was taught to always take in those in need....well....after Mr. Kurny took me in." He blushed slightly remembering again how horrible he had been to her before then. "I could, but then where would you sleep?" He asked shyly.
Ash chuckled. "You shouldn't be worried about me, you should let me worry about you. After all I'm not the one with our future child inside me." He said watching her walk around like a woman with a mission. "So you think my potency has done its job?" He asked his voice playful as he nodded towards her stomach.
She rolled her eyes though a pinkish flush came to her cheeks and it wasn't from the cold. From the pile near the hearth she retrieved several logs and set each carefully in the small stone fireplace dug into the wall. Now she searched through the drawers in her recently claimed vanity until she came upon a book of matches.

"Your potency?" She laughed lightly as she tossed the flaming match into the hearth full of wood and kindling and a flame burst to the life, the room engulfed with its sudden warmth. The shewolf began the slow process of stripping from her carefully laced dress, it was all the more harder with the hem soaked through with rain water. "Well I don't know much about pregnancies or potencys but I'm assuming we'll know within the fortnight if it has indeed."
Mary chuckled softly seeing Marius blush. He was so boy-ish and cute when he blushed. Then purely to see his reaction she gently kissed him and looked up at him with a playful smile. "Who said I would be leaving the bed?"
"Oh-ho....um." He chuckled nervously and his face turned a deep shade of red. "I...that.....I suppose that could work out well." His glance went to Beast for a moment. Hoping he could not hear any of this. "It would solve all of our problems with sleeping arrangements and...you certainly wouldn't have to worry about getting cold." He smirked.
(@Valjean24601 are we going human pregnancy length 9 months or dog 4-6 months? )

"I don't think I can wait that long." Ash said with a smirk. Walking over to her after he removed his rain soaked trousers and helped her remove her dress. "Can you?"
{I was thinking somewhere in between like 4 1/2 to 5 months sort of thing.}

"You are more than likely the most impatient man I've ever come to meet." Vivian observed with a laugh and turned his arms, bare in the firelight. Her fingertips gently rested on the cool tautness of his chest and a smile graced her lips,"its only been a day together with you and already I'm wishing for our son to come. I dreamt last night of sons and daughters and a pack of our own someday."
Mary giggled looking over at Beast near the fire place and seeing Lottie trying to teach him to "whisper". Beast wolfed softly and Lottie cheered "Good boy! Beast! Good boy!" Mary could tell Beast thought it was ridiculous but did it for his youngest daughter anyway focusing on not actually saying and real words. Mary looked back and Marius with a grin. "Then everything is settled. I'll go clean your armour, you can show Fredric, Maddie and Lottie to where they'll sleep.-oh but wait-" Mary frowned slightly. "You turn tonight don't you?" She asked looking up at him.
"Most likely, the moon will still be full enough.... but as long as I keep my chain on it should only be the same as the last time." He smiled down at her softly. "That wouldn't be too terrible would it? I would at least still resemble a human, just not be able to leave the room until the moon set again."
"You did?" He smiled happily. "And how off in our future is that?" Ash asked chuckling as he kissed her forehead. "Will I be able to wait till then?" He greatly liked the idea of having his own pack and liked the idea of having his own children even more. 
Mary snickered. "Well then let's hope you don't need relieve yourself till morning." She said imagining it with a soft laugh. The rain started pounding on the roof and Mary heard the loud crash of thunder that made Lottie and Maddie yelp and herself jump. She sighed and looked up at him. "Just dont get curious and take the chain off again." She said turning and going to go clean his armour.
She giggled softly as she tilted her chin upwards and caught his mouth in a gentle kiss and slowly stepped backwards towards the edge of the bed until the back of her knees pressed against the corner of the stuffed mattress,"you were old and gray and smelled of stinking leaves and rotten things," she teased with a playful purr,"and our children got all their good looks from their mother." She grinned.
"Lets, I'd hate to give anybody a heart attack." He laughed. The large crash of thunder made him jump as well and grab onto Mary's arm. He never was a fan of loud noises. "You have nothing to worry about, I have no intentions of doing that ever again." He gave her a quick peck on the cheek before heading off to show her siblings and mother where they would be sleeping.
"Oh Ho Ho, that hurt my feelings." Ash said walking toward her. He put his hand around her waist a playful pout on his lips. "You won't be the only one whose good looks will pass on to our children. After all..." He smirked laying her down on their bed as he kissed her. "There's tell that a certain wolf, not to name names but a .. *cough-Ash-cough* is quite charming in the looks department." He said jokingly, looking down at her.

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