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Fantasy The Curse of The Howling Moonlight

There were tears in Lottie's eyes as she heard Marius say that. "No! Mauta you can't go!" The little girl whimpered kneeling in the mud and dirt over to get to Marius's side. There was still heavy rain hitting him and the wind was picking up. "You sick! We can help, we can get Mary to stop being mad. But you need to get in da' house!" She started crying trying to pull him out and to the house. "Lottie be careful!" Maddie said watching her little sister desperately try to move. "Marius you will die out here, please come inside." Maddie pleaded carefully going to his side by her sister.
Amber stood there for a moment trying to make out what she was hearing. The door muffled most of it but she caught the words, 'surely not survive', 'days to come', 'I pray you make me a better', 'mate', and 'to beat'. Jesus... She thought to herself wondering who the hell he was talking to, but when he swung open the door she squeaked quickly glancing back to see who else was there but saw no one. That only confused and worried her more. "A-Apollo... You're up, good.." She said nervously not liking how weak she sounded but damn it she was nervous and Apollo had already almost killed her once she hoped he wouldn't do it now. So she decided to play the nice little mate. "How are you feeling?"
"Good." Mary muttered as her aura was now completely balanced but her need for her husband was not. Her lips melted against his her hands lingering over him noticing briefly all his scars and old wounds were now healed. "I love you..." She breathed as she started eagerly unbuttoning his shirt.

(Skip to end, so they can get ready for the super blood moon.)
"that was my plan...." He muttered under his breath as he looked up at Maddie and Lottie. Seeing the tears in the little girl's eyes broke his heart though, no matter how pitiful he felt he couldn't see her like this. She shouldn't see something like this at her age. So he decided to play everything off as if it were nothing. "O..okay, but I'll need some help. I can't walk to well on my own at the moment." With a pained groan he rolled over onto his stomach and forced himself to his knees, then unsteadily onto his feet. Shivering from the wind chilling his blood and rain soaked clothes further and the pain in his body. "But, I can only stay for the night okay? I have to go by tomorrow otherwise I may hurt you because of the blood moon...and that is the last thing I ever want to do. I can't hurt anyone else. And... Do not even bother with Mary...she made it clear that she just despises me as she always used to without a doubt or question..and that HE is always right....nothing ever changes."
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Apollo regarded her carefully, not seeing what her intentions really were, he couldn't seem to find out either. His crystalline blue, gray eyes bore into her but then softened after a moment of contemplation.

"Better. You've interrupted my prayers, however."

He replied curtly. He didn't make it very well known that he was religious, anciently so that is. His family had always prayed for strength and guidance from Lycaon, the very first werewolf born from the a God's curse.

"Come in, little dove, I've had your things packed for you. I'll let you see if it's to your liking."
Gaston whispered a number of incantations beneath his, purple flooding from his hands as protective charms laced the air creating a tightly knit shield around the western side of the village, the closest to the mountains. Several witches who had defensive powers and other who controlled nature had banded together to create a large mass of tangled and thorny trees and vines. The children had been warned to stay away as the sap from the plants were acidic and the bulbs and flowers poisonous.

He could see Mary a little farther off and he continued to watch over her any moment he possibly could. She now glowed with a healthy blue light after receiving and balances her influx of magic and their... Long... Long night of... Frivolities you could say.

A swelling pride rested in his chest as he watched her work, she was so powerful and strong and he so desperately want the two of them to have a child of their own, just as beautiful as she.
(The very first werewolf is Cedric, born from a witch's curse. Now known as Nightmare.)

"Don't say that." Maddie said sadly but knowing things had changed she didn't say anything else on the matter. In fact, for her and her family everything had changed. "We gotta get you inside!" Lottie whimpered tears and rain still running down her cheeks as she helped get Marius inside. Though to their surprise Ben was there, drenched from head to foot and sitting by the fireplace. "Ben?" Maddie questioned just as he shot up and exclaimed. "Marius?!" He yelped, his still soaked clothes dripping as he ran over to Marius. "What the hell happened?!" He asked helping Marius over to the fireplace to dry him off.
"Don't kid yourself, just look at me now, if she still cared she would have talked instead of lashed out the moment I made her mad." He sighed sadly as he limped inside. His face lit up slightly when he saw Benjiman. Hadn't he left a while ago? "Ben!" A smile cracked across his face as he was helped to the fireplace. "Mary happened... I made her furious and she lashed out without warning. I don't know what she did but everything hurts. Like I've been ripped apart. I honestly do not know what drove her to this...she's been mad before, but never to the point of near killing me and banning me from seeing my own children ever again..."
"Oh sorry." Amber muttered surprised at the fact that a wolf like him would pray. God did not take pity on the damned, so why would there be any use in praying to him? But she didn't comment and just went in, surprised that he actually had packed her things and not thrown them out, granted there wouldn't have been but a few dresses, a book, and the pelt from her first kill to throw. Not very satisfying in her mind. But she looked at the luggage and nodded. "You didn't need to pack for me, but thank you." She said looking back at him gratefully. "I- I uh.. Just came here to let you know the pack is readying to leave soon." She glanced back at the luggage. "Course it looks like you already knew that..." She said pausing awkwardly.
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"What?!" Ben exclaimed his anger clear yet there was worry eating at him. As he took off Marius's drenched and dirty clothes he saw no wounds. Meaning if Mary was powerful enough to cause so much damage but leave no mark she was truly a force to be reckoned with. "That b!tch..." He muttered as he waved his hand over Marius. There was no sign of any magic in him at all. "Damnit.." He muttered knowing full well he couldn't heal Marius, in fact Mary was the only true healer he knew.
((Lycaon is the roman\greek legend and I figured since you know their names are Apollo and Artemis they would have some

ties to ancient lore and stuff like that))
"Mhmm... Don't waste your breath on her. She's made her choice and decided to side with that...that idiot, instead. I should have known...perfect little protected Mary always gets the happy ending even if it means ignoring any turmoil happening around her." He took in a deep, harp breath and closed his eyes. If only he had the energy to scream when Ben took off his clothes. The pain was so unbearable he nearly passed out right then and there. "I only need a little rest though and everything will be fine. I'm sure the elders can fix me just as well. Hopefully before the blood moon."
"I'm not completely out of the loop Amber. I know the pack is leaving and I know you'd rather me not come with."

Apollo said softly as he closed the door. When he spoke softly it was not gentle, it was almost more menacing than when he raised his voice.

"Vivian also came to me and told me the exact nature of how you've attempted to exterminate your potential pregnancies. She's worried for you."
(Ah, kay well still, Cedric in this story, was the first and seeing how he was cursed around Greek and Roman times could he have inspired the legend?)

Mary was focused on her spells making sure no wolf could even think of coming near the village or her childern, especially Marius. She wanted to be rid of him for ever, to never have to think of him again, yet with her still having their childern in her custidy that was difficult. Then she remember Amber, such a nice girl, and Fredric's first love and the girl he planned to purpose to. Mary didn't want her to die from this, but it was too late for her to do anything. The plants were growing fast from last nights storm and suddenly she remembered her siblings. "Wait!" She cried suddenly. The surrounding forest hadn't fully been closed off by the intertwining branches and vines so as fast as she could she bolted for the south border of the village there was still a large twenty foot clearance so she made it safely through her blue dress and golden hair flying behind her like a flag as she worriedly ran for her family's cabin. "Lottie!" Was the last thing the people in the village could hear her say before she was too deep in the thick woods to be heard anymore.
"You need much more then rest." Ben said seeing Marius's pain and being much more careful now. As soon as Marius was in his long johns Ben grabbed a warm dry blanket and wrapped him in it. "Stay there, the elders can't help a dead man." He said grabbing up on of his bags and pulling from it a small pouch of makeshift grey pills. "Take some of these." He said handing them to Marius. "Run get him a cup of water." He ordered Maddie and she was hesitant but did it, almost spilling it but got it none the less. "Thanks, those should help with the pain." Ben said to Maddie and Marius, he was fuming at Mary on the inside but for Marius he didn't let it show.
"But at least a dead man would be easier to help." He joked half-heartedly. Wincing as the blanket was wrapped around him, but eventually finding the most comfortable position to settle down into. The warmth of the fireplace was really helping. When brought the water and makeshift pills he downed them almost greedily. His throat burned and a metallic taste filled his mouth, but the prospect of dulling the pain was far too good to pass. "Thank you. I hope they work quickly. I cannot stress how much I need to leave. I cannot be here when the moon comes..."
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"T-That's not true..." Amber said watching him move towards the door and flinching when she heard it shut. What?! She wanted to cry as she heard Apollo tell her that. Her face paled from its youthful glow to a deathly white. She trusted Vivian, looked up to her even, how could she go back on her like this?! "Is-Is that so?" She asked her nerves now completely on edge, and she instinctively took a step back away from him. She wanted to play dumb about the whole thing but she knew, that he knew that she had been trying to terminate the pregnancies, so why the menacingness now? Was it simply because Vivian reminded him of his anger or because she made it seem so much worse. "If it makes this any better I have stopped doing that. In fact I stopped a very long time ago." Coarse she stopped after he stopped forcing himself onto her. Perhaps if she was willing she wouldn't have tried terminating it.
He towered over her, his eyes narrowed in what seemed to be anger, his body rigid and cold, but as he put his hands on her shoulders... His hands told a different story. He ran his rough hands as softly as he could down her arms and then kneeled before her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head against her stomach.

"I want us to be happy Amber... I want us to change me. I've always thought happiness was so so weak, that it was something I'd never achieve but you've brought me so much closer."

His usually gruff voice became hoarse.
"Yes- right..." He muttered. Ben didn't want Marius to leave, especially now that he was back again. "Here, sit tight and I'll try to make some soup." He said shivering and went for the kitchen. He was a very good cook but he could try.
Amber stared at him, her fear causing chills down her spine. But we he put his hands on her she still in surprise. Why wasn't he yelling, or hurting her? "Oh?" She chirped nervously looking down at him. Seeing him like this so different she wondered if it was an act, but if it wasn't she felt terrible. "Why now?" She asked still looking at him. "Why do this and tell me this now?" She asked looking down at him her hands held up to keep it from seeming like she was embracing him.
"Now I'm really scared." He chuckled softly and curled up next to the fire. Closing his eyes and absorbing the warmth, it soothed his aching body enough that he could breath more easily again. It still bothered him so much...why? Why had she lashed out like that? It wasn't like her at all, to side with Gaston immediately and not even make an attempt to try and talk things through. He should not have said the things he did, but her reaction was far out of bounds...treating him like some filthy mongrel when all he wanted was to see his children and not even hesitating to near kill him because of a few angry words. Feeling a lump building up in his throat he shoved the horrid thoughts back and focused on what was happening now. He was getting help and soon to be tasting soup made by Ben. He couldn't wait for such a comfort.
"I am so desperately alone, Amber... Not even Lycoan is with me any longer, at least it doesn't feel like it. I've been alone my whole life no matter many packs we've taken or how much loyalty I've devoted to my sister. I have no family but you and the pups I so desperately want."

He hated being like this, weak and snivelling at the feet of a woman but he was so overwhelmed by his lack of self worth and companionship in this world, he needed more than ever his mate and his God.
(Aaahhh I always forget I have several other characters....)

Salvador watched with curiosity as Mary ran off into the woods in search of her siblings. Hopefully she made it back before the wall was finished, not many would be willing for a rescue mission past then. He couldn't help but shake his head either, what was she thinking? Just like his brother she had done one thing she herself scorned. To one she cared about none the less. Gaston he understood, there was a deep set rivalry between the young men, but Mary? After reading her he expected better... Sadly he could only hope that it would work out in the end, but at the moment he felt her head was not in the right place.

"Come on my little ones, it is time for us to begin our journey." Artemis bent over and gave each of her pups a kiss on the forehead. They giggled madly and tugged at her clothes and long strands of fiery hair. They were getting so big and strong, it made her proud to see it. They would certainly be formidable warriors one day. With a wave of her hand she motioned for couple of Omegas to help her carry them. As strong as she was there was no way she would be able to watch all of them at once.

"Come on lads!! The time approaches!" The leader of the band of warriors shouted loudly to his men. Lifting his sharpened sword into the air. The finely sharpened blade yearned for blood. "This time, with our own vicious hound at our side, we will be most victorious." He pointed sword towards Samuel before sheathing it again. Staring proudly as the boy's limbs glinted menacingly in the light. Fine, sharp edges attached to it and the fingers ground to sharp, claw like points and practically dripping with pure silver. This time, they were more than ready for the beasts.
"Haha you're hilarious." Ben said still dripping wet, his voice filled with sarcasm. While Ben was inside the kitchen he realized he knew where nothing was. "Hey Maggie and Lucy." He called not really knowing the girls' names. Maddie cast Marius a look of 'Really?' Then went to go help Ben make soup.
Marius peeked over his shoulder at Maddie and gave a little shrug. He couldn't help it that Ben didn't really know their names. He'd only known them when they were only a few years old and had only heard their names a few times while he was here as well. At least he was close? He smiled sheepishly as she went to help him before curling up again. Wrapping his arms tightly around his waist... of all the things that hurt, his abdomen was the worst. It must be due to that being the most recent injury that Mary healed for him. While the other pain was merely phantoms of past wounds and his scars opening up a bit, he could feel his stomach and intestines were a scarred and gnarled mess again.

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