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Fantasy The Curse of The Howling Moonlight

(Just saying the enchantment wouldn't have let him speak, you have to move to speak and the enchantment stops you from moving all together.)
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"Good, I'll tell the others to do the same." He said though he was sure they were already doing that. Regardless he kissed the top of Artemis's head and headed off. Down the hall he found his wife and pups in the nursery. "Good they are almost ready." He said walking over to their children. Watching as Sabella(?) was fighting to get the warm clothes off.
"Fredric?!" She asked in disbelief but then shook her head. "Marius, now is not the time for any of this." She said siding with her husband. "I wish you could have seen them one last time, but you have tried coming into my home without asking, and just now insulted my husband." She said sounding disappointed in him. "You are dear to me but I think it is time you go." She said her tone finalizing.
It hurt worse coming from her... "I think I have every right to insult him when he broke into my house with that horrid sister of his and tried to kill me." He painfully swallowed the tears back. "Don't you dare use that disappointed tone with me. If I'm so dear to you why do you continue to do nothing but treat me so coldly when I need you? When I need some form of reassurance and comforting back." He glared at the both of them now. "I should have known not to open my heart to anyone again. I'm such an idiot. All it leads to is pain...I'm so tired of nothing but pain all my life..." his breathing became shakey as he backed up towards the woods. Ready to run from this place. "I hope my children grow up to resent you as much as I resent my life now." He snapped. "I hope you never have any others. I would hate to see the monstrosity the both of you create, it would be rival to the devil himself." The cruel words spewed out as he let it all get to him. But he was so tired of it all, he just wanted to drink himself to death now. Drown everything.
"I shall go make sure the pups are well fed before we leave and that the other pack members are prepared." She smiled softly. Leaning in to kiss his cheek tenderly before heading off. The Omega had taken care of almost everything like she had ordered. Perfect, at least somebody still listened. Of course it was not like this one had a choice. He was the one who had faced Ash's wrath the night the pack had that celebration and was left crippled. His only use now was menial tasks around the den.
Mary was stunned at his words, every word he uttered a chip in her heart. She could feel the tears pooling in her eyes, threatening to overflow. Even in her worst nightmares this was never thought of.

For Marius to be so brutally cold to her after everything she had done for him. He simply placed the blame upon her husband and family, crushed her heart into dust making her feel this was all her fault, then just to run away from it all. How dare he be so selfish! To relieve himself by placing the pressure of the guilt onto others! Only knowing pain all his life? HA! He knew nothing of pain. Mary decided biting her lip with the rising anger. He was weak and pathetic. He was a werewolf partnered with a witch! To think they would live happily ever after was just plain stupid and childish of him! He says he suffered, he says he felt pain, but he knew not of the countless times she cried herself to sleep thinking him dead, of how she almost left Gaston because of her thinking him the killer, how she weakened herself just to heal him all those times, even while pregnant with his children she healed him! Still she protects his children of the fate they will have if the coven finds out, but now she was regretting it. She was regretting everytime she healed him, and eased his pain, regretting the times she helped protect him from his own armor and all the risks her father took for him. Yes, she regretted it all, and now there was one thing she regretted most of all.

The day she met Marius.

Her body shook with rage as she watched that useless dog run away. "YOU UNGRATEFUL B@STARD!!" She screamed, her eyes glowing blue and her aura exploding outward like a bomb. "MARIUS!!" She clenched her fist taking hold of all her magic in Marius, and ripped the embedded magic right out of him. So long a part of his body it would have felt like being ripped apart but Mary didn't care. That was how her heart felt now and she didn't care if it killed him.

There was a huge mass of electric blue magic hanging above Marius for a moment the rushed back to Mary. Every healing and revival, Mary had done for him, now undone, and the enraged Mary cared not a bit as she turned away from him and into her house not looking back once.
Gaston watched with wonderment as his sweet wife, usually so delicate and simple became something of a storm as she ripped every spark of magic that had even been with Marius from him. And as Mary left for the house a few stray sparks floated to him, noticing a familiar vessel.

He played with the small blue, glittering balls of light on his fingertips before they melted into his calloused skin and beneath his finger nails. Mary's magic did its job, softening his callouses and tiny burns from working in the forge.

"There you have it mutt."

Gaston replied quietly, smugly.

"You are not welcome here anymore. You'll never see your children again and it was your own fault. Not mine, not Mary's. All yours."

He turned on his heel and followed his wife to their house, the door clad with iron and silver shutting behind him with a puff of blue and purple.
"UNGRATEFUL? YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME! I DARE YOU TO SEEK THE TRUTH FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE INSTEAD OF GOING WITH THE JUDGMENTS OF OTHERS! " He managed to shout back before it hit and took the breath completely out of him.

Oh God the pain, it was unimaginable. Like every fiber of his being was being ripped apart. What the Hell was this? He suddenly felt so weak and hardly made it away before collapsing against a tree. His head pounded, his stomach churned and every one of his scars felt like a fresh wound again. "O...of all the times I forget my gun...that bullet I've been saving would feel so nice right now..." He panted. Trying to get back on his feet, maybe he could at least make it back to the Elders...

He knew all too well he should not have exploded like that, but he had been through so much of late. It only brought back horrid memories. Of course some of his time with Felicity, but some even before that...long before that. When his parents were still alive. And they weren't just of losing them. The abuse suffered at their hands that he kept locked away, even from Mary. If only she knew... "G....God...why didn't I just tell her myself... Why can I never say anything..." He gulped, clenching his eyes shut as he fell back against the trees. He was not lying when he spoke of pain all his life.

He was always jealous of her and the perfect family she had. They were so kind and gentle in contrast to his. His father was a religious zealot who thought her uncle was the lord himself and his mother a drunk after his birth caused her to no longer to be able to bear anymore children... He was blamed for that and punished every day for it. Called an 'unholy child' and beaten. Even his siblings were against him and bullied him every day. Especially whenever he tried to tell someone and seek help. Nobody seemed to notice whenever they ratted him out and then his disappearance for few days. New bruises and lashes from riding crops. How thin he was compared to the rest of them..Well...everybody except Salvador, he saw everything and Mr. Kurney and Ben.
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Still seething Mary stormed inside not noticing the blue lighting footprints she left behind or the sort of magic fallout that followed her.

Unknown to her Marius's body not able to process magic it just stored her magic in him using it like duct tape, instead of like a skin graph like someone born of magic could. So when she took back her magic, she took back almost 2 years worth of stored magic too. Had she done that to any witch or wizard she would have been like to get 6 months at most.

So with that much magic ruining through her, her body was on hyper drive and if it weren't for the heart break and raw anger she would have felt on the same level as the gods.

Her golden hair floated freely around her head like a halo. And her eyes glowing so bright they were almost white. But she didn't notice this, no she was still in too much of a rage, wanting to forget about Marius and all his troubles completely. She could hear thunder outside but did not care. The storm raging inside her was more important right now.

"...pathetic...low-life...cheating mutt...bloody hell...wanker...fuuuuuaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" She grumbled then roared not even needing to touch the door for it to fly open. She had never been this mad or this full of power before and she didn't know what to do with it. That's why her body was instinctively trying to balance and calm her leaving a sweet sparkling dust behind her to try helping her but she needed more. She needed something more intense and physical. She needed something stronge to grab onto and let all this energy out on to.
"Sh..sh...shit..." He muttered shakily as a rumble of thunder echoed nearby. Drops of rain were already starting to spot his bloody clothing. Shivering violently from the cold slowly creeping its way into his flesh he pulled away from the tree and managed to support himself on all fours. If the injuries caused by whatever she had done didn't kill him, getting caught in a storm certainly would. He needed shelter and needed it fast.

Slowly but surely he crawled back towards her cabin like a beaten animal, the one the rest of her family was staying at... He doubted there would be any sort of warm welcome but it would be shelter. If need be he would stay under the porch or even the wood pile. Anywhere would be fine right now...as long as one of them or even a coven member or villager didn't shoot him first. But at this point even that would be a relief to him. His mind had sunk into a dark place.. He didn't even care that he'd abandoned all that he had left in the world back at Gaston's cabin. Portraits, mementos of times with Mary and his old family, diaries, journals, precious old items. At the moment, nothing mattered anymore. Everything was falling apart, even his body felt as though it was falling apart at the very seams and scars.
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Still seething Mary stormed inside not noticing the blue lighting footprints she left behind or the sort of magic fallout that followed her.

Unknown to her Marius's body not able to process magic it just stored her magic in him using it like duct tape, instead of like a skin graph like someone born of magic could. So when she took back her magic, she took back almost 2 years worth of stored magic too. Had she done that to any witch or wizard she would have been like to get 6 months at most.

So with that much magic ruining through her, her body was on hyper drive and if it weren't for the heart break and raw anger she would have felt on the same level as the gods.

Her golden hair floated freely around her head like a halo. And her eyes glowing so bright they were almost white. But she didn't notice this, no she was still in too much of a rage, wanting to forget about Marius and all his troubles completely. She could hear thunder outside but did not care. The storm raging inside her was more important right now.

"...pathetic...low-life...cheating mutt...bloody hell...wanker...fuuuuuaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" She grumbled then roared not even needing to touch the door for it to fly open. She had never been this mad or this full of power before and she didn't know what to do with it. That's why her body was instinctively trying to balance and calm her leaving a sweet sparkling dust behind her to try helping her but she needed more. She needed something more intense and physical. She needed something, or someone strong and stable to grab onto and let all this energy out on to till she could properly use it all and she certainly wasn't going to give it back to Marius.
Gaston entered the house, nudging the glittering footprints with his shoe, the blue dust spiralling up into the air.

He watched Mary for a moment before a frown drew the corners of his mouth deeply downwards. He'd seen this happen before to his mother and father. When punishing a member of the coven his parents had the ability to strip them of the coven's healing and protective charms and his parents would then regain that power. It was a terrifying thing to see at a young age but now it only spooked him to see his wife in such disarray.

"Mary.... Mary just calm down love. I'm going to help you alright?"

He came close to her and took her hands in his, the touch sparking large clouds of royal purple and electric blue to singe and snap together. The rest of the room was a blur except for the thrumming fog of magic.

"Kiss me Mary. I can help take it away..."
Panting heavily he pulled himself as close to the porch as possible. The few stairs that led up on to it were far too big of challenge in his sorry state, it would be like climbing a mountain. So he resigned to curling up in the dirt and mud between them and the porch itself as much as he could. Wrapping his arms tightly around himself and pulling his knees up to his chest. Trying to get out of the rain as much as he could. It was pathetic, but he knew he deserved it. He always did...

Hopefully the storm did not last terribly long. To be caught near the village during the blood moon would be disastrous.
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(Ash is waiting.)

Mary was near panicking but her husband help vanquish it, and without a second thought she locked her lips onto his, desperate and needing she embrace him, her blue aura eveloping him and fusing with his deep purple, making his aura paler as they fused.
"That meeting went better than expected. I thought for sure there was going to be bloodshed." Salvador strode over to his father. Arms crossed over his broad chest. "What are the next steps we are to take. Do we fortify our own home first or do we ensure the villagers are well prepared and none the wiser to what is looming. Last time we did not do that it was a massacre."
With hungry fingers and mouth Gaston brought his wife closer to him, tangling his hands in her gorgeous golden locks.

His violet aura reached out with tentative fingers of light and then wrapped her in them, he absorbing her light and she absorbing his as their magic swapped and became more balanced and his own kills lifted and blew out of his face.

"Mary..." He whispered,"it's just us... All us, and nobody else... It'll be alright..."

In the eye of the storm they stood locked together in a fog of brilliant colour and power.
(They should make a wall of trees. It's just an idea, but I think a huge wall of intertwining trees and branches making a wall arround the village would be cool. You know, so the wolves will have to go through a almost impeterable barrier just to get to the village. Just a idea we don't have to do it.)

Ash helped Vivian get their pups and themselves ready he called upon an omega to bring them good strong horses at least fifteen and not bother with how ethic his methods of getting them were. Then began helping fill wagon full of chain and cages, so many barrels of silver shavings it scared even nightmare who stood watching over this all, his own pack already ready and you could tell he was in a bad mood.

Amber had ran ahead of her father to avoid punishment and was now back in the den looking for Apollo. She would feel bad if he was still asleep and they just left him. Though she doubted he was still asleep since this morning, but still her wolf was pushing her to check. Carefully she knocked on the door, not wanting to anger him. "Apollo?" She asked though didn't open the door.
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EvelienLocalArtist said:
(They should make a wall of trees. It's just an idea, but I think a huge wall of intertwining trees and branches making a wall arround the village would be cool. You know, so the wolves will have to go through a almost impeterable barrier just to get to the village. Just a idea we don't have to do it.)
((It sounds like quite an interesting idea! But, how would it stand against the alphas? Or nightmare if he got loose?))
(It can't completely but it will hold off for most of the days. Until there are no more trees in their way and the massacre begins.)

Maddie and Lottie had made it half way to the coven when they saw the ran. Lottie was too busy chasing insects and they got off corse and seeing the rain they knew they wouldn't make it in time to keep dry. So they headed back home running quickly to try keeping their nice clothes from getting ruined. But they were too slow, they would have gotten wet anyway and now they were soaked. Lottie giggled splashing in mud and Maddie silently cussed out her big brother with angry words she heard her uncle use. Their dresses drenched and slapping their legs with every step. This made things extremely hard to run in and because of this and her lack of paying attention Lottie slipped face first into a puddle of muddy water. "WaAAAAAHAHA!" She cried like the shocked little girl she was but as she picked up her head she could see something curled up near their porch and quite quickly that cry turned into a scream of fear. "What!?" Maddie asked startled by the sudden scream and looked were the mud cover Lottie was pointing. "Oh my goddess...!" Maddie exclaimed and saw the horrible looking Marius and ran over to him. "What happened to you?!" She asked her small body creeping over to him carefully and a still crying Lottie followed her.
((Ohhh okay, that makes sense now.))

Sleep was slowly taking him, his eyelids felt like they were being dragged down by lead weights. The only thing that broke through the creeping numbness was the shrill sound of a scream near him. Forcing his eyes open again he looked in the direction of it. Two familiar faces were there. "Maddie? Lottie?" The corners of his mouth twitched. The words came out slowly as he fought off pain and sleep. "m....mary. It was Mary...we--I, made her furious. I don't know what she did. But, I'm so cold..and it hurts, everything hurts..." He paused to take in another breath. "It feels like I've been torn apart, but...don't worry, it's starting to go away." He sighed rather wistfully and rest his head back in down in the mud as he stared at them. "Once it's tolerable..and the rain stops. I'll be on my way. You two should get out of the rain before you catch your death of cold. I need to leave before the blood moon...and before I do anymore damage anyway."
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"Promise..." Mary muttered in the mix of colors she looked up at her husband, her eyes returned to their normal bright blue but her magic still mingled with Gaston's a more purple tint to it now. Leaning in closer she kissed him hungerily. "Promise me that, I don't want there to be anyone else, I just want you." She said after finally pulling her lips away from his. Her strom of an aura calming and melting into her skin as she pressed against him.
Apollo's gruff voice could be heard just on the other side of the door, but it was low and quiet, speaking softly but to no one... So it seemed.

"And Lycaon be merciful to those who encounter my pack on this blood moon, they will surely not survive such a meeting. I also thank you for bountiful hunts these past days and hope my mate be just as bountiful and healthy in days to come. I pray for pups and I pray for her adoration. I pray for you to make me a better leader and mate and to beat down my opposition..."

He continued like this for a few more moments before mumbling an ending to his prayer and then scuffling could be heard as he came to the door and opened it.
"There will be no one else but me Mary, only you and I forever."

He pressed another lingering kiss to her mouth and then pulled her legs up around his waist and carried his wife over to the large couch. He sat, her resting on his lap now and he hugged her close.

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