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The Crescent City [Closed]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Timing was tricky when one had to avoid the sun. For some reason, the plane couldn’t fly straight to New Orleans, but had to stop in Chicago, so they arrived early in Chicago and then flew out from Chicago as soon as night fell again.

Valerian, needless to say, was not happy. He let his head fall back against his first class seat as the plane started to descend again. “This is so boring,” he complained to his silent companion, “I’m so thirsty,” he couldn’t drink on the plane, of course. He wasn’t too sure why, except Aemilia had calmly informed him that Stephanos would never know what happened to him if he so much as looked at a stewardess’s neck.

Normally, the brunette wouldn’t let his sister’s words bother him, but he could tell that she was not in a good mood. So far as he understood, it was because of who they were going to see. He had asked if she knew them, and all she’d told him was that she didn’t know them personally.


Ever since they'd left England, the black-haired woman had been quiet and stiff-backed. Few words parted her painted lips. Valerian didn't quite understand why they were even going, except that Stephanos said to...and if Aemilia listened to anyone, it was Stephanos.

Valerian Mayerling didn’t really know what the issue was with 'purebloods'. He was too young to truly understand there was a sharp divide between those ‘made’ and those ‘born’. In the UK, where Stephanos had power, that issue rarely showed its ugly head. No one would dare to make it known in front of the Greek who had killed for lesser insults.

“So,” Valerian tried to get her to speak, “How are we going to do this? Is this Evellage man going to be there, or are we meeting him at some locale?”

“Evellage ought to be there.” Aemilia answered. Valerian actually let out a sigh of relief. He’d started to worry about her temper, but it seemed she was capable of speaking. “I’ll meet him first.”

Valerian arched an eyebrow. “What, do you need to explain me?”


Valerian wasn’t sure if she was joking. He decided it was best not to ask, “So what am I supposed to do?”

“You may get our luggage, and get yourself a drink,” she responded coolly.

He frowned, “Don’t you need to drink?” He actually hadn’t seen her drink since England, though he supposed that wasn’t surprising. She was always more subtle about it. For all he knew, she drank at the hotel in Chicago.

So, of course, all she said was, “Not immediately.” The plane had landed then, and the pair waited the few minutes it took for the stewards and stewardesses to allow them to exit. Being in first class allowed them to be among the first off the plane. Aemilia caught his arm before he got too far towards luggage claim. Red nails pressed lightly into his flesh. “You can call me when the bags have arrived. All right?”

“Sure,” he gave a half-smile, and then brushed her cold hand off. He blended in better than her, here. He looked like any other business man in his suit, whereas she stood out in her dark purple evening gown. He could see how she might be concerned about losing him in the crowd. “You go find this Evellage guy and let me know where to meet you.”

With that, he turned towards luggage claim and let Aemilia go her own way. The bustle of people pulled Valerian along to the carousels of luggage, and he sought out the one with his flight’s numbers on it. ‘Estimated time, thirty minutes? Ugh.’ Valerian wrinkled his nose at the horrible inefficiency of planes. ‘Well, at least we didn’t get here at 5am.’ No, it was only about 11pm. There was plenty of time to wait.

His silver eyes skimmed the area and located a bar. He smirked and decided that was likely the best place to get a drink, so he strode on towards it. The majority within were discussing taxis and how long they had to wait for their rides. Simple things, simple problems.

Elsewhere, Aemilia was investigating the situation of her own ride. She was not certain if she was expected to call the man known as Darold, but she did take her phone out and turned it on to see if there would be any messages explaining where he might be. ‘Is he going to be somewhere just holding a sign?’ The thought brought a wry smile to her lips as she walked amongst the humans, looking down at her phone while it took its sweet time turning on. Now and then, her dark eyes would look up and glance around, to see if there was such a person with a sign.
The moon was pale, the faint light it emits barely lightening up the eerie night sky. Not like he's concerned, though--the streets still burst with energy from the people, and it's the type of energy he likes. Humans are trying hard to survive each day of their lives, stressing themselves as they hurry through the roads, their cars honking at one another. These creatures they're supposed to suck blood from are indeed fascinating--at least for him, anyway. He looked forward meeting whoever he's supposed to meet--or to be more accurate, as he's informed, members of another vampire family, the Mayerling. If he still remembers what the higher-ups said correctly, that family is not, unlike them, pure-bloods. Simply this marked quite the significant difference between the two families, whether it's opinion-wised or how they act. For Darold, who learned that they're once humans who got transformed into vampires, meeting them particularly stroke his interest, judging by how he actually finds humans enthralling.

He acted alone ever since he took off from the mission, preferring not to be bothered by some sorts of company when meeting his future partner. He's heard that she'll be quite the beautiful woman, and will not in any ways disappoint him. This sparked his curiosity, and he could tell he's pumped up himself upon meeting this wondrous lady. Crossing his arms while standing outside the airport, a tiny smirk of delight could be seen from his face. Everything should hopefully be as exciting as he has anticipated. After all, it has been a while since the vampire society fell to danger against the vampire hunters, or as some called them--vampire slayers.

Darold checked the time--she is supposed to be out now. A brief sigh escaped his mouth, and he looked around. Scent of human blood quickly caught his nose--it's the usual delicious smell, a smell he has long been used to.

Where might this so-called wonderful woman be?

And then he noticed it, a different smell, the smell of a vampire but not quite the same from his at the same time. His gleaming silver eyes scanned around the people, and once again a small smile played onto his lips. Aha, there she is. How could he not notice her before? Those dark purple gown that failed her to blend in with the human society could be easily spotted. He let out a short whistle, walking over to her casually, the smirk still on his lips. He gave off a different aura than many other vampires out there, perhaps it's due to him being the Evallege pure-blood family. It's something he takes quite the pride in, whether this lady he's about to greet thinks the same or not.

"You must be Aemilia."

His voice is a little deep, like that of a viola, as he approached the vampire with a simple greeting.


He has already been informed that the vampire society would be planning to fight against--or at least go against--them, the vampire slayers. Supposedly, they are meeting tonight at New Orleans, thus formed the reason why he's here at the bar tonight, casually taking a sip from a glass of wine as he scanned around the dim bar, letting the faint yellow light brightened up the tight space while conversations flowed from here to there. His mission started off quite simple, and it is to simply investigate whether the vampires are already planning for their plan against them or not, and if they are, how. Everik already predicted that soon there will be another call saying that assistants will be coming and they'll be taking down the first vampires they see. Remembering so, he placed the glass back down onto the counter in which he sat at and let out a sigh.

The sweet aroma of the wine filled his nose--he has bought quite the expensive one. Not for any particular reason, just that he got the money. Moreover, giving more money to the bartender pleased the old man further, and it would be easier to get information out of him. Bars are known for the best place where rumors and sayings go about, thus becoming an easy location to get information out of. All kinds of people come to bars as long as they're at the legal age, even vampires. However, Everik still could not identify a vampire with one glance, especially those that blended in with the human society well. It is surely still a skill he needs to work on.

The bar was surprisingly packed tonight--it made the bartender extra busy, failing to provide a chance for Everik to dig some information out of him. He shrugged--there's always a next time. Besides, if the bartender couldn't help, the customers might be able to. Who knows what these drunkards know? The lad smirked to himself upon the thought as he noticed a new young man opening the old wooden door to enter the bar. There are not much seats left for the man to occupy, but he did catch Everik's interest for he gave off a somehow different aura than most other people in here.

How mysterious, he wondered who the man might be.

Everik watched the lad as he poured another drink, deciding to stay in the bar a bit longer to see if he could find something particularly interesting.

(Pardon for my grammar mistakes and lack of writing skills, I am hurrying myself due to the need to go out soon. I hope you won't mind.))
If Aemilia had retained one thing from her humanity, it was the idea that life was too short, and there was too much to do in it. In that sense, she blended in with the crowd, but in no other. The fact she looked busy helped her go ignored by all but the one she was looking for. He had no sign, just honed senses, it seemed. He must not have expected any other vampires to hinder him in the task.

‘Silver, too.’ It was the first thing that Aemilia noticed when she looked up at the sound of a whistle. Valerian liked to think his eyes were rare; he’d be disappointed.

Aemilia held her place and let him approach, managing to smile. He had a friendly countenance, after all. She had to be nice. She had no reason not to be nice to the Evellage family. ‘They asked for you.’ A rare enough occurrence. Times might be changing, but Aemilia wouldn’t get her hopes up. The early years of her life had been plagued with haughty pure-bloods, after all.

“I am she,” she responded to his statement before offering one hand to shake. The other moved itself behind her back. It wasn’t meant to hide anything, it was simply a habit she’d cultivated over the years and couldn’t seem to break. The press of her own hand on her back kept it straight, the posture perfectly practiced, “You must be Darold Evellage,” she hoped so, though she could imagine a younger in the family showing up if this was not considered a priority. “I’m afraid my brother, Valerian, is not with me at the moment. He has gone to get the luggage,” she didn’t know if the Evellages had been informed of Valerian’s presence, too.

It had been Stephanos’s last minute idea, after all.


The scent of alcohol was heavy in the air, but the sweet scent of wine in the air decided where Valerian would sit. There weren’t many places anyway, but he preferred wine to vodka, and so he moved on to the counter, next to a man worthy of a once over, drinking something far too rich.

Of course, Valerian wanted to try it.

Of course, he knew it would only make him sick.

If Valerian missed anything, it was the diversity of his former diet as a human. Blood was nuanced, but it wasn’t as different as steak was from ice cream.

The silver-eyes assessed the human before he turned his head towards the bartender. ‘Even if it makes you sick….’ He had a role to play, “Excuse me,” he waited until he had the bartender’s attention, “I don’t suppose I could get a rum and coke, could I?”

“Sure thing. You want to run a tab?”

Valerian shook his head, “No,” and from his pocket he drew his wallet and set it on the table. It was his new name now, Valerian Mayerling, “Best not.”

“Plane to catch?” The man asked as a couple shots of rum were added to a glass, and then the coke dumped over them.

“Taxi,” he said and took the cup as it was pushed towards him. “Just have to wait until my bags show up on the carousel,” he explained. The bartender nodded in something he must have thought looked sympathetic.

Valerian didn’t buy it. Fortunately, the aristocrat also didn’t care. The bartender took the black card and went to swipe it to charge it for the drink.

He let his attention drift to his dark-haired neighbor with the fancy wine, “What about you?” He asked him in a friendly tone, “Are you waiting for a plane, or are you staying here a while?” He brought the cold drink to his lips and tipped a bit of it back, wincing at the taste.

At least with alcohol, he could always claim it was just a bit stronger than he expected. He looked normal that way.
"Your brother."

Darold raised an eyebrow, repeating the last few words the other had said, before he nodded and gave a light shrug. "I see. Well, at least someone's here."

He did not hear from the higher-ups that anyone besides Aemilia will be coming, or perhaps he just forgot, with his usual careless attitude. Whoever did pop up in the end however, would be too late to catch his interest. All he came here and got ready for is to meet the wonderful vampire Aemilia, he didn't care who else is with her.

Responding to her handshake, the vampire noticed as her other hand was put to her back, her posture rather elegant as she stood up straight. The edge of his mouth turned upward into a smirk upon seeing her action. "Is that perhaps a habit of yours to shake your hands like that?" Blunt as always, he asked the question he has in mind, not really concerned if he should speak so casually like that even though it's their first time meeting. Retreating his hand, he studied the woman in front of him, straightening his back himself as his eyes met hers for a moment, then studied her secretly in his mind.

So this is what the Mayerling is like, huh, he stated his opinion to himself. Well, at least she impressed me well.

He has come in multiple contacts with several other vampire families besides himself. Although some of them are similar to the Mayerlings, most of the families that Darold really got the chance to interact with are other purebloods. As someone who keeps the pride of being in part of such family himself, he could understand why many pureblood vampires act as haughty as they could be, looking down on all the other types of vampires that exist after them, including humans. Evellege is one of the respectable ones, at least that's what Darold grew up to hear. They do still think humans simply exist as foods, though.

"Let's get straight to the point then, my family asks for you because it's been discussed that now is about the time we should...Work together," it's two words that Darold found it rare to say himself judging that Evellege does not usually ask for other families' assistance. "And deal with the vampire slayers. Whatever your brother misses later, you can just tell him." The vampire turned around as he started to walk while talking at the same time, assuming already that Aemilia would follow, before he recalled.

"Ah, have you planned on staying somewhere else tonight, or are you supposed to stay in our place?" Our place, as in where the Evellege family lives. Vampires may be more active at night, but they do need somewhere they could stay at. Maybe Darold is supposed to be informed about where the Mayerlings would be staying, but he tends to forget things he doesn't care about.


Everik could tell that his wallet is getting emptier--he should leave before he really runs out of money. Well, at least after he finish the glass of wine he has in hand right now anyway. He listened simply when the lad who just entered the bar exchanged a short conversation with the bartender, someone to whom Everik is not really interested in. It wasn't until the lad talked to him that Everik looked to his side to see that the young man has long settled down and drifted his attention to him, in which Everik replied with an easy smile.

"Staying," he answered, letting the sweet taste of the expensive wine flowed down his throat as he devoured the beautiful taste. "You look like you've just arrived in New Orleans. You're waiting for a taxi, you said?" Recalling back to the conversation the other had with the bartender, he continued the conversation. Well, he himself just arrived here not long ago as well, but it is easy for him to adjust to new surroundings, or so he believes so himself.

That's when Everik noticed the rare silver eyes this young man has. Under the dim yellow light they seemed to let out an inhuman glow. The lad fixed his gaze on the other's face for awhile before he noticed that he might be looking real weird looking at others like that. Tearing his gaze away, he once again sipped from his glass, the liquor in there lessening with every little sip.

"What's your name?" He asked in the end, curious. The last time he heard about someone with silver-eyes...Have been vampires. Perhaps that's the reason why this young man gave off a mysterious vibe just now? Hmph, interesting. This lad might be a huge clue to answer the mission Everik's been sent here for.

Settling down the glass onto the table, he turned to face the young man as he waits for an answer. Everik would love to ask for his last name as well, but he didn't want to appear too suspicious on their first time meeting.
Valerian had not been mentioned, then. Aemilia let a sigh pass her lips and she shook her head, not sure if it was her father to blame, or the other vampires, and not caring, either.

His smirk caused her to think he was mocking the gesture. “Yes,” her answer was curt, and went unexplained. There was no need to explain—it was a habit. Her extended hand dropped back to her side, but the one behind her back would remain there a little while longer. Until she forgot about it, and her situation.

He didn’t delay after her answer, at least. He cut to the chase, though it wasn’t quite what she anticipated. ‘Just hunters.’ Another communication issue. Stephanos had suggested something more was afoot, something she would understand from her centuries of studying the occult world and dabbling in it. Perhaps, this was something the Evellage hadn’t noticed.

Stephanos, too, knew that world. Not as well as his daughter, but he knew it enough to recognize cues. Aemilia kept her mouth shut on the matter, following along and accepting that this was just about hunters. It could be Stephanos had just used it to get her to go without much complaint, too. “I can relay all the information to Valerian easily. His transportation is my concern.”

It seemed housing was a concern, too. Vampires needed a place to stay during the day, after all. “Ah,” so that hadn’t been discussed. “If it is your preference, my brother and I can find lodgings. We own hotels in most major cities,” it was Valerian’s idea when they did travel, and struggled with finding safety from the sun. So, they had pooled their resources back in the 1920s and started up a string of hotels, first in Europe, and then across the world. Valerian had proven he was an asset with that. His spot among the family was forever guaranteed by that alone.

Of course, it was under a human board of directors to look ‘normal’. Anything they owned appeared to be under human control. Those humans were, of course, paid well. “I was not informed it would be necessary, but it is no hardship,” she reassured. She didn't want to be in a home where she was not wanted, nor impose if they were not prepared.


Valerian’s lips cracked into a wide smile as the man said he was staying. It didn’t affect Valerian at all that he was or wasn’t, but he wouldn’t mind seeing this individual around while he stayed in town. He could always get a room at a hotel if he needed time away from Aemilia to see the man. He imagined Aemilia was going to handle most of the things here, anyway. He was along to ‘learn’—and he wasn’t too sure what he was to learn, anyway.

“Waiting for my ride,” Valerian agreed, and motioned out with his glass towards the carousels, “and bags. I’m not sure yet if I’m taking a taxi or a car. My sister hasn’t told me the arrangement,” he brought the liquid up to his lips again, swallowed. No wincing this time. He expected the terrible taste.

He caught the man staring at his eyes, and he stared right back. When he looked away, Valerian chuckled softly and shut them for a bit, hearing the question, “Val,” he tended to shorten it with humans. Valerian was…antiquated. Aemilia was lucky—her name was coming back in style. “It’s all right to stare, I don’t mind at all,” he opened his eyes again and looked back to the man, “My mom has eyes like these,” difficult to use the present tense, but he remembered.

His mom was many years dead, “I’ve never seen another in the world with’em,” his vanity. He rarely hid it. “What’s your name?” He let one arm cross onto the counter, and he leaned some of his weight on it. That allowed him to turn his body some so he was facing the human a bit more, giving him fuller attention.

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